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HomeMust ReadHow To Train A German Shepherd To Sit

How To Train A German Shepherd To Sit

Tip #: Your German Shepherd Puppy Needs To Learn Things In Different Places And Every Time From Scratch

How to Train German Shepherd to sit and stay

This is a hard concept to understand for us, clever human beings. Dogs are well lemons as expert trainer Jean Donaldson calls them in her Must-Read book The Culture-Clash. When we learn something new, we can very easily generalize the concept to any situation, that is what makes us creative creatures. Dogs, on the other hand, cant make that cognitive leap. If they learn to Sit in the kitchen, they most likely wont sit in the yard unless trained -from scratch!

Fortunately, you have a German Shepherd puppy, they are clever and chances are they will need less repetitions than the average breed. To help you out on this matter, this link will take you to a step-by-step guide to train a reliable command.

Determine The Best Reward

All dogs have a reward that they respond best to. Most German Shepherds are food-motivated, so youll find that treats are effective for reinforcing good behavior.

Others, however, prefer to play as a reward. For such GSDs, you might try tossing them a toy or playing a short game of tug whenever they get things right. Other dogs are happy enough with kind praises and an ear scratch.

What Age Can I Start To Train My German Shepherd Puppy

As soon as you get them home. Puppies brains are a lot bigger than we think they soak up so much good information despite their young age.

Its no secret that German Shepherds are super clever. Besides being loved as pets by families, they are proud members of the police and loyal service dogs. Learning wont be a problem for them at all!

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The 5 Steps Of Training Your German Shepherd Puppy

Its important to indicate from the onset that there is no one size fits all rule when it comes to training your German Shepherd puppy. Every dog is unique, and youll have to adapt to your dogs individuality.

Nonetheless, some training basics are universal, as shown in the following five steps of German Shepherd puppy training.

The Key Commands In Training Your German Shepherd Puppy

How to Train a German Shepherd Puppy to Sit

Most dogs will need obedience training in basic and advanced skills. But obedience training levels can be further broken down to basic, intermediate, advanced, and behavior correction.

Heres Zak again on how to teach your new puppy 3 easy things his name, and the commands, sit! and down! This particular video went viral and has over 11 million views!

A German Shepherd puppy will be initiated in the basic obedience training, but it doesnt hurt to know what the other levels of obedience training entail.

  • Basic obedience training is usually done on a leash and involves the very first commands that your German Shepherd pup should learn.
  • Intermediate obedience training entails the removal of the leash to teach the same basic commands.
  • Advanced obedience training involves teaching obedience commands to your German Shepherd puppy at a higher level and in situations that may include distractions and the effort for greater concentration.
  • Behavior correction obedience training is meant for dogs with behavior problems that the owner may sometimes find hard to correct . For example, if your dog is biting other than during normal puppy teething, check out this article on how to discipline a German Shepherd for biting.

Your German Shepherd puppy will need training in the following 15 and other basic commands:

With time, as your German Shepherd puppy advances into adulthood, hell need training in the following eight and other advanced commands:

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Want To Use Games And Have Fun After Practicing With This German Shepherd Training Guide

If you want to achieve the quickest results for training your GSD then use games and have fun with your dog!

Theres plenty of training programs on the market, but you already know that your German Shepherds full potential is through positive training and their natural desire to perform advanced skills and tasks.

You can easily learn breakthrough techniques to help you feel confident training your German Shepherd at home by enrolling in this scientifically-based brain training program that guides you through advanced tricks and obedience.

Dont stress over not knowing how to train your GSD any longer use this step-by-step program.

Achieve the life youve always wanted with your German Shepherd by enrolling them in online games and obedience and following this easy, step-by-step German Shepherd training guide!

You and your German Shepherd are already one step closer to obedience success!

Great work!

How To Keep Your Dog From Barking

While German Shepherds communicate primarily through body language, their bark is another way for them to let others know what theyre thinking. Its unreasonable to expect your German Shepherd never to bark, but you should teach your dog when barking is acceptable.

A GSD is a guardian breed, and he will want to protect his family and his home from any danger. Thats why they bark when someone knocks on the door. But, they may also bark at other dogs, the TV, and other non-threatening stimuli.

What can make this behavior tricky is that you want them to bark to alert you when a stranger or other legitimate danger approaches, but you also want them to stop after youve confirmed that the family is not in danger.

The best way to do this is to follow these steps:

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Tips For When Walking With Dog On The Leash

  • Put an ID tag on the collar and make sure it fits correctly your dog because you do not want that it slips and your German Shepherd Dog runs away.
  • If your dog is very active and full of energy and it is difficult for you to keep him on a leash because he pushes too much. I will advise you to exercise a lot your German Shepherd Before you start training so he will burn most of his energy in the exercise.
  • You have to focus a lot so make sure you are not distracted by phones or anything else around you.
  • Rewards every time your dog, Does not matter if you spent a lot of time to teach him things.

German Shepherd Training: 10 Tips

How to train a 9 week old German Shepherd puppy to sit, down, stay, come.

German Shepherds are among the smartest dog breeds in the world. They are also eager to work and especially eager to please. Because of this, it is relatively easy for them to pick up new commands.

However, GSDs are also confident and headstrong dogs. Without proper training and leadership, they could develop some unwanted behaviors.

This article will discuss German Shepherd training, why it is important, and provide some tips to help you along the journey.

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First 4 Commands To Teach Your German Shepherd Puppy

German Shepherds are a medium to large sized working dogs, and they were originally bred for herding and guarding sheep. According to the book The Intelligence of Dogs by Stanley Coren, the German Shepherd dog is easy to train and can quickly learn various tasks only after 5 repetitions and is third for their intelligence right after the Border Collie and the Poodle.

German Shepherds are eager to please and have a strong will to learn. If you want to have a happy well-trained GSD , you should start your training as early as possible. Its best to begin at around two months of age.

Speedy Ways To Train A German Shepherd

Are you excited to begin training your German Shepherd and wondering how to train a German Shepherd because youre eager to get started?

Ive trained German Shepherds and will show you the quickest ways to get the behaviors that you want

While having fun and bonding with your dog!

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How To Train Your German Shepherd Puppy Not To Jump

While having your German Shepherd puppy jump up enthusiastically is cute when they are little, the novelty wears off pretty quickly. A 20-pound puppy may be unlikely to knock you over a 100-pound adult is another story.

Luckily, teaching your pup not to jump isnt rocket science. Its a matter of conditioning. The first step in training your German Shepherd pup to keep calm when they greet you is to set the mood: if you are relaxed, your puppy will learn to be relaxed as well.

Here are a few tips:

  • Keep greetings low-key. Greeting your puppy enthusiastically and loudly is a great way to encourage them to jump up. Instead, come in the front door quietly and wait a minute or so before saying hello to your pup.
  • If your dog jumps on you, ignore them. Resist the urge to pet them. Petting them when they jump up reinforces the negative behavior. Turning away from them when they jump will show them that jumping does not get your attention.
  • Only pay attention to your dog when theyre sitting. As soon as you get in the door, tell your dog to sit, and only reward them with attention when theyve done so.
  • Be patient. Because your German Shepherd pup is so happy to see you when you walk in the door, it may take them a while to realize that they will only get the attention they want when all four paws are on the floor.

How To Teach A German Shepherd No

How to Train a German Shepherd to Sit in 4 Steps

If you say no, keep your face straight and use a firm tone. However, don’t yell or do anything that might scare your dog.

Give your dog more appropriate treats when they see you.

If your dog is chewing on expensive items, tell them “no” and offer another chew toy. You can also ask them to come to you and give them a treat.

If you’re having trouble teaching no, try a quick clap of your hands while saying no. This will usually make your dog stop doing the behavior you want or get their attention so you can offer a better alternative.

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How Can I Teach My German Shepherd Puppy To Be Ok On Their Own

Its a fair question and were here to help you see through those puppy dog eyes and help your puppy cope from the very beginning.

  • Start by feeding your puppy in their crate during meal times. Itll give them the chance to start feeling comfortable in their own space without you.
  • When theyre busy eating, walk around and do something else around the house. Dont get out of sight just yet make sure youre still visible to them. Most puppies love their food with a passion, so theyll hardly notice youre gone
  • TIPS

    Take it slow: It works much better than trying to speed up the process. If they seem worried by you leaving, stay in view, and just pop right outside their confinement area.

    Keep it short and sweet: No need to stay away for long, 60 seconds tops will do for now.

    Repeat: Do this at least once a day to make progress go steady and smoothly.

    Cut Down On Treats A Bit More

    Remember to cut back the treats once your pet learns the new difficulty. But I personally do not recommend you go below 50% because you want to always keep your hound motivated!

    A common question: Do you have to use treats forever?

    Well, do you get a paycheck every month? Your pet feels the same way. A reliable response to your commands needs to be rewarded often! But because you will be doing it only half of the time and randomly, your pet will ALSO respond when you do not have treats!

    You are ready to move on to step 7 When your dog responds 8 out 10 times to both hand signals or verbal commands and is being rewarded 50-60% of the time.

    Note: at this point you can start training another behavior at the same time. Try Stand.

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    How To Teach Your German Shepherd To Come

    You can make sure that your dog obeys the command by taking long walks when you teach it.

    Your dog can run free in your house for a long time. To get your dog moving, you can give them a favorite toy or treat.

    To get your dog’s attention, say the word “come to the fire” aloud. Gentle tugging on the lead may be an option. You should only draw enough lead to get your dog’s attention.

    To get down to your level, bow down and offer a lure to help them understand your intentions and bring them back to you.

    Give them your reward once they come to you. Let them wander around, and then use the word “come” to drive them to your place to treat them at least ten times.

    You will eventually remove the lead from a safe area where you can practice off-leash recall.

    However, for now, you can start indoors in quiet areas.

    Differences Between Training A Puppy Versus An Older Gsd

    Teaching a German Shepherd to come and sit beside you with GSM

    You can successfully train a German Shepherd no matter how old they are. However, youll need to adjust your expectations based on their age.

    Its generally easier to train puppies because youre starting from a clean slate. Theyre not yet set in their ways and will be more open to looking to you for guidance and leadership.

    Nevertheless, you shouldnt worry if youre getting your GSD as an adult. Your training might have to involve reversing some bad habits.

    Additionally, it might take longer for them to respect your leadership. However, if try your best to understand them and give them a reason to trust and follow you, training a German Shepherd as an adult is definitely possible.

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    Start With The Basic Training

    Start with the basics and create a foundation. From there you can move into advanced learning or what most of us consider training to be. Older german shepherds have the ability to learn advanced training easily while puppies attention span is short and their temperament not in the mood for boring training.

    Start with the simplest things, your dogs name, then basic commands like sit, stay, stop

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    Be In Tune With Your Dog

    As you spend more time with your dog, pay attention and observe them closely. Youll notice that they have their own ways to communicate with you.

    If you make an effort to listen and figure out what theyre trying to say, youll appreciate how communicative German Shepherds really are, and this is critical for successful training.

    Also Check: How Long Does It Take To Train A German Shepherd

    Use The Right Tools For The Job

    Use the right tools for your puppy or adult and follow the training steps below to begin basic training with your German Shepherd. Teaching obedience without these supplies makes the work harder on you.

    Dont make your life harder!

    Buy the right tools.

    Here are some of the best examples for your training.

    Your Dog Is Not A Person Your Dog Is A Reflection Of You

    German Shepherd Training Guide: All You Need to Know

    Your Dog is a Reflection of You!

    As humans, we personify everything we love including our beloved dogs. And in my opinion, there’s nothing wrong with that.

    As long as we remember that our dogs operate on instincts. And our emotions affect those instincts.

    For example

    There’s this Staffie names Apollo that has hydrotherapy on the same day as Charley.

    Now, Apollo and Charley hate each other. None of us are sure why though!

    So, a few weeks ago Charley was at her weekly hydrotherapy session when Apollo strolled past her massage mat.

    The moment I saw him I tensed up. And within a split second Charley, who has just had hip surgery, jumped up on all fours and started barking madly.

    She’s never had a problem with any of the other dogs around there. Even the owners 2 Jack Russell’s hang around her with no problems.

    Both myself and the therapist never saw it coming. But looking back now, I should have known

    Charley was reacting to her instincts.


    My emotions played a big role in her final reaction. Charley was responding to me, but the results were not positive. Because I was tense and worried.

    You may be wondering what you can do to encourage your GSD to respond to you in a positive way.

    This brings us to the next golden rule

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    The Key Takeaways Here Are:

    • For effective German Shepherd training, you must be a good leader in your dogs life.
    • Leadership is about using brains and NOT brawn to train your German Shepherd.
    • Understand what your dog is not , learn to speak your dogs language, and get inside his head.
    • Always be patient and consistent with your training and reinforcement.
    • Aggressive methods are not effective when training your German Shepherd. You will see little to no results, it will cause trust issues and youll break your dogs spirit. Always be kind!
    • Positive reinforcement and training will bring quicker, long-lasting results. And build a strong relationship of trust and love between you and your German Shepherd.

    Check out this article to learn how to teach your German Shepherd not to jump on you or your guests.

  • Afton Jackson

    The part of your article that mentioned consistency and why it matters when training dogs was definitely one part that was helpful to read. The last thing I want to happen is that my dog would be let loose thinking that they would behave and they suddenly act aggressively towards my family because we gave the wrong command. Ill make sure I focus on this aspect of training when I find a dog trainer in the area that can help me train my german shepherd.


  • Gabriella V

    Hi Roylena,

    Im so sorry, I totally forgot to drop the link to my article on jumping here for you to check out. Here it isHow to stop a German Shepherd from Jumping on You.


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