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What Age To Spay A German Shepherd

When To Spay Your German Shepherd

What is the BEST AGE to Neuter a MALE GERMAN SHEPHERD – ask me anything

Depending on the age of a German shepherd when it was neutered or spayed, they may have higher or fewer chances of developing health issues. How old should a german shepherd be to spay. Many veterinary researchers suggest that a German shepherd be neutered or spayed if theyre over 6-month old but not more than 1-year of age.

9 other answers

So when is the best time for my German Shepherd? Recommended age: Male 2 years and above. Female 2 years and above. For both the boys and the girls the optimum time to get this done is at 24 months and over. This allows their hormones to do what theyre supposed to. This does vary a lot though from breed to breed.

However, they admit that there are risks in the procedure. Thats precisely why they try to recommend pet owners the best age to neuter or spay a German shepherd. Depending on the age of a German shepherd when it was neutered or spayed, they may have higher or fewer chances of developing health issues.

Hip dysplasia and CCL injuries are also most common among female German Shepherds spayed at an early age. Based on this study, 1 year old is the perfect age to spay in order to minimize the risk of common joint disorders. Spaying at younger than 6 months old gives your German Shepherd the highest risk of developing at least one type of cancer.

The American Veterinary Medical Association supports pediatric spaying and neutering of dogs and cats, a time period which is typically after the animal is eight weeks old but before

Misconceptions Aboutspaying And Neutering

It is not immediately effective.

After neutering, it will take some time before a GermanShepherd male is completely infertile. Keep a newly neutered male away fromfemale dogs for approximately 2 to 4 weeks to avoid unplanned litters.

It is not a quick fix for aggression or behavioral problems.

Some people decide to spay or neuter their German Shepherds when they begin to see signs of aggression, thinking that sterilization would offer an easy fix.

However, aggression could be caused by a number of factors including genes, environment, poor training, improper socialization, and illness.

It does not make your German Shepherd overweight.

Studies show that spayed and neutered dogs are less energetic. This causes people to think that sterilization makes them prone to obesity. However, this is easily controlled through proper food portions and ample exercise.

It doesnt leave your dog with an identity crisis

Dogs dont feel that they are less masculine or feminine after sterilization. This is because they dont have the same social beliefs about gender as human beings do. Accordingly, spaying or neutering doesnt leave them with a gender or identity crisis.

It doesnt make your German Shepherd less protective.

German Shepherds are naturally protective of their homes and families regardless of whether or not theyve been altered. Protectiveness is an instinct thats not affected by the presence or absence of reproductive parts.

Its still important in single-dog homes.

What Age Should You Spay Or Neuter Your German Shepherd

Studies have shown that German Shepherds have increased health risks if spayed or neutered too early.

In their latest study, they evaluated nearly 1,200 German Shepherds over a 14.5 year period. They wanted to determine if those spayed and neutered early had more or less joint disease and cancer, which cost German Shepherd pet parents on average $2,683 in 2018 according to Petplan claims data.

The results were surprising:

  • Dogs spayed or neutered before 1 year of age had three times the number of joint disorders.
  • Breast cancer was diagnosed in 4% of intact females, compared with less than 1% in females neutered before 1 year of age.
  • Instances of other cancers were not higher in the spayed and neutered dogs than in intact dogs.
  • Urinary incontinence, not diagnosed in later spayed or intact females, was observed in 7% of females neutered before 1 year of age.

The trend of several studies is becoming clearer: Early spay and neuter may increase the risk of joint disease. Other studies have shown early sterilization may also increase pet obesity and subsequent joint disease and other problems.

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Dogs Years And Growing Old

The concept of growing old or aging revolves around the decline in physiological functions because of an increase in age.

Generally, dogs fall under the senior class category anywhere from five years to ten years.

A majority of breeds become classed as seniors once they are over seven years of age.

Dogs over the age of seven become physically slower. They also become more susceptible to weight gain, which can cause several health issues and other health conditions such as arthritis, lumps, bumps, and kidney problems.

As your dog ages, cells begin to collapse. Cells are unable to divide and multiply, slowing down all forms of body repair. This causes tissues, bones, and even brain cells to degenerate.

Essentially, several key factors play large roles, influencing the entire aging process in dogs. These factors include:

Genetics: The gene that passes down from parent to offspring determines how long the offspring will live.

Therefore, your puppys lifespan depends on the genes it inherits from its parents.

If the parents were healthy, the puppy might live for a long time.

Nutrition and Deficiencies: Your dogs diet plays a vital role in determining their overall life expectancy.

A dog on a healthy diet is bound to live a longer life than one that is not. Thats because an unhealthy diet can cause cell damage, which will ultimately result in premature aging.

Environment: The environment your puppy grows up in will dictate how long it will live.

Large And Giant Breed Dogs Are Prone To Developmental Bone Diseases

Early Spaying

It makes sense to wait until a dog, and her skeleton, is a little more mature before considering surgery. There are fewer orthopedic problems down the line if these big dogs are allowed to grow before they are spayed.

Veterinary scientists from the University of California Davis have been investigating this issue for many years. In 2014, they discovered that Golden Retrievers spayed or neutered earlier than 1 year of age had four times the number of joint disorders than those who had the surgery later. They also found Labrador Retrievers had twice the number of joint problems when sterilized before 1 year.

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The Best Age For Desexing Dog Based On Breed And Weight

by My Vet Animal Hospital | Feb 3, 2021 | Health

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to deciding when to desex your dog. The following studies are simply a guideline that may help you make a more informed decision. However, your decision may be influenced by additional factors such as:

Increased risk of health problems associated with intact dogs Increased risk of pregnancy with intact females Increased risk of aggression or dominance behaviours in male dogs Discounted microchipping registration council fees if desexed > 6 months of age

Have a chat with your vet to help you make a personalised case-by-case decision for your dog.

Best age to desex based on BREED A study published in July 2020 by the University of Davis, California, examined a sample of 35 different dog breeds and assessed the risk of certain joint disorders and cancers with the age of desexing. I have incorporated our recommendations and summarised their data below for some of the more common breeds we see at My Vet Animal Hospital.

*Adjustments have been made from the aforementioned study guidelines after critical appraisal to account for data that did not reach statistical significance, small sample sizes, certain biases and to incorporate results from other studies with larger study populations for particular breeds.

6 months

Do Female German Shepherds Calm Down After Spaying

Does spaying a German shepherd calm her down? Generally speaking, as long as a German Shepherd has no preexisting behavioral issues, his behavior will slowly calm down over the course of a few months after being neutered. However, in some dogs, this process can take several years to have a noticeable effect.

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Why Is My Dog More Aggressive After Being Neutered

Recently neutered male German Shepherds tend to experience a rise in aggression, but this fades over time. One of the greatest factors that determine if a male dog will become more aggressive after the procedure is the breed.

German Shepherds tend to see an increase in aggression because of the temporary hormonal imbalance caused by the neutering surgery. This results in aggressive behavior amongst breeds that may be predisposed to violent tendencies. The most obvious physical change I have observed was the removal of the male testicles, which will become barely noticeable as the incisions heal.

It is important to note there will also be beneficial tendencies over time. First, dogs are less likely to wander off and have a lower propensity to hump other dogs and humans. There will also be a reduction in sporadic urination at home and eventually less aggressive behavior.

Will Neutering A German Shepherd Calm Him Down

When to spay or neuter your dog with German Shepherd Man

Neutering your german shepherd can help to calm him down, but the amount of change you see in your dog and how fast you see it will depend on multiple factors. Some dogs may continue to be hyperactive despite being neutered, but you can help him to make the changes youd like to see by spending time training him.

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Best Time To Spay Or Neuter A Gsd Dog

Many veterinary organizations do support the spaying and neutering of German Shepherds. But they always warn of the risks of this type of procedure. For this reason, they always advise German Shepherd owners what the recommended age for spaying or neutering is.

Depending on the age, you can reduce your German shepherds health problems. Because as mentioned above, there are many risks with this procedure, and many times, it is a problem.

German Shepherd Dogs that are neutered before the age of 1 year can cause knee problems. If you want to sterilize your German shepherd, you should first consult with your veterinarian, so you can study and learn all the most important aspects of the procedure.

Discuss With Your Veterinarian

In light of the spay and neuter study along with the general care of a dog, there are things to consider and perhaps discuss with your veterinarian. These include:

  • Does your dog have the potential for orthopedic concerns, and if so, would spaying or neutering increase the risk?
  • Whats involved with caring for a female dog that is in heat or a fully intact male, and is that feasible with your lifestyle?

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When To Neuter Agerman Shepherd Male

German Shepherd males can be neutered as early as eight weeks with the common practice being around 6 months old.

For most, the decision to neuter at around 6 months is because this is typically the time they reach sexual maturity. Theyre able to reproduce and hormonal changes begin to occur.

However, a study by University of California-Davis researchers showed that only 8.62% of German Shepherd males neutered at 1 year old suffered from joint disorders versus 20.83% of those neutered at less than 6 months old.

The researchers suggest that the best time to neuter a male German Shepherd is around 16-18 months, or at least 12 months old.

Neutering of German Shepherd Dogs and Associated Joint Disorders

The table above breaks down the results of their study byage and associated cancers. Types of canine cancer included in the study werethe following:

  • Lymphosarcoma Cancer of lymphocytes and lymphoid tissues,commonly affecting lymph nodes, gastrointestinal tract, bone marrow, spleen, orliver.
  • Mast Cell Tumor Tumors commonlyaffecting the skin.
  • Hemangiosarcoma Tumors commonlyaffecting the liver and spleen.
  • Osteosarcoma Tumors affecting the bone.

Results of the study suggest that neutering between 6 and 11 months is most ideal to prevent canine cancer. Neutering at 1 year old comes at a close second.

Given the combined results, around 1 year old should be the best age to neuter your German Shepherd to minimize the risk of both cancer and joint disorders.

Is Neutering A German Shepherd Necessary

Diary of a Real

While neutering a GSD is not necessary, it can, amongst other benefits, work to address behavioral issues before they start, as well as lessen the likelihood of certain diseases and disorders. Below we have listed a number of benefits that can be gained from neutering a GSD at the proper age.

Behavioral issues: This applies especially to male dogs. Studies have been shown that when a dog is neutered at a young age, that aggressive behavior is not as prevalent when the dog gets older.

Aggressive behavior here also includes a dogs infamous leg humping, and even the humping of inanimate objects. Weve all had that uncomfortable moment when our GSD has tried to do this to a guest, so neutering can lessen this behavior.

Genetic diseases: Neutering can also prevent the spread of bad genes. If a dog is born with less than optimal genes, if he then mates and spreads those genes, the result will be more dogs with the same genetic disposition.

This includes conditions like hip dysplasia and cryptorchidism. So be aware that even if your dog is as lovely as can be and is the perfect pet for you, if it has a genetic condition that negatively affects its health, neutering will prevent his genes from being passed on to any offspring.

Injuries and accidents: When a male dog is intact, as mentioned above, he will be on the scent and lookout for females to mate with. This often leads to issues with male dogs escaping from enclosures or just wandering away when they otherwise would not.

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How Much Shedding Is Too Much

If you notice your German Shepherd shedding more than normal outside of their seasonal coat blows and you cant identify the cause from the above list, its always a good idea to get a professional opinion from your vet about whether your dog is shedding too much.

If you notice any bald patches, excessive scratching, visibly inflamed skin, or dry/brittle fur, its definitely time for a vet visit.

You are your dogs best advocate, so its up to you to keep an eye on shedding levels and take action if you suspect a problem. However, as weve said time and again, German Shepherds shed prolifically, so dont be alarmed when you can pull out gobs of fur with your hands during shedding season.

How Much Does It Cost To Neuter A German Shepherd

Depending on where the procedure is performed, the cost of neutering a German Shepherd can range anywhere between $35 $300. The cost of neutering your dog will also depend on a number of different factors. These include:

  • Where you live
  • The age of your dog
  • The breed of your dog
  • The health of your dog
  • Whether your dog is obese
  • The complexity of the surgery
  • Whether your dog has diabetes
  • Whether pain medication is included
  • Where the procedure is performed
  • If pre-anesthetic blood work is performed to check liver/kidney function

Generally speaking, the cost of neutering your GSD will cost more if the procedure is performed at your veterinarians office. However, you do have a number of other low-cost options available to you. You can contact your local shelter, Humane Society, or ASPCA for lower-cost options.

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Supplies Prices Range Average Cost

Vet costs in the first year of life $1000-$2000 $1500

After the initial expenditure, the cost drops to between $95 and $390 for each successive year.

After the first year, the average cost each year will be somewhere around $245. This covers the cost of re-purchasing products such as child toys, a bed, shampoo, plastic bags, and a tooth-brushing kit.

Other items such as muzzles, clothing, play cages, and fences are not included in this list. Rather, it is a record of necessary supplies. Second-Hand Stores, local pet stores, and popular websites may be worth looking into to help save money on some of the pet goods.

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Corgi Pembroke And Cardigan

At What Age Will Your German Shepherd First Get Aggressive

The study population was 42 intact males, 78 neutered males, 50 intact females, and 70 spayed females, for a total sample size of 240 cases. Although these are two breeds, they vary only a little in size, so these two breeds are combined for statistical analyses and display of data. The occurrence of at least one joint disorder in intact males was 5 percent and for intact females 6 percent. There was no significant increase in this measure in males or females with neutering. This is one of the breeds where intervertebral disc disorders are a concern, and in 3 percent of intact males and 8 percent of intact females, IDD was reported. In males neutered before 6 months, the occurrence of IDD reached 18 percent, and in females there was no increase with neutering. The occurrence of one or more of the cancers followed was 5 percent in intact males and 6 percent in intact females. In neutered males and females, there was no evident increase in cancers. For females left intact, the occurrence of MC was 8 percent, and there was zero occurrence of PYO. There was no diagnosis of UI in spayed females. The suggested guideline for age of neutering for males, given the increase in IDD with neutering at < 6 mo., is beyond 6 months. Lacking a noticeable occurrence of increased joint disorders, IDD, or cancers with neutering females, those wishing to neuter a female should decide on the appropriate age.

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