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HomeFactsIs German Shepherd An Aggressive Breed

Is German Shepherd An Aggressive Breed

The Source Of Aggressive Behavior In German Shepherds

German Shepherd Cuddle Monster – The Aggressive Breed (GSD)

Dog aggression can start as young as 6 weeks of age, a crucial age when a German Shepherd puppy should be socialized with other dogs and given the necessary training that keeps them from biting other people. This period of socialization lasts until the dog turns 14 weeks of age and can extend even further beyond that.

This means several things. First, never take a puppy away from its litter before 8 weeks of age. Never use harsh discipline with the puppy between 8 and 10 weeks and make sure the dog is very gently treated in that time. Hitting, yelling or other harsh punishments at a young age can breed aggressive behavior in German Shepherds over time.

A German Shepherd like other breeds of dog needs to have been properly socialized with people and other dogs by the time he reached 14 weeks. This socialization will avoid any future aggression issues.

Actual aggression can be triggered by any number of factors. Heredity and genetics are certainly factors some breeds can be more aggressive than others but it is by no means a hard fast rule. Additionally, dogs that have not been neutered or spayed are more prone to aggressive tendencies.

White Swiss Shepherd Dog

The White Swiss Shepherd Dog is a variety of the German Shepherd bred in Switzerland. It descends from the American White Shepherds the first stud dog of what became the breed was an American dog born in 1966 and imported to Switzerland. The variety was recognised by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale as a separate breed in 2003, and it is now recognised by a number of national kennel clubs.

Your Dog Chases And Barks At Other Animals In The Home

Well-adjusted German Shepherds should act as protectors for you and other members of your family. Theyre usually great with other dogs and cats, rarely causing issues with other pets in the home.

However, naturally aggressive German Shepherds are less likely to be accommodating. They may chase other animals and bark at them to intimidate them, establishing their dominance in the home.

These behaviors can be scary and may escalate to dangerous levels without proper training. Dont cast it off as playful behavior, either aggression and playfulness are distinctly different and its important to distinguish between the two to avoid accidents and keep your furry friends safe.

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Where This Idea Comes From

Its hard to say exactly how this notion started, but the truth is that a young puppy that bites or otherwise acts aggressively is unlikely to cause much damage to an adult human, unless the pups teeth hit a nerve or an eyeball. On the other hand, a fully grown dog of any breed who bites hard enough to break skin will do more damage, because it has adult teeth and stronger jaws.

How Many Psi Can A German Shepherd Bite

Evil, aggressive dog #germanshepherd

This is because these breeds were bred to be guardians, which may partly explain accounts of them biting through steel cables. Its unusual for many other breeds to bite with more than 3 PSI. Nonetheless, the strength of German shepherds remains exceptional because they are so widely used in police and military work around the world. Breeds like German shepherds have shown an ability to bite with more than 20 pounds per square inch . This is because these breeds were bred to be trustworthy, which may partly explain accounts of them biting through steel cables. Dogs that serve as guardians often need to show this high level of trustworthiness because it can mean saving someone from something like a bear or lion! Its.

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Insurance Companies’ Bad Dog Lists

In association with National Dog Bite Prevention Week a number of insurance companies have issued their lists of dog breeds that they consider dangerous and according to their rules can result in denial of coverage. These lists have various names depending on the company, such as “excluded dog breeds,” “aggressive dog list,” “insurance list of dangerous dogs,” “prohibited dog breeds,” and one simply labels it their “bad dog list.”

The dog breeds that can be found on these lists seem to be drawn from a series of research studies, such as one commissioned by the U.S. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, published in 2000. It looked at the statistics on fatal dog bites .

However, it seems as though any dog bite incident that receives wide media coverage can also land a dog breed on such a list. Thus the Presa Canario was a dog breed that few people had heard of prior to the media coverage of a 2001 incident in San Francisco. The media luridly described how a woman was viciously mauled to death by two of these big dogs in the hallway of her apartment building. As a result, the owner of these dogs is now serving a sentence of 15 years to life in prison. Although the Presa Canario remains a rare breed in North America, it now seems to appear on every prohibited dog breed list issued by insurance companies.

What To Do If A German Shepherd Attacks You

German Shepherds do not always welcome strangers who come close to their families. They attack if they smell danger or some unsafe energy. It can be scary if an aggressive German Shepherd attacks you, so you should stay away from them.

If you get attacked by a German Shepherd, you should not run away else, it will chase you. It would be best if you had a shield to protect you from the dogâs teeth. It could be a piece of equipment, backpack, or even pieces of wood. This will make sure it doesnât bite into your flesh.

When struggling with a German Shepherd, you need to call for help. Hopefully, the owner is nearby, so they can help you escape the attack. Otherwise, you might have to fight back to save your life. If the dog bites you during the attack, you need to see a doctor for immediate treatment.

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Help My German Shepherd Is Becoming Aggressive

Finding out why my German Shepherd is becoming aggressive helped me to avoid a catastrophic nightmare.

You already know that aggressive dogs are a liability when not handled correctly and are stressful to control!

But, theres a way thatll allow you to take charge of the situation and learn how to make your German Shepherd less aggressive starting today.

Heres the process thatll help you.

Modern Utilization Of The German Shepherd


German Shepherds are seen as working dogs everywhere. The breed is well known for its police work, mostly used for narcotics detection, tracking criminals, and other types of detection. The ability to handle these tasks also make the breed a good candidate for the military. German Shepherds in the military detect items such as mines and explosives.

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Most Aggressive Dog Breeds Named In New Study

Are you surprised by the findings?

Rough Collies are the most aggressive dog breed, a new study of more than 9,000 pets has found.

Research conducted by the University of Helsinki found that smaller dogs are more likely to behave aggressively, growl, snap, and bark compared to mid-sized and large dogs. While no one dog breed is inherently vicious, some other breeds found to exhibit aggression include German Shepherds, Miniature Poodles and Chihuahuas.

The findings, published in Scientific Reports, discovered that male dogs are more aggressive than females, while a pup’s personality can also affect its likelihood to display aggression around people.

“In our dataset, the Long-Haired Collie, Poodle and Miniature Schnauzer were the most aggressive breeds,” Professor Hannes Lohi from the University of Helsinki, tells MailOnline. “Previous studies have shown fearfulness in Long-Haired Collies, while the other two breeds have been found to express aggressive behaviour towards unfamiliar people.”

Elsewhere in the study, the team also found that dogs who spend time in the company of other canines are less aggressive overall. Unsurprisingly, some of the least aggressive breeds include Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers.

Take a look at the full findings below…

Most Common Aggressive Behaviors

Aggressive behavior has a different pattern with each dog. The aggression can be exhibited in mood swings or intolerance towards other animals. Some of the most common aggressive behaviors include:

constant barking even if you say NO

chewing on the furniture or other belongings

chasing or barking at other pets living with you

growling or nipping as you approach to touch him

growling or barking when you have food

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How Does A Dominant German Shepherd Behave

A dominant GSD essentially likes to be the center of attention and will do what it needs to do in order to establish that.

It is not acting in a way that is coming from a fear of some sort, instead it acts in a way that is an attempt to prove to the world that it is the leader and needs to be taken seriously.

Some behaviors of a dominant dog:

  • One-upmanship: He will go to great lengths to show hes the fasted kid in class. Hell outdo other dogs when playing fetch and he will move another dog aside for your attention.
  • Shows his strength: He will never give up on a game of tug of war, be it with you or another dog. He will show that he is stronger than the next dog or person each and every opportunity that arises.
  • Stare downs: He is all about eye contact, but not as a sign of affection. His intent is to show you that he will not budge and that you should seriously consider submitting to him. He will do this with both people and other dogs.
  • Mounting: He will, bluntly put, mount anything that he can. He will not discern between male and female, as this is not an attempt to mate, but more a showing that he is in control.
  • Stealing food and toys: He may steal toys and food from other dogs just because he can and to show that hes in charge.One of my dogs used to just take bones away from my Rottweiller and go sit with them on his own bed. He didnt chew them, he just took them. That was the point he was trying to make I can and I will.

German Shepherd Behavior Problems

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German Shepherds can be one of the best breeds of dogs to own. They are exceptionally smart, filled to the brim with personality, and incredibly affectionate to people they love. As with any other breed, GSDs can quickly develop bad manners when theyre not kept in check.

If youre looking to welcome a German Shepherd into your life, you need to be aware of possible behavior problems and address them before your dog gets too difficult to control.

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Are German Shepherds Aggressive

Yes GSDs are generally considered as an aggressive breed but this can be controlled. Some countries and states in the USA enacted Breed-Specific Legislation . This law bans or regulates ownership of some breeds like GSDs. They decided to enact this law because of attack statistics of certain breeds like the German Shepherd.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , there were 279 deaths of humans in the United States due to dog attacks from 1979 to 1994. CDC based their report on the data from the Humane Society of the United States and media accounts in the NEXIS database. This report also shows three cases of dog-bite-related fatalities . One of the fatalities involved a 2-year-old boy in South Dakota who died because he was attacked by two wolf-German shepherd hybrids.

Experts like the American Kennel Club , American Veterinary Medical Association, and the National Canine Research Council are not in favor of this legislation because its ineffective. Thankfully many public officials decided to repeal this law.

Your Dog Chews Your Belongings And Furniture

Like barking, a well-behaved German Shepherd will stop chewing on something when you tell him not to. He may mistake a shoe for a toy after all, they are a curious breed but he should respond when you ask him to leave it alone. Watch this video about how to train a dog.

If he ignores your command, this is another act of defiance. Hes asserting his dominance with antagonistic behavior to act out.

Again some dogs respond to commands better than others. Dont be surprised if your German Shepherd is playing with your shoe because he thinks its a toy.

You can know if hes being aggressive if he begins growling or barking when you give a no command. Highly aggressive dogs may snap at you if you try to take the belonging away from them so its important to resolve this behavior early.

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A Short History Of The German Shepherd

As the name of the breed suggests, the German Shepherd originates from Germany. The history of the breed dates back to the late 1800s. In the 1850s, German dog breeders were trying to standardize dog breeds to preserve the best traits that assisted their job of herding sheep. This was practiced within small communities of people in Germany where shepherds bred dogs.

German breeders wanted to have a dog that had the necessary skills for herding sheep such as intelligence, strength, speed, endurance, and a strong sense of smell. The breeders got results but the ability and the appearance of dogs differed from one community to another. As a result, the Phylax Society was formed in 1891 with the purpose of creating native dog breeds but it was disbanded in just a few of years due to internal disagreements on the traits of the dogs the organization should promote. Nevertheless, Germanys efforts to create a dog breed of the nations own continued.

In 1899, Max von Stephanitz, an ex-member of the Phylax Society and a former student of the Berlin Veterinary College, was shown a dog during one of his visits to a dog show named Hektor Linksrhein. The dog was agile, loyal, fast, intelligent, and appeared pleasing to the eye. The dog satisfied his beliefs of what a working dog should be, and he purchased him.

Where To Adopt Of Buy A German Shepherd

German Shepherd Dog | German Shepherd Dangerous Breed | Aggresive German Shepherd | Pitbull | Blogs

If you think you’d like to adopt a German shepherd, start by contacting one of the following organizations:

These groups will be able to provide guidance and next steps for adoption. If you aren’t certain the breed is right for you, you may be able to try foster care to test if a GSD is a good fit for your home.

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Do German Shepherds Turn On Their Owners

Fuzzball or future terror?

Every once in a while, youll come across someone proclaiming that a breed of dog will grow up to turn on its owners. We guess this means a dog whose behavior was just fine as a puppy starts growling at or biting its handler once its an adult. Is this a real thing? Are German Shepherd puppies likely to attack their owners once they become adult dogs?

German Shepherd Breed Overview

The German shepherd as a breed originated in Germany. No surprises there. But, believe it or not, their name was changed soon after the war. Before the war this breed was commonly called the Alsatian in Great Britain and parts of Europe.

There are still parts of Europe that refer to the German shepherd as the Alsatian however, most of the world has converted back to calling them German shepherds.

Pretty interesting, right?

As for life expectancy, German shepherds normally live for around 9-13 years.

The color of a German shepherd can range considerably from gray to black to tan, and even a silvery color.

The males grow to be approximately 24 inches at the shoulder and the females tend to be a little shorter, measuring around 22 inches at the shoulder.

As for weight, males average around 80 pounds and the females are a bit lighter at around 60 pounds. There is no denying that these are big dogs!

Now, as I mentioned earlier, German shepherds are known for their physical strength and intelligence. As working dogs, they were bred to be confident and powerfultwo traits which often scare people away from wanting anything to do with the breed.

Its this combination that makes them quite incredible beasts. They have strong muscles. Theyre obviously large, and yet, in their minds, theyre also very confident, watchful, and alert.

If you have a puppy, I encourage you to check out my Puppy Coach training program.

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How Tall Can A Caucasian Shepherd Get

The average height of a male Caucasian Shepherd is around 27.5-30 inches, and the average weight for an intact male is around 125-135 lbs. The females of this breed are slightly shorter at 25.5-28 inches and lighter .Caucasian Shepherds can grow to be very tall if their skeleton is not kept in proportion with the head and body ? they require plenty of space and activity. They also need to be properly exercised as they can develop joint problems and serious health problems like hip issues, cataracts, Bloat Syndrome/torsion, juvenile renal disease equivalent to human Fanconi syndrome, heart disease or canine Alzheimers Disease if left alone or sedentary.

Skeletal Health And Supplementation

Top 5 Most Dangerous Breeds of Dog!

Musculoskeletal disorders are debilitating conditions that are often associated with genetic makeup, malnutrition, and stress-related events. Some breeds like the German shepherd, are predisposed to a variety of different skeletal disorders, including but not limited to: canine hip dysplasia, Cauda equina syndrome, and osteoarthritis. These conditions can be a result of poor breeding or induced by intense exercise and poor diet.

Canine hip dysplasia is an orthopedic condition resulting from abnormal development of the hip joint and surrounding tissue causing the instability and partial dislocation of the hip joint, resulting in pain, inflammation, lameness, and potentially osteoarthritis of the joint. German shepherds are genetically predisposed to CHD and the University of Veterinary Medicine in Germany found its prevalence estimated to be approximately 35% of veterinary cases associated with the disorder.

Osteoarthritis is one of the main contributors of musculoskeletal pain and disabilities that commonly affect German shepherds. Mechanical stress, oxidative damage and inflammatory mediators combine to induce the gradual degeneration of the articular cartilage in the joint, resulting in reduced muscle mass, pain, and locomotion.

Vitamins such as A and D also have crucial roles in bone development and maintenance by regulating bone and calcium metabolism. Adequate levels should be incorporated into a German shepherd diet to promote a healthy musculoskeletal system.

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