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Train German Shepherd Not To Bark

Why Does My German Shepherd Bark At Everyone

Aggressive German Shepherd Training/How to stop your barking dog!

Your German Shepherd may bark at everyone because he’s feeling anxious or he needs attention. He also may sense potential danger and he’s trying to alert you, or simply because the person is unfamiliar or perceived as a threat.

If your GSD’s barking becomes uncontrolled or disruptive, it is important to take steps to help them become more comfortable with strangers and better understand what appropriate behavior looks like.

Training your fur friend to respond appropriately when guests come over can also help them control their barking around unfamiliar people. Additionally making sure your dog gets enough exercise, mental stimulation, and socialization opportunities can go a long way in helping reduce excessive barking.

Finally, it is also important to remember that some German Shepherd types tend to bark more than others due to their size and history of guarding/protection work – so German Shepherd type should also be taken into account when addressing this issue.

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Why Do German Shepherds Bark So Much

1. Attention Seeking: One of the most common causes for a German Shepherd to bark consistently is when it is seeking attention. Dogs are social creatures and crave interaction with their owners, so if they feel neglected or ignored, they may resort to excessive barking in an attempt to get your attention.

2. Boredom & Excess Energy: Boredom and excess energy are two other common causes of excessive barking in German Shepherds. An under-exercised dog may bark out of boredom or as a way to release pent-up energy. Make sure your GSD is adequately exercised throughout the day, which can help reduce unwanted barking behaviors.

3. Fear & Anxiety: Fear and anxiety can also cause a German Shepherd to bark excessively. If your GSD barks when he encounters loud noises or unfamiliar people, for example, this could be an indication that he is feeling frightened or threatened.

4. Territoriality: German Shepherds are naturally protective of their owners and territories, so it is not uncommon for them to bark when they encounter unfamiliar people or animals in their space. If this kind of barking becomes excessive, you may need to implement certain training methods to help your GSD become more comfortable.

6. Illness or Pain: barking can also be a sign that your GSD is ill or in pain. If you notice any other changes in behavior or appetite, it is important to take him to the vet for a checkup.

The Tell Me Everything Method


Pup on leash leash on pup

Give your pup the ‘come’ command and hook him up to his leash. This puts you in the captain’s chair and your furry friend in the “ready-to-learn” mode.

You have something to say?

With your pup in the ‘sit’ position, give him the ‘speak’ command and give him a moment to say something before you introduce him to the ‘quiet’ command. Be sure to use a strong voice that lets your pup know who’s in charge without sounding angry.

Wait for it

It might take a bit for your pup to stop making all that racket, but when he has had his say and quieted down, be sure to praise him right away and give him a nice treat. Rinse and repeat to drive this concept into your pup’s brain. Be patient, it might take a while.

Let’s do the time warp again

Now that your pup has learned to be quiet on command, the next step is to start building up your pup’s endurance by adding to the time between when he stops barking on command and when you give him a treat.

Go for broke

Keep working and working with your pooch using the command and treat method. In time, start eliminating the treats. The more you work with your pup, the less likely it is he will bark unnecessarily, driving everyone crazy.

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Your German Shepherd Feels Threatened

If your German Shepherd feels threatened in any way, you can expect your dog to start barking.

The same holds true if your dog perceives that you are being threatened. Because the German Shepherd has such as strong guarding and protective drive, your dog will always be on the lookout for potential threats and will likely bark as a way to alert you.

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Always Use Only Positive Reinforcement Training Methods

Train A Dog Not To Bark

Here, positive reinforcement basically means praise, pats, play and treats rather than punishment.

Not only does positive reinforcement always work much better than negative reinforcement but positive training is essential for an intelligent, large, strong breed like the GSD.

It is the only safe way to train your dog.

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Distracting Your German Shepherd

Theres not much you can do about your German Shepherds excitement when he sees another dog he wants to play with. But, there are ways that you can distract your German Shepherd and cause him to lose focus on the dog hes barking at.

Heres how you can work on distracting your German Shepherd when hes barking at other dogs.

  • Feed him treats as soon as a dog comes around get his attention on you! You must give him the treat before he starts barking at the dog. If you wait until he starts barking, hell begin to connect barking with getting treats, which might encourage the barking behavior even more.
  • Continue to give him treats. Now, one treat wont usually do it! The longer the dog stays in your German Shepherds view, the more he will want to bark. Continue to give him treats as he stays quiet and doesnt bark at the other dog.
  • Stop giving him treats when the dog leaves. Once the other dog leaves your dogs view, immediately stop giving him treats. This will allow him to connect the dots a little better and understand that being quiet around this other dog is why he earned treats.

Keep in mind that your goal here is to distract your dog. You want your dog to focus on the treats rather than the other dog, which can limit the barking behavior.

Watch How To Teach Your Dog To Stop Barking In This Video

Dog Bark Spray Collar

We have never advocated the use of shock collars as a way to train your dog, but spray collars are a fairly harmless alternative that you may find very effective.Typical spray collars use citronella, an oil extract that has a slight lemony odor. When your dog barks, the collar sprays a mist of liquid in their face, distracting and discouraging them from continued barking. Most dogs dislike the smell and will avoid activating the collar. Over time, it should condition the dog to discontinue excessive barking, and the collar can then be removed.

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# : Use The Appropriate Training Program To Stop German Shepherd Barking

The following barking problems should be addressed before formally teaching your dog to bark on command and sometimes this is not recommended at all.

Fearful German Shepherd barking

German Shepherd anxiety may first appear as a barking problem. These are dogs that are truly afraid of something and pushing them to face their fears will only make matters worse. The best techniques involve slowly teaching your dog to change the emotion state of fear to one of joy in the presence of the fear trigger. Most fearful dogs will never become completely relaxed, so you will always need to be on the alert and manage the environment to prevent aggression from arising. I highly recommend you do not train a fearful dog to attack or bark on command.This link will help you get started on a training program to diminish your dogs fears.

Resource guarding in German Shepherd dogs

Also known as food aggression, resource guarding is a type of fear, in this case it is the fear of loosing something. Common things dogs will guard are toys, furniture, and even the owner. Because this also falls under the fear category you must be very vigilant and avoid situations that will make your dog become food aggressive. Follow this link for more information on this issue.

Stress and anxiety barking in German Shepherd dogs

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Breeds That Bark The Most

How to Train a Barking Anxious German Shepherd Dog with a Prong Collar

Some breeds have been bred to bark a lot. It helps them do the job they were bred for. For example, hunting dogs were trained to flush out game by barking and watch dogs were bred to scare would be invaders.

Here are some breeds that were bred to bark. These include the Dachshund, Miniature Schnauzer , German Shepherd, Terrier, Basset Hound, Chihuahua, Husky and Beagles. Even though these breeds were born to bark, they can be trained to be less noisy.

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They Are Greeting Someone

The top thing to note is that some German Shepherds bark more than other dogs. Typically, your pet may do this to greet you every time you enter the house or a room. You can quickly identify this cause by noticing the number of times your dog barks. It will bark only once or twice when greeting each time.

Why Has My German Shepherd Stopped Barking

If your German Shepherd is ordinarily noisy but has suddenly quietened down, they may have strained their vocal cords. Its not uncommon for dogs that are very vocal to overuse their voice and get a sore throat as a result. Other reasons for dogs to stop barking as much include grief, recovering from surgery, and not feeling well.

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They Are Saying Hello

Some German Shepherds are more vocal than others and choose to greet their favorite humans with a quick hello each time they enter the room.

Whether they start barking once you open the front door or each time you enter the room, your friendly Shepherd may just be offering you a special greeting.

Some German Shepherds say hello to their fur parents, the dog passing their house on a walk, or any new guest that enters their home.

Do German Shepherds Bark A Lot Your Guide To Gsd Barking

Fine Puppy Training Course

For people who live out in the country or a rural area, having a companion dog that barks a lot may not be much of an issue.

But if you want to have a pet dog and you live in an urban or inner-city area, you may have lots of other people living right next to you!

In this case, it is worth taking some extra time to ask whether German Shepherds bark a lot and if this is the right dog breed for your living situation and neighborhood.

You will also get tips on what to do to control GSD barking issues.

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Your Dog Does Not Communicate Like A Human

Your German Shepherd will respond to many different stimuli. Your body language and tone of voice being the two most important.

In time, your dog will understand certain commands such as sit, stay and come, drop etc.

But, dogs only understand single direct commands. Use language your dog will understand. Calm, simple commands and body language will make your message crystal clear.

Breeds That Bark The Least

The Basenji from Africa is called the bark-less dog. It never barks. It does make a noise that is kind of like a yodel so you still need to train it about its yodel but it is quieter than regular barking.

Other breeds that are not big into barking include English Bulldogs, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Newfoundlands, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Greyhounds, Great Danes, Char Pei, Japanese Chins and Pugs. Keep in mind that all dogs do not follow the stereotype for their breed.

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Can A German Shepherds Voice Change

Dogs can lose their voices as they get older. In fact, its quite common. Elderly dogs often have high-pitched or hoarse voices that are patchy or barely there.

Certain illnesses can also cause changes in voice, including physical trauma to the throat from an injury or foreign body, bronchitis, laryngitis, laryngeal paralysis, infections, thyroid issues, autoimmune disorders, muscular disorders, and cancer.

Stop Nuisance German Shepherd Barking


If you found this page, it is entirely possible that your hound already has a barking problem you would like to fix before moving on to teaching him to bark on command. This is an important step because, although many barking problems are mild, some do require special attention.

For example, German Shepherd barking due to anxiety is something that needs to be properly addressed to help the animal relax and be friendly around anyone, specially friends and family. If, after reading this section, you realize your dog has a true aggression problem and barking is just the tip of the iceberg, I highly recommend you find a professional dog trainer in your area to help you one-one-one – Search the APDT for one near you.

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When Do German Shepherds Start Barking

30 Second Answer

At around 7 weeks old, some German Shepherd puppies will start barking.

German Shepherd puppies start making little whiny noises around two weeks of age. At around seven weeks old, some dogs will start barking. However, some dogs wont start to bark until several months after birth, and some will not even begin to speak at all.

There are a few things that can affect when a German Shepherd will start barking. For example, if the pup was born into a litter of particularly vocal dogs, it is more likely that they will start barking at an early age. Additionally, early exposure to loud noises can also cause a German Shepherd to start barking sooner than average.

Ultimately, there is no set age at which all German Shepherds will start barking. Some may begin at just a few weeks old, while others may not start until they are several months old . If you are concerned about your dogs lack of vocalization, consult with a veterinarian or dog trainer to see if there is cause for concern.

Your German Shepherd Is Excited

Just like kids, puppies can easily become over-excited. As puppies, German Shepherds may bark when they get worked up through play, training sessions or exercise.

Even as adults, if your GSD gets very excited about something or someone, including a favorite visitor, a tasty treat or the presence of another dog or animal, you can expect to hear some vigorous barking.

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Your German Shepherd Is Bored

A bored dog of any breed is often a barking dog. Dogs can get bored just like people get bored.

While this may not be as much of a problem in some dog breeds that are more like couch potatoes, in a true working dog breed like the German Shepherd, boredom can be a huge trigger to bark.

Barking is a way your dog communicates to let you know they are bored and want some activity or a job to do. This type of barking is unlikely to resolve on its own.

Boredom can also lead to other undesirable behaviors like digging and chewing things around the house!

Your German Shepherd Is Sick Or Hurt

Dog E Products!

While dogs have evolved to have many tools to communicate with people, talking in human words is not one of those tools.

So your dog has to resort to other ways to let you know if they are hurt or sick. One of those ways can be barking.

While barking may not be the way your dog chooses to let you know they are sick or hurt, if the barking doesnt appear to have any other cause, it is time to dig deeper.

The health issue may be external or it might be internal. For example, some dogs that are having dietary issues or hormonal issues might become more aggressive or irritable and bark more.

Mood changes are one of the primary signs that your dog may be developing an underlying health issue, and barking more is one of the primary signs of a mood change.

This is the right time to reach out to your dogs veterinarian to report what you are witnessing and, if necessary, make an appointment for your dog to be examined.

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Train Them Basic Commands Such As No Bark

Proper training can go a long way in stopping your German Shepherd from excessively barking. The top thing you must do is teach your dog using the Speak or No Bark command.

This will help you reduce the overall barking with ease. You should also increase the number of times you use this command. Doing this will enable your pet to get used to less barking.

Barking Due To Boredom

German Shepherds can also bark because they are bored. If you are busy and havent had much time to play or exercise your German Shepherd, they will often find things to do to keep themselves entertained. That could include barking at everything they see outside or just barking to try and get you to notice them.

Take your dog for a nice long walk before you get busy, I bet youll find theyll be less bored and bark less. A tired dog is a quiet dog!

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How To Tell If Your German Shepherd Is Barking Aggressively

One of the most obvious signs that your German Shepherd is barking aggressively is if their behavior becomes more intense. Aggressive barking usually comes with a heightened level of energy and can include lunging, snarling, and growling. They may also show increased vocal intensity, with louder barks and higher-pitched tones.

If your dog is displaying these behaviors, it is important to address the issue immediately before any further damage is done. Besides, if your German Shepherd has a history of aggressive barking or has already caused harm to another person, dog, or animal, it’s important to seek professional help from a dog behaviorist. A behaviorist can help you identify the root cause of the aggression and provide a tailored plan to help your dog stop this behavior.

It is important to remember that any form of aggression should be taken seriously and dealt with as soon as possible. While it may take some time and effort, with the right training methods, you can help your German Shepherd regain control and learn how to behave in appropriate ways when around other people, animals, or in public.


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