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How To Train German Shepherd Dog

Use Positive Reinforcement Techniques

How to Understand and Train your Crazy German Shepherd Dogs 101!

Positive reinforcement, also known as rewards-based training, implies giving a reward to increase the frequency of the response. Rewards can be:

  • Treats. Choose healthy treats, pieces of kibble, or tiny pieces of meat.
  • Physical attention. You can pet behind the ears or give a hug.
  • Verbal praise. An enthusiastic YES! or GOOD DOG!
  • Toys. Give your GSD his favorite toy that you save for rewards.

Rewarding your German Shepherd for good behavior is an underrated tool in your dog-training arsenal. It is simple yet incredibly powerful. Unfortunately, it is also often ignored.

No dog acts up 100% of the time, and if dog owners can just be patient until a dog is calm and reward the restrained behavior, they would see their canine friend magically morph into a more obedient dog.

Nested within this step is the following principle: do not reward your dog with negative attention.

World of Dogz

German Shepherds can sometimes prefer to get negative attention than to be ignored entirely. If your GSD doesnt get enough affection and appreciation, he might get anxious and act out to receive attention. If you scold him, he might feel content for having received your attention.

This speaks to the importance of patience the more patient you are, the more your German Shepherd values positive attention. When you bestow it upon him during his calmer episodes, he starts recreating the setting. You will notice him sitting in the same place where you patted him or held a similar position.

Training Your German Shepherd As A Guard Dog

Every dog breed possesses natural tendencies and skills. These tendencies come with their genetics. German Shepherds are guard dogs by nature, regardless of if theyve been trained or not. If they see something out of line, or peculiar, they will usually bark, altering someone of the situation. For this reason, German Shepherds are often chosen as police dogs since its easier to train them in this way.

Some breeds are overly aggressive and hard to control, while others are meek and mild-tempered. German Shepherds are the perfect mix to train to be a guard dogs.

Still, your German Shepherd will need the correct training to ensure they listen to commands and arent a danger to themselves or others.

There are a few critical pieces of equipment you will want on hand when beginning any training such as a German Shepherd harness, a German Shepherd leash, and some dog treats for rewarding.

Tip #: Stop Your German Shepherd Puppy From Pulling On The Leash Now

Pulling on the leash is another of those dog behaviors that people think come out of the blue, but actually they happen because there was never formal training done. To prevent pulling on the leash all you have to do is make sure your puppy understands that he gets rewarded when the leash is loose. Pay close attention to what he does during those first few walks together and make sure you reward him for staying close to you!

Got any German Shepherd puppy training tips to share with us?

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Training Your Dog May Change His Personality

I do not believe you need to surrender thousands of dollars for a personal protection dog, but you do need to realize that training your pet is going to change his personality.

Your dog may fail to serve as a personal protection animal and still be an excellent animal. The statistics of the , a group that often tests dogs used for personal protection, indicate that the majority of dogs that are tested using the Dog Mentality Assessment Test do not pass. I have never had a Siberian Husky that would serve to protect me. My Pit Bull cross seemed to understand the requirements almost right away. Not one of them was a better dog than the others they were all individuals and had different skills.

Socializing Your German Shepherd Dog Or Puppy

How to Potty Train a German Shepherd Puppy

Socialization for your German Shepherd early on can help avoid later behavior problems.

Socialization doesnt mean exposing your German Shepherd to as much as possible whenever you can. Its the process of helping your puppy or adult accept new people, places, and animals through positive exposure and training.

This means that your dog has new experiences that give her confidence, not make her fearful. Socialized German Shepherds are less likely to develop behavior problems down the road and are generally more welcomed by other people and pets.

Proper, positive socialization can help prevent the development of fears, phobias, and negative associations with certain objects, places, or people.

The bottom line?

Socializing your German Shepherd dog or puppy will make her a happier, more enjoyable, well-rounded dog.

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German Shepherd Training School

While proper training and socialization are important for all breeds of dog, theyre especially important for large guardian breeds such as the German Shepherd. This is why theyre not recommended for first-time dog owners.

If you dont feel like youre up to the task, it may be worth it to invest in training lessons for your dog. Failure to properly socialize and train your German Shepherd puts them at risk for a variety of undesirable comportments, such as aggression, shyness, nervousness, and reactionary behavior.

The best way to find a good training school is by word of mouth. Consult your breeder, your veterinarian, and your local German Shepherd Dog club for advice. Dont be fooled by flashy advertisements and false promises. The best training schools never make guarantees on results.

Its also important to interview any prospective school and take a tour of their facility. Ask them about their training methods, what kind of training they do, and the various levels and courses available to you. Focus on schools that stress manners and obedience rather than toughness and protection.

Here are a few dog trainers to check out:

Best German Shepherd Puppy Training Tips

The top 10 German Shepherd puppy training tips are here to help you raise a smart, confident and friendly canine friend. To train a German Shepherd puppy dog you must be consistent, kind and clear.

German Shepherd dog puppies are divinely cute and for a reason! Just like babies are cute, puppies will win your heart even after destroying your favorite pair of shoes or that expensive carpet! Dont let me alarm you thoughPositive training methods are the most practical and efficient to use. Making sure you use them will start you on the right side of training and pave the road for you to get an obedient dog.

The good news is that you do not need any special equipment to have an obedient GSD puppy. All you need is love and treats. Lets get started with the best German Shepherd puppy training tips!

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How Can I Teach My German Shepherd Puppy To Be Ok On Their Own

Its a fair question and were here to help you see through those puppy dog eyes and help your puppy cope from the very beginning.

  • Start by feeding your puppy in their crate during meal times. Itll give them the chance to start feeling comfortable in their own space without you.
  • When theyre busy eating, walk around and do something else around the house. Dont get out of sight just yet make sure youre still visible to them. Most puppies love their food with a passion, so theyll hardly notice youre gone
  • TIPS

    Take it slow: It works much better than trying to speed up the process. If they seem worried by you leaving, stay in view, and just pop right outside their confinement area.

    Keep it short and sweet: No need to stay away for long, 60 seconds tops will do for now.

    Repeat: Do this at least once a day to make progress go steady and smoothly.

    Tip #: Dont Try To Become The Alpha Dog

    How to Train a German Shepherd Puppy – A Detailed Video on GS Training Tips

    For a long time now dog trainers have known that the dominance/alpha theory is nonsense. Those ideas came from research done in wolfs in captivity and have now been debunked by new research done in wolfs in the wild.The new research says that you need to be a good leader, kind of like a parent. Alphas are most often the parents of the group. Provide shelter, food, safety and limits. This article tells you more about it!

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    Coupling Verbal And Gestural Cues Help Your Gsd Learn Better

    Most professional dog trainers will tell you to couple a verbal command with a gesture. The good reason for this advice is that body language is a canines primary mode of communication, and they have an excellent capacity to read visual cues.

    Dogs will make out when you are sad from your face just as they will understand your hand and other body signals in training. This fact has been used to explain why deaf dogs will learn as well as those with optimal hearing capacity.

    Research has confirmed that coupling your word with a gesture has a better impact on dog obedience, and this gets even better if the words and gestures are placed in a context. For example, telling your dog to search while pointing to the direction you want him to go will be more effective in a context where the search was done before.

    Tips And Techniques You Should Use For Training German Shepherds

    German shepherd, the best known police dog all over the world, is a noble and one of the most dependable dog breeds. With proper training techniques, this dog can be taught to do wonders.

    German shepherd, the best known police dog all over the world, is a noble and one of the most dependable dog breeds. With proper training techniques, this dog can be taught to do wonders.

    The German shepherd was bred for herding and guarding sheep by the Germans. This noble canine is also known as the Alsatian dog. It was christened Alsatian by the Britishers during the World War II, after the German-French border area of Alsace-Lorraine. This dog is also known as the Deutscher Schaferhund. The American Kennel Club, first registered this dog in 1908.

    Also Check: Are German Shepherds Hyper

    Practice And Reward Desired Behaviors

    Perhaps the most important step of the process is practicing and rewarding the guarding behaviors you want to see. Of course, its best to catch your dog in the act of guarding naturally and then rewarding her handsomely, but thats not likely to happen all that often. Instead, many pup parents stage a trespassing situation in which they have a stranger approach their home, self, or dog and then reward them, of course!

    Training your German shepherd to be a guard dog is time-consuming and requires some hard work, but its benefits last for life. Since this breed is so highly motivated and intelligent, your dog probably will help you with the training just as much as youll help her. Could you ask for more in a loving, protective companion?

    Editors’ Recommendations

    Leash Training German Shepherd Puppies And Dogs

    How to Potty Train a German Shepherd Puppy [9 Easy Steps]

    Leash training is a great beginner skill to train.

    Its a fact that most areas have leash laws to prevent accidents to others and your dog. Therell be times when keeping your German Shepherd on a leash is not only safer but also a requirement.

    Learn how to train a German Shepherd puppy to walk nicely on a leash so that you can enjoy more places to go with your dog. Having a large, powerful breed dog means youll need to spend extra time on training, especially as a beginner so you get the hang of it.

    Having your German Shepherd trained to walk politely is a lifesaver for your hands, shoulders, and back as she continues to mature and get bigger. Knowing this skill will make the walking experience more enjoyable for both you and your dog, and youre more likely to enjoy exercising with her.

    If you have an adult German Shepherd who is so strong youre worried for your and their safety, then find the best headcollar for German Shepherds to gain more confidence on your walks.

    Recommended Reading: German Rottweiler Vs Pitbull

    Your Dog Has One Basic Need Understand This And Training Will Be A Breeze

    See that cute puppy snuggled up on your sofa? See that old dog that needs to learn new tricks?

    They look to you for guidance

    And Heres the trick:

    The most valuable thing you can do for your dog is to show him that you are a good leader.

    If you’re thinking good leadership is establishing yourself as an alpha’ you’re wrong.

    Your dog knows you’re not a dog and so will never see you as a dog or an alpha.

    Being a good leader means your GSD can and will always look to you for guidance.

    Think about it

    If your pooch is looking to you for guidance they feel comfortable and safe and that creates an environment of trust.

    Being a good leader is about using brains over brawn to teach your German Shepherd.

    Why Has My Adult Dog Started To Show Bad Behavior And What Can I Do

    Sometimes an adult German Shepherd who has been relatively obedient for most of his life can suddenly start to misbehave again. Maybe youve started chewing on your wooden furniture, or shoes, or maybe youre peeing inside. What would normally be expected and considered normal for puppies can be an unwanted trait in older dogs. So what does this mean?

    If an older dog begins to misbehave, it can be for a number of reasons. Dogs often behave as an emotional complaint, whether out of boredom, loneliness, anxiety, or simply to get attention. Some German Shepherds are known to be clingy .

    If your dog tells you that he is not feeling well, he needs your intervention. So instead of getting angry and punishing him, you should take steps to eliminate bad behaviors and make your dog more relaxed and content.

    If your dog is acting out of boredom or a need to dissipate excess energy, then you should start incorporating more activities into his day to help ease his pent-up energy. Some breeds, like the German Shepherd, naturally have higher energy levels, and no amount of training and discipline will reduce this!

    Make sure to reward your dog for any good behavior. This will reinforce the positive and desired behaviors and give you the attention or treatment that you are probably wanting. When your dog shows unwanted behavior, turn and walk away and pay him no attention. Since most bad behaviors are a way for the dog to seek attention, do not reward bad behavior.

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    Disadvantages Of Training An Older Dog

    There are truly not many disadvantages when it comes to training an older dog, and as long as the trainer has patience and dedication, an older German Shepherd can learn most commands and new skills it is never too late for them to learn!

    However, one consideration is that older GSDs may sometimes be unable to perform certain desired skills due to health issues that can come with advanced age.

    For example, an older German Shepherd is more likely to have joint pain such as arthritis. So, he may be a little slower to execute commands, even easy ones such as sit. Constantly getting up and down can be hard on his hip and elbow joints, so your dog may take a little extra time to obey.

    Dont be too quick to assume he is disobeying simply because he is moving a little slowly. Remember too that the German Shepherd breed is prone to hip dysplasia. However, not all dogs will suffer, but around 20% will have bad hips.

    Certain tricks may be too unrealistic for an older dog to achieve. For example, if you want your GSD to be able to leap up and springboard off your back to catch a frisbee, they may simply no longer have the physical ability to do this! When considering your training, consider your dogs age and abilities when attempting more strenuous activities and skills.

    Guide To Advanced Stay Techniques

    German Shepherd Puppy 6 months – How to Train your German Shepherd Dog – “Hadley” Introduction

    Once you are at the full distance of your leash, drop the leash and work on having your dog stay while you move into different rooms. Dont forget to come back to your dog to reward him, so he doesnt develop the bad habit of moving during a stay.

    Add in distractions, such as friends walking around while you train your GSD. For the final steps, have your dog on the long leash and train in your backyard.

    Extend the leash as far as it will reach and have your dog stay in place for 30 seconds or longer. Move to outdoor training at a quiet park and repeat the steps for increasing distractions.

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    German Shepherd Training: The Right Way

    How long it takes to train a German Shepherd depends on how consistent you are and how well you support your dog to understand.

    You must also consider your GSDs:

    • age are they an energetic puppy or more confident adult
    • previous training are they fresh to obedience or do they have some basics under their belt
    • whether you are using the right training methods that are simple for your dog to understand

    The most effective and easy-to-understand system for German Shepherds to learn is called positive reward training. Using positive rewards allows you to mark the specific behaviors your German Shepherd performs right at nearly the exact moment they do them.

    Training Goal #: Crate Training

    This is also a good time for crate training, which Adams recommends as well. GSD trainer and dog sports enthusiast Alexa Hagood, LVMT, agrees: Crate breaks, even when brief, can help the puppy become acclimated to going in the crate and having some alone time. She notes that this can help reduce the risk of a puppy developing separation anxiety, and recommends beginning with using the crate for feeding times , and at times when the owner needs to do daily chores.

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