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How To Train German Shepherd Dog At Home

Add In Your Verbal Cue Leave It

How to Train a German Shepherd Puppy – A Detailed Video on GS Training Tips

Now, youll want to continue your training by repeating Step 2, but start adding in your verbal command, leave it, before or right as you offer your hand .

Dont scream and yell leave it to scare your dog into staying away from the item.

Speak in your natural, normal voice.

Your German Shepherd doesnt understand the cue word leave it yet, but the idea is to start using the command before he acts. After many repetitions, your dog will create an association between the cue word and the desired behavior .

Reward Your Dogs Positive Behavior

This is an indispensable approach in dog training. Thanks to Skinners operant conditioning theory, we know that rewards reinforce behavior. So, if you are training your pup to pick a toy and bring it to you, affirm him with a good boy compliment and couple that with a treat. By the time the command is executed thrice, your German Shepherd pup knows that it is a good thing to do because it also yields good outcomes.

Use Leave It With Life Situations

Your German Shepherds final training for leave it comes from reliably responding to the command with life distractions, such as squirrels on walks, fast joggers, and even other dogs.

You want your dog to look toward you when hearing the cue in hopes theyll get a tastier reward. This is very difficult since chasing squirrels and running after joggers ranks as an uber high-value reward for most German Shepherds!

To ensure they understand to leave other objects alone, you might try placing various objects, such as socks, shoes, or other objects they like but cant have, into their training routine.

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Why Should I Train My German Shepherd

Training a GSD is paramount to the happiness of your dog, your family, and the world your dog will travel through. A poorly trained GSD can become destructive, aggressive, and a total nightmare to be around.

Bad training can result in an angry or anxious German Shepherd who urinates in the house, tears up human belongings, or terrorizes the other pets in the house or neighborhood.

An untrained German Shepherd can cause havoc everywhere he goes. These big, imposing, and intelligent dogs have the ability to make everyone around them miserable if they do not receive the proper training.

On the flip side, a well-trained GSD is ab absolute joy to be around. They will gladly do any task you give them, and they will quickly ask for more instructions. They want to please, and they require a job of some sort to be truly happy and fulfilled.

Take the time to train your GSD, and commit to ongoing training to ensure your German Shepherd lives a long, happy, and healthy life.

Train Your German Shepherd Not To Bite/nip You

How To Train A German Shepherd Puppy

German Shepherd pups are playful and filled with energy. The way they may play with their brothers and sisters when they were with their pack is the same way they want to play with you and your family.

Playing is a natural ability for German Shepherd pups that requires no training. These are the moments when you are sitting on your couch or the floor, and your pup jumps on you and tries to nibble on your fingers, toes and sometimes your clothes. While they are just playing it is important that you set boundaries, just as their canine mother would and did when your pup was very young. It is up to you to establish your own boundaries.

  • While playing with your pup have fun and enjoy yourself. It is one of the best ways to bond with him, and it is a connection that will last his entire lifetime.
  • Once your pup begins to nibble and bite, you make a high pitch, quick yell and pull your hand, feet, legs, clothes or whatever part of you that your pup just bit down on.
  • Pause and count to ten in your head.
  • Then go back to playing with your pup. If the situation happens again, repeat the steps.

This may sound too easy, but it works.

You just have to remain calm and in time your pup is going to learn exactly what strength and pressure is the perfect amount to use during play time. Soon he will only gently nibble at you to play. If you prefer that he absolutely doesnt even nibble, you will just continue the training tips until he no longer bites or nibbles at all.

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How To Crate Train A German Shepherd Puppy

Crate training is the process by which you get your puppy used to spending time in their crate. Whether it is overnight, during the day when youre at work, or in the evening when you need a little puppy-free time, your puppys crate should be their haven.

Its best to get a crate that can accommodate your full-grown GSD, so you dont end up having to buy several during their first year of life. The good idea is to buy a crate with a divider, such as the MidWest LifeStages large crate. It measures 48 x 30 x 33 inches, and you can use it to gradually give your puppy more space as they grow.

You want your puppy to associate the crate with positive experiences. If you do it right, your German Shepherd will love its crate even as adults and will likely go there when they need a moment to themselves.

Heres how to teach your puppy that the crate is a good place to be:

Here you can read our complete guide to crate training a puppy.

Train Your Dog Not To Bark

German Shepherds are fantastic guard dogs, so you dont want to train him not to be one. Its his natural instinct, and it is the way he shows his loyalty to you and your family. However, if your German Shepherd pup constantly barks for no reason whatsoever, this is a time you will want to train him not to bark.

  • First, you will want to see if any items or objects in your household are causing him to bark. Sometimes even a flowing curtain in the wind can set off a barking session. Either remove all the stimulus in the household or tie them down so that they dont move.
  • Next, allow your pup to become friends with the stimulus if it cant be removed. Place a treat on the floor closest to the object and encourage your pup in a soft voice to get the treat. Repeat this until your pup becomes familiar with the object and no longer cares about it and only focuses on the treat.

If your pup continues to bark consistently, it is wise to visit the veterinarian for a check-up and to rule out any health issues.

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Your Dog Wants You To Be Consistent

For dogs, everything is black and white they dont understand compromise. Remember this and you’ll have fewer bad habits to break.

Training your German Shepherd will be easier.

Heres an example of the types of mistakes owners make:

Change verbal commands from come to come here keep your verbal commands consistent throughout.

If youre trying to keep your pooch off the sofa, be consistent. If you allow it sometimes and other times not, youll confuse your dog and slow down the training.

How can you expect your dog to learn if you’re not consistent?

Call Your Puppys Attention

How to Train your German Shepherd Dog to be a Guard Dog

Youll need your German Shepherd puppys attention to have him learn the sessions command. To do so, direct your dog to a quiet place with no distractions. Squat in front of your pet so that you can both look at each other in the eyes. This is very important.

Then, conceal a couple of treats in your folded palm and make your furry friend smell them. You can also show them, but dont let him have them yet. Some great alternatives to store-bought treats that you can use are small pieces of meat or tiny pieces of vegetables.

Once your puppy has understood that there are some goodies on the way and you have his attention, its time to proceed to real training.

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Build An Attachment With The Dog

When your German shepherd nips at you, give out a short yell. This high pitch yell, will make him understand that he has hurt you and your feelings. As this is very hard for him to digest, it will stop him from biting you the next time. Also, when teething the puppy may get the urge to bite a lot. In this case, you should provide chewy toys to the dog to help get over the irritation and the desire to bite at things at random.

You should grab the dog by the muzzle, and blow on his nose and using a firm voice say, no. You can even fold your arms and turn your back on him. Do not make any eye contact and ignore him for about 5 minutes. This shows him he has lost your affection and nothing else can prove to be more painful to him than this. Pet him again after 5 minutes and interact with him. Believe me, he will never forget how he hurt you and restrain himself from biting you again.

How To Train A German Shepherd To Leave It: Step

Use the step-by-step guide below to make sure youve trained your German Shepherd correctly.

The training for this command is a bit trickier because youll have to teach your German Shepherd to ignore something enticing in exchange for something better in the end.

Ive found the easiest way to train a German Shepherd to leave it is by using positive reinforcement, repetition, high-value rewards, and then training the behavior in different situations. This means youll give your dog a treat whenever they make the correct decision, even in busy environments, and youll work to teach them to leave things using baby steps.

This ensures they know the cue, no matter where you say it.

It also produces great results in a short amount of time!

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German Shepherds Are Highly Adaptable

Part of the reasons why German Shepherds are popular is because they are adaptable to any kind of lifestyle and living situation. Homes with a large yard is ideal for German Shepherds, but they can easily adapt to apartment living as long as they get enough exercise. If you are planning to get a German Shepherd, you dont have to adjust your current lifestyle, it can easily adjust itself and suit your lifestyle.

Training Your German Shepherd To Stay

How to train an adorable German Shepherd Husky Puppy

The stay command is one of the most useful skills that you will ever teach your German Shepherd puppy.

You can train your pup to stay in his bed or in a specific place while you greet guests, watch television, eat dinner, do a quick chore, prepare your pups food and for many other reasons.

  • Begin with placing a few treats in his bed or the area you would like him to stay.
  • As he eats his treats tell him to sit. Reward him for this behavior with a treat or verbal praise.
  • Take one step back and use the verbal command stay. If he stays, reward him. If he leaves the area, bring him back and start again.
  • Each time you tell him to stay, take another step back. Your goal is to take 10 steps away from him and have him continue staying in the spot.
  • Repeat the steps until your pup understands what is required of him.

The next time you watch television and you dont want him to be on the couch with you or be roaming around the house without your supervision you will want to use this command. Placing his bed or a soft blanket in your living room and telling him to stay while you watch the news, a movie or your favorite television show is a great example of using this command.

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Teaching The Stay Step

Have your pup in their collar and a 6-foot walking leash. Begin indoors in a quiet area free from distractions.

  • Hold the leash in your left hand. Use the right hand to signal to stay while standing directly in front of your dog.
  • Raise your hand and turn your palm toward your dog.
  • Say stay with confidence while your palm is facing your dog.
  • If he tries to move, say no or uh-oh and move one step toward them.
  • When he stays with success, walk toward him and give him the treat.
  • Dont call him toward you, as then you reward him for coming instead of staying. Now add in the word stay when your dog performs the stay behavior correctly.
  • Increase the stay time your dog is in the stay position beginning with 5 seconds and working up to one minute or more. Dont rush them to hold their stay, though.

    Next, work on extending the distance between you and your dog while in the stay. Take a few steps back each time you train.

    Your goal is to reach the end of your leash while your pup stays in place.

    This could take many sessions over weeks or months.

    Why Won’t My Dog Come When I Call Him

    Have you ever trained your dog to come when called, and then when you call him, he completely ignores you? You are not alone! There are many reasons why your pup is not responding to your command.

    • More training is needed. Your dog might not be ready to be off the leash in wide, open spaces and needs more systematic training. Go back to the basics and try again.
    • Competing reinforcers. Your dog might be perfectly well-trained to come to you when you call him, but other creatures & people can win in the competition for your dogs attention. It is important for you to know your dog, and that includes knowing when you need to leave the leash on.
    • No reinforcement. When you call your dog and he comes to you, it is important to reward him. No reinforcement leads your dog to not wanting to come to you. You can use a food treat or plenty of praise.
    • Not understanding the dogs needs. Sometimes your dog will not come when called because you are rushing him. He may need to run, sniff around a bit, or search longer for a good bathroom break spot.

    Puppies expect to be “paid” for good behavior. Praise in a happy voice and small treats are the best form of reward for good behavior.

    Start by teaching your puppy his/her name. By 4 months, they should know sit, down, come, go out, and wait/stay. Be consistent & patient and reward good behavior. Training for a few minutes several times a day is better than a longer training session.

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    Enjoy The Best Traits Of The Breed

    German Shepherds have plenty to offer in terms of entertainment, love, and companionship. But you wont even notice those traits if youre busy trying to deal with bad behaviors.

    Training your GSD to be well-behaved is the only way you can enjoy the wonderful traits that have made them the 3rd most popular breed.

    Socialization: The First Training For German Shepherds

    German Shepherd Dog Training and Mastering the Art of Attention in Only 1 Week

    Socialization is, paws down, the most important piece of training youll ever give your dog. There is a narrow window of time when a GSD puppy is totally open to socialization.

    While all dogs can eventually be socializedwith enough hard work and dedicationits the time between 12 weeks and 16 weeks that will result in the easiest and best social behaviors.

    Socialization is important for all dogs, but GSDs are particularly in need of this type of training. They will eventually be big, powerful dogs.

    Without proper socialization, they may turn aggressive or fearful, both behaviors that can quickly turn tragic.

    Thankfully, GSDs are naturally social, intelligent, and loving dogs. They will be willing and able to learn all their socialization from you, no matter their age.

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    Address Bad Behaviors Immediately

    Puppies should be disciplined for things they shouldnt be doing. Not only is this undesirable in a pet but also could progress to even worse habits.

    Ideally, youd have nipped unwanted behaviors in the bud before your dog gets big and strong enough to cause real damage.

    Your dog might also increasingly try to challenge your leadership, so its important that you dont budge.

    German Shepherd Puppy Training

    A lot of owners dont know how to properly do German Shepherd puppy training. And unfortunately both pet and owner pay the price the rest of the dogs life! Throughout a puppys first 10 weeks what they are exposed to has a dramatic effect on the rest of their life. Most dog breeders sell the puppies beginning at about eight weeks of age. The problem with this is that especially between eight and ten weeks old they are very sensitive to negative stimuli. This is why some of the better German Shepherd breeders will keep the puppies until they are at least 10 weeks old.

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    Tips And Techniques You Should Use For Training German Shepherds

    German shepherd, the best known police dog all over the world, is a noble and one of the most dependable dog breeds. With proper training techniques, this dog can be taught to do wonders.

    German shepherd, the best known police dog all over the world, is a noble and one of the most dependable dog breeds. With proper training techniques, this dog can be taught to do wonders.

    The German shepherd was bred for herding and guarding sheep by the Germans. This noble canine is also known as the Alsatian dog. It was christened Alsatian by the Britishers during the World War II, after the German-French border area of Alsace-Lorraine. This dog is also known as the Deutscher Schaferhund. The American Kennel Club, first registered this dog in 1908.


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