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HomeWhen To Neuter A German Shepherd

When To Neuter A German Shepherd

When Should You Spay Or Neuter A German Shepherd

When to spay or neuter your dog with German Shepherd Man

Its only natural to help avoid pet overpopulation, especially when youre a German shepherd pet owner. Thats precisely why neutering or spaying was introduced. But you cant deny the fact that your dog may suffer the consequences of your decision.

Its going to affect their health. This is a common theory by many researchers. If thats the case, when should you neuter or spay a German shepherd so theyll suffer no risks?

Weve always been told that theres one perfect time for neutering or spaying a German shepherd. But the reality is, technology is advancing. You cant always rely on old information. Thats why this article aims to offer you the opportunity to have up-to-date information as to when to neuter or spay a German shepherd, with the current technology in mind.

The best way to start this blog post is by defining what neutering or spaying is.

When Should You Neuter A German Shepherd

A recent study in veterinar y medicine and science suggests that it is healthiest to neuter GSD after they have reached full maturity sometime between 18 to 24 months of age. German shepherds neutered before the age of 1 have a significantly higher risk of cranial cruciate ligament tears or ruptures.

When is the best time to neuter a male German Shepherd? The researchers suggest that the best time to neuter a male German Shepherd is around 16-18 months, or at least 12 months old. Neutering of German Shepherd Dogs and Associated Joint Disorders Neuter Age

Should I neuter my German Shepherd? German shepherds neutered before the age of 1 have a significantly higher risk of cranial cruciate ligament tears or ruptures. Neutering is a serious decision, but one supported by the American Veterinarian Medical Association. Of course, what age you neuter your dog could have a significant effect on how your dog develops in the future.

When should I neuter my Dog? Dog owners in the United States typically choose to spay or neuter their dogs prior to 6 months of age, in large part to prevent pet overpopulation or hoping to avoid unwanted behaviors.

Things To Keep In Mind When Exercising A Young Gsd

  • Spread activity throughout the day Bruce Lee once said, I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times. When you make a single session small enough, you can afford to repeat the session throughout the day with enough consistency to make an impact. Add steps to your little puppys day without making it a Rocky training montage.;
  • Avoid high places The growth plates section makes it self-evident that you should keep your dog from jumping. So definitely no skipping rope for your chubby best friend.;
  • Play seeking gamesDetection exercises allow you to sneak in extra steps while also helping your GSD develop better cognition. Interestingly, such games also decrease running speed as dogs are more deliberate in processing where the hidden prize is.

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Advantages Of Neutering A German Shepherd

There are tons of beneficial reasons you should neuter your german shepherd. But remember, there are also going to be some downsides as well. So before deciding whether its right for you or not make sure you look at the disadvantages as well.

It Decreases Some Sex Related Behavior

One of the biggest benefits of neutering your german shepherd is that its going to decrease some sex-related behavior. For example, its been found that when german shepherds have had the snip, theyre less likely to mark their scent or stray away from you and roam.

This also includes humping as well, which can be a very annoying sexual behavior!

Theyre Less Likely To Recieve Aggression From Other Males

Once your german shepherd has been neutered, theyre not going to give off the same pheromones as they did before. This means, theyre not going to be seen as a threat by other dogs, so its less likely theyll end up being attacked.

It Removes The Chance Of Testicular Cancer

This is an obvious one, but without testicles, youre going to remove the chance of your german shepherd getting testicular cancer.

While testicular cancer is relatively uncommon and easy to treat. If you dont notice it quickly enough it can often spread. So its nice to know you can remove the chances of it happening altogether!

Reduces The Chance Of Prostate Disorders

As well as reducing the risk of prostate disease, its going to help reduce the risk of perianal tumors and perineal hernias as well!

How Old Should My German Shepherd Dog Be When I Neuter Him

Early Spaying

The question of how old your dog should be when he is neutered is one that experts are divided on.

Some insist that your german shepherd should be neutered before puberty so that he wont develop any of the bad habits that come with reaching a certain age.

Other experts suggest that there can be problems associated with neutering your dog too early. According to the American Kennel Club, there have been findings that show that dogs neutered before puberty may end up shy and insecure.

Several large, long-term studies agree and indicate that very early dog neutering is not a good idea. Psychology Today detailed several negative effects of neutering, such as increased aggression and anxiety.

Neutering also did not resolve many bad behaviors, but instead made them worse. The younger the dog at neutering, the more problematic the behaviors were.

The best thing to do is to talk to your pets veterinarian and discuss any concerns you may have. Your dogs vet knows him the best, so he should be able to discuss with you his thoughts for when to neuter your dog and why you should do so at that age.

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Problems With This Study

In the original paper, the authors appear to make some recommendations based on very limited evidence. I have published the original study data so you can see the actual numbers involved and decide for yourself.

The authors also do not mention the well-known increase in lifespan associated with desexing male and female dogs, which tends to counteract most concerns about specific cancers. The following comment in the paper is a clue that it might also have been true for this population:

Across all breeds the mean age of last entry in the record for neutered males was 5.5 years , for neutered females 5.7 years , for intact males 4.9 , and intact females 4.7

The study tries to also look at the rates of mammary cancer & pyometra in females, but cannot give an accurate assessment for two reasons:

  • the mean ages listed above are far too young to pick up most cases
  • pyometra and mammary cancer are rarely referred to university hospitals
  • Regardless of any concerns, the authors are to be applauded to bringing into focus one of the most common questions from dog owners. For the German Shepherd at least, theyve made the decision a lot easier.

    Related: Best Desexing Age For 35 Breeds | Desexing Choices For Dogs | Costs Of Desexing

    How Can You Tell How Big A German Shepherd Will Get

    Not all German Shepherds are built alike because not all of them are bred alike. While most GSDs reach their full height by the third year, you cannot sit in suspense wondering what your dogs final size will be. Fortunately, you dont have to.

    You can tell how big a German Shepherd will get by first considering the parents genetic makeup and looking at the parents size. You can also refer to a GSD growth chart and check for consistent lag or lead. Additionally, paw size can be an indication of future size, although this is unreliable.

    If your dog has consistently been an inch shorter than the charts standard, then you can assume he will be an inch shorter than the charts projected final size.

    This also applies to the weight category as well. If your dog is a few lbs over the standard weight, he might weigh as much more by the third year. Weight fluctuates even past the complete development, though.

    And that brings us to the alternative scenario: what if your dog is not consistently smaller or bigger than the projected growth chart?

    If you notice that your dog is an inch smaller at one stage and half an inch smaller at the next, chances are, your dog is experiencing regular growth spurts as any other German Shepherd except that he is shorter by a set percentage.

    In that case, you should refer to the percentage of full weight or height in the German Shepherd growth chart. The chart says that a GSD is at his 50% height by 4 months, for example.;

    Here they are

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    What Is Neutering A German Shepherd

    Neutering is a term that describes the surgical removal of the gonads or testicles of the male German shepherd.

    Such a procedure needs to be done by a qualified person. First, the vet has to put the male GSD under general anesthesia and spot the location of the testicles in the dogs scrotum. Next, the vet makes an incision in front of where the testicles are located.

    The incision will be made large enough to allow the passage of these gonads. Next, the inguinal canal, blood supply, epididymis are tied to prevent excess bleeding, and then the testicles are chopped off.

    Such dogs will need a few weeks of inactivity to allow the healing process to occur.

    Will Neutering My German Shepherd Calm Them Down

    What is the BEST AGE to Neuter a MALE GERMAN SHEPHERD – ask me anything

    German Shepherds are intelligent and curious dogs who tend to be active, especially when young. From birth to around six months of age, a German Shepherds testosterone levels are low, but as he reaches puberty, these levels skyrocket, which changes the dogs behavior. When male dogs reach puberty, they take increased risks, roam in search of mates, and become more dominant or aggressive.

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    Final Thoughts On The Best Age To Neuter A German Shepherd

    It would be best if you neutered your German shepherd when its done with the growth phase from 18 to 24 months. Its at this age all the growth is coming to a halt. If done early, you risk predisposing your dog to a host of health issues. Again, when choosing whether to neuter your German shepherd, consider discussing it with the veterinarian.

    *CCL- Cranial Cruciate Ligament

    What Are The Disadvantages Of Neutering Your German Shepherd

    Although there are many great benefits to neutering your german shepherd, there are also some disadvantages you should be aware of. Heres the other side of neutering that you need to be aware of.

    Theyre At A Higher Risk Of Hemangiosarcoma

    Hemangiosarcoma is a particularly aggressive type of cancer that can affect all dogs. However, its been found that dogs are at an increased risk of suffering from it if they get neutered or spayed too early.

    Its believed that the sex hormones that come from staying intact help prevent hemangiosarcoma.

    They Are More Likely To Suffer From Dementia

    As a german shepherd gets older, theyre often more likely to suffer from a disease of the brain similar to dementia. Its known as geriatric cognitive impairment, and when they suffer from it, they often see places and people such as your family and home unfamiliar. They can also forget all the training theyve had such as potty training as well.

    However, when you keep your german shepherd intact, youre going to help reduce the chance of them suffering from geriatric cognitive impairment.

    It Doesnt Always Change Their Behavior

    While there are lots of reported cases of certain behavior improving after a german shepherd has been neutered, it doesnt mean its going to happen every time.

    You may get your pup neutered only to find that theyre still acting in the exact same way afterward.

    A Slightly Increased Risk Of Urinary Incontinence

    Their Coat Can Often Be Affected

    Risk Of Complications

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    What Are The Benefits Of Spaying

    Most dogs not only German shepherds become more affectionate after this process they are often friendly to other animals and even untrained stop spitting urine around the house.

    Because spayed pets remove their ovaries and uterus, these organs are not subject to cancer or other diseases.

    Of course, spayed dogs cannot get pregnant, which could be a comfortable option for new pet owners who do not wish to have puppies.

    This will reduce the population of dogs, making the shelter more likely to adopt pets and find loving homes.

    How Much Shedding Is Too Much

    Spay and Neutering Early Increases Joint Disorders in ...

    If you notice your German Shepherd shedding more than normal outside of their seasonal coat blows and you cant identify the cause from the above list, its always a good idea to get a professional opinion from your vet about whether your dog is shedding too much.;

    If you notice any bald patches, excessive scratching, visibly inflamed skin, or dry/brittle fur, its definitely time for a vet visit.

    You are your dogs best advocate, so its up to you to keep an eye on shedding levels and take action if you suspect a problem. However, as weve said time and again, German Shepherds shed prolifically, so dont be alarmed when you can pull out gobs of fur with your hands during shedding season.

    Recommended Reading: What To Know About German Shepherd Breed

    Benefits: Spay Or Neutering Your German Shepherd Puppy

    • No future unplanned pregnancies. According to recent data, there are nearly 3.3 million dogs at shelters .
    • Reduction of health issues. Females experience fewer infections of the uterus and minimal mammary tumors. For males, theres less chance of developing a large prostate gland or testicular cancer.
    • Neutered dogs are purported to have a lessened desire to roam, and other problematic behaviors .

    What Might Be The Best Age To Get A German Shepherd Spayed Or Neutered Based On The Case Study Data

    This is only speculation based on case study data, but it could be:

    A female dog might be spayed at less than one years old if you want to decrease the risk of mammary cancer

    A male dog might be neutered at older than one year old if you want to decrease the risk of Hip dysplasia

    Talk to your vet about what is best for your individual dog and make the decision based on the data you provide and your vets professional opinion.

    Friendly Disclaimer; are not veterinarians, or animal professionals/experts. Information provided is for;informational purposes only it;is not a substitute for professional or qualified advice.

    The information is based on either our own thorough research, and/or own experiences, as a means of free speech.

    You should always;consult your own veterinarian, animal expert, or health care professional and follow their advice before;making decisions on all matters.

    You can find our full set of disclaimers and T & Cs in the footer of this site.

    Enjoy your reading, and thank you for being here;

    Home » Health/Care » German Shepherd Neutering & Spaying: Info Guide

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    What Is Spaying And Neutering And What Do They Do

    We often think of neutering as a term that only applies to male dogs, but the truth is that either sex of a dog can be neutered. When referring to neutering a male dog, the specific term is castration, and for a female dog the specific terms is spaying.

    In more general terms, neutering and spaying are referred to as fixing.

    Will Neutering A German Shepherd Stunt Their Growth

    Otis German Shepherd Day after Neuter

    Contrary to popular belief, neutering your german shepherd isnt going to stunt their growth. In fact, it might even do the opposite.

    Studies have found that when you neuter your german shepherd to early it can affect their growth plates . When neutered too early, these plates can grow larger than normal, causing your pup to become bigger than average.

    You may think this sounds good, but it can often result in joint issues later on in life. And this is even more common in large breeds like german shepherds.

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    Will Neutering A German Shepherd Calm Him Down

    Neutering your german shepherd can help to calm him down, but the amount of change you see in your dog and how fast you see it will depend on multiple factors. Some dogs may continue to be hyperactive despite being neutered, but you can help him to make the changes youd like to see by spending time training him.

    Will Getting A Male German Shepherd Neutered Calm Him Down

    Neutering your german shepherd can help to calm him down, but the amount of change you see in your dog and how fast you see it will depend on multiple factors. Some dogs may continue to be hyperactive despite being neutered, but you can help him to make the changes youd like to see by spending time training him.

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    Corgi Pembroke And Cardigan

    The study population was 42 intact males, 78 neutered males, 50 intact females, and 70 spayed females, for a total sample size of 240 cases. Although these are two breeds, they vary only a little in size, so these two breeds are combined for statistical analyses and display of data. The occurrence of at least one joint disorder in intact males was 5 percent and for intact females 6 percent. There was no significant increase in this measure in males or females with neutering. This is one of the breeds where intervertebral disc disorders are a concern, and in 3 percent of intact males and 8 percent of intact females, IDD was reported. In males neutered before 6 months, the occurrence of IDD reached 18 percent, and in females there was no increase with neutering. The occurrence of one or more of the cancers followed was 5 percent in intact males and 6 percent in intact females. In neutered males and females, there was no evident increase in cancers. For females left intact, the occurrence of MC was 8 percent, and there was zero occurrence of PYO. There was no diagnosis of UI in spayed females. The suggested guideline for age of neutering for males, given the increase in IDD with neutering at <6 mo., is beyond 6 months. Lacking a noticeable occurrence of increased joint disorders, IDD, or cancers with neutering females, those wishing to neuter a female should decide on the appropriate age.


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