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HomeMust ReadHow Was The German Shepherd Created

How Was The German Shepherd Created

German Shepherd Calorie Requirements

Things to know as a new German Shepherd owner | Mistakes made by new owners

So, how much should I feed my German Shepherd?

The caloric needs of dogs are based on their weight. An adult German Shepherd usually weighs between 50 and 90 pounds, which means most GSDs need between 1165 and 1808 calories a day.

Make sure you follow the 10% rule when feeding treats to your dog. Food would equal 90% of the total calories and treats the remaining 10%.

For instance, if a GSD weighs 65 lbs. he would need 1480 calories per day. For those eating treats, then thats 1276 calories in food and 142 in treats . Usually, most full-grown dogs eat 2 meals per day. However, since GSDs are prone to bloating so divide his daily meals into 3 meals. For this, you need to split 1276 into three meals of 425 calories each.

You can use this calculator to find their exact caloric needs for your dog based on his own weight.

Pregnant or lactating GSDs may need up to 2 to 4 times the amount of food they would normally need as the mothers energy requirements increase after delivery and during lactation. Be sure to talk to your vet.

Modern Utilization Of The German Shepherd

German Shepherds are seen as working dogs everywhere. The breed is well known for its police work, mostly used for narcotics detection, tracking criminals, and other types of detection. The ability to handle these tasks also make the breed a good candidate for the military. German Shepherds in the military detect items such as mines and explosives.

German Shepherds Were Among The Most Famous Stars In The Silent Film Era

German Shepherds have been popular stars of Hollywood films. One German Shepherd, Rin Tin Tin, appeared in more than 25 films during the 1920s and 1930s. He earned more than some human stars of that time, over $6,000 a week .

However, the highest-grossing star in Hollywood at the time was actually another German Shepherd Strongheart. He eventually became a multi-millionaire and was generally considered more widely known.

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Breeding The German Shepherd

For many years, man has understood that pairing certain dogs or horses or cattle could make it more likely that offspring would have certain desirable traits. Through the 19th century when life was primarily oriented to living locally, farmers who kept sheep dogs mated their animals according to the best dogs that were in the area at the time. Only with the increase in communication and transportation that came toward the end of the century was an effort made to standardize breeds, the German shepherd among them.

As early as 1881, an organization was created to standardize the German shepherd in Germany but there were immediate and lasting disagreements about what made the right dog. The group soon disbanded.

Then in 1889, Captain Max von Stephanitz, a former member of the earlier group, attended a dog show in Karlsruhe, Germany where he was particularly taken with a medium-sized yellow-and-gray wolflike dog. The dog was well-built and powerful and proved to be intelligent. Though its owner was still using the dog to herd sheep, he agreed to sell the dog to von Stephanitz.

The dog, Hektor Linksrhein, was soon renamed Horand von Grafrath by the Captain. Horand became the first registered German shepherd dog, and he is very much the image of what we think of when we think of the shepherd today.

To the Captain, the most important traits were utility and intelligence. The actual look of the dog was secondary.

History Of The White German Shepherd

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The White German Shepherd is genetically no different than a standard German Shepherd, although it does have a fluffy white coat. This is because the White German Shepherd carries the recessive white furred gene, which is just the same as some humans carrying the recessive blonde haired gene. This color never really stuck, and therefore the White German Shepherd never became as popular as other colors of German Shepherds.

The German Shepherd is the second most registered breed according to the American Kennel Club . They are very popular working dogs who are known for their work as police dogs, military dogs and herding dogs. They are also very popular family dogs because of their loyalty and protective nature.

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A Brief Insight Into The Development Of The Breed

The German Shepherd breed appeared late at the end of the 19th century in Germany and they were first exhibited at a show in Hanover in 1882. They were not like German Shepherds as we know them today though being rough coated, short tailed and rather resembling mongrels. The German Shepherd Dog as we now know it didn’t really appear until after the Second World War.

The breed was actually created by the cross breeding of working sheep dogs from rural Germany by an ex cavalry officer called Max von Stephanitz whose aim was to create a working dog for herding which could trot for long periods.

A breed standard was drawn up and the first breed show took place in 1899 following which the GSD became firmly established across Germany. In 1906 the first dogs were exported to the USA .

Since then, the breed has grown enormously in popularity and is now one of the most popular pedigree breeds in the UK as a pet as well as being the favourite working breed for many forces, especially the police. They are widely used for security purposes because of their strong protective instincts.

GSD’s make wonderful family pets and will protect family and home.

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Foreseeing New Work For The German Shepherd

Von Stephanitz also had the foresight to see that as industrialization began to replace the farms across the German countryside, there would be less need for dogs who could herd sheep.

With that concern, von Stephanitz set about working with police forces and working dog clubs to develop a set of training techniques that taught the dogs to track by scent and to perform protection duties. Over time, he succeeded in getting the dogs placed in various branches of government service.

During World War I, German shepherds were used as Red Cross dogs, messenger dogs, supply crriers, sentinel, tracking and guard dogs.

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The Resurgence Of The Shepherd

Sieger Pfeffer von Bern, a GSD with a namesake that holds true to its ancestry, was a huge part of the reason that the dog breed gained its popularity back. This dog became the grand victor in some of the American Kennel Club shows and was the first German Shepherd to do so. People were once again reminded of the fantastic appearance and loyalty of these dogs, and popularity surged.

As it will, the popularity of the breed decreased again soon after. Its namesake did not hold well in America given the current circumstances of World War IIthe rise of the Nazi regime led to a lot of anti-German propaganda in the Western world. Nobody wanted a dog with the namesake of the enemies of the State. Many people with German Shepherds would often tell people that they were a different breed entirely.

After the Second World War, there was a low in the popularity of the breed. As tension with Germany died down, the popularity of the breed slowly began to rise. By the 60s, many people didnt mind owning a dog with a German name.

Populations and popularity continue to increase. By 1993, GSDs were the third most popular breed in the US. Their popularity continued to improve, and as of 2009, German Shepherds were the second most popular. Its not uncommon to see the breed within the top five spots of dog registries worldwide.

Versatility Of The Breed

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Max von Stephanitz recognized a need to integrate German Shepherds into other areas of society and became a strong advocate for using the dog in military service, law enforcement, protection service, and rescue efforts. Von Stephanitz championed the resulting breed to serve in various branches of government service that would take advantage of its versatility. This included tasks in supply carrying, tracking, courier service, guard positions, and Red Cross duties.

Always looking for ways to protect and improve the breed, Von Stephanitz paid close attention to trends in breeding and worked tirelessly to maintain the standard for which he is so well recognized. Discouraging breeding for beauty instead of purpose, Von Stephanitzs motto was:

Utility is the true criterion of beauty.

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What Genetic Factors Contribute To The Sable Gsd Coat

In general, two pigments affect the coat color of dogs. These are eumelanin and phaeomelanin. By default, eumelanin expresses black pigment but differences in the dogs genes can dilute this into other colors, including blue and liver.

On the other hand, phaeomelanin is responsible for the red pigment in dogs coats. Genetic differences affect the intensity of phaeomelanin and can appear as anything from a very rich red to a light shade of gold or cream .

Sable GSDs have both eumelanin and phaeomelanin but are affected by the A locus called agouti. The agouti protein manipulates how melanin is released in each hair strand.

In sable GSDs, it releases eumelanin to create the black tips and then switches to phaeomelanin to create the lighter-colored base.

How Much Is A Sable German Shepherd

German Shepherd puppies are generally priced between $450 and $1,900. However, you can expect sable GSDs to cost much more than that at approximately $2,000 to $5,000, depending on the lineage.

The reason why working line German Shepherds and, consequently, sable GSDs are more expensive is that their breeders are generally more responsible with their breeding practices.

They make an effort to secure the reputation of their pedigrees and ensure they produce healthy dogs with excellent temperaments and long lives.

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In Conclusion Of The Top German Shepherd Breeders In The Us

Finding a breeder of Authentic Purebred German Shepherds can be hard if you dont have the appropriate information to make a sound decision. Our list of the Top German Shepherd Breeders in the U.S. provides proven leaders in the industry.

Make sure you do your homework and research every aspect of the dog that you plan on buying and make sure that you request the papers of the puppies and the parents. We hope that you find the perfect pooch for you and your family! Happy Hunting!

The German Shepherd In Wartime

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The German army doubted the usefulness of German Shepherds for war. However, the success of these dogs in the German police force opened the doors to for them to work on the front lines during World War One. During this war, German Shepherds were used to locate wounded soldiers, carry messages and alert of the presence of enemies during patrols, etc.

The abilities of the German Shepherd were recognized by the Allied soldiers. At the end of the war, not only did many of these soldiers return with fascinating – and often exaggerated – stories about the qualities of the German shepherd, but some also returned with the dogs themselves.

In fact, the first Rin Tin Tin was one of these dogs he was a puppy who survived a bombing and was adopted by American corporal Lee Duncan, who brought him to the United States.

Of course, World War Two also counted on the presence of German Shepherds among the troops. By that time the German Shepherd breed was enormously popular, both in their home country and in other countries.

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Why Do The Police Use German Shepherds

The police use German Shepherds because they are excellent working dogs. They use the working line of German Shepherds specifically bred to perform well in challenging conditions.

German Shepherds are extremely intelligent, are great at maintaining order, are natural protectors, and are exceptionally easily trained.

They have a calm temperament and react well in all situations. Besides all these factors, they are also strong and energetic. Because of these characteristics, they are also one of the most used service animals.

The White German Shepherd All The Facts About This Magnificent Breed

The White German Shepherd is known for its plush white coat, its athletic body and its high intelligence. This unique dog is bred from German Shepherds and carries many of the same characteristics, yet it also carries the recessive white furred coat gene. So, as long as you dont mind a bit of extra time spent on grooming, youll still get a loving and loyal German Shepherd as your trusty companion.

Read on below to find out more about this special breed of dog and whether they could be the right pup for you.

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What Are German Shepherd Dogs Like To Live With

German Shepherd Dogs are fierce but friendly, and have a calm confidence that may seem kind of aloof. When in need, however, a GSD is instantly ready to protect, play a game or perform a task in some cases as a guard dog, police dog, herder, seeing eye dog or other service dog. With a strong work ethic and an eager intelligence, they crave challenges.

Not to be left alone in the house too long, German Shepherd Dogs crave interaction and involvement. They are fiercely protective of their homes and families sometimes known to herd children and they get along with other pets. Standoffish and detached with strangers or those outside the family unit, they have been known to over-guard or bark protectively.

German Shepherd Dogs have great instincts and fertile minds. Lots of activity and exercise will make them happy, but tracking, obedience and agility games or any task-oriented activity will make them even happier. A bored or neglected German Shepherd Dog may resort to chewing furniture, digging up flowers and other mischief.

The German Shepherds Nose Must Be Black For It To Compete In Breed Shows


Independent of the fur color, the tip of the nose cannot be of any other color. In other words, if a German Shepherd is born with a nose of any other color, it would be disqualified in a breed dog show.

However, it could still compete in agility events, work as a service dog, and be an amazing pet.

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The German Shepherd: From Sheep Dog To Dog Of Many Skills

The German shepherd is known today as a handsome, well-built dog with high intelligence and strong loyalty. The breed has been used successfully as a police dog, a seeing eye dog, a military dog, a guard dog, and as a family pet.

Yet the dogs beginning was as a German sheep dog.

A German Shepherd Was The Very First Guide Dog In America

In 1928, the first guide dog, a German Shepherd called Buddy, arrived from Switzerland with her new owner, Frank Morris. Many were skeptical, but helping her new owner cross a busy street in New York proved her skills very quickly.

Interestingly, the trainer of that dog was also an American , Dorothy Eustis.

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The First True German Shepherd Is Made

In 1899, a breeder named Max von Stephanitz found what he considered the perfect shepherd dog specimen. He purchased the dog and named it Horand von Grafrath, deeming Horand the first official German Shepherd dog.

The breed was named âGerman Shepherd Dogâ officially at the beginning. Other herding dogs in Germany were also called German Shepherd, but once Max von Stephanitz came on the scene, the other German Shepherd came to be known as âOld German Shepherd Dogsâ.

Skeletal Health And Supplementation

German Shepherd Statue

Musculoskeletal disorders are debilitating conditions that are often associated with genetic makeup, malnutrition, and stress-related events. Some breeds like the German shepherd, are predisposed to a variety of different skeletal disorders, including but not limited to: canine hip dysplasia, Cauda equina syndrome, and osteoarthritis. These conditions can be a result of poor breeding or induced by intense exercise and poor diet.

Canine hip dysplasia is an orthopedic condition resulting from abnormal development of the hip joint and surrounding tissue causing the instability and partial dislocation of the hip joint, resulting in pain, inflammation, lameness, and potentially osteoarthritis of the joint. German shepherds are genetically predisposed to CHD and the University of Veterinary Medicine in Germany found its prevalence estimated to be approximately 35% of veterinary cases associated with the disorder.

Osteoarthritis is one of the main contributors of musculoskeletal pain and disabilities that commonly affect German shepherds. Mechanical stress, oxidative damage and inflammatory mediators combine to induce the gradual degeneration of the articular cartilage in the joint, resulting in reduced muscle mass, pain, and locomotion.

Vitamins such as A and D also have crucial roles in bone development and maintenance by regulating bone and calcium metabolism. Adequate levels should be incorporated into a German shepherd diet to promote a healthy musculoskeletal system.

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First German Shepherd Exhibit In Us In 1907

IN 1907 some of the German dog owners brought their dogs to the United States to show them. American were impressed. By 1913 the U.S. had formed its own German Shepherd Dog Club and they began to have German shepherd dog shows. However, change was to come.

When the U.S. entered World War I, Americans rejected anything related to Germany. The American Kennel Club responded by renaming the breed, Shepherd Dog of America. There were also efforts to call the dogs police dogs, and while you will still hear that now and then, it really didnt catch on.


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