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How To Kennel Train A German Shepherd Puppy

Tip #: The Best German Shepherd Puppy Training Tip Is

How to Crate Train German Shepherd Puppy.

Reward good behavior and ignore bad behavior.

This rule is amazing and will work wonders, besides it is really easy to apply, all you have to do is pay attention to your German Shepherd puppy and reward the good things he does. However, there are a couple rules to keep in mind for it to work:If you notice that the bad behavior is no getting any better, it’s probably because _somehow_ it’s being rewarded! You need to figure out what the reward is and remove it.If ignoring your pooch for the bad behavior doesnt work, then you can train your canine friend an incompatible behavior. For example, when a dog is laying down, it is harder to bark.

Training A German Shepherd Puppy

  • 1Begin your training attempts at around eight weeks old. Although any German Shepherd dog is trainable, they are very strong and powerful animals. If you start out with a puppy, you have the opportunity to shape and mold its personality and develop your relationship early.XResearch source
  • If you happen to get an older dog, adult dogs can still be trained effectively.
  • German Shepherds can be very protective of their family members, so you want to socialize your puppy early in puppyhood. This will get them used to interacting well with a wide variety of people and animals, which is essential.XResearch source
  • 2Start gently handling your puppys paws, ears, tail, etc. This will be a big dog, and you want to prepare the dog when they are young and small for future grooming and veterinary visits. They may need nail trimming, ear cleaning, temperature taking and other procedures. These procedures will be difficult to accomplish should your full-sized adult German Shepherd dog object.XResearch source
  • 3Begin training your puppy with basic commands. You will need to train them to sit, stay, and heel, in addition to house training them. Your puppy will not understand your commands immediately. Have patience with your dog when they don’t do exactly what you ask right away.
  • 4Use food treats and praise to reinforce your commands. German Shepherds love to learn and they are highly motivated to follow your commands if they are rewarded with treats.
  • Week 2 Training Your German Shepherd Puppy

    Socialisation exercises to do this week Training to do this week Husbandry Tasks to do this week
  • Load up your hand with treats, and pop them close to your puppys nose.
  • Starting with easy areas like their backs and sides, lightly brush through their coat.
  • As youre brushing away, feed them their treats through your fingers.
  • TIPS

    If your puppy is very nibbly when youre feeding them treats , stuff up a Kong and use that instead.

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    Teaching Your German Shepherd Puppy To Lay Down

    Handy for when youre watching telly and they wont stop blocking the screen.

    How to do it

  • Lets make it easy for them. Start this exercise with your puppy sitting and have them on a non slip mat or carpet.
  • Hold the treat on your puppys nose and take it under their chin towards their chest.
  • Slowly take your hand down to the floor so that you end up with the treat between your puppys paws.
  • Once you see your puppys elbows go down on the floor, and they are lying down you can give your marker word good and give them the treat. Good job!
  • Repeat this 5 times in a row to make sure it stays in their head and then take a break.
  • TIPS

    · When you hold the treat, think about positioning your hand as if you were throwing a ball underarm it will make your puppys nose go over the top of your hand rather than trying to sniff underneath it, which will make them want to bend down

    · If your puppy starts to go a bit frog like , try the same exercise but have them start in a stand position youre looking for them to fold back, almost looking like a sphinx!

    Call Your Puppys Attention

    How to Crate Train a German Shepherd Puppy at Night

    Youll need your German Shepherd puppys attention to have him learn the sessions command. To do so, direct your dog to a quiet place with no distractions. Squat in front of your pet so that you can both look at each other in the eyes. This is very important.

    Then, conceal a couple of treats in your folded palm and make your furry friend smell them. You can also show them, but dont let him have them yet. Some great alternatives to store-bought treats that you can use are small pieces of meat or tiny pieces of vegetables.

    Once your puppy has understood that there are some goodies on the way and you have his attention, its time to proceed to real training.

    Recommended Reading: Adult German Shepherd With Floppy Ears

    How Can I Teach My German Shepherd Puppy To Be Ok On Their Own

    Its a fair question and were here to help you see through those puppy dog eyes and help your puppy cope from the very beginning.

  • Start by feeding your puppy in their crate during meal times. Itll give them the chance to start feeling comfortable in their own space without you.
  • When theyre busy eating, walk around and do something else around the house. Dont get out of sight just yet make sure youre still visible to them. Most puppies love their food with a passion, so theyll hardly notice youre gone
  • TIPS

    Take it slow: It works much better than trying to speed up the process. If they seem worried by you leaving, stay in view, and just pop right outside their confinement area.

    Keep it short and sweet: No need to stay away for long, 60 seconds tops will do for now.

    Repeat: Do this at least once a day to make progress go steady and smoothly.

    How To Train An Adult German Shepherd Dog

    Training an adult German Shepherd dog is relatively more difficult than training a puppy.

    There are many things and training tactics that work well when the German Shepherd is still a puppy.

    For example, potty training a German Shepherd or molding their personality is done better when the German Shepherd is still a puppy.

    This however does not mean that you should feel hopeless if your German Shepherd has all grown up.

    Whether you didnt care to train your German Shepherd or you got a grown up German Shepherd as a gift, then there is nothing to be hopeless about. It might be relatively difficult, but you can still train your adult German Shepherd dog.

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    Dont Be Too Hard On Your Dog

    Never scream, hit or be harsh in any way to your dog.

    We know potty training can get on your nerves, but the best way to handle this situation is by keeping calm! Maintain a firm body language when its time for your dog to pee.

    Dont entertain your dog if it hasnt pooped at the designated spot.

    This will give him a sense that he has done something wrong.

    When your dog is doing their business, dont stand to look at her, and dont talk or say anything as this might distract her and make her feel nervous.

    The more relaxed you look, she will catch your vibe. However, always speak in a firm voice while potty training your dog.

    Top Dog Crates For Puppies

    Crate Train Your German Shepherd Puppy

    Though you have the freedom to choose from different designs and materials, keep in mind the golden rule of sizing a dog crate for puppies. Your puppy should have enough room to comfortably lie down, stand up, and turn around. Too much extra space increases the risk of your puppy having an accident during crate training. Once your puppy is housebroken, however, you can upgrade to a larger crate.

    Here are our top picks for the best dog crates for puppies.

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    Should You Crate Train Your German Shepherd

    When done right crate training can be an effective way of creating an extremely happy atmosphere for your pup! However, if its not done right, then it can be very harsh on your puppy, and make them unhappy. Here are the pros and cons of crate training your puppy.

    Benefits Of Crate Training Your Puppy

    • You dont have to keep an eye on your puppy constantly. As you know they can get up to all sorts of mischief, however, if theyre in their crate you know that theyre safe.
    • It will eventually be seen as a place of safety. The more time your dog spends in their crate, the more theyre going to see it as their own territory. This means when you take them to new places, or theyre feeling anxious, you can put them in their crate and theyll feel safe.
    • Your dog will also begin to realize that they can go there when they want to relax. Just like us, sometimes your dog needs to spend some time on their own, and their crate is the perfect place to do this.

    Downsides Of Crate Training

    Set A Routine For Your German Shepherd Puppy

    The most important step of the potty training routine is to set a schedule. Dogs thrive on a set schedule because it will help them adapt to their new home and understand whats expected of them within a few days.

    You should definitely give your dog a potty break when he wakes up in the morning and before he goes to bed. You will be required to insert potty breaks during the night as well, depending on how old your German Shepherd puppy is this is all part of basic training.

    Its also important to have potty breaks after mealtimes and during and after play sessions. It sounds like the potty training schedule is every minute of every day, and to be honest, in the beginning it can seem that way. However, once your GSD puppy gets a hang of the potty training process, you will no longer have to follow him around and worry about accidents all day.

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    Crate Training German Shepherd Puppy At Night

    If you live in a connected house or have neighbors living close by, it is a good idea to warn them, so they are not alarmed by any noise on the first night. This will ease any tension that your whining puppy creates!

    You have done your research, chosen your crate, and set it up all cozy. Your puppy has spent the day getting used to his crate, but now its bedtime! Most likely, you will be expecting a rough night. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about. To give yourself the best chance of success, put an item of clothing or blanket with your scent on inside the crate. This will help him settle even further, as he associates you with safety.

    Just before bedtime, encourage your puppy to engage in a quick five-minute play session. This will burn off any leftover energy and ensure they are tired. Putting an excitable puppy in a crate and expecting them to sleep is like giving a child candy and asking them to sit still!

    Set an alarm for 3 hours. If your puppy has stopped whining by this point, then congratulations! Your puppy is relaxed enough that he doesnt feel the need to shout for you. Quietly take him from the crate to the garden so he can toilet, then return him to his crate. This is a two-part process. You are toilet training and easing potential separation anxiety at the same time.

    Bringing Your Puppy Home

    How to Crate Train a German Shepherd Puppy? The Best ...

    Keep in mind that when you bring your GSD puppy home, it is an alien environment for it. Everything is unfamilair you, your car, your home, its toys, its, bowls, maybe even the weather, anda cage!?

    My last GSD puppy, at 8 weeks old, came from being surrounded by all of his siblings and running free in a very large enclosure to taking his first car ride ever and into a brand new home.

    So when your puppy arrives at its new home, the first thing to do is to allow your it to explore on its own. Dont try to introduce it to anything new . Instead, just be present for your puppy and let it sniff around and get a feel for its new home.

    Playing with your new puppy is one of the most fun things that you can do, and understandably so. GSD puppies are cute, adorable, and watching them frolic around can make the time fly by.

    But do not make the mistake of letting this take the place of immediate potty training. You need to begin potty training your puppy right away, from the first day you bring it home.

    Otherwise, they will take as much slack as you give them, and this may develop into other behaioral problems as your puppy gets older.

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    Make Crate Training A Priority

    Another important step toward training a German Shepherd puppy from an early age is to ensure he is crate trained.

    Crate training is very important for every dog, regardless of the breed.

    When it comes to crate training a German Shepherd, however, things can be tough especially for the first few nights.

    This is why quite a lot of people tend to give up after trying crate training for just a couple of nights.

    When you ensure your puppy is crate trained, it will make a lot of trips much easier and convenient for you.

    For example, your puppy will most likely have to spend some time in a crate at the vet at some point in his life.

    Think about traveling you would obviously need to place your dog in a crate while traveling. Many other events require a dog to be placed in a crate.

    When you crate train your dog from an early age, they will be much more comfortable spending time in a crate and they will not constantly bark and cry.

    You should ideally let your puppy sleep in his crate from the very first night.

    Be sure to take him outside to do his business before you put him in his crate for the night.

    Give him a chew toy to chew on while he falls asleep and be sure to keep the crate nearby such as next to your bed, or at least in the same room as you are sleeping.

    Not only will your puppy feel less lonely, but you will also be able to hear when he wakes up to pee or poop, or when he needs something else.

    A Gsd Puppy Should Be Taken Out Immediately :

    when it wakes up first thing in the morning ,

    after each and every meal,

    after each and every nap,

    and again before he goes to bed for the night.

    Otherwise you may have to make more house breaking potty trips than usual outside to let the puppy relieve itself.

    Keep the GSD puppy on a strict house breaking schedule, both feeding and elimination, and you will have German Shepherd puppy house breaking success much sooner.

    Recommended Reading: How To Get A German Shepherds Ears Up

    Don’t Miss: How Much Should I Feed My Gsd Puppy

    Sticking To A Routine

    The most important thing when potty training your German Shepherd puppy is consistency.

    Make sure you take your puppy to go potty as soon as you get up in the morning, after meals, after naps and after playing .

    It can often be beneficial to take your puppy to their toileting area during periods of high excitement as well .

    Puppies will often lose control of their bladders when theyre super excited. Being on the correct surface when this happens helps strengthen the connections between going potty and the correct surface to do this.

    How Often Should You Take Out Your German Shepherd Puppy To Potty

    How to Potty Train a German Shepherd Puppy!

    You should take out your German Shepherd puppy every 2 hours for an 8-week-old pup. Add an hour for each month your pup is old. So, a 12-week-old dog needs to go out every 3 hours. And a 16-week-old German Shepherd needs to go outside to relieve themselves every 4 hours.

    Heres a visual chart to help you remember so you dont have any accidents inside your house.

    Puppy Age

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    Crate Training A German Shepherd Puppy

    There are so many different techniques and conflicting expert advice that your mind is just boggled! Most new dog owners have heard of crate training. It may have been recommended to you by other dog owners. This article will detail crate training a German Shepherd Puppy, how it works, why it is effective and how to deal with crate training issues.

    Reward Your Pup For Obedience

    Like humans, dogs also want gifts and treats. If your dog peeps at the correct spot, treat him with an extra treat. Give her affection if she follows your command. This will encourage friendly behavior and your pup is bound to follow your commands more enthusiastically. However, dont overdo it. It doesnt mean an extra treat with every meal!

    Also Check: Ideal Temperature For German Shepherd Puppy

    How To Show Your Pup How To Love Their Crate:

  • Never force your pup into their crate! Take your time with crate introduction and allow them to explore under their own will.
  • Serve your pup at least one meal a day inside their crate. Use a Kong with their meal stuffed inside and mixed with a small spoonful of unsweetened Greek yogurt or peanut butter to entice them to stay and work on the Kong inside the crate.
  • Offer treats when they willingly go inside to rest or explore their crate.
  • Use a verbal cue when you want your pup to go into the crate. I like to use a simple command like, crate or bed and to point where I want my pup to go.
  • Praise them gently when they go inside their crate and dont just slam the door shut immediately on them.
  • You can learn all the benefits of teaching your dog to use their crate in this easy post on crate training your German Shepherd successfully. Check it out to get the complete facts, tips, and step-by-step instructions to perfect crate training today.

    Be sure to buy the best crate for a German Shepherd puppy theyll love by using this proven guide. Its better to get a crate that comes recommended rather than just pick any old one and hope for the best.


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