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How To Tell How Old A German Shepherd Is

Average Adult German Shepherd Height

How to train your 4 month old German Shepherd puppy!

The height of a German Shepherd is always measured at what is known as the withers, which is the part of their back right above their shoulders at the base of the neck. This is the tallest point on the dogs body when theyre standing.

The head is never included in animal measurements because its too hard to get them to stay still with their head in a fully-upright position. For this reason, horses, dogs, and other animals are always measured to the shoulder.

Like with weight, males will typically be bigger than females, but its not always the case. Here are the average ranges of German Shepherds by gender as mentioned above:

  • Males: 24 26 inches
  • Females: 22 24 inches

Your Aging German Shepherd

Much like humans, dogs age differently depending on their diet, exercise, genetics, and even stress.

It is difficult to reliably gauge when a dog becomes elderly due to these factors.

However, the first and most common sign of aging is reduced activity levels and increased amounts of sleep typical for your dogs breed.

This may be followed by lack of interest in going for walks and playing.

If you suspect that your German Shepherd is beginning to become elderly, it is advised that you take them to a veterinarian clinic for a routine check-up.

How Big Is A 6

Puppies undergo massive growth spurts before five months. By the time they reach six months, their growth has slowed down considerably. The average male will weigh about 53 pounds, while females weigh 46 pounds. They have not reached their full adult weight yet, but they are very close. Because their growth has slowed down so much, though, they will continue to grow for a long time to come. It just wont be as fast as it has been.

At this point, your dogs body is mostly focusing on the looming sexual maturity, which can hit anywhere between 6 months to 16 months. Because they arent growing quite as quickly, you may find that they put on more muscle and fat in the coming months. This is normal. It is also normal if your dog retains their somewhat skinny appearance for a few more months to come.

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White Swiss Shepherd Dog

The White Swiss Shepherd Dog is a variety of the German Shepherd bred in Switzerland. It descends from the American White Shepherds the first stud dog of what became the breed was an American dog born in 1966 and imported to Switzerland. The variety was recognised by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale as a separate breed in 2003, and it is now recognised by a number of national kennel clubs.

My Personal Experience With German Shepherds

German Shepherd puppy 10 months old

As with any breed, theres the whole range of different personalities and characters and temperaments that you can come across. But today, I want to share what my general experiences with German shepherds has been like.

I can confidently say that the breed description given to German shepherds is pretty accurate. I have encountered many German shepherds who are physically and mentally strong, courageous, and often have a hard time backing down.

Of course, not all German shepherds fit this description. Ive come across many who are very fearful and nervous. But mostly, Ive seen the confident, strong-willed shepherds.

Whats fascinating to me with German shepherds is that, despite a strong personality, they do seem to want to work alongside you. They all seem to have a deep desire to connect with you, work for you, and do a great job.

Its almost like they want to be your partner rather than work independently. However, this means, if youre not sure what youre doing, they will very quickly step into the driving seat, which is a problem. You really dont want your German shepherd in charge of making the decisions!

Thats where theyre not a dog for everyone, because German shepherds play this game of Whos in charge, me or you? at a very high level. I call it the dog code.

Since then, Ive fallen in love with German shepherds. I could certainly see myself ending up with one in the future. And yes, I would fully trust this breed around my kids, my wife, and my other dogs.

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How Does Your Puppy Act

Puppies are born barely crawling. They cant move very well, so they slide around on their bodies, guided by tiny legs. By 4 weeks, your pups should be walking on their own. They might be a little clumsy on their feet, but they usually are pretty sturdy by the 10-week mark.

You might notice a really huge personality shift between 4-8 months. There are a lot of physical and mental changes happening at this time. Think of it as your dogs angsty, pubescent stage. They might start more mischief than usual and/or be more destructive.

During this stage, its incredibly important to enforce the rules and gain respect. Manners are crucial to this time frameyou want a well-behaved dog because of consistent training.

You shouldnt wait for bad behavior to arise first, either. Puppies are capable of learning as soon as they come home at 8 weeks. The more you work with your puppy, the smoother the teenage stage will probably be.

If your puppy isnt quite at that rambunctious stage, they might be under 4 months, but dont rely on these signs solely. Every dog has a different personality that can influence their behaviorno matter how old they are.

What To Do If Your German Shepherd Is Limping

If your German Shepherd is limping, you can manage some minor causes at home, such as a sprain, by restricting your dogs exercise or allowing complete rest for a few days and/or anti-inflammatories and pain killers. For more severe cases such as broken bones, orthopedic surgery may be required.

Lets investigate this further.

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Pretend Youre In Pain

If your german shepherd is biting a lot when theyre jumping up then this is definitely the method youre going to want to use. In fact, this is a great method to use any time your german shepherd is biting in a playful way.

  • The first thing youre going to need to do is to get your dog to jump up at you again. If they do this on their own great, if not use the same method as before.
  • However, this time when your german shepherd jumps up and bites you, let out a yelp or cry of pain before turning away and not facing them.
  • Its important that you dont give them any attention until theyve calmed down completely.
  • If your german shepherd tries to follow you, keep turning until theyve stopped and calmed down completely.
  • Once theyve calmed down completely, you can then reward them with your attention and treats.

This method works so well as its similar to what their litter would do if they were bitten too hard and they dont want to play anymore. Its a great way for teaching your german shepherd bite inhibition as well.

Remember, to do this every time your german shepherd jumps up and bites to show them that the game will stop being played any time they do that.

What Food Should You Give Your German Shepherd

Training a 7 month old German Shepherd female puppy. Owners first lesson.

Typically, dog food will either be dry food or wet food, or you can also get semi-moist food. The general advice when asked what type of food you should feed a German Shepherd is a mixture of dry and wet food.

You should aim to feed them mostly dry food, with a smaller ratio of wet and semi-wet food. Your dog will certainly prefer wet food as this is by far the tastiest of the dog food options, after human food of course, but because your dog doesnt need to chew it, it doesnt have the benefit of keeping your dogs teeth clean, and its more expensive than other forms of dog food.

Semi-wet food is actually quite hard for dogs to digest, so this is not a great option for your German Shepherd. They are pretty high in sugars and often include food coloring and other preservatives, which dont offer your dog any nutritional benefits.

Also Check: Raw Food Diet For German Shepherd

Common German Shepherd Behavioral Problems And Personality Traits

Over the years working as a dog trainer, Ive probably worked with as many German shepherd dogs as any other breed.

Most often, they are an incredibly loyal breed, are devoted to their owners, and have really sweet and fun personalities. And so, to those of you who love the breed and wouldnt consider anything but a German shepherd in the future, I understand!

Yet, some people are terrified of them and feel they are dangerous dogs to own.

To those of you that are wary of German shepherds, I understand where you are coming from, too! First off, they are very large dogs and can come off very intimidating.

Second, their instinct to protect their family or property is strong and can lead untrained German shepherds to becoming very protective, aggressive, and scary dogs.

The keyword here is untrained, as any untrained dogregardless of breedcan have the same problems.

Over the last decade I really feel like Ive come to understand German shepherds and have personally fallen in love with this breed. Ive also realized that theyre so misunderstood due to poorly trained German shepherds often ending up in the news and how they are portrayed on TV and in the media.

For this reason, I wanted to write todays post in hopes that, if you are someone who fears this breed, are looking for help and direction with your dog, or you know someone who is wary of German shepherds, then this honest truth about this lovely breed might change your mind.

Hip And Elbow Dysplasia

Hip and elbow dysplasia is extremely common in German Shepherd dogs. This condition is especially common in less than ideal breeding situations, as this is a condition that can be passed on. Dysplasia is the displacement or abnormal formation of a joint, causing a dog discomfort as they continue to age. When present in the hips or elbow joints, this can lead to pain when walking, slowing down with time, limping, lameness, and even complete debilitation in some cases. Since this is such a serious condition that can cause so much pain, its recommended to clear any dogs of this condition when used for breeding.

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Asking About The Breed

  • 1Ask the owner. If you see a dog that you think might be a German Shepherd and are curious about the breed, approach the owner and ask. For example, you could say something like Is that a German Shepherd? It is such a cute dog. Alternatively, you could say What kind of dog do you have? I am considering getting one.
  • Most dog owners will be happy to tell you about their dog and the breed.
  • 2Talk with your veterinarian. If you are unsure of your dogs breed or lineage, ask your veterinarian to help you identify the breed. Veterinarians will be familiar with the breed standard of most dog breeds. They will be able to easily examine the physical characteristics of the dog to help with identifying the breed.
  • 3Ask the breeder. If you are purchasing a German Shepherd from a breeder, you should talk with the breeder about the puppys parentage and lineage to make sure that you are getting a purebred dog. A licensed breeder will be able to provide you with paperwork that proves both parents are recognized as German Shepherds by the American Kennel Club.
  • Make sure that you always use a breeder that is licensed by the American Kennel Club. This will also help to ensure that you are purchasing a purebred dog.
  • 4 There are a number of applications available that can help to identify different dog breeds. In order to use the app, simply upload a photo of a dog and the app will identify the breed.XResearch source
  • For example, try using the Microsoft app called Fetch!
  • The Coat Is Typically Dense And Short And Lies Close To The Body

    Millie 5 months old

    How to tell how old a german shepherd puppy is. The more signs there are the more likely it is that your puppy is aggressive. It is not an accurate representation of whether or not your canine is elderly. Their mother will lick them to clean after they are born.

    Your female might lift her tail and/or rub her rear end against various objects, such as a wall or fencing. The first 4 months of your puppys life is when you will see the largest amount of growth. Most experts agree that the key period for socializing your puppy is between 2 to 12 weeks.

    While not every purebred shepherd meets the exact standard which means the animals can’t compete in conformation dog shows that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s not a purebred dog. So now your german shepherd puppy is 3 months old. However, if theyre not standing strong just yet, now is a common time for those ears to start perking up.

    The intense growth that larger breeds undergo directly affects how quickly they age. At six months old, a german shepherd is really starting to look like a fully grown adult gsd. But your dog is still a puppy on the inside, and this is very important to remember.

    One of the most obvious ways to tell a german shepherd from other dog breeds is by simply looking at its coat. However, there are other signs of telling whether or not your german shepherd, or any dog for that matter, is elderly. One particular behavior to look for during this time is called flagging, which may last between 4 to 7 days.

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    Ways To Exercise Your German Shepherd

    As weve said, daily exercise is a great way to ensure your German Shepherd remains a healthy weight.

    Here are some ways you can keep your furry friend happy and healthy:

    • Running if youre up for it, going for a run with your German Shepherd is the perfect way to get in some extensive exercise for you and your pooch
    • Hiking another activity good for you and your dog. Youll get to see some beautiful scenery and change up your usual walking routine
    • Swimming taking your dog for a swim in a river or the ocean is another great way for them to exercise while being gentle on their joints. German Shepherds love the water and swimming this option is super fun for them!

    When Should You Start Training A German Shepherd Puppy

    Training your dog becomes more difficult as he gets older, so you might think its ideal to start training a German Shepherd while hes just a few weeks old. However, there is such a thing as starting your puppys training too soon!

    German Shepherd puppies should start training when they are 8 weeks old. This is when they usually leave their mother and littermates and are mature enough to understand cues. They will have already picked up on good canine behaviors but now will learn more through association and positive reinforcement.

    When it comes to puppy training, its preferable to err on the side of being later than eight weeks than the other way around. You have up to two weeks after the eight-week mark to start your pets training.

    Even if youre two weeks early, you risk confusing or frightening him by bombarding him with stimuli before hes ready to make the proper connections. During this time, a traumatic experience might have a detrimental and counterproductive effect.

    Read further if you:

    • Plan to get a German Shepherd puppy or already have one older than seven weeks
    • Want an approximate schedule for training your puppy
    • Wish to train your dog using ethical training methods such as positive reinforcement
    • Intend to commit to 1.5 years of casual dog training

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    What Can Puppies Do At 4 Weeks

    At four weeks, all of the puppies should be able to walk, run, and play. At four weeks, all of the puppies should be able to walk, run, and play. Puppies should begin eating solid food about 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 weeks of age. Next, canned or dry puppy food should be placed in the milk replacer or water until it is soggy.

    How Much Should A German Shepherd Weigh

    At What Age Will Your German Shepherd First Get Aggressive

    German Shepherds are a large breed, so monitoring their growth is important to know that it is in line with whats normal for the breed.

    As much as you dont want your German Shepherd to be overweight, you also dont want them to be underweight.

    The desired weight of your German Shepherd will also depend on their age and gender.

    An adult German Shepherd will weigh anywhere between 47 and 88 pounds, with adult males typically weighing between 65 and 90 pounds and females weighing between 50 and 70 pounds.

    These are just rough averages, to get the best estimate, ask your vet if your dog is a healthy weight.

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