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How Old Do German Shepherds Live

The Problem With Unethical Breeding

How Long Do German Shepherds Live? (Signs Your GSD Life is Ending)

Recently, unethical breeding had been widespread. Due to the popularity of German shepherds, many breeders use unethical breeding methods to speed up production.

As a result, multitudes of serious health conditions to a German shepherd are developed.

As of recent, there have reports of musculoskeletal diseases. Some German shepherds arent even able to stand.

There are many more health conditions caused by this breeding method, 263 to be exact. Some of them include:

  • Ear Inflammation
  • Osteoarthritis

Skeletal Health And Supplementation

Musculoskeletal disorders are debilitating conditions that are often associated with genetic makeup, malnutrition, and stress-related events. Some breeds like the German shepherd, are predisposed to a variety of different skeletal disorders, including but not limited to: canine hip dysplasia, Cauda equina syndrome, and osteoarthritis. These conditions can be a result of poor breeding or induced by intense exercise and poor diet.

Canine hip dysplasia is an orthopedic condition resulting from abnormal development of the hip joint and surrounding tissue causing the instability and partial dislocation of the hip joint, resulting in pain, inflammation, lameness, and potentially osteoarthritis of the joint. German shepherds are genetically predisposed to CHD and the University of Veterinary Medicine in Germany found its prevalence estimated to be approximately 35% of veterinary cases associated with the disorder.

Osteoarthritis is one of the main contributors of musculoskeletal pain and disabilities that commonly affect German shepherds. Mechanical stress, oxidative damage and inflammatory mediators combine to induce the gradual degeneration of the articular cartilage in the joint, resulting in reduced muscle mass, pain, and locomotion.

Vitamins such as A and D also have crucial roles in bone development and maintenance by regulating bone and calcium metabolism. Adequate levels should be incorporated into a German shepherd diet to promote a healthy musculoskeletal system.

The Development And Activities Of The Animal

As the German Shepherd grows, you should reduce the amount of exercises that they perform. During adulthood, the animal should not demand more of itself in order to avoid joint diseases. When taking walks, these can be shorter to avoid fatigue. Needless to say, opt to use a dog harness instead of a neck collar.

In conclusion, the life expectancy of a German shepherd is 13 years and can be extended to 15 with the necessary care. There are factors that can reduce the symptoms of aging and improve the quality of life at this stage.

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Modern Utilization Of The German Shepherd

German Shepherds are seen as working dogs everywhere. The breed is well known for its police work, mostly used for narcotics detection, tracking criminals, and other types of detection. The ability to handle these tasks also make the breed a good candidate for the military. German Shepherds in the military detect items such as mines and explosives.

How To Prevent Hip Dysplasia In German Shepherds

How Long Do German Shepherds Live?

Today we are going to talk about how to prevent hip dysplasia in German Shepherds. According to data collected from the Orthopedic Animal Foundation, this disease has an incidence of 20 percent and affects a wide variety of breeds. Next, we go into the details of this pathology.


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They Require Mental Stimulation

Long walks might tire out other breeds, but not the German shepherd. In addition to daily exercise, your new German shepherd will also require some mental stimulation. Obedience classes and dog sports can be especially helpful for rescue shepherds. Classes and training give you a bonding experience that builds trust and helps your dog figure out their place in your household, and it can help you diagnose any behavior problems early on.

Cancer And Other Diseases In Elderly German Shepherds

Unfortunately, the German Shepherd is one of the breeds that are particularly predisposed to developing cancer later in life.

Females have a higher risk of cancer than males. This is partly due to the fact that very adult female German Shepherds often suffer from tumors of the mammary glands.

Other common cancers, which can significantly reduce the life expectancy of our German Shepherd, are lymph gland and skin cancer. These occur equally in males and females.

In addition, many German Shepherds suffer from joint diseases such as osteoarthritis or the dreaded hip dysplasia.

Other diseases such as cataracts or eye inflammation due to decreased tear irrigation, skin diseases or various organic disorders also occur with some frequency.

Another problem that can occur is urinary incontinence.

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Where Did The German Shepherd Originate

German Shepherd Dogs originated in Germany in the late 1800s. Originally, GSDs were not companions, rather they worked for farmers to herd sheep and protect them from predators.

After World War I, people realized how easy German Shepherds were to train, thus establishing them as a popular household pet.

Understanding The German Shepherd Life Span And How To Prolong It

Why a German Shepherd is not for you

Understanding the German Shepherd life span is important when caring for these dogs.

The tougher question to ask, however, is how long do German Shepherds live?

These dogs cant stay with us forever, so it is important that we understand the perils of GSD old age and their average life expectancy.

The aim of this guide on the German Shepherd average life span is to look at the general life expectancy of this breed, the different stages of their life cycle and some factors that may influence a longer life or premature death.

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How Fast Do German Shepherds Age

Youve definitely heard the saying that one year for a dog year is the equivalent of seven human years.

While this is roughly true of older dogs, the rate at which a German Shepherd ages isnt the same every year.

Also, large dogs typically dont live as long as small dogs, and hybrids live longer than purebreds of comparable sizes.

A German Shepherd begins adolescence between five and eight months of age, and continues until adulthood at around 18-24 months.

Therefore, the AVMA estimates that your puppys first year is equal to about 15 years for a human. When your Shepherd reaches the age of two, theyre about 20 to 24 in human years.

From then on, your dog ages about 5 human years for each of their own years. Relative to a human, a ten-year-old German Shepherd is about 63 to 70 years old.

The German Shepherd Life Span And All You Need To Know

Any dog lover will tell you that its such a shame that dogs dont live longer. This is especially true for larger dogs, because small breeds generally have longer life spans.

The average German Shepherd lives for 10 years, but is there any way to ensure your pooch lives longer than expected? Were about to find out!

Below is everything theres to know about extending the German Shepherd life span.

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Cancer As A Major Problem

German Shepherds most commonly diagnosed fatal diseases are hemangiosarcoma and osteosarcoma . Although the cause of hemangiosarcoma is still unknown, its believed to be genetic the same goes for osteosarcoma, which can also be caused by other environmental factors.

On one hand, hemangiosarcoma is a tumor developed mainly from a dogs blood vessels that would slowly spread in other parts of its body the death rate of GSDs who were diagnosed with this disease is extremely high that even if dog owners were opting to have their dogs undergo surgery and chemotherapy, it would only have it survive for an expected maximum of 6-8 months.

On the other hand, osteosarcoma is a condition slightly similar to hemangiosarcoma except that the tumors growth would result in bone damage. For German Shepherds, their long bones, such as their arms and legs, are most commonly affected by osteosarcoma and can be treated through amputation, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy, costly. Without any treatments, the average survival time for a GSD would only be for at least 2 months. Its a sad truth that both of these diseases are predisposed in German Shepherds and can indeed shorten their lifespan.

How To Know When Your Gsd May Be Near The End Of Life

How Long Do German Shepherds Live?

Once your German Shepherd enters their senior years, you may begin to wonder how you will know that their end time is near. While some dogs will pass on their own, there is a chance that we will have to make that difficult decision for our beloved companions.

If you are struggling with how to know when your German Shepherd is near the end, here are some things to look out for:

The most important part of having a senior German Shepherd is your attempt to keeping them comfortable in the last stage of their life. Make sure to stick to their normal routine as much as possible, allow them to decide what theyd like to participate in, let them rest, and talk to your vet about medical options to keep them comfortable.

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White Swiss Shepherd Dog

The White Swiss Shepherd Dog is a variety of the German Shepherd bred in Switzerland. It descends from the American White Shepherds the first stud dog of what became the breed was an American dog born in 1966 and imported to Switzerland. The variety was recognised by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale as a separate breed in 2003, and it is now recognised by a number of national kennel clubs.

Caring For An Old German Shepherd

If you notice that your dog is beginning to act elderly, there are a few things you should start doing. After all, elderly dogs have different care needs than puppies or adults.

Firstly, you should be sure to take your dog to the vet for a checkup regularly.

Elderly dogs are more likely to develop disorders than those in the prime of their life.

But many of these disorders can be treated if caught early. For example, it is much easier to slow the progression of arthritis if you catch it early.

Your dogs hips and elbows should be mainly looked after.

Arthritis is prevalent in the elderly German Shepherd. Some are even reported to lose the use of their hind legs altogether.

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Make Sure They Get Annual Check

Dog wheelchairs help GSD dealing with DM or hip issues to improve mobility & stay active.

Another great way to increase German Shepherd life expectancy is to make sure that you take them for check-ups with the veterinarian at least once a year. For young puppies you will want to take them twice a year.

Large dog breeds are more prone to hip and joint problems. German Shepherd hip dysplasia is one of the more common ones. Taking them for annual check-ups increases your chances of finding certain conditions or diseases early on in some cases.

This allows the vet to take certain preventative measures when catching the problem early on. Often times a dog may cover up the fact that they are in pain. The vet may be able to notice specific symptoms during the early stages.

Reasons You Do Not Want A German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Q& A – Things to know | Part two

Now, wait a minute! youre saying. Of course I want a German Shepherd! Otherwise, I wouldnt be looking at this article! Very good. You have taken the first step towards becoming a responsible purebred dog owner, first by doing your research, and second by taking the time to examine the problems inherent in your chosen breed.

Here are 10 reasons you might want to reconsider your choice of a GSD:

1. Health problems.The GSD is not a dog for those who just want to plunk down cash for the first puppy they see and head home . German Shepherds, like any large breed, are prone to canine hip dysplasia, a crippling and potentially fatal disease. The breed also struggles with or is prone to elbow dysplasia, allergies, cleft palate, degenerative myelopathy, perianal fistulas, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, bloat, panostetis, Von Wildebrands disease, Wobblers Syndrome, heart and skin disease and thyroid disease. Many of the congenital diseases in dogs can be tested for and therefore prevented by responsible breeders. But you must be willing to ask questions of your breeder to find out what problems have cropped up in his or her lines. Good GSD rescuers will also be aware of such problems, and whether the rescued dog youre considering has shown symptoms of or has been treated for any health issues while with the rescue.

If youve considered the above and are still interested in getting a German Shepherd, check out our free guide to Choosing Your New German Shepherd!

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How Old Do German Shepherds Live

On average, the German Shepherd live between 9 and 13 years. However, there have been cases where it has spread for more than 15 years. This condition can occur when the animal is given the necessary care, for example, visits to the vet, good nutrition, among other aspects.

In addition, it must come from a responsible breeding where the parents do not have hereditary diseases. Also, when exercise and treatment are provided to prevent common diseases of old age from being so severe that they cause early death.

How Do I Make Sure My German Shepherd Is Healthy

Preventive care is key in helping your German Shepherd live a healthy and long life. Taking your German Shepherd to regular veterinary appointments is one of the best things you can do to ensure that they are healthy and feeling their best. An experienced veterinarian can assess your pets health, make general health and wellness recommendations, and look out for common, breed-specific conditions.

German Shepherds are particularly prone to a condition called gastric dilatation-volvulus or bloat due to their large size, deep chests, and high energy level. They are also more susceptible to gastrointestinal tract and hip issues. A veterinarian should regularly assess your pet for these health problems and run tests for anything they may be more prone to due to their breed. Preventive care is truly a must for your dogs overall welfare to ensure they are able to live long healthy lives with you and your family.

Regular vet visits are crucial to your pets ongoing health and longevity. Its also essential to plan for the cost of accidents or illnesses. Treatment for many conditions, including bloat and GI issues, can cost thousands of dollars.

Only 19.44% of pet owners say theyd be able to cover a $5,000 expense out of pocket. Dog health costs are also more expensive than other pet healthcare costs due to dogs being larger in size. Since larger pets have higher healthcare costs, the German Shepherd breed is one of the most popular dog breeds to have pet insurance.

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Canine Genetic Age Testing With Easydna

Want to find out your pets scientific age? EasyDNA makes it simple to determine your dogs true age with a Canine Genetic Age test that measures a dogs telomeres length at a genetic level.

It then uses that information to compare your pup with more than 95 types of dogs in their database to define their breed and biological age details further. Order a kit, send in your sample, and get results back in two to three weeks. Visit EasyDNAs website to learn more and buy a test.

Choosing The Right Breeder

German Shepherd Life Span: How Long Do German Shepherds Live?

Every good life starts with the search for the best breeder. Correct breeding is the very foundation of a healthy and well-tempered dog and genetics play a huge role in this.

To avoid all the possible inheriatble diseases, request health certificates of both parents that adhere to the standards of the German Shepherd breeding club of america.

Even if the parents are not affected by any disease, they could be carriers of recessive genes that will be passed onto the next generation.

Check the breeders knowledge on these breed-related health issues and make sure that no questions are left unanswered.

Read my guide on All 17 Questions You Need to Ask Your Potential Breeder which will help you determine a responsible breeder by asking the right questions.

Do your own research on the breed and acquire thorough knowledge on care, health, history and temperament of your chosen puppy.

Behavior issues are also among the top leading causes of death in dogs so temperament test any puppy before buying it. Good breeders will assist you with that and match you with the right puppy.

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Quiet And Quickly Tired

When a German Shepherd reaches its senior years, youll notice how theyll gradually lose their energy and even show disinterest in toys or walks they used to be so excited about. When your dogs life is nearing the end, youll often find it lying around in quiet places that would exclude itself from other pets or people. It wont also move as much as it would try to limit itself from feeling even more uncomfortably frail than it already is.

Do Large Dogs Have Shorter Lifespans Than Smaller Dogs

Unfortunately for owners of German Shepherds and other large dogs, size contributes to longevity. This can be observed by simply comparing the average life expectancies of different breeds.

For example, Chihuahuas live between 14 and 16 years while Saint Bernards live from 8 to 10 years old, on average. Similarly, Jack Russell Terriers have a longer average life expectancy of 12 to 14 years compared to Newfoundlands 9-10 years.

This curious fact was the subject of a study published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Society of Naturalists in 2013. According to the researchers behind the study, larger dogs grow at a more accelerated pace and so their lives unwind more quickly.

Additionally, the growth rate of large dogs increases their risk for abnormal cell growth, which is commonly associated with cancer. They also suffer from age-related illnesses much sooner than slow-growing smaller breeds do.

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