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Why Does My German Shepherd Stretch So Much

Your Dog Has A Severe Upset Stomach

Why Does My German Shepherd Stretch So Much? 5 Different Types of GSD Stretches and Their Meanings

Even if your GSD does not have bloat, there is another condition called pancreatitis that also requires urgent medical attention.

Pancreatitis in German Shepherds can be caused by several underlying health conditions.

These include canine diabetes, genetics, issues related to obesity, diet, age, and even the timing of a spay/neuter procedure.

Pancreatitis begins when the pancreas becomes inflamed and cannot do its job of producing enzymes that help your dog break down and digest proteins.

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I created and currently manage Pet Dog Owner, the website you can go to when you have questions about your dog’s behavior. It is my hope that you find Pet Dog Owner to be a helpful resource. It is also my hope that it will help you to improve your relationship with your dog. You can read more about me and my website here.

Train Your Gsd To Be Alone

The best thing to do to avoid symptoms of separation anxiety is to train your dog at an early age. Leave your dog alone for a few minutes. Note its behavior but do not make a big deal if it gets sad or destructive. Continue to train it by increasing the time until you leave the home for eight hours straight .

Another important thing is not to be present with your GSD all the time. Let it be alone even when you are at home.

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Common German Shepherd Behavioral Problems And Personality Traits

Over the years working as a dog trainer, Ive probably worked with as many German shepherd dogs as any other breed.

Most often, they are an incredibly loyal breed, are devoted to their owners, and have really sweet and fun personalities. And so, to those of you who love the breed and wouldnt consider anything but a German shepherd in the future, I understand!

Yet, some people are terrified of them and feel they are dangerous dogs to own.

To those of you that are wary of German shepherds, I understand where you are coming from, too! First off, they are very large dogs and can come off very intimidating.

Second, their instinct to protect their family or property is strong and can lead untrained German shepherds to becoming very protective, aggressive, and scary dogs.

The keyword here is untrained, as any untrained dogregardless of breedcan have the same problems.

Over the last decade I really feel like Ive come to understand German shepherds and have personally fallen in love with this breed. Ive also realized that theyre so misunderstood due to poorly trained German shepherds often ending up in the news and how they are portrayed on TV and in the media.

For this reason, I wanted to write todays post in hopes that, if you are someone who fears this breed, are looking for help and direction with your dog, or you know someone who is wary of German shepherds, then this honest truth about this lovely breed might change your mind.

Many Causes For Dog’s Shaky Legs

Why Does My German Shepherd Stretch So Much?

My 4 year old German Shepherds back legs shake. I notice this when we go on walks and he stops to smell something, play in the yard, and even when hes drinking from his water bowl. He runs and plays and has no trouble jumping on the couch or bed. My vet recommended just keeping an eye on it. I just want to ensure that I shouldnt be doing something else. Can dogs get Parkinsons disease?

The shaking you see is due to the muscles in his legs contracting, which needs to happen in a normal fashion so your dog can walk and run. The reason for the unintentional muscle contraction can often be difficult to determine. Older German Shepherds commonly develop a disease called degenerative myelopathy, which is a slowly worsening weakness of the hind legs. This is caused by a slow degeneration or die back, of the nerves in the spinal cord. The lack of nerve signals to the muscles of the hind legs can be seen as knuckling of the hind feet or shaking because of the weak muscle contractions. A veterinary neurologist or surgeon can often diagnose this by excluding other causes.

Pain can also cause shaking of leg muscles. Knee or hip pain can manifest as tremors in the hind legs. After examination, a veterinary orthopedic surgeon will be able to tell if joint disease is causing the problem in your dog and tell you what to do about it. Commonly, ligament damage in the knees or arthritis in the hips will cause pain induced shaking of the hind legs.

Jonathan Miller, DVM, MS, Diplomate, ACVS

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How Do You Make Sure Your Puppy Is Well

Even young German Shepherd puppies have good instincts about self-regulating their water usage. However, diarrhea, excessive urination, fever, and vomiting can all dehydrate your puppy. A diet of too much dry food can also cause dehydration.

Some dogs also dont drink a lot of water naturally, even when it is made available to them all day. Making sure you know the dehydration signs so you can check your puppy for them makes a difference.

Wendy Bedwell-Wilson emphasizes the importance of proper hydration and also points out a couple of ways to find out if your dog is adequately hydrated.

One way to check is to gently grab the scruff of your German Shepherd puppys neck, stretch it out, and let it go. Skin that snaps back into place is a sign of a well-hydrated dog, while skin that slowly snaps back is a sign of dehydration.

Another way to check your puppys hydration level is to feel their gums. Sticky or day gums are a sign of dehydration.

Also, gently press their gums and see how long it takes for them to change back to a healthy pink color, no more than three seconds.

When your German Shepherd puppy is mildly dehydrated, gradually give them smaller sips of water. Ice cubes can help provide extra hydration relatively quickly. You can also try an electrolyte powder mix, as these are quite effective.

Routine Grooming Also Keeps Your German Shepherd Odor Free

If you keep up with housekeeping chores, and you make sure your veterinarian treats ear infections, then you should have relatively minor problems with German Shepherd odor.

There is still a certain amount of work involved in keeping dog odor in check.

Lets take a look at specific canine care concerns to reduce dog odor, starting with the obvious.

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Should I Wake My Puppy Up At Night To Pee

Yes, you should wake your puppy up at night to pee. Puppies below 4 months are not completely in control of their bladders and this will require you to wake them up to pee. The usual time to start with is 3 to 4 hours after they sleep.

Dont be alarmed because of this because you only need to do this only once during the night. You can set an alarm to wake you or in time you will get to know the best time to wake them up to pee based on your puppys individual patterns.

How Do You Know If Your Dog Has A Pinched Nerve

Why Is My German Shepherd Scratching So Much: Skin Issues That Plague GSDs

Pain Vocalizations and Distress When in conjunction with changes in movement and behaviour, this may be one of the clearest signs of a pinched spinal nerve. In addition, dogs may whine or otherwise communicate pain and distress when touched or moved. Typically, pinched nerves occur in the neck or lumbar region.

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Should You Be Able To Feel A German Shepherds Spine

Feel your dogs spine Again, you should be able to feel the bones, but they shouldnt be protruding. If you cant feel the bones, or they seem to be buried under fat, you have an overweight dog. If the spine is very pronounced with little or no flesh on top of the individual vertebrae, you have an underweight dog.

Tip Six: Provide Affection

It might sound basic, but one of the most fundamental things that your German Shepherd needs from you is your love and attention. Even if your hands are full, you can chatter to your dog, and it will enjoy the attention.

German Shepherds might have a fierce reputation, but they love to cuddle and will happily take any invitation to jump up on the couch or the bed for a good snuggle session. Make sure you meet their need for physical affection as well as exercise and mental stimulation.

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Tail Wrapped Over Its Nose

This position is not as common. A sleeping German Shepherd will want to protect the most exposed part of its body, being the nose, from any injuries or flying elements. You will find a German Shepherd sleeping in this position during seasons where the weather is harsh, for instance when it raining, snowing, or windy.

Brush Your German Shepherds Teeth Several Times A Week

Why does my German Shepherd pant so much?

Brushing your German Shepherds teeth several times a week can eliminate dog breath.

And beyond controlling canine halitosis, brushing your German Shepherds teeth can stop cavities, gum disease, and tooth decay.

Use a special canine toothbrush you get from your vet or from a pet supply store to brush your dogs teeth.

Never use toothpaste intended for humans on your dogs teeth.

The sudsing agents and detergents in toothpaste for people can cause severe irritation in a dogs mouth. Toothpaste for dogs has flavors dogs enjoy, like chicken and liver.

When you are brushing your dogs teeth, be sure to brush both sides.

Use the canine to reach the teeth in the back of your German Shepherds mouth, which catch the most odor-causing food particles.

Blocked, impacted, infected, or swollen anal glands can also cause intense dog odor.

This is a problem you should let your veterinarian resolve.

The things you do to keep your German Shepherd create opportunities to bond with your dog.

Do them regularly and they will become a beloved part of your dogs weekly routine.

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Stretching Is Rarely A Cause For Alarm

Generally, a lot of stretching is not a cause for concern. As the dog ages, you may see them stretch, sploot, grunt, and gurgle more often.

Theyre not as flexible, and their digestion is questionable at times.

Extra stretching here and there in their natural reactions to such things, and as long as youre still taking them to the vet for regular checkups, you dont need to stress over it.

If you feel like you need to do something to help your pup with flexibility and decrease obsessive stretching, consider taking them out for a swim or try hydrotherapy.

Theyll likely benefit from it even if they arent stiff, and itll help give them some low-impact exercise regularly as well.

Regularly inspect your pet’s knees, elbows, wrists, and ankles for any swelling or difficulties with mobility.

Why Does My Yorkie Arch His Back

Your Yorkie is probably arching his back because they are suffering from a digestive or sac disorder and thats their way to relieve the tension and the pain, also, they might be injured or suffering from intervertebral disc disease which can be very painful and can lead to paralysis and loss of sensation.

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What Causes Separation Anxiety In German Shepherds

It is not properly understood why dogs experience separation anxiety. There are, however, a few likely scenarios.

First, wolves and dogs are natural pack animals. They grow fond of each other and their master much faster than other animals like cats.

It is not, therefore, hard to imagine how difficult it is for your dog to feel alone, as they might be afraid of being hurt or lost.

Another possible reason for this behavior is previous experiences with abandonment. Dogs adopted from shelters are particularly vulnerable to these experiences.

According to GermanShepherdWorld, the issue is also quite rampant in older dogs who have had to survive the passing or departure of their owners and had to be re-homed.

Here are a few possible causes for your German Shepherds separation anxiety.

  • Moving into a new home
  • New household schedules such as school hours or a new job
  • Recent additions to the household such as a new pet, a baby, or a new roommate.
  • Changing of a guardian being moved to another family
  • Death or moving of a family member

German Shepherd Turning Heads

Things to know as a new German Shepherd owner | Mistakes made by new owners

People often wonder why does a German Shepherd turn its head? There is no need to get worried about it. Usually, a German Shepherd turns its head when you talk to him, or if he thinks he has heard a strange noise, or just before barking, they turn or tilt their heads. This turning or tilting of head is one of the cutest characteristics of a German Shepherd that makes them look adorable and you may want to hug your dog instantly.

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Canine Hip Dysplasia: How To Tell

Do your German shepherds hind legs appear bent? If so, it maybe be because of breeding. The exaggerated hind leg angulation is often bred into the dog because of standards that dictate rear legs should come as close to a 90-degree angle as possible. Along these same lines, a sloping back causes hindquarters to become more angulate and, thus, prone to lower back pain.

These bent legs could point toward one of many health problems, one of which is hip dysplasia. If you notice a difference in your dogs gait or resistance to climbing stairs, it may be a good idea to have a certified veterinarian check your pup out. Although irreversible, canine hip dysplasia can be monitored and treated to reduce chronic pain. According to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, 19.8% of German shepherds suffer from hip dysplasia. The progression of it and the treatment options available depend on a number of factors, including the degree of misalignment and age of the dog.

CHD has a range of signs, depending on the severity of the disease and degree of looseness in the joint. Symptoms include a bunny hop gait, limping, lameness in the hind legs, and decreased range of motion, among others. The severity also ranges from mild to extreme painsome German shepherds even have to use a wheelchair.

Where Should A German Shepherd Sleep

Now that we have covered the reason a German Shepherd sleeps and its sleeping habits, let us talk about where it should sleep. We all know that a good bed or sleeping structure highly contributes to how well we rest. Is this true for Germans Shepherds as well?

Yes, providing a safe and comfortable environment where a German Shepherd sleeps is important. Most German Shepherd owners provide a doggie bed however, this is not enough. Ensure that the bed is placed in a suitable location.

Place the doggie bed in a location that not too hot. Also, ensure that the dog has access to clean water from where it sleeps. This will give the dog a comfortable sleeping environment.

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What Does It Mean When Your Dog Is Really Skinny

Causes Of Underweight In Dogs The weight of your dog could be an indication that he is suffering from a certain disease. Intestinal and skin parasites are known to suck nutrients out from your dog, leaving him malnourished and underweight. Too much exercise could also lead to failure in gaining weight.

How Do You Stop German Shepherd Whining

Why does my German Shepherd sleep so much?

It can be difficult to determine whether a German Shepherd whines for a good reason or not. Pay attention to the specific situation to better understand why your dog may be whining. If the situation is addressed, the whining will likely stop immediately. However, if your German Shepherd is whining too much, learning how to stop the behavior is important.

There are several techniques available depending on the situation. Additionally, the Book Training your German Shepherd on provides added information on how you can train your German Shepherd to stop excessively whining.

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How To Get Your German Shepherd To Love You More

Below, I will mention a number of things that you can do in order to get your GSD to love you more.

Give it exercise

German Shepherds are a breed that are meant to get a lot of exercise on a daily basis. When they do not get much exercise it can cause them to develop behavioral issues.

Generally, it is recommended for them to get at least an hour of exercise per day. If yours is not getting that much then it would help to make sure that it does. You can do so by walking it, training it to play fetch or by getting a dog walker to do it for you.

Feed it right

It is also important to make sure that you feed your German Shepherd correctly. Normally, it is recommended for them to get between 1,272 and 1,540 calories per day unless your vet says otherwise. You can also look here to see what you should and should not be feeding your GSD.

Take it for yearly checkups

It would also help to make sure to take your GSD for yearly checkups. This will help you to keep your GSD healthy and to deal with any medical issues before they become problematic.

Give it training

German Shepherds were bred to be working dogs and they would work alongside their owners for many hours on a daily basis. As a result of this, they will naturally look to their owners for direction. This is why it is important to give your German Shepherd lots of training so that it is properly stimulated and so that it has jobs to do.

Avoid punishing it


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