Ddr German Shepherd Lifespan And Health Issues: Are Ddr German Shepherds Healthy Dogs
The average life expectancy of a DDR German Shepherd is between 9 and 13 years old. This lifespan is on par with other kinds of GSDs such as the West German Shepherd and the Czech German Shepherd.
While DDR dogs are not the longest living dogs out there, they are very healthy for most of their life.
This is thanks to the very strict breeding guidelines for these dogs. However, there are still a couple of health issues to watch out for if you have a DDR GSD.
Here are some common health problems of the DDR German Shepherd:
As you can see, most of these health issues are brought about by environmental factors and not by genetics. All of these conditions are preventable or, at the very least, curable.
This only serves as proof that DDR Shepherds are innately healthy pooches. With proper care, regular vet check-ups, and a healthy diet, DDR GSDs will live a sickness-free life.
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Czech German Shepherd Rescue And For Adoption
If you have the time and heart to rescue a dog, you can search for your faithful fido from local shelters.
Bear in mind that many abandoned dogs might come with behavioral problems, but are always fully assessed and rehabilitated before placed in an adoptive home, so theres no chance of bringing home an aggressive dog.
Many people believe that raising a puppy means that the dog will be easier to control and will show more devotion to its owner. This is not true. Dogs of all ages can learn to love the hand that nourishes them.
Finding a Czech-specific shelter is hard, but you can try your luck at the following German Shepherd rescues:
Does This Rarity Mean That Ddr Shepherds More Desirable Than Their Counterparts
The breeding methods across the borders lead to different dogs with different temperaments and a slightly different look. They are all GSDs at their core, but there are subtle differences.
There are some prospective DDR GSD owners that wonder whether or not these DDR dogs are better or worse than their cousins. Stories about personality differences will always come into play here. Then there is the look of the dog.
The look of the DDR is attractive for breeders and owners that love the shape of the GSD. The DDR German shepherd size is certainly not diminutive. They simply couldnt be in order to keep up with all those physical requirements.
They were bred to large heads perhaps a little larger than the Czech and West German lines and a strong frame with good bones.
This muscular, lean dog was designed to be athletic and powerful, and this should come through in any DDR dog today. They will have those broad shoulders, sloping backs, large chests and good muscles. The coats also tended to be a little darker and coarser than their counterparts, and this can also be retained.
It should also be remembered that if any of these dogs showed signs of a weak temperament or genetic illness, they were not bred with. Hip dysplasia is common in GSDs. However, DDR East German shepherd pups mostly had this bred out of them to keep them strong and reliable for endurance.
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Grooming: Do Czech German Shepherd Dogs Shed
German Shepherds have double coats and are not hypoallergenic. As with all breed types that have double coats, they shed their undercoats twice a year.
When they are shedding, you will need to brush them on a daily basis to make sure their coat stays smooth and sleek.
During the non-shedding season, you can get away with brushing them twice a week. They also dont require much in terms of bathing, bathing when necessary is good enough.
Fortunately, these dogs dont have much of a doggy smell. Also, being active dogs, they often wear down their nails naturally so you dont have to worry about clipping them.
However, if you do hear their nails clicking on the tiles, its time to get a nail clipper off Amazon and shorten them! One other thing you do have to check for is ear infections.
Should You Adopt A German Shepherd
When considering the right dog for you, its important to be honest with yourself about what your needs are as a prospective pet owner, and whether you can provide for the unique needs of a given breed of dog. Getting a dog is, after all, a huge commitment. Youre not just adopting youre making a friend. Generally speaking, all German Shepherds will require a significant amount of exercise, attention, and training to ensure a healthy, balanced life. Because of their fierce loyalty, you will likely need to board your German Shepherd rather than leaving them with friends or family when traveling. Show dogs will require more maintenance and care, which means more trips to the dog groomer. Big dogs are more expensive to feed than small ones. These are just some of items you should consider before making your decision. For more information, dont hesitate to contact a member of our expert staff at K9U Chicago. Were always here to help you find the best fit for the role of your new furry friend.
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Can You Get A Short Haired German Shepherd
German Shepherds have essentially two lengths of hair. Both dogs are the same breed, and while a short-hair German Shepherd is the only type of German Shepherd accepted in kennel clubs in the United States and much of the world, both short-haired and long-haired dogs can be purebred German Shepherds.
Types Of German Shepherd Dogs
- American show lines
- DDR / East German working lines
- Czech working lines
- Various mixes of lines
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Temperament: Are Czech German Shepherds Good Family Dogs
GSDs take to training like a duck takes to water. They were built for this. But you will need to show the appropriate leadership without reducing to negative or even physical punishment.
Like all dogs, they do well with positive reinforcement. Clicker training is especially effective with these dogs.
Schutzhund is a method that can be quite foreign to North American concepts. It enhances the dogs protection abilities and was first developed for German Shepherds.
There are three steps to this training program which are tracking, obedience, and protection. Its important to find a suitable mentor to guide you and your dog in this practice.
Be patient, consistent, and stay calm during training sessions. These intuitive dogs know how their owners are feeling and from a dogs point of view, emotional people dont make great leaders.
Your dog will sense your anxiety and disobey. Respect has to be mutual for it to go a long way.
Training and socialization go hand in hand. Help your dog get accustomed to all sorts of sounds, smells, people, and animals that they will come across over the course of their lives.
Dont forget the daily appliances that you use in your home. Some dogs freak out over vacuum cleaners and hair dryers because they werent properly introduced.
While it might be cute as puppies, youll find yourself having to deal with inconveniences when your dog is grown and large enough to knock you over.
Ddr German Shepherd Colors
In an ideal world, a German Shepherds colors or even appearance wouldnt matter. But the reality is, there is an entire show line of GSDs bred for their beauty.
DDR German Shepherds, however, dont belong to this line, which means their owners care less about their looks. As a result, it makes sense that there are only a few visual variations of these dogs that can be spotted mainly by color.
DDR German Shepherds are mainly dark in color, either black sable or solid black. They can also feature a mix of black and tan, where tan can even border on red. The black sable colored GSD is usually assumed to be a DDR German Shepherd because of the looks prominence among East German Shepherds.
If you find a DDR German Shepherd who has more of any other color than black, black sable, or black and tan, you must ask questions about his lineage and origin as he might be a mix.
Related:Whats Your German Shepherd Mixed With? 5 Ways How to Tell.
Because DDRs have retained their working line purity for a long time, it has become their unique selling point, which is why the risk of getting a mixed DDR is lower, especially if you get one from a breeder who specializes in East German Shepherds.
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What Are Ddr German Shepherds
There are different kinds of German Shepherds available worldwide, and the East German Shepherds or the DDR German Shepherds are one out of many of them.
DDR German Shepherds, more commonly known as the East German Shepherd dogs, are best-known protection dogs. They were bred in a large amount in East Germany after world war II, from which it got its name.
The native people of East Germany more commonly call them Deutsche Demokratische Republik. At that time, it was one of the most popular dog breeds found in Germany. This breed slowly started dis-populating, and eventually, it started falling under the category of rare species.
Types Of German Shepherds
German Shepherds have working lines and show lines, totaling five different types. The breed has changed drastically throughout its ancestry in various countries. Max von Stephanitz was the creator of the German Shepherd, aiming for a perfect personality, workability, and stunning appearance. His goal was to create a masterpiece: the ideal working dog reigning supreme above the rest.
We like to think that his expectations for the breed have been fulfilled, as German Shepherds are one of the most beloved breeds across the globe as both service dogs and companions. Learning about their unique history will make you appreciate the breed even more.
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Are Ddr German Shepherds Rare
Yes, as we have said, DDR German Shepherds are very rare. At least true DDR German Shepherds are. This is because this bloodline only spanned roughly 40 years of breeding between 1949-1990.
So, the eligible dogs to breed from are very limited.
Due to this, this bloodline of German Shepherds is often viewed as the elite.
Traditionally, German Shepherds are working dogs, and this is what DDR German Shepherds were designed for.
They were first bred to be guards of the East/West Germany border and this led to them being able to endure harsh weather conditions, which makes them perfect working dogs now.
True DDR German Shepherds are also incredibly athletic, much more than regular German Shepherds or mixed breeds.
It is a combination of all of these different factors and qualities that makes this variation of the breed so popular. Despite the fact that they are very rare.
Looking For Ddr German Shepherds
Long story short, DDR German shepherds are unique and unless they start getting repopulated all over the world, they will always be special.
Such quality breeding material is not easy to purchase. They are often directly bred by those in the police force, so most of the time they arent for sale.
There is also a chance that DDR German shepherds will be unaffordable to most.
But thats not to say you cant buy one. Its just that your best bet is to simply get a mixed breed with one parent being a DDR German shepherd.
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Czech Working Lines German Shepherds
Owners wanted Czech German Shepherds to be just as labor intensive as other working lines. When Germany split between the East and West, Czech Shepherds became more commonplace but didnt flourish until Germany reunited in 1989.
Czechs are a bit leaner than other working lines and are nimble because of that. They tend to mature the slowest growth-wise of the working lines. They were once the most prey driven, which led to high stamina and agility. As far as looks are concerned, they generally have a sable or agouti coat, which is a mixture of black and tan shades.
While this line has calmed over the years, they are still hard-wired for work. So, if you opt for a Czech puppy, reputable breeding to ensure a proper temperament for your family situation is imperative. Having appropriate outlets is vital. If you want the best out of your dog, providing them with appropriate behavioral training is key to an irreplaceable relationship.
However, many of these dogs have a relaxed temperament in todays world, making them fun-loving companions for multi-pet and multi-people households. Because of muddied breeding, many Czech puppies have bloodlines that veered off, mixed with another German Shepherd type line along the way.
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What Is A Czech German Shepherd
Everyone is familiar with the German Shepherd breed, but the dogs pedigree has been split into many factions especially since they were such versatile dogs.
Today, you can find West German Working Lines, East German DDR Working Lines, American Show Lines, as well as European Show Lines. You can have an in-depth look at them here.
Czech GSDs were developed in Czechoslovakia before the country split into the two states of the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1992.
They were an independent communist country prior to that, up till 1918. Before communism ended in 1986, these protection dogs were largely used to protect the Czech border.
The Czech Alsatian breeding program began in 1955 at a kennel manned by the Pohranicni Straze or Border Control arm of the Czechoslovakian Army.
They were largely bred from DDR German Shepherds, which means that they are quite similar, both in appearance and temperament. They are both valued for their strong work ethic, courage, and trainability.
Due to the prevalence of mixing between lines and unregulated breeding practices coupled with the desire for a more manageable house dog, the majority of Czech GSDs of today are no longer the elite forces of the past.
In this article, we will be focusing on the true Czech German Shepherds and the ideals that they stand for.
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What Does Ddr Bloodline Mean
If you are interested in German Shepherds, you might have heard the term DDR Bloodline mentioned.
But you might not know what this means. Well, DDR stands for Deutsche Demokratische Republik, and it is a bloodline of German Shepherds that hail from this region of what was once East Germany.
This bloodline of German Shepherds is incredibly rare, as there is only a very small group of true DDR bloodline Shepherds.
This is because this bloodline of Shepherds is limited to a time span of about 40 years of breeding, so not that many DDR Shepherds would have been produced.
DDR bloodline Shepherds are working dogs, and because of this, they are incredibly lean and muscular.
They have heavier bones and a larger head than other bloodlines of German Shepherds, and because of this, it is sometimes easy to distinguish them from other German Shepherds, even though they are rare.
Czech Working Line German Shepherds
- Czech Working Line GSDs originated from communist Czechoslovakia thats why they are called Czech Working Line German Shepherds.
- The Czech Working Line German Shepherds are very loyal, graceful, agile and got most powerful desire among all other German Shepherd breeds. These GSDs have extremely powerful jaws and broad shoulders.
- Their coats have dark coloring, can often be found by their darker coats and less sloping backs.
- These GSDs have more uniform coloring like wolfish gray, dark brown to black. Their ears are slightly smaller than the other 4 GSD breeds.
- These dogs also have very strict standards for breeding and thats why they are very healthy like East Working Line DDR GSDs.
- These dogs have the least behavioral problems as compared to other four types of GSDs.
- These dogs are best for chasing down criminals, patrolling border territories, protection jobs and search & rescue operations.
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East German/ddr Working Line German Shepherd: 9 Most Important Facts
Weve already put together a guide outlining the different types of German Shepherds.
The East German Working Line German Shepherd, or the DDR German Shepherd as it is also sometimes called, is one of the 5 lines of the German Shepherd breed.
In this guide we discuss interesting bits of info about the East German/DDR working line such as their bloodline, history, temperament, appearance and more!
Lets check out the information in deeper detail!
East German/ddr German Shepherd Bloodlines
All current lines of German Shepherds were bred from the first officially registered German Shepherd Horand von Grafrath.
A German man named Max von Stephanitz saw Horand at a dog show and thought he possessed all the desirable features to become the ideal working dog, and in particular as a herding type breed of dog.
Max purchased this dog who became a sire for the foundation breeding stock..
This dog along with the regional/native shepherd dogs in Germany the Thuringian, the Wurttemberg sheep dog and the Swabian service dog are where all modern day German Shepherds can trace their DNA back to.
In 1901 the German Shepherd was registered as a breed.
From this original Alsatian DNA, the lines of Alsatians were developed by different breeders in different parts of the world starting in Germany/Europe, and branching out the US and Canada primarily.
There are two types of lines of GSD working and show lines.
Show lines were mainly bred for their appearance and their movement in the US, whilst European show lines also have to conform to health standards (hips and elbows certified, as well as have some form of working ability and an even temperament.
The show lines have more angled backs and the US show lines dropped hips.
Working lines were bred specifically to have a good working ability in different fields and areas including but not limited to agility, tracking, military, police, protection, patrol, rescue, therapy, entertainment and much more!
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