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HomeNewsHow To Keep A German Shepherd Healthy

How To Keep A German Shepherd Healthy

Teeth And Gum Training

German Shepherd Care in Hindi how to keep them healthy active #Dog #Dogtraining

Now you can start to stick your finger into its mouth. At first, your pet will resist your efforts as the sensation will feel unfamiliar. With repetition, it will, however, allow you to insert your finger in its mouth.

Once your pet has overcome its initial discomfort, you can start running your finger along the teeth and gums. Keep doing this a few times each day until you can see that your pet is comfortable.

Dont try to rush the process as your puppy is dealing with multiple changes and learning new things daily. The adult GSD is a dog breed with a powerful bite, so get them used to this as a puppy if possible.

Give Them Plenty Of Exercise

Exercise is a great way to give your dog a long healthy life while at the same time keeping their mind active and on point.

Your German Shepherd should get at least;two hours of exercise daily;to maintain optimum health and longevity. This is according to the American Kennel Club. German Shepherds are very active dogs with plenty of energy that needs to be expelled.

Walking your dog every day will help to increase the life expectancy of your dog as well as yourself. According to the American Heart Association, health benefits rise the more people walk. This is a great way to benefit you and your German Shepherd.

Acceptance Respect And Love

At some point, you will simply have to accept that your dog is growing older and will eventually pass away. Many owners will have gotten their German Shepherds as brand new puppies and will have cared for them their entire lives.

It can be as tragic as watching a human friend or family member grow old and pass away, especially because you have dedicated a lot of time to caring for this animal and you have forged a strong bond.

It is important not to neglect your older dog, simply because they start to seem more and more content just to lay on their dog bed and sleep. Especially if you have other dogs that seem like they need more attention and have more energy, you might start to neglect your older German Shepherds. Do not do this!

Even if your friend is over 10 years old, they still need and want your attention and approval. Make sure they are given just as much love and respect when they are growing older and coming to the end of their life as they did when they were brand new puppies, full of energy.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

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Best Outdoor Dog Kennels For German Shepherds

Outdoor Dog Kennels are enclosures where one or more dogs can be kept for a long time. Shelters for abandoned dogs use dog kennels as temporary shelters.

Dog breeders use outdoor dog kennels every day to keep their dogs safe.

Kennels are very important for those who live in large houses and to keep their dogs outdoors. Outdoor dog kennels are a way to protect your dog from harm and dont worry, dogs will still bark if anyone enters your property!

The size of your dog kennel is the first and most important thing to consider before you buy an outdoor dog kennel for your German shepherd.

How To Prevent Periodontal Disease

How To Keep Your German Shepherd Healthy ?
  • Brush your dogs teeth every day using a dog friendly toothpaste
  • Feed your dog healthy dry foods to help reduce the amount of tarter and plaque
  • Give your dog healthy dental treats
  • Give you dog bones and toys that are safe for their teeth
  • Dont let your dog get bored
  • Make sure you take your German Shepherd for;routine dental cleanings once a year;with your veterinarian. This will help to prevent the build up of tarter and plaque.

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    Overview Of The German Shepherd Teeth

    A German Shepherd puppys teeth are not present at birth. Their first baby teeth start to appear within two to four weeks of age, at which time they can be weaned off their mother and be given soft dog food.

    Their baby teeth develop gradually over two to three weeks, and they eventually have 28 small teeth that are exceptionally sharp.

    During this period, they are prone to biting everything they can find to relieve their discomfort. This discomfort continues as their adult teeth slowly come out. As their adult teeth develop, their discomfort will worsen.

    You will recognize that your puppy is teething in several ways:

    • Your puppy may leave blood smears around the home or on its chew toys.
    • You may find milk teeth that have dropped from your dogs mouth.
    • Behavioral changes such as irritation, some whining, or what seems to be excessive sleeping may be present.
    • The puppy may avoid eating dry food at times due to pain.
    • It can develop an infection or temperature.
    • Puppies salivate more than usual when teething to reduce their discomfort.
    • Biting during the teething phase will be ongoing.

    You will need to discourage your puppy from biting throughout these growth transitions. Be patient with your young pup as their physical development consists of many changes.

    They must learn to be away from their mother, adapt to a new family, learn potty training, other socialization skills, and still deal with a sore mouth.

    Keep Your German Shepherd Happy And Healthy

    Despite their slightly scary reputation, most German Shepherds are loyal, playful, and make wonderful pets to have around the house. While they may take a little more maintenance than smaller breeds, these dogs usually have wonderful personalities and will provide you and your kids with years of company and fun. A well-bred German Shepherd will be able to go through its whole life without any major health issues. However, like any breed, there are certain conditions theyre more susceptible to. If youre thinking of buying or adopting a German Shepherd, here are some important health care tips to follow.

    Source: Pixabay

    Like us, dogs need a balanced diet to stay happy and healthy. By and large, German Shepherds are very active, and therefore they need a lot of protein in their diet compared to some other breeds. Chicken, turkey and beef-based foods are all great for this. However, you should also make sure theres a healthy amount of vegetables and eggs in their diet. Generally, you should avoid wheat, rice or corn, as these can be tough for a German Shephard to digest, and may lead to health problems. Again, like us, the amount of food your dog eats should reflect the amount of activity they get. Generally though, three cups of food a day should be a healthy amount. When youre looking for food for your German Shepherd, try to avoid anything that contains additives, as this can lead to an excess of calories. Reading this article on dog foods is a great way to start.

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    Your German Shepherd Dog’s Health

    We know that because you care so much about your dog, you want to take good care of her. That is why we have summarized the health concerns we will be discussing with you over the life of your Shepherd. By knowing about health concerns specific to German Shepherd Dogs, we can tailor a preventive health plan to watch for and hopefully prevent some predictable risks.

    Many diseases and health conditions are genetic, meaning they are related to your pets breed. There is a general consensus among canine genetic researchers and veterinary practitioners that the conditions weve described herein have a significant rate of incidence and/or impact in this breed. That does not mean your dog will have these problems; it just means that she is more at risk than other dogs. We will describe the most common issues seen in German Shepherd Dogs to give you an idea of what may come up in her future. Of course, we cant cover every possibility here, so always check with us if you notice any unusual signs or symptoms.

    Everything You Need To Know About The German Shepherd

    Important Tips on GSD Care | How to care for German Shepherd

    German shepherds are probably one of the most loyal dogs, they are extremely intelligent, hardworking, and reliable. They work well in a variety of environments making them good as a working dog or the perfect family pet just not ideal for apartment living. The German shepherd needs to know who is the alpha in the family and needs plenty of mental stimulation to keep it happy.

    Over the years the German Shepherd is known for working in the police force and army, this is thanks to its resilience, courage, and exceptional scent skills. They also make perfect watchdogs.

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    What Can German Shepherds Eat

    So now we know what nutrients dogs need; lets take a closer look at what exactly they can eat. These are the main foods German Shepherds can eat. However, they do come with some caveats, so read on!


    These are the caveats to be aware of:

    • If a fruit contains pits or seeds, these must be removed as they contain toxic cyanide.
    • Most vegetables should be cooked first to help with digestion.
    • Fruits, vegetables, dairy, and nuts should be fed in small amounts no more than 10% of daily calories.
    • Although dogs can eat some nuts, they are not recommended due to their high-fat content, which can cause an upset stomach.
    • Its not advisable to feed raw eggs or raw fish due to the risk of salmonella or listeria.
    • Some dogs are lactose intolerant and can not eat certain dairy foods, depending on how much lactose they contain.

    I wrote complete guides to all the fruits and vegetables your German Shepherd can eat where you can find a ton of helpful information. These articles also include the nasty ones to watch out for!

    How Can I Keep My German Shepherd Healthy

    If your German Shepherd Is healthy weight gain will not be a big problem.

    You have to make sure when you change his diet or increase his feeding. You have to feed him the right amount of nutrients:

    There are 2 types of Nutrients:


    Water is essential for life. Water is one of the main ingredients in the world.

    Which are Functions Of Water In the Body?

    • Carries the nutrients
    • Flushes Out Bad Stuff
    • regulates body temperature

    Like us, Humans 70 % of German Shepherd Dog Body is Formed of water. This does not mean you have to Force him to drink a lot of water. Just make sure you give him enough water.

    Take your German shepherds bowel clean in which he will drink the water to avoid infections.

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    How To Keep German Shepherds Safe In The Car

    Are you ready for a road trip with your German Shepherd dog? Well, as fun as it may sound, it is not always easy in managing a German Shepherd in the car and to keep him/her safe.

    It doesnt really matter whether you plan to go on a quick trip around the corner or a long drive across the country, GSD safety in the car is something you must consider.

    This is because you certainly do not want your dog to be giving you puppy kisses while you drive, as this could be very distracting.


  • How to keep German Shepherds safe in the car?
  • Nutrition Rules To Keep The German Shepherd Healthy

    How To Keep Your German Shepherds Ears Healthy  Love My ...

    In order for the animal to be healthy and cheerful, to develop correctly and bring the owner a minimum of problems, it needs to be balanced feed. Shepherd dogs are not demanding on food, but you still need to pay close attention to their diet.

    #1 The basic rule when feeding a dog is to prevent overfeeding.

    #2 Overfeeding a Shepherd dog is fraught with obesity, the development of atherosclerosis, and a deterioration in overall well-being.

    #3 Shepherds are prone to inversion of the stomach: this organ in their body is too loose and can shift and twist very much during active physical exertion.

    #4 Eating twice a day, at the same time.

    #5 Feed only after a walk so that there is no gut twisting.

    #6 If the dog refuses to eat within half an hour after the walk, then the bowl should be removed so that there is no free access to food.

    #7 The main food of the Shepherd Dog should be unchanged, the rest as a supplement .

    #8 Food should be at room temperature.

    #9 It is important to remember: the dog should always have a bowl of fresh water.

    #10 Do not let the dog growl when you touch her bowl, she must know who is superior in the relationship.

    #11 Give preference to fresh vegetables, as boiled foods have few vitamins.

    #12 An overdose of calcium, vitamins D an A must be avoided (an excess of vitamins leads to various bone abnormalities.

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    Dont Be Tempted To Shave His Coat

    Im sure you are already aware of the serious pitfalls to shaving or cutting a double-coated breed, but if you dont know, read on

    It can be tempting to shave or give your GSD a little haircut in order to remove some of that thick fur. Although this has good intentions behind it, it will cause far more harm than good, and WILL NOT help to cool your German Shepherd down.

    The double-coat performs many important functions, the gaurd hairs protect from bugs, insect bites, dirt and UV sun rays, and the undercoat is there to keep them warm in the winter.

    If the coat is shaved, it completely messes up your GSDs ability to protect himself and regulate his own body temperature. Its a complete myth that shaving or even trimming will help cool them down Not to mention theres a strong change of ruining the coat for years to come.

    Popular German Shepherd Articles on The Puppy Mag:

    Average Age For German Shepherds

    Most German Shepherds live between 11 and 13 years. Owners of small breeds of dogs might see their animals live up to 17 or 20, but larger dogs put more strain on their bodies and simply do not live as long, no matter how well they are taken care of. A dog that is neglected or does not get proper exercise will actually die much earlier than age eleven.

    While some German Shepherds do live far beyond age 13, this is fairly uncommon and impossible to predict, especially if you do not know the lineage of your dog and what health problems they might encounter as they pass into old age.

    When you next take your German Shepherd to the vet, it would be worth your time to ask about your dogs life expectancy, even if they are still fairly young. Your vet will be able to look at your dogs current health and what issues they might have had in the past or that might be developing and in their early stages, and tell you how long they expect your dog to live. Your vet should also be able to tell you exactly what you should be doing in order to help your dog live as long as possible.

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    What Is The Risk Of German Shepherd Poor Oral Hygiene

    The German Shepherds teeth reflect its general health.

    White teeth and fresh breath are generally the signs of excellent health, but yellow teeth might signal a deteriorating state of oral wellbeing.

    Here are some indicators that the health of your German Shepherds teeth are deteriorating:

    • Bad breath
    • Pawing at the mouth

    Fun Activities For German Shepherds

    What Can German Shepherds Not Eat: Never Feed These 12 Foods to Your GSD

    Sam Shephard is an experienced German Shepherd owner and has learned throughout the years how to optimize the breed’s health and wellness.

    German Shepherds are happiest when kept busy.

    With the understanding that this dog breed would need a lot of attention, play, and exercise, we adopted our first German Shepherd. Activities are crucial in order to keep them healthy and happy. This was our first time caring for a German Shepherd Dog, and we initially underestimated just how much activity she would need.

    When she was a puppy, we started to notice that she would get antsy, anxious, and even destructive. This was intensely frustrating for my mother, who liked to keep a clean and orderly house. My mom started to despise our dog and her destructive behavior. Thats when we took Sultan to see a trainer. Wed been somewhat successful with our own training methodsshe could sit, stay, come, lay down, shake, fetch, and do just about anything else she was asked to do.

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    Yeast Overgrowth And Skin Infections

    Hot and humid places can encourage yeast growth in GSDs and so does bacterial infections. They are more seen in skin folds. Yeast overgrowth encourages excess oil production. The oil build-up ;in skin may result to severe itchiness that will eventually lead to skin infection.

    Untreated open wounds usually result in skin infections which are caused by bacteria. ;Their skin may appear to be red, moist and sometimes with pus. Depending on your GSDs immune system, it may worsen over time.


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