About The Author Of This Article
June is the founder of TobysBone, where she shares her passion for writing and love for dogs. She wants to help you deal with your dogs behavior issues, grooming and health needs, and proper training. Through her blog, you can find informative and reliable posts, tips and tricks, and a lot of interesting reads that will help you maintain a close bond with your furry companion.
Give Them A Daily Chew Session
Did you know that chewing is natural for your dog and helps them to reduce stress and pent-up energy?
Your stubborn German Shepherd needs time each day to help release some of this energy so they are better able to pay attention and listen to you at other times.
There are lots of options for a chew session for your dog, such as a crunchy pig ear chew that helps to reduce plaque and keep their teeth clean.
Or, the favorite of many dog owners, a stuffed Kong for extreme chewing.
Offering your German Shepherd a tasty stuffed Kong a day will help keep the behavior doctor away and give your dog the natural chewing session they need to help keep calm.
Try using a Kong stuffed with one of your dogs meals a few days a week, adding in a few tasty treats or bits of cooked chicken to keep them interested.
Nothing prevents household problems, such as excessive barking, destructive chewing, and hyperactivity as effectively as stuffing your dogs kibble into a few Kongs.
German Shepherds, especially puppies, need to chew to keep themselves occupied and their stress levels low so theyre better able to focus on your training and commands.
How To Train A German Shepherd
Are German Shepherds more difficult to train than other dogs? The simple answer is no. Training German Shepherd dogs is easy. Start with teaching polite greeting manners, leash manners and body handling.
Anytime a dog trainer is training a German Shepherd to learn polite behaviors, the trainer will utilize about 90% of the same techniques to train any dog breed. All dog breeds learn in the same ways.
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How To Train A 7 Month Old German Shepherd
As your German Shepherd approaches seven months of age, youll want to keep a lot of the previous training consistent as you gradually teach him to understand more commands. I recommend adding up to two new cues to your German Shepherds training schedule every month, or if hes having trouble grasping a technique, keep working on it until hes mastered it.
Lure And Reward Method
You will need a lot of treats for this method, so choose small ones, or break up larger treats. Offering your dog a treat is the easiest way to get its attention.
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Using Treats Is Effective For Dog Training
Dogs are easily motivated by food. Thats why many trainers use dog treats to reward dogs for performing commands. Small dog treats allow for several repetitions before the dog becomes disinterested. More often than not, youll be the one cutting them off.
To avoid creating a bribe instead of a reward, keep the treat hidden. This way, the dog wont expect the treat until they perform the command.
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Youll also want to be careful about what treats you use. Many dog treats have high calories or can disrupt your dogs digestion if they get too many while training. Its important to choose training treats that are small and fragrant to motivate your dog.
Disadvantages Of Brain Training For Dogs
let me currently inform you concerning the important things that I did not like concerning this product, the first thing that I would certainly mention is the truth that it requires time and also dedication for you to follow it, as well as for somebody like me who obtains careless, I discover it truly difficult occasionally, but I still do it.Apart from the truth that it needs a lot of time and commitment, there is no other problem that I have located considering that I began making use of the program till now at this time of writing this write-up.
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Expert Tips To Train Your German Shepherd To Heel
Now that you know the 3 Methods that will get you results if you want to Heel Train your GSD, here are 5 Expert tips to keep in mind when you are training your dog to walk properly alongside.
Problems With German Shepherd Dogs
Sometimes it can be tough to deal with some dogs. If your dog is not paying attention to you and keep doing what he wants, you stop and wait.
Take the leash tightly and weight, after sometime when your German Shepherd Dog will turn to see you or come back in the position give him a big smile and praise him.
But there are some situations when the Dog can lie down and refuse to walk. In this situation, you have to figure out what is the problem of the German Shepherd. Do not push for training in this situation.
In these conditions, it is better first to found the cause of the problem and solve it before start training again.
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How To Introduce A New Person Safely And Friendly To Your German Shepherd
1 When your friend comes to your house, confine your GSD inside a room.
2 Let your German Shepherd make the first move and approach the new person safely
3 Ask your friend to give treats to your dog by dropping them on the floor, and by not going very near to the GSD
4 Reward your Dog if he shows a positive attitude. But remember, do not reward him if he shows any aggression, fear, or shyness toward your Friend.
5 Your German Shepherd Dog can take a while to get comfortable with the new person, so be patient and wait. If your GSD feels that the treats are desirable, then he will surely start to be friendly with the new person.
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German Shepherd Puppy Training: Essential Commands
The first thing that a puppy should learn is their name.
In 2-4 months a German Shepherd puppy can be taught the Come command with the help of luring. At this time a forbidding Leave it command can be introduced to the puppy as well.
As soon as the puppy learns to perform commands at home, you can move on to practicing them outside. Dont call the puppy if you are not sure that their recall is reliable, though. This could leave the impression that a command can be ignored.
Next, you can move on to teaching the Wait, Sit, Down and Heel commands. Each command should be performed until you give the release command. Gradually increase the time between when your puppy performs the command and you release it.
A four-month-old puppy can be taught to leap over some small barriers. Please do it carefully as the puppys bones and joints are not completely formed yet.
Teach your puppy to fetch a stick and reward them for bringing it to you.
We advise spending some time training your German Shepherd puppy daily.
Once, you have succeeded in individual training, you can move on to group training where you can master the commands in more complicated conditions.
It is important to make sure that a puppy doesnt get tired and doesnt lose interest in training.
Gradually move on from training on quiet streets to training on busy ones. This way youll teach your puppy to react to the street and car noises without fear.
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Not To Chew On The Furniture
Biting on furniture and objects within the household is part of raising a German Shepherd dog. They generally display this conduct as a pup, particularly during the teething process. You can prepare your dog not to bite on furniture and other objects by following these steps.
- First, you will need to buy a bitter spray from the pet store or online. You need to spray this on the items you want to protect from the dogs sharp teeth.
- Moving forward, you will need to watch out for your pup consistently. Once you notice him chewing on the things he shouldnt, stroll over to him calmly and show him one of his toys. Urge him to chew on the toy rather than the furniture.
- After that, reward him with the verbal praise and a pat on his head for great behavior.
You need to repeat these simple steps until your dog discovers that his toys are the only things that he should be chewing on.
Basic Commands You Can Teach Your German Shepherdteaching Your Dog The Command Come
This command will help you get your dog to come to you, even if something else has caught his attention. It is also the stepping stone for other communication between the two of you.
Step 1 : Always start this training indoors. Wait until he is playing with his toys and then call out his name. When he responds by looking at you, show him his favorite treat and urge him to come get it by saying the command come. Step 2 : When he comes, shower him with praises and giving him his treat. This way he will learn the positive association of responding to your commands. Step 3 : If he does not come willingly, gently tug on his leash and repeat the word come while showing him his treat. Do not be excessively forceful or harsh on your dog when teaching him this command. Be patient enough, and try different treats until he can respond to your command. Give him a treat whenever he responds positively Step 4 : Take your training outdoors after two days of training and repeat the exercise. Step 5: Keep escalating the training by increasing the distance between you and your dog and repeat the exercise until he can understand the command come without the need of a treat.
This is one of the most important commands you will ever teach your GSD as it can help keep him out of trouble.
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How To Train A 6 Month Old Gsd Puppy
This is the last month you can refer to your puppy as a puppy before entering his teenage years! He has reached the age of adolescence. When your German Shepherd puppy reaches the 6-month mark, its time to start advanced obedience training. The good news is that all of your past training will make it easier for your dog to obey your instructions.
Advanced Obedience Training Commands
To take the training to the next level, you can train your German Shepherd dog with advanced commands.
Advanced commands need a lot of patience and training. Both of you need to be comfortable and ready to teach and learn.
Your German Shepherd dog has to be physically fit before you start training your dog. You should check it with your vet.
Dogs Like German shepherds are fast learners, and other breeds may take longer to learn. Have patience and give your dog enough time to understand and learn the commands.
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How To Train Your German Shepherd Not To Pull On Leash
Its inevitable that your German Shepherd is going to pull on leash when he or she first comes home. Whether you have a puppy or an older GSD you are most likely going to have to train your German Shepherd not to pull on leash.
Walking any dog that pulls is not enjoyable but it is doubly distressing when its a large, powerful, and energetic breed like a German Shepherd.
Leash pulling with German Shepherds is often a result of their curious nature compounded with their high energy. This is especially true in new environments where they tend to get over-stimulated wanting to sniff and survey everything around them.
I know from experience that the more excited your dog is to walk the more pulling is going to occur. When Allie was a puppy the beginning of walks were like a pulling festival. However, once we got toward the middle of the walk and she was less excited she walked next to me naturally without any hassle.
Your dogs walking discipline will serve as the foundation for all activities you will engage in so its important to train your German Shepherd not to pull on a leash as soon as possible.
Leash Training Your German Shepherd
The size and power of this breed make it very important to properly leash train your dog. Leash training will be one of your first obedience lessons. It will teach him to listen to you and to respond to your movements, instead of trying to direct you on the lease. The right sized leash is importantit should be short enough to give you control, but long enough that it is not tight.
Use treats to reward good behavior. If he starts to pull, stop, and wait for him to stop pulling. Only start moving again when the leash is slack. If you let your dog pull you around, hell learn early that this behavior is okay, and when he is 80 pounds of muscle, you might not be able to correct the behavior.
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How To Crate Train Your German Shepherd
Some owners will start their dog off in the crate from day one. If this is your plan, you need to have everyone in your family on board. Your puppy will probably cry and cry while he is the crate and you will start to believe that you are torturing the poor thing. If you want your dog to come to understand the purpose of his crate and to love it, you will have to be strong for this first couple of nights while he is crying in his crate. Eventually, he will learn to soothe himself and to recognize his crate for what it is, his den.
Training Your German Shepherd To Stop At Roads
Things To Consider:
Most dogs are not naturally afraid of roads or vehicles cars, motorbikes, trucks etc.
In fact, some dogs love seeing a speeding car go past and trying to chase it.
It simply wasnt built into a K9s evolution to be wary of big mounds of fast moving steel and metal.
Training Tips:
Easiest of the three. In fact, youve probably figured it out yourself. Simply pick an urban area with preferably some traffic, and obviously roads.
Walk towards the roads and practice getting your GSD to sit on the footpath use a treat if required.
You eventually want to get your puppy or adult dog to a stage where you dont have to command it stop, but rather it naturally stops and sits upon approaching the road.
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Do Dogs Respond Better To German
Dogs dont necessarily respond better to German than English. Thats more a matter of how well youve trained your dog. But German commands are short, easy, and contain attention-getting hard consonants, so German commands are easy for your dog to identify that you are speaking to them. Training your dog to respond to German commands is a personal choice. But if you decide to teach your dog German training commands, start as early as you can because it will be less confusing for a puppy than an older dog.
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Problems And Proofing Behavior
Its not uncommon for dogs to break out of the heel when learning this command, especially early on. Your patience and consistency are key to working through some of the challenges youll face. Keep with it and your dog will eventually learn what you want it to do.
If needed, go back a step or two at any stage in the training. One of the common mistakes owners make is moving onto the next step before the dog is ready, so it seems like it forgot the previous lessons. If your dog makes several mistakes in a row, simply go back to giving it more treats and walking a shorter distance. Take your time, then slowly build back up to having it walk at a heel for longer distances.
Keep a close eye on your dogs body language. You can often learn to anticipate when your dog is about to break away from the heel position. If you notice your dogs muscles bunch or that it begins to fixate on something besides the treats, give the heel command again, then pivot to the left and walk in the opposite direction. Your dog will quickly learn that its important to pay attention to you.
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