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Do German Shepherds Protect Their Owners

Can This Protective Instinct Be Dangerous

German Shepherd & Pitbull Protecting Their Owners | Dog Trained to Protect

Although formal personal protection training is not always necessary, dogs should have the socialization necessary to observe situations and judge whether defense is needed. Otherwise, their protectiveness could be a liability.

Your German Shepherds protective instincts can be dangerous if they are unnecessarily aggressive or are unresponsive to commands. They also jeopardize your safety if they are unable to correctly identify threats.

For example, they might become hostile to other members of the family or welcome guests. The lack of guidance on how to use their natural abilities might ultimately lead to behavioral issues.

Do Dogs Often Attack Their Owners

The owner and these lovely species will not take any risks once they have reached a close relationship.

In general, these dogs nature is also an aggressive animal if they feel influenced or threatened. From this, you need to socialize and train them most appropriately to develop, understand and connect to people.

How Do You Make A German Shepherd Less Protective

While some people enjoy having a pet that is extremely protective of them or their entire family, others want a dog thats a bit less aggressive. While a German Shepherd will always have a protective streak once they reach a certain age, there are things that you can do to reduce these tendencies.

All these methods require training, and with any training, consistency and positive reinforcement are critical. Your German Shepherd is protective toward you because thats what they think that theyre supposed to be.

To try to reduce this level of protectiveness, its best to do it on a leash. Keep them on a leash while a stranger is approaching you, and reward them for as long as they stay quiet. As soon as they start getting aggressive or loud, simply turn away and take your pup with you.

Its important that you do this as soon as your pup starts acting up. This way, they can associate the two behaviors.

Keep in mind that in some settings, your German Shepherd will always display protective tendencies. This is especially true around the home, where your German Shepherd feels like its the familys territory. This is especially true if youre not home, since your pup wont be able to tell if the stranger is an intruder or a welcome guest.

German Shepherds typically do better around strangers when their person is around. The German Shepherd views this individual as the pack leader, and when theyre around, its not their job to guard the pack.

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German Shepherds Are Loyal And Protective

Loyalty is a great personality that can be found in dogs. German Shepherds have a particularly strong sense of loyalty. They would protect not only their owners, but also all their family members in the household. The strong sense of loyalty and protective instinct make German Shepherds a good guard dog. However, proper socialisation and training is required so that they wont become overprotective.

Training Your German Shepherd To Guard

Why do German Shepherds make such good family protection ...

A German Shepherd might have protective and territorial instincts by nature. But that doesnt mean every GSD is automatically a guard dog. If you want your Shepherd to protect a flock or keep watch of your estate, you need to train him to do so.

Here are some tips for helping your GSD along as he begins to work through adolescence:

  • Begin socializing early. A skilled guard dog will be confident and wont cower in the face of fear. Begin socializing your dog and exposing him to new stimuli from day one visits to the dog park, ventures through the rain, and sudden loud noises.
  • Teach the basics. German Shepherds go on the defensive when those they care about are in danger. Teaching your GSD basic commands like stay, sit, and down will build a healthy relationship that you can advance down the road.
  • Reward good behavior. Some GSDs instinctively give chase when they see their first mysterious trespasser. Others need more guidance. When your puppy shows guarding instincts that you want to nurture, reward him with a treat or a pet.
  • Dont reward bad behavior. Loyal dogs learn what they should and shouldnt do based on their owners response. Giving your GSD a treat after chasing a neighbors cat will only encourage him to keep this behavior up in the future.
  • Some GSDs pick up their protective traits more naturally than others. The video below will show what steps you can take to teach your young puppy to be a skilled protection dog:

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    Why Should You Lean Into The Bite

    One of the most common mistakes is to jerk away from the part of you that is being bitten. When you do this, it causes the dog to clamp down even harder and can make their attack more aggressive.

    Instead, lean into the bite, pushing your body part into the dogs mouth rather than away from it. This can cause their grip to slacken and give you enough time to free yourself. At the very least, it will take some power away from the bite.

    Do White German Shepherds Protect Their Owners

    German Shepherd Dogs are protective of their loved ones GSDs will assertively stand their ground and are suited to be either watchdog or guardian, whichever the situation demands. They can be aloof with strangers yet are not hostile. This natural protective instinct is reassuring to the German Shepherd owner.

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    Males Are More Territorial

    Male German Shepherds are more territorial, meaning they will be very possessive of what they consider theirs.

    This means that they will guard their property and face off any intruder dogs or strangers.

    They will also mark their territory and may watch over it.

    This will cause them to stay more alert and cautious, so they will be able to sense a trespasser.

    Your Dog Can Warn You Of Intruders

    Why Do German Shepherds Prefer To Sleep With Their Owners?

    One of the key components of training a German Shepherd to specifically be a guard dog is to help keep you aware of whos at your door, including potential intruders. In this day and age of smart video doorbells and motion-sensing cameras that feed directly to your phone, a good old-fashioned guard dog still has something to offer.

    Potential ill-doers will probably know about smart doorbells and smart cameras, but theyll still be wary if they hear a big dog barking behind the door. Theres no way to know what a dog is trained to do, and even if you know how theyve been trained, a dog can still be unpredictable.

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    Does Spaying And Neutering Affect My Dogs Protective Instincts

    Many people wonder whether fixing their dog has any impact on the dogs ability to be protective. If youre adding a German Shepherd to your family as a guard dog, you probably dont want to do anything to the dog that may remove its natural instincts to protect you, your family, and your home.

    Theres some fairly well-established science that states that gonadectomy doesnt have a significant effect on a dogs level of aggression, with multiple studies indicating that no matter what age a dog is spayed or neutered, it wont make it significantly more or less aggressive, except nominally more aggressive towards strangers.

    But will it have an effect on your dogs obedience? Theres also evidence that indicates that fixing your dog has a positive effect on some of its behavioral issues dogs that are fixed will urinate less in the house, roam less, and mount people and things less frequently than dogs that arent fixed.

    Dogs behaviors arent fundamentally changed by spaying or neutering so it really wont have much of an effect on their overall obedience. Since protectiveness and guarding behaviors are primarily a function of a dogs obedience, you shouldnt have an issue if you decide to fix your dog and then train it to be a guard dog.

    Will My German Shepherd Protect Me Without Training

    The German Shepherd has made its way into the hearts of dog lovers around the globe. Known for their fierce loyalty and their dedication to protecting their loved ones, they are one of the most popular breeds in the world.

    So once you bring a German Shepherd into your home, will they protect you without training? For a German Shepherd, protecting its family is an instinctive, not a learned behavior. Originally bred in part to protect herds of livestock from predators, todays GSD instinctually views its owner as a part of the herd that it is in charge of protecting.

    In this article we will discuss the history behind the German Shepherd, and why they have the need to protect those closest to them.

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    They Might Hurt Other Pets

    German Shepherds arent always friendly with other animals, especially if you mess up the introduction. This is due to their strong prey drive. You must know how to introduce your dog to your pets and even your children.

    They rarely attack anyone out of malice. Whenever a German Shepherd does attack, it is due to insufficient training and socialization, which causes fear aggression in the dog.


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    In fact, even the same dogs response could vary across different times and circumstances.

    However, most untrained GSD dogs, from my personal experience, will do the bare minimum to protect you and the house against any threat.

    If the dog wont attack the intruder, what will he do?

    There are two scenarios:

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    Why A German Shepherd May Not Be Protective

    You may find that your German Shepherd isnt protective, though, and you likely wonder why that might be. You want your dog to be friendly but not too friendly. There are a number of reasons your dog may not be as protective as other dogs of its breed, and here are some of them. Well go through them in a little more detail below.

    • Improper training
    • Anxiety

    Should German Shepherds Be Kept Indoors

    Although it doesnt work for every German Shepherd, GSDs can live outside under the right conditions. Some German Shepherds actually prefer being and sleeping outside to inside for a variety of reasons. If you have a GSD that lives outside, make sure they also get to spend time with you indoors and well.

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    What Is Bad About German Shepherd

    German Shepherds, like any large breed, are prone to canine hip dysplasia, a crippling and potentially fatal disease. Good GSD rescuers will also be aware of such problems, and whether the rescued dog youre considering has shown symptoms of or has been treated for any health issues while with the rescue.

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    German Shepherd Guard Dog

    German Shepherd Protecting Their Owners | Guard Dog | Aggression | Compilation

    When you think about a guard dog, whats the first thing that comes to mind? A stoic dog walking next to a security guard or a snarling, vicious dog holding an intruder at bay?

    While both scenarios have and do happen, its certainly not all that there is in the day of a working guard dog.

    Guard dogs are defined as dogs that are trained to protect a place. To expand on that, they are specially trained dogs that protect some form of property or people from intruders. This is typically private property, such as homes or businesses, and families or people who need protection.

    Guard dogs are trained to attack on command and are often perceived as aggressive, but they can be commanded to stop as well.

    There are several different roles that fall into the protection line of work for dogs.

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    Should I Pee On My Dog To Show Dominance

    Your dog feels the need to assert his dominance or ease his anxiety by laying out his boundaries. He does this by depositing small amounts of urine on anything he feels belongs to himthe furniture, the walls, your socks, etc. Urine-marking is most often associated with male dogs, but females may do it, too.

    How Do German Shepherds Show Love

    Most dogs youve formed a bond with will show excitement when seeing you after a while of being apart. German Shepherds are especially known for this. They may jump up at you, lick your face, and run around aimlessly at your presence. They may even whine from their inability to contain their excitement.

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    Adapting To Social Routine

    Since German Shepherds are capable of barking at friends that visit until they become more comfortable with guests, it is wise to socialize your GSD immediately upon arriving home for the very first time when they are a puppy.

    If you happen to adopt an adult GSD, you should slowly introduce friends and relatives to your dog.

    How to socialize your GSD puppy:

    It is rare, but if you notice that your pup is experiencing extreme stress, anxiety, fear or anger in social situations seek help from a trained professional.

    Licensed dog training specialists have the ability to focus on the behavior problems and offer a solution.

    They will teach you how to correct your dogâs behavior by providing you with helpful tips and tools. Following the professional dog trainerâs advice is essential to your GSD pupâs behavior improving.

    If you find that the training is not helping, visit the veterinarian for further assistance.

    Socialize Your German Shepherd

    Do German Shepherds Bark a Lot? â Embora Pets

    Socializing a German Shepherd from puppyhood is important for a variety of reasons.

    Doing this will allow them to interact with people and learn that not everyone is threatening.

    It will also help teach them to differentiate between good people and bad people.

    If a German Shepherd is not socialized properly, he may become fearful and overly aggressive.

    What will this mean for them?

    It will mean that they will attack every person, instead of just intruders or those who poise harm or danger.

    They will not know the difference between normal human behavior and that which is threatening or dangerous.

    On the other hand, a German Shepherd not properly socialized might not be brave and will avoid people altogether.

    In some cases, he may even hide out of fear when a trespasser crosses into his property.

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    Are German Shepherds Sensitive

    sensitivedogsGerman Shepherd Dogs

    . Thereof, do German shepherds naturally protect their owners?

    Protective and SelflessThe German Shepherd has a natural protective instinct that does not waver. His deep desire to protect his owner and family is unmatched, and the GSD is even known to put his life in danger to save others. German Shepherds can also be trained to take their protective instinct one step further.

    Additionally, are German shepherds affectionate? German Shepherd PersonalityThese dogs are quite affectionate with their usual human companions. These dogs are highly intelligent, very devoted to their human families and can get along well with other dogs when properly socialized with them.

    Just so, will a German shepherd attack an intruder?

    German Shepherds, by nature, are one of the most protective breeds of dogs there is. ANY dog can attack and intruder.

    Do German shepherds calm down with age?

    They will calm down somewhere between the age of 5-7 but may never be a full couch potato. Each dog is different and some may calm down earlier or later. Keep in mind that German Shepherds may never be as calm as another dog breed but they will get calmer over time.

    Do German Shepherds Get More Protective As They Get Older

    While German Shepherds get protective once they reach adolescence, they shouldnt get any more protective as they age past that. The only exception to this is when you have a much older German Shepherd.

    All dogs can get a bit more temperamental with old age, and with a dog like the German Shepherd, this can display through more protective behaviors.

    However, if you notice any sudden changes in your German Shepherds personality, even as they age, this can be a sign of an underlying problem, and you need to address it as soon as possible.

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    German Shepherds Are Known As A Mouthy Breed

    They tend to use their mouths as a hand thanks to that herding heritage. Its even right there in their name, ShepHERD. This mouthing behavior is natural, so expect your GSD to mouth you and chew anything that will fit inside your pets mouth. However, that doesnt mean you should let it go. What might be cute in your small puppy will get harder and stronger as your dog grows up. Training your dog not to chew your hand or the furniture is essential with this breed. Teach your German Shepherd to channel those instincts safely and appropriately.

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    How To Get A German Shepherd To Be More Protective

    German Shepherd Gilmore protect owner

    If you do get a German Shepherd and you want to make sure that it is protective, it will be necessary for you train it to be protective the way you want it to be. Below are some things you can do to get it to be more protective of you and your home. I have written more about how you can get your GSD to be more protective in this post.

    Enroll in a defense training class

    The most effective way to get a GSD to be protective would be to enroll it in a defense class. However, it is important to be aware that it would likely result in the dog being much less well behaved around friendly people. So, it would only be recommended to enroll it in a defense class if you only want it to be protective.

    Train it using the panic word method

    The panic word method focuses on training your German Shepherd to become protective when you say a certain word.

    To train it to learn the panic word you would do as follows:

    Get some treats that your dog likes

    • Give it a small treat so that it knows that you have treats
    • Wait for it to bark by teasing it with the treat if necessary
    • Reward it when it barks or when it shows a sign of barking
    • Continue to do the above each time you show it the treat say the command word so that it learns that the command word means to bark

    You can watch the video below to see how it is done

    Use positive reinforcement training to get it to protect your home

    You can also use positive reinforcement training to get it to become more protective of your home.

    You can do this by

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