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How To Make Your German Shepherd Grow Bigger

Higher Protein Or Higher Fat Food


Anybody who has ever raised a puppy will know how essential higher fat and protein foods are. Fat and protein help young dogs grow and develop and are crucial for puppies to advance into adulthood healthily. While these foods can be more expensive than regular dog food, every bite is worth it! High protein and fat foods are great for dogs who need to gain weight. Feeding your dog a diet higher in fat and protein, which will help your dog gain weight steadily over time. Foods high in protein and fat will help your dog healthily put on weight, and you should notice a weight increase in just a couple of weeks. If you can find a dog food with a higher protein percentage, you can add it in right away to the meat protein you feed your dog. If you need to switch meat proteins for a higher nutrient food, first experiment with a little bit of the new food in your dogs original diet to prevent an upset stomach.

Begin with 90% old food and 10% new food, and keep increasing the proportion of fresh food every day until you reach 100% new food. It may take 10-14 days to transition, and your dog may still have an upset stomach for a few weeks. A certain amount of stomach upset is expected during a transitory period, but if you have any concerns, make sure to check with the vet.

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What If My German Shepherd Is Over Weight

If your German Shepherd is overweight, he is at risk of developing serious health conditions, like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. It will also put too much pressure on his joints, causing arthritis and immobility. The heavier he is, the harder it will be to move and to lose the weight.

Look at his food It should be high in lean protein, low in fillers and fat. Then, exercise your dog. Do not over-exercise or starve him to get him to lose weight. It will take time and patience to get him to a healthy weight.

Keeptrack Of Weight Gain And Loss

Begin a schedule of weekly weigh-ins to keep track of your German Shepherds weight when looking to bulk-up your dogs body. You want to know if they are gaining weight, losing weight, or remaining the same.

This helps you to decide if your weight gain plan is working or if you need to adjust your plan. If your dog continues losing weight or if you see a lack of progress, take your dog back to your veterinarian.

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German Shepherd Size Charts And Growth Patterns

Like most other dogs, German Shepherds have their most significant growth period in the first 6 months of their lives, achieving more than two-thirds of their adult height by this time.

As is common to larger breeds, their growth will significantly slow after that. They will reach their adult height a little before their adult weight. Our interactive puppy growth chart and calculator has more information on that.

Additionally, this is why its particularly important that your German Shepherd puppy gets the correct nourishment he needs to grow that adorable little body into a healthy adult one. Check out these guides on best dog food for puppies here.

How To Weigh Your German Shepherd Puppy

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Weighing your German Shepherd is essential because it helps you to monitor their weight and ensure that they are in the right German Shepherd weight category for their age.

Generally, you should weigh your puppy once a year but weighing them twice per year will help you find any potential health issues at an early age.

However, if your puppy has a serious health condition, consider weighing them more frequently with the help of your vet.

You can use your bathroom scale to weigh your puppy. Ensure that the weighing machine reads zero and is placed on a hard, flat surface. First, weigh yourself and write down your weight. Then, pick up your German Shepherd puppy, step on the scale and record the weight.

To determine the weight of your puppy, subtract your weight from the combined weight of your puppy and you.

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Start With The Dog Breed Standard

According to the German Shepherd Dog Club of America, the German Shepherd as a breed typically stands between 22 and 24 inches tall for female adult dogs and 24 to 26 inches tall for male adult dogs.

No weight range is given for the official dog breed standard. However, the standard does say the dog typically measures between 8.5 and 10 inches from the dogs breastbone to pelvis .

So these can give you some good starting measurements.

The American Kennel Club gives a weight range of 50 to 90 pounds, with about 10 pounds difference between adult females and adult males.

German Shepherd Height Chart

24 26 / 60 65 cm 22 24 / 55 60 cm

When looking at the German Shepherd height chart, you will get a good idea on how quickly they grow and what you can generally expect as far as their height goes.

Looking at the German Shepherd height chart, you will notice that the puppies double in height between months 1 and 3 and again between months 2 and 4.The first 4 months of your puppys life is when you will see the largest amount of growth.

The height growth rate will slow down by 6 months. While your dog is nowhere near his final size, the amount that he grows each month will gradually reduce, so he will be growly less dramatically, while still growing.

This will help especially with feeding since you will be able to get him on a fixed amount after he has done his largest growth periods. You will notice on the charts that they keep going up until 3 years, taking into account any last bit of growth.

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What Is The Maximum Size Of A Fully Grown German Shepherd

German Shepherds are usually as big as the dogs in its dog group herding group but when it comes to their maximum size, there is a variation of German Shepherds named the King German Shepherd that is actually much larger.

Although, both the average GSD and the King German Shepherd look alike, their sizes are different. Like I said, the king tend to grow to become the biggest GSD variation.

Generally, a full grown male King GSD can grow about 29 inches in height and 110-150 pounds in weight while a female king GSDs are capable of growing around 27 inches in height with a weight of 110-150 pounds. So, you see, when a King GSD is compared to an average GSD, these guys are just giants.

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German Shepherd Growth Chart

German Shepherd Beagle mix Beagles belong to the hound group of dogs. The German Shepherd Beagle mix may be a little more challenging to train than a herding breed, but can still make a great pet Weighing between 20 and 50lbs this mix will usually make a medium sized, short coated dog Does the dog in your life have a cat in theirs?

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Socializing Your German Shepherd Puppy

Part of training your German Shepherd is making sure they are properly socialized. Socialization involves getting your dog used to all sorts of real-world scenarios so they can grow up fearless and full of confidence.

Fear-based aggression is a serious problem among GSDs. In such cases, unfamiliar or scary situations trigger aggressive behaviors.

The goal of socialization is to make your dog comfortable in all sorts of environments. So, as early as possible, give your puppy plenty of opportunities to interact with different people and animals.

Show them many different places and make sure they get used to all sorts of sights, sounds, and smells.

Socialization also involves being open to handling. For example, you should be able to fuss over their paws and ears without drama. They should also get used to being handled by other people.

This is useful when you need to have them groomed, walked, or boarded. Having a properly socialized dog will also allow you to train them in real-world settings.

Changing Your Dogs Diet

  • 1Look for food with a higher fat content. If your German Shepherd is eating normally but not gaining weight, you may need a new food. Look for foods that have a good balance of fat and protein. Adults and seniors should be getting about 20 to 25 percent of their daily calories from protein, and 25 to 50 percent from fats, with the rest coming from carbohydrates. A puppy should be kept on a puppy-formulated food for the first six months to one year.XResearch source
  • Puppies that are struggling to gain weight may need additional nutritional supplements, or they could have worms. Talk to your vet about the right choice for your dog and have your puppy regularly dewormed.
  • Gradually transition between foods. Start by mixing the higher fat food with your dog’s regular food. Slowly increase the amount of new food each day until they are eating nothing but that.
  • 2Switch to puppy food. If your adult or senior German Shepherd is underweight on a nutritionally balanced dog food, they may benefit from a puppy food diet. Puppy food is higher in calories to encourage growth. Try a mix of half your dogs regular food and half puppy food to help them gain weight.XResearch source
  • Talk to your vet first to make sure it’s safe for your dog to be eating a puppy food that’s high in protein.
  • If your dog is a puppy, they should only be fed puppy food. You may need to increase the amount and/or frequency that you feed your puppy to help them gain weight.
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    Great Food For German Shepherd Weight Gain

    Some owners only like to feed their dogs the most natural foods they can find. Some will even resort to raw diets, believing this to be the closest a dog can get to his natural diet if he were a wild animal. Others prefer to stick to kibble, which is usually an easier alternative.

    Because there are many different types of kibble that you can feed your dog, it can be impossible to know which ones will actually help your dog gain weight and which will simply continue to exacerbate the problem.

    Some owners will supplement the food that they give their dogs with table scraps. While this can encourage begging at the table, if you are confident in your training and are willing to slip them a little piece of fatty steak or some other high-fat protein from the table, this might be a good option for you.

    What kind of food you ultimately choose to feed your German Shepherd dog to help him gain weight will depend on your raising and training philosophy. Here are the criteria you should use to find the best food to help them gain weight.

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    How Big Do German Shepherds Get Height

    German Shepherd Breed Target Height and Weight

    GSD are medium to large sized dog breed. Like with most animals, their height and weight differ according to their gender. They were originally bred as working dogs, specifically as herding dogs. However, fate did its thing, and now GSD mostly works for the police, military, and the show business.

    No wonder German Shepherd dogs are huge. After all, they were initially bred to guard and protect.

    Think of bodyguards, what features pop into your mind when you think about them? Theyre tall and strong, right? The same things go to German Shepherd dogs. They were bred as the four-legged version of bodyguards, so their body size really matters. All of the heights mentioned are those of adult German Shepherd Dogs.

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    Can Eggs Make My Dog Gain Weight

    Thats another yes! Eggs are loaded with healthy fat and protein to help your dog gain weight. They also provide the amino acids that your pup needs but cant produce naturally. The fatty acids found in eggs also benefit your dogs skin and coat. Eggs are a nutritious, easily-digestible snack that can help your dog gain weight.

    What Are Their Grooming Needs

    To reduce the amount of hair that this breed leaves throughout the home, daily brushing is best. The best brush for a German Shepherd is a shedding brush. Bathing is another essential part of grooming, but be cautious not to over-bathe this breed because it can result in oil depletion from the skin, exacerbating skin conditions such as eczema.

    Weekly teeth brushing and nail trimming are also essential parts of grooming a German Shepherd.

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    Can Peanut Butter Help My Dog Gain Weight

    Yes! The odds are that your dog already loves peanut butter , and its high-fat content is excellent for helping them gain weight. Peanut butter is even healthier than many dog treats youll find at the store its a win for everyone! Try feeding them all-natural peanut butter as a treat, and combine it with a vegetable like carrots to reduce the chances of them getting an upset stomach.

    How Big Are German Shepherd Puppies


    An average weight of German Shepherd puppies, according to a giant census study of dogs in Italy, is about 503 grams or 1.1 lbs at birth. They can range from 0.8 lbs-1.3 lbs grams at birth.

    There are usually 6-8 puppies in a litter, and birth weight, as well as litter size, often depends on the mothers size as well as body shape.

    Dont be surprised if their individual sizes begin to show at this point some small pups may overtake the larger ones even though they cant see or hear yet!

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    How Getting Your Gsd Spayed Or Neutered Can Impact Puppy Growth

    Another vitally important fact that many German Shepherd owners do not realize until it is too late is that the timing of spay or neuter procedures can greatly affect puppy growth.

    As the Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Science explains, a dog that is neutered or spayed too early is then at risk for a whole range of health issues later in life.

    This includes continued growth past what the breed standard suggests is normal or healthy for the German Shepherd dog breed.

    Why does having your German Shepherd puppy spayed or neutered too early potentially cause your dog to grow larger than is normal for the breed?

    The reason is that the spay or neuter surgery turns off important sex hormones that interact with the soft growth plates in the long leg bones.

    When those hormones are removed from the dogs body through spay/neuter surgery, the growth plates will stay soft for longer and keep telling the long leg bones to grow more and more.

    This can result in a very tall dog that has more issues with bones, joints, and tissues.

    As the University of California at Davis points out, when the growth plates in a German Shepherds leg bones do not close on time, each of the following serious health issues can arise.

    The German Shepherd Dog

    Before we look at their size, here are a few facts about the German Shepherd as a breed.

    The modern German Shepherd can be traced to a single dog named Horand, who was spotted by breed founder, Captain Max von Stephanitz, at a German dog show in 1889.

    Horand was a working sheepdog with a somewhat wolf-like appearance.

    Von Stephanitz bred Horand and his descendants to be smart and dedicated working dogs.

    The German Shepherd quickly became a sought-after military and police dog.

    Over the years, the GSD has also excelled at other service work, including being the first breed used as a guide dog for the blind.

    The original German Shepherds were medium to large sized dogs.

    How big are standard German Shepherds today?

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    German Shepherd Puppy Diet: Food Plan After 4 Months

    Between 4 and 6 months of age, the number of meals should be reduced to 3 a day. The food quantity should be increased and an extra margin of 2 minutes to eat should be provided. The packaging of quality commercial dog food will detail the appropriate suggested amount of food for the puppy, depending on its age and weight. If you have any doubts, consult your veterinarian.

    You should eventually start mixing fresh food, such as meat, fish or vegetables, with the commercial dry feed. Beware of forbidden foods for dogs. Some people ask about a raw diet for a German shepherd puppy, but we recommend these such foods should always be cooked and never given to a dog raw. Avoid chicken, rabbit and fish bones, as they can shatter and harm a dogs teeth.

    Wet food should be given in moderation because given in excess, it can cause the development of plaque and cause the dogs feces to smell. Meanwhile, treats for dogs should only be used as positive reinforcement during their training and learning period, never as a food supplement.

    Under no circumstances should you give your German Shepherd, or any dog, human food leftovers. Human food contains salt, sugar and seasoning contents which are very harmful to a dogâs health. In addition, if you do offer your dog your food, it will pester you during meals. For more, take a look at some of the harmful effects of treating a dog like a human.


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