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HomeFactsHow Much Should A 5 Month Old German Shepherd Weight

How Much Should A 5 Month Old German Shepherd Weight

What If My New 6 Weeks Old Gsd Pup Wont Eat

How much does a German Shepherd puppy weigh?

The new environment may make it stressful for your dog and he may not eat immediately. Be patient and keep offering your pup their meals.

Try not to vary what you feed as the main meal, as any changes can cause an upset stomach. Puppies have delicate tummies at this young age, especially German Shepherd puppies.

Watch for other signs of illness such as:

  • lethargy

How big a 6 week old German Shepherd really depends on their parents and their specific breeding history, but on average, a baby German Shepherd weighs around 12 to 15 pounds at six weeks of age.

Grooming Your Gsd Puppy

A German Shepherd puppy doesnt need frequent baths and bathing can strip the protective skin oils from them, leaving their skin open to itching and infection.

Try gentle puppy bath wipesfirst to remove smells and dirt, as well as to keep their coat clean. Youll also notice the wipes are easy for you to grab, so you dont have to spend a lot of time on grooming.

If youre going to bathe them, then follow this section to take care of a 6 week old German Shepherd puppys skin and keep your pups fur in tip-top shape.

  • If you must bathe them use a gentle, hypoallergenic shampoo made for puppies and keep them out of cold drafts while theyre drying. At all costs, keep water away from their ears and face since German Shepherds are prone to ear infections.
  • Use a moistened cotton washcloth on their face or gentle puppy wipes. Never pour water directly onto their face or you risk them inhaling the fluid and developing respiratory issues.
  • Your dog may not enjoy being bathed or groomed at first. Go slow with the grooming sessions and keep them positive and short at first.
  • Increase the sessions as they enjoy their shorter sessions.

Follow this helpful German Shepherd grooming guide for professional-quality results at home for more useful, quick information as your puppy gets older.

Feeding A Senior German Shepherd

Your German Shepherds diet will then again change as it turns into a senior. This is as senior dogs typically require fewer calories due to lower energy needs brought about by lesser activity and slower digestion. Therefore, to keep your senior German Shepherd in shape, you must consider a low-calorie, high-fiber, and moderate protein and fat diet.

Usually, you can keep on feeding your senior dog with a decreased amount of its adult food or with specially formulated food for older dogs. But, considering older dogs may already have medical conditions that need to be addressed, your best bet would be to consult with a veterinarian to come up with the ideal diet for your senior German Shepherd.

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When To Start Feeding A Puppy Dry Food

Ideally, a puppy should be nursed and fed by its mother up to the first 8 weeks of its life. However, to get your puppy used to eating dry food, you would want to introduce dry food starting at around 4 to 6 weeks of age.

To do so, soften up dry food by mixing it with milk replacer, and offer it to your puppy 3 to 4 times a day. As your puppy gets used to eating the food, gradually decrease the amount of milk replacer until the puppy eventually adapts to eating solid food.

Your puppy should get used to eating dry and solid food by around 8 weeks of age.

How Much Should A German Shepherd Weigh

5 Month Old German Shepherd Puppy

Since each dog is going to be different, you need to look at their overall body condition rather than a weight range. Fortunately, there are body conditioning charts that you can use to figure out if your German Shepherd is at their ideal weight.

As you can see, its easy to determine if your German Shepherd is at the proper weight. Just look at them from the side and from above, feeling for ribs and pelvic bones when necessary.

While German Shepherds are generally thinner compared to other dogs of their size, you still shouldnt be able to see or easily feel their ribs. Younger dogs will also typically be on the thin side before they fully fill out as adults.

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What If My German Shepherd Isnt The Right Weight

If your German Shepherd is diagnosed by a veterinarian as underweight or overweight for their age, then the first thing you should do is ask him or her to help you figure out the underlying cause of the problem. This will determine what should be done next.

For underweight German Shepherds, you may need to:

  • Feed them larger meals more frequently
  • Switch to a high-quality dog food
  • Treat for parasites
  • Create a treatment plan for diabetes
  • Have their teeth cleaned and any mouth conditions treated
  • Treat another disease that may be causing low body weight

For overweight German Shepherds, you may need to:

  • Feed them less food less often
  • Cut out treats

Months Old German Shepherd

Your German Shepherd puppys growth will start to decelerate at this age, and they will begin looking like miniature GSDs with their erect ears and proportionate body.

Some dogs go through a fearful stage where they become afraid of things that they werent before. Some may even exhibit signs of confusion at your commands.

Coddling them will reinforce these habits, so its best to ignore or divert them.

Female GSDs might also go into heat, but its important not to let her fall pregnant at this age as it could hinder her growth.

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Should You Give Your German Shepherd Supplements

As a general guideline, do not provide your dog with supplements unless directed by a veterinarian. And for the most part, if youre feeding your German Shepherd with high-quality dog food, then it will most likely already have all the nutrients it needs, and you shouldnt have to worry about giving it supplements in the first place.

What Happens After Your German Shepherd Puppy Turns One Year Old

How much Should you Feed a German Shepherd Puppy in a day? | GSD Diet Plan |

As you likely have already noticed from reviewing the generic growth charts for a male and a female GSD puppy, puppies do a healthy chunk of their growth during the first six months of life.

But this doesnt mean theyre done maturing not by a long shot!

In fact, the average German Shepherd puppy will complete most of their height and length growth by the age of one.

But they may continue to pack on the pounds for as long as another 24 months.

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Start With Their Parents

This is your best chance at figuring out how big your puppy will get, especially if they are a mixed breed.

If you have a German Shepherd puppy, you will know from their breed standard, when fully grown they range from 48 to 90 pounds in weight.

But, if you know Mom weighed 50 pounds, and the Dad 65 pounds, you are more likely to have a small German Shepherd at around 60lb.

Of A German Shepherd Dog

German shepherd: is BIGGER the better?The full adult size of your GSD will depend in large part on the genetic background of its parents. Adult males should range between 24-26″ at the shoulder blade, females from 22-24″. Males within the standard may weigh anywhere from 75-90 lbs. depending on their bloodlines. Females may weigh anywhere from 55-75 lbs. Although your pup will reach close to adult height by 10-18 months, he will continue to fill out until up to 3 years old.

Beware of breeders who emphasize “oversize”, “huge”, “big-boned” breeding stock or puppies.

Bigger is not better in German Shepherds.

The German Shepherd is not built to have a skeletal and muscular structure of an oversize breed. An inch or so out of standard may be acceptable providing the general line is not consistently out of standard. A responsible breeder will offset an oversize dog by breeding with a line that is a bit smaller in order to maintain the standards as closely as possible.



32 kg/70 lbs

Finally, we want to once again address the size of a German Shepherd Dog as an adult as it is listed in a breed standard.Per official SV Breed Standard:

Vom Geliebten Haus, Image and Text – Veronika, 1/18/2020Use without permission is prohibited. Shares are welcome.

For this article we have used the following sources:*The Breed Standard for the German Shepherd Dog,

*German Shepherd Growth Chart, The Total German Shepherd,

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What To Know Before Owning A German Shepherd

9 Things You Must Know Before Buying A German Shepherd

  • There should be enough space for the breed.
  • German Shepherds can be a bit rough.
  • German Shepherd may or may not be affordable.
  • They need your time.
  • German Shepherds need training and exercise.
  • Go through your lifestyle and check if the dog fits in it or not.
  • German Shepherd sheds a lot of hair.

How Big Do German Shepherds Get

5 Month Old German Shepherd Female

While German Shepherds reach adulthood at the 18-month mark, their growth doesnt stop until three years old. This growth is nominal from the two-year point to the three-year point .

On average, fully grown German Shepherds are 24 to 26 inches tall and 22 to 24 inches . Males will weigh between 49-57 lbs, and their female counterparts will weigh 44-49 lbs. Most GSDs are assumed to be fully grown by the end of the second year.

Whether a GSD is expected to grow beyond the second year can depend on how big the dog already is.

Regardless of your dogs sex, if their height is less than 20 inches by the end of year two, you should get them checked for growth deficiency, as they should be just an inch short of their final height.

Watch This GSD Puppy Grow From 7 Weeks to 2 Years

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Wolf Vs German Shepherd Size

German Shepherds are known to be big dogs, but the largest of them is like the weight and size of the smallest wolf. On average, the height of wolves ranges from 26 inches to 32 inches while German Shepherds range from 22 inches to 26 inches.

The weight of a small female wolf is around 51 pounds and a big male wolf weighs around 180 pounds. Like dogs, male wolves grow longer, heavier, and taller than females. On the other hand, according to our German Shepherd size chart, they weigh between 49 pounds and 88 pounds.

Overweight And Underweight Dogs

Some pet parents often wonder if their dog is underweight, overweight, or at their ideal weight. Having an ideal weight for your pet is not only healthy, but it also allows him to live a healthy and active lifestyle.

Some factors that determine your pets weight, and that includes:

  • Daily food intake
  • Neutering

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Five Main Types Of German Shepherds

There are five main types of German Shepherds that you will come across:

  • American Show Line German Shepherds: These are tall and long dogs. They can be black, tan, saddle, solid black, solid white, or even saddle sable, which is the most recognized coloring.
  • West Show Line German Shepherds: These GS are intelligent and considered to be the most beautiful. They are usually black and red, black and tan, black, or sable in coloring.
  • West Working Line German Shepherds:These are a calmer type of GS and are easy to work with. They can be sable, black, tan, or bi-color. They do have a higher risk of developing health issues.
  • East Working Line DDR German Shepherds: This breed of GS are graceful and have very long coats. They are often used for search and rescue missions. They are the darkest breed of GS and are more usually just black and sable.
  • Czech Working Line German Shepherds: This GS breed is incredibly loyal and they have broad shoulders and powerful jaws. They tend to have darker coats and their blacks do not slope. They are used for patrolling and make great police dogs.
  • German Shepherd Puppies Vs Adults Guidelines

    How Much to Feed My German Shepherd?

    Our last topic involves the difference between a puppy and an adult.

    This is an important subject as it will help you figure out the best way to take care of your dog depending on whether theyre an adult or a puppy.

    The following are some of the facts that recent studies have proven:

    • Puppies have higher energy levels than adults. This means they need to eat more than adult German shepherds.
    • German shepherds will need higher protein and fat content in their early age. The amount of fat and protein will decrease as they grow older.
    • Puppies cannot tolerate too many nutrients. Ingesting extra minerals and vitamins may lead to serious health disorders. Meanwhile, adults are only risking being overweight when taking in more than intended.

    With this German shepherd feeding chart, you can now decide on your dogs feeding plan, However, Id suggest seeing your vet first so you can confirm if your plan is actually effective.

    Many owners simply feed their German shepherds without second thoughts of the dogs needs. But since youve read this blog post, you are now aware of the needs of your German shepherd.

    After talking about the feeding amount, frequency, and lengths of a German shepherd, you can now easily plan how much, how many times, and how long you feed your dog. You even learned how to hydrate your German shepherd the proper way.

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    German Shepherds And Children

    Adult German Shepherds can range from being calm and patient to bouncy and boisterous, depending on their personality, training and socialisation. Some can make great family pets in homes with children of all ages, but dogs should always be supervised around young children.

    Make sure you can recognise the signs of unhappiness or anxiety in your dog to help avoid any conflicts. German Shepherds can be nervous of strangers so make sure theyre never left unsupervised. Be careful if you are introducing a German Shepherd to younger children or adults unfamiliar with the breed as they often dont know their own strength.

    How Often To Feed A Puppy

    So now that you know how much to feed your puppy, you might be wondering, How many times a day should a puppy eat? Setting a routine for your puppys feeding schedule is critical so he can learn when to expect his food.

    • 4-12 Weeks: Young puppies need three or more feedings per day to adequately meet their nutritional needs. So, according to the feeding guide that comes with their food or the chart above, divide that by three or more and give the food to them throughout the day.
    • 3-12 Months: As your puppy gets older, you can reduce the number of feedings to twice daily. Their energy level should reduce thus, they dont need as much food throughout the day.
    • 12+ Months: Most adult dogs eat two meals per day. Youll want to divide their food requirement by two.

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    Calculating The Adult Weight Of A Small Breed Puppy

    Another option to determine his adult weight, if you don’t mind a bit of math, is to find your puppy’s growth rate and times that by 52. His growth rate is how much weight he gains in one week and is calculated as his current weight divided by his age in weeks. For example, if you have a puppy that weighs 4lbs at 14 weeks old the math would be 4/14 = 0.29 X 52 = 14.86 lbs as his adult weight.

    Week Old German Shepherd

    5 Month Old German Shepherd â its Diet and Behaviour

    At 6 weeks old, your job as a new owner is to make sure that your puppy is receiving the same level of nutrition that they were getting from their mothers milk.

    Ideally, your puppy should still be nursing from their mother, because most foods are going to have a hard time replacing the needed micro and macronutrients, along with the natural antibodies that are found inside of the mothers milk.

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    Another Choice When Choosing A German Shepherd Is The St Bernard

    These dogs are very friendly and love humans, and they make wonderful family pets. This is a large breed that is extremely popular in Europe and has now become a very popular breed in the United States as well.

    These are just a few of the different breeds of dogs that are available to you when you decide to go looking for a German Shepherd. Even though you will likely have to wait for many years before you receive one, they are great dogs that can be loved by you and your family for many years to come. It is important to know what you want and to research the breed carefully before settling on a particular breed.

    A 5-month-old German shepherd puppy weighs about fifty pounds at birth. This is a weight most dogs cannot sustain for more than two years. It is important for you to take the proper steps to get your new dog on the right path. A 5-month German shepherd puppy weighs about one hundred twenty-five to two hundred and sixty-five pounds at the time of being sold.

    When you are looking at a German Shepherd puppy weight chart, it will help to keep in mind that this is an average. Some puppies will be slightly over or under, while some will fall right in between. When looking at your German shepherds size at the time of sale, take the average. It is better to have a little over than too much.


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