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HomeExclusiveWhat Size Cage Does A German Shepherd Need

What Size Cage Does A German Shepherd Need

Is A 36 Inch Crate Big Enough For A Golden Retriever

Impact Stationary Dog Crate for German Shepherd – Review

The majority of adult Golden Retrievers should have a 42 dog crate, but there are differences in opinion, with some experienced owners saying a 36 is more suitable. Goldens can vary quite considerably in size and generally speaking most are on the large side these days, so I would recommend buying a 42.

What Size Dog Crate Should You Get For A Labrador Cross

This isnt an easy one to answer. If a Labrador is crossed with another breed, their final size will vary greatly depending on the other breed in the mix.

The best you can do is research how large they will grow by asking other owners in online forums, or make an educated guess going by the breed types that make up your dog.

If at all possible try to get information on your puppys parents. The size of mom and dad will give you a good estimation of how small or large your puppy will become.

How Big Should A Puppy Crate Be

Well, let’s start by stating the obvious… it depends on the size/breed of puppy you have!

Large and X-large breed puppies are usually significantly bigger than small breed adult dogs, so an extra-small crate will not work for an 8 week old Great Dane pup, not even for your average Labrador Retriever either.

Now with that said, here’s a ‘rule of thumb’ that will help you decide which dog crate size is right for your pet….

Your pup should be able to stand up, lie down and turn around inside the crate without touching the sides.

That also means when he’s sitting down his head should have ‘clearance room’. Oh, and don’t forget that his tail doesn’t want to be completely bunched up at the back either!

If you are buying at your local petstore and your pup has had all his puppy vaccinations and is safe to go out in public, then you can have him try out the different dog crate size options and see which ones work and which don’t.

This is obviously a pretty straightforward way to ‘get it right’.

But, a lot of the time you might be buying a crate without the hands-on help of your pup for a number of reasons.

Maybe you haven’t actually brought him home yet and are getting his ‘stuff’ all sorted out ahead of his arrival, or perhaps he’s only had one or two sets of puppy shots so far and isn’t fully protected from contagious dog diseases, so it’s not a good idea to take him out and about.

Or perhaps you’re shopping online where the selection and prices are better.

Useful Tip!

Recommended Reading: How Much Raw Meat To Feed My German Shepherd

What Size Crate Should I Get For My German Shepherd Puppy

Fortunately, for convenience and to save money, a good crate will come with a divider panel.

You can still buy a 42 inch or 48 inch crate for your GSD puppy, and use the divider panels to decrease the size of the crate until your dog matures in size at which point you can remove the divider panel and utilise the full space inside the dog crate.

What To Look For When Picking A Crate For German Shepherd

What Size Dog Crate Do I Need For A German Shepherd?

Herere several things to consider when buying a crate for your German Shepherds:

  • Purpose. Before buying, consider first what you need the crate for. Do you need a crate for traveling, for your living room, or just for some occasions?
  • Durability. If you are buying online, read some reviews, and examine the construction of the crate. Good German shepherd crates should be sturdy and have door hinges that are made to withstand dogs escape attempts and resist bending.
  • They also should have locks that resist tampering from your German shepherd, but quick and easy for you to lock and unlock. Additionally, the best German shepherd crates should have a durable bottom-lining tray so that your German shepherd cannot push out, chew, or dig through.
  • Though plastic and furniture crates usually are not as strong as wire crates, they should still be sturdy enough with the look that appeases your taste.
  • Portability. A good crate should be easy to collapse and assemble, and easy to carry.
  • Easy to clean. Choose a crate that you can clean up without much hassle.
  • Travel compliant. For flying with your German shepherd, you want to pick a crate that is compliant with airport and airline regulations. The crate should provide the necessary security and tie-downs for air travel as well.

Read Also: How Much Royal Canin To Feed My German Shepherd Puppy

Frisco Indoor & Outdoor Soft Dog Crate

Sizes Available: 21 inch, 26 inch, 30 inch, 36 inch and 40 inch

Best Soft Sided German Shepherd Crate ;Another Frisco model on the list with their Indoor & Outdoor Soft Dog Crate. If your dog loved the enclosed type of crates with a softer material, then this is definitely the model for you. Every size model of this crate is lightweight and easy to transport so its safe to take on family days out!


  • Easy to set up and fold down
  • Super comfortable for your dog


  • Has to be hand washed and this can take time
  • Especially destructive dogs may be able to tear the material

From soft-sided, lets move on to Plastic Crates.

Plastic crates can be the perfect way to crate dogs who are rowdy and need something a little more enclosed than wires. Our top pick for the best plastic crate on the market for German Shepherds is:

Save Money Buy An Adult Dog Crate And Re

Your puppy will need a much smaller crate than a full-grown adult dog, though they will eventually become a full-grown adult dog.

But its unreasonable to think you can keep upgrading your crates for larger ones as your puppy grows. This could get expensive very quickly.

So when you buy one, its best you do to fit the size of an adult dog and buy a divider to reduce the size of a larger crate to suit a puppy.

Dividers are temporary and removable wire or wooden panels you insert into the crate to adjust the size available. Or a wooden board or sealed cardboard box will suffice to reduce the space.

This way, you only need to buy a single crate you can increase the available size of as your puppy grows and not buy many sizes to suit your growing dogs proportions.

Don’t Miss: Do German Shepherds Like To Be Petted

What Size Crate Should I Get For My German Shepherd

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A 42 inch Extra Large Crate with a divider panel should be ideal for a German Shepherd puppy, adult or older dog up to 71 to 90 pounds.

Similarly, should I crate my German shepherd? Crate training should start in GSDs initial days at your home. It is best to start to coach it when it is just a puppy. You will need to introduce the crate to your dog if it is not yet housetrained. If you don’t trust your dog to act properly in the house, use a crate.

Then, what size crate should I get for my dog?

Grab a tape measure and measure your dog while standing, taking a measurement from the nose to the base of the tail for its length. For its height, have your dog sit and then measure it, as some dogs are taller while sitting. Add between 2 and 4 inches to both measurements for the ideal crate height and length.

How big should a dog house be for a German shepherd?

A typical German shepherd weighs about 75 pounds and is 27 inches at the shoulder. A doghouse should be large enough for the dog to enter and turn around. It should be able to lay down comfortably and be far enough back from the door in order to be protected from the elements.

German Shepherd Puppies Vs Adults Guidelines

How to Crate Train German Shepherd Puppy.

Our last topic involves the difference between a puppy and an adult.

This is an important subject as it will help you figure out the best way to take care of your dog depending on whether theyre an adult or a puppy.

The following are some of the facts that recent studies have proven:

  • Puppies have higher energy levels than adults. This means they need to eat more than adult German shepherds.
  • German shepherds will need higher protein and fat content in their early age. The amount of fat and protein will decrease as they grow older.
  • Puppies cannot tolerate too many nutrients. Ingesting extra minerals and vitamins may lead to serious health disorders. Meanwhile, adults are only risking being overweight when taking in more than intended.

With this German shepherd feeding chart, you can now decide on your dogs feeding plan, However, Id suggest seeing your vet first so you can confirm if your plan is actually effective.

Many owners simply feed their German shepherds without second thoughts of the dogs needs. But since youve read this blog post, you are now aware of the needs of your German shepherd.

After talking about the feeding amount, frequency, and lengths of a German shepherd, you can now easily plan how much, how many times, and how long you feed your dog. You even learned how to hydrate your German shepherd the proper way.

Also Check: How Are German Shepherds With Cats

Different Types Of Dog Crate

Different crates serve different purposes. People who need to travel often with their GSD may want to get a solid plastic crate that meets most airline requirements. A solid plastic crate benefits dogs who have separation anxiety or escape tendencies too.

People who need a crate only occasionally can use a folded crate with handles for easy storage and transport. As for those whose German Shepherd spends most of his time outdoors might consider choosing an outdoor dog kennel.

A furniture dog crate is an ideal option for pet parents whose dogs have done crate training and want to place a crate in a common area of the house.

How Do You Crate Train A German Shepherd Puppy

How to Train Your GSD to Live in a Crate?

  • Don’t let your puppy sleep with you in bed or else it will not like sleeping inside the crate.
  • Get a good sized crate.
  • Keep your GSD pup inside the crate at night time.
  • Add a few toys to the crate so that your puppy feels happy.
  • Keep the crate in a specified place.
  • Josefa Lagarraga

    Also Check: How Much Does A German Shepherd Eat

    How Much Physical Exercise Do German Shepherds Need

    The noble German Shepherd was bred as a herding dog and typically assisted with watching sheep and other livestock. German Shepherds, therefore, need a lot of physical activity.

    Without meeting their need for physical and mental stimulation, they grow bored, display destructive behavior such as chewing or digging and act out through barking or whining.

    It is generally accepted that German Shepherds need at least two hours of physical activity every day, and that doesnt mean just leash walking!;

    Check out this 2-minute video on how to keep a dog happy and healthy in an apartment or smaller space. Number one on the list is to make sure your dog gets lots of exercise:

    Advantages Of Wire Crates:

    Best Dog Crate for German Shepherds: My Pick! â World of Dogz
    • Very easy to keep clean.
    • Allows the greatest airflow of all crate styles which is particularly nice in hotter climates.
    • Allows the dog inside the greatest visibility which is good for those that need to still feel a part of things and know whats going on around themSome Labradors are like this!
    • Many models fold flat for portability.
    • Can come with divider panels for adjusting the crate size to suit a growing puppy.
    • Most models have a slide out tray for ease of cleaning.

    Recommended Reading: Why Does My German Shepherd Bark So Much

    Crate Training A German Shepherd Puppy At Night

    It is perfectly normal to feel anxious, or even a little bit unsure, when figuring how crate training a German Shepherd puppy at night.

    But these easy steps should help.

    Lets recap

    Youve decided to keep the crate in the bedroom, at least for a little while, until your puppy is sleeping through the night.

    What Do You Put In A Dog Crate

  • Put the crate in an area of your house where the family spends a lot of time, such as the family room. Put a soft blanket or towel in the crate.
  • To encourage your dog to enter the crate, drop small food treats near it, then just inside the door, and finally, all the way inside the crate.
  • Rudiger Maso

    Recommended Reading: What Do German Shepherds Usually Die From

    Review Your Crate Training Routine

    If you can, perhaps it would be a good idea to spend a few moments going over your crate training routine.

    Here are a few points to think about, that may help:

    • While he was learning to like his crate, was the door closed too soon into the training?
    • If he was comfortable being in the crate, were you out of his sight for too long, and he got scared? Worried?
    • Is he getting enough supervised playtime around the house, with the rest of the family?
    • Is he getting enough exercise both physical exercise and mental stimulation?
    • Did he have to eat, drink, pee, or poop before being put into the crate?
    • No one likes to hear the sound of a puppy crying, it pulls on the heartstrings. Did you succumb?

    Im only guessing here, obviously, I dont know what happened in your training, but maybe this will help you recall your process.

    Get him used to the crate again.

    Try going through the steps of getting him to love the crate again.

    Measure The Height Of Your Dog For His Crate

    What Size Crate Does My Dog Need?
    • To get the height, some dogs are taller in a seated position than they are standing on all fours, sit your dog down so he is sitting proud and upright.;Now, referring to the image take measurement B, from the floor to the tallest point of his nose/head.
    • Again, add 2 to 4 inches to this and this will give you the shortest height the crate should be.

    Armed with these measurements youll now be able to buy the correct size crate for your Labradoror any other dog for readers of Labrador crosses or other breeds.

    Read Also: What Is The Average Life Expectancy Of A German Shepherd

    What Age Is A German Shepherd Fully Grown By

    Your German Shepherd will have acquired much of their adult size and weight by the time they have hit their first year. However, they will continue to grow, usually reaching their full adult size somewhere between 18 months to 2 years of age.

    The age of maturity, though, is somewhat dependent on the specific type of German Shepherd that you have. Eastern European varieties, for instance, are particularly late bloomers and are unlikely to reach their full size much before the age of three.

    Larger dogs will also naturally take longer to achieve their full size. A female German Shepherd might be expected to get there at 24 months, whereas for a male, it could be closer to 30.

    Best Crate For A German Shepherd Dog

    Our German Shepherd Aura hanging out in her Crate.

    The best dog crate for a German Shepherd Dog is just large enough for them to stand in, turn around in, comfortably lie down in and normally 42 28 inches long. Many wire crates come with adjustable dividers which will grow with your German Shepherd.

    The top rated German Shepherd crates are:

  • AmazonBasics Folding Metal Dog Crate with Paw Protector
  • Petmate Ultra Vari Kennel
  • EliteField 3-Door Folding Soft Dog Crate
  • Sliverylake XXL Dog Cage Crate Kennel Heavy Duty
  • Zinger Winger DX5000 Deluxe 5000 escape artist Aluminum Crate
  • Lets take a closer look at them:

    Recommended Reading: How To Put Weight On My German Shepherd

    Dog Crate Sizes & Dimensions

    Dog crates are available in these sizes: X-Small; Small; Medium; Large: X-Large; XX-Large; Giant

    Each manufacturers products are often of slightly different dimensions, and there can be anywhere between 1 and 3 or 4 inches difference between two crates that are both labeled as the same size .

    Also, not ALL ranges will come in the X-small or XX-Large/Giant options and one brand’s ‘X-Large’ may be another’s XX-Large or Giant, you need to look closely at the labels!

    Here’s a quick look at the average dimensions and weight guidelines for the set of dog crate sizes given above

    X-Small – 22″L x 16″H – 1 to 10lbs

    Small – 24″L x 20″H – 11 to 25lbs

    Medium – 30″L x 24″H – 26 to 40lbs

    Large – 36″L x 27″H – 41 to 70lbs

    X-Large – 42″L x 31″H – 71 to 90lbs

    XX-Large – 48″L x 33″H – 91 to 150lbs

    Giant – 53″L x 45″H – 100lbs plus

    Although many crates will also give you info. on the breeds each size is suitable for, this is really only useful when you’re trying to figure out what dog crate size you need for an adult or almost-fully-grown dog.

    One that would fit an adult dog of any breed is going to be much too big for the same breed as a ‘baby’.

    When you’re shopping for a puppy’s crate, matching the crate’s size to your puppy’s current length, height and weight is the only way to make sure you choose one which works.

    But, if you are looking to buy a crate for an almost-grown or adult dog, here’s a rough guide to which size of breed the standard crate sizes will fit……

    Pointers For Feeding German Shepherds

    Top Tips for German Shepherd Crate Training

    Improper feeding practices can lead to serious health problems for German shepherds. Most of the time, these problems linger throughout the dogs lifetime.

    You should remember this before doing something reckless, such as altering your German shepherd puppys feeding amount.

    An owner is responsible for taking into consideration the age and weight of a German shepherd before feeding them. So here are some tips that can be applied according to your dogs age and weight.

    Read Also: What Is The Best German Shepherd Breed


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