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HomeFactsAre There Long Haired German Shepherds

Are There Long Haired German Shepherds

Why Do People Prefer A Long Haired German Shepherd

Long Haired vs. Short Haired German Shepherds: What’s The Difference?

Attractive Appearance Their long, silky hair indeed makes them look unique when compared to their short haired counterparts. The amazing elements of a long haired dog are the texture and length of their hair. The absence of the undercoat in comparison to the short haired dog makes the appearance of their hair look much more glossy and shinning. It makes for a very handsome dog.

Temperament Whilst surprising it is commonly known that that the long haired dog maintains a joyful and peaceful temperament, they love to socialize and are very affectionate as well. Also known for their loyalty, they can have a soft and gentle nature making them an ideal pet for your family

Living conditions Due to the lack of the undercoat in a long haired dog they actually make ideal indoor pets. You might imaging the opposite but in fact their long hair does not protect them from bad weather and they are much happier being indoors with their family.

Size Its amazing how much bigger your dog will look when it is long haired, and some people love this. But in fact if you see them wet in the bath youll realise that they are essentially the same as the short haired version. Still some people just love the big fluffy dog they can be!

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon

Some German shepherd owners are wondering if dogs can eat watermelon? So, the answer is Yes, but there are a few things to keep in mind. In the first place, seeds may produce an obstruction in the intestine, so be careful to remove them. Additionally, its best to remove the rind since it might induce digestive distress.

For dogs, what are the health advantages of watermelon? Vitamins A, B6, and C and potassium are found in the fruit, which is low in calories and high in nutrients. There are approximately 50 calories per cup and 92% water in the fruit, making it a fantastic thirst-quencher in the summer. Its also low in fat and cholesterol, so you dont have to worry about overindulging.

Long Haired German Shepherds Require Lots Of Training And Socialization

Like all dogs, long haired German Shepherds should be socialized and trained at an early age.

Just like the classic German Shepherd dog, the long haired German Shepherd is an intelligent, athletic, and work-oriented purebred. He hails from ancestors who were once used as intelligent and independent herding dogs, which means that the long haired German Shepherd is quite driven.

That said, and like all dogs, the long haired German Shepherd requires plenty of training and socialization. Without training and socialization, the long haired German Shepherd can become anxious, destructive, and even develop serious behavioral issues.

Because the long haired German Shepherd is so intelligent, he requires a hands-on owner that understands the history of working breeds. Long haired German Shepherds do best with positive reinforcement training techniques like treats and praise, which will not only help him better retain information, but also help strengthen the bond between him and his owner.

Training can begrim from the moment you bring your dog home and should continue on throughout his life. Just like with routine and proper training, your long haired German Shepherd should also be socialized at an early age.

This is especially true if you plan on having him around company, other dogs, children or strangers. Without proper socialization, a German Shepherd in general can become wary of strangers and be prone to behavioral issues that can lead to fear-based aggression.

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Long Haired German Shepherds Can Be More Susceptible To Severe Weather Conditions Than Their Short

Cold and heat can impact your long haired GSD differently, so keep an eye on him and know his needs.

For the most part, there is very little difference between the long haired German Shepherd and the short coated German Shepherd outside of physical appearance. However, one of the biggest differences due to their different coat types is their ability to withstand certain elements.

The short coated German Shepherd, with his wooly undercoat, is better equipped for outdoor play in both hot and cold weather conditions. Double coated dog breeds have a built-in insulation that keeps them cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

The long haired German Shepherd, on the other hand, has only a one layered coat. His fur is long and silky, and he doesnt have that extra wooly undercoat to help protect him from the elements.

For this reason, a long haired German Shepherd can be more susceptible to certain health issues like heat stroke and hypothermia. When outside during more extreme weather, be sure that your long haired German Shepherd is equipped with the tools he needs, including access to fresh, cool water, a place to get out of the sun or cold, and clothing like dog sweaters or jackets when appropriate.

Long Haired German Shepherd Dogs Are Highly Intelligent And Require Lots Of Mental Stimulation

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Because these dogs are so energetic and intelligent, they do best with experienced dog owners.

Just as exercise is important for the long haired German Shepherd, so is mental stimulation. Because this breed is so intelligent and work oriented, he can be prone to serious anxiety, stress, depression and even aggressive tendencies if his mental needs are not routinely met.

You can reduce these issues of this by teaching your long haired German Shepherd new tricks and cues often, and even teaching him how to help out with chores around the house. In fact, many owners work with their long haired German Shepherds to help sort the laundry, bring in the mail, and even load the dishwasher!

You can also include mental stimulation into daily exercise routines with your long haired German Shepherd, as well as invest in puzzle toys or KONG toys to help keep him busy while youre away.

If youre concerned about your long haired German Shepherd when it comes to training and mental stimulation, its never a bad idea to speak with a positive reinforcement trainer and get even more ideas on how to keep your German Shepherd stay happy, healthy, and mentally sound.

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Long Haired German Shepherd History

The Long Haired German Shepherd has a very similar history to the standard German Shepherd.

Origionally there were two types of German Shepherd breed in Germany the standard and the long haired German Shepherd.

Many people during the 1900s believed that it was not good to breed the long haired version.

The reason this breed gets long hair is due to a recessive gene that has been passed down through the German Shepherd breeds DNA. For now you can only get this version of the German Shepherd in the United Kingdom and Germany. They have not been allowed in the United States yet.

If you have ever read any of our other dog breed posts then you have probably seen information about the standard German Shepherd.

What Is Shedding And Why Do German Shepherds Do It

German Shepherds have their shedding seasons twice a year timed, as you would expect, with the seasons. In other words, when Winter is around the corner, your dogs coat will naturally begin to grow thicker, with their old Summer hairs being pushed through to create space for the new hair. Similarly, when the Spring sets in, you will again find that your German Shepherd has yet another substantial increase in shedding. It is termed as blowing out or blown and last for approximately three weeks. Of course long haired German Shepherds will experience more shedding and an increased amount of grooming will be necessary to ensure knots and fur-balls dont occur. It can be an itchy time for your dog so they will appreciate the extra attention take to keep their coat in tip top condition.

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What Is A Long Coat German Shepherd

For most people it’s probably fairly easy to determine what a long coat German Shepherd is – it simply refers to the length of their fur.

Whilst a “standard” German Shepherd will traditionally have short fur, long coats are the result of a recessive gene that any dog can carry.

It doesn’t mean long coats have any problems – far from it, and for many people they are an even more desirable dog than the standard breed German Shepherd.

Long haired German Shepherds look incredibly handsome, and if you’re happy with the additional effort required in grooming them and keeping their hair in good condition then they’re as loyal and obedient as any other German Shepherd.

Long Haired German Shepherd Genetics

Long Haired German Shepherd-Thor At 2-Shows Teeth-Excited Dog

Its easier to get two long haired German Shepherd parents to mate than to have one be long-haired, or not at all. The likelihood of getting a long haired Shepherd with two long-haired parents is high. However, it is still possible to get medium or short length coated puppies, even with two dominant parents.

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The Old German Shepherd Dog Breed Is Being Preserved

Thanks to the organization Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Zucht Altdeutscher Hütehunde, which stands for AAH Association for Breeding the Old German Shepherd Dog, the breed is being preserved.

Formed in 1989, the registrys goal is to maintain and preserve the Altdeutsche Schäferhunde in a variety of different types of working stockdogs.

To be officially registered with the organization, qualifying dogs must be able to herd cattle or sheep. They even hold sheepdog trials in Germany to test their herding abilities. Dogs are put through several tests to judge their skills.

Your German Shepherd Needs A Job

We dont mean you need to go out and enroll it in K-9 training, but you should give your short- or long-haired German shepherd something to do to help keep its active mind occupied and to help it burn off energy.

As we mentioned above, these dogs are highly intelligent and full of vitality. Theyre also prone to separation anxiety, and these traits combined can spell trouble if your dog is left alone with little to do.

Regular exercise should be a consistent part of your dogs daily routine. This can include walking, jogging, trips to an off-leash dog park for a game of fetch or Frisbee, swimming, or even agility training. If your German shepherd is primarily an indoor dog, you can also offer puzzle toys to keep their minds active.

Most puzzle toys take advantage of a dogs natural inclination toward food motivation by requiring them to solve a problem before being rewarded with treats.

Specially designed puzzle bowls also serve the dual purpose of forcing a dog who likes to eat fast to slow down, which can help prevent the regurgitation that sometimes occurs when a dog gobbles its food.

One of the simplest and most popular puzzle toys is the Kong, a durable rubber chew toy with a hollow space inside where you can put kibble, milk bones, or other treats.

Theyre available in a range of sizes, including an extra-large size appropriate for your German shepherd.

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A Long Haired German Shepherd Requires Plenty Of Exercise So Be Prepared

As a breed, German Shepherds are energetic and athletic.

Just like classic German Shepherd dogs, the long haired German Shepherd is an energetic, athletic and intelligent purebred. He does best in homes with backyards where he can run and play freely, and an active owner who is able and willing to take him on long walks, hikes and adventures each and every day.

The best exercise for a long haired German Shepherd is going to be any exercise that is at least an hour or two a day. It can include swimming, jogging, hiking, long walks, or free play at a dog park.

Even though the long haired German Shepherd is not eligible to compete professionally based on his breed standard, he will still enjoy learning to play sports and partaking in agility courses and other activities that not only test his physical abilities but also challenge his mind.

Without the proper exercise, a long haired German Shepherd can become bored, depressed, anxious and destructive. So dont slack on this essential routine each and every day.

Long Haired German Shepherds Do Not Have Double Coats Though They Do Shed Heavily

274 best images about Long Haired German Shepherd Dog

These dogs shed heavily year-round and may not be ideal for allergy sufferers.

Perhaps one of the more interesting facts about the long haired German Shepherd, and the most prominent trait that sets this dog apart from the classic German Shepherd dog, is that the long haired GSD does not have a double coat.

The classic short haired German Shepherd, on the other hand, has a dense double coat with a wooly undercoat and a rough outer coat that is designed to help protect him from the elements.

Contrairly, the long haired German Shepherd has a silky coat that grows in one layer. This coat can grow to be over two inches long, and can shed heavily. This shedding means that the long haired German Shepherd may not be the ideal dog for those who suffer from allergies. He may also not be the best option for anyone that isnt too fond of having lots of dog hair on clothing or furniture.

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A Long Haired German Shepherd Puppy Can Be Born To Two Short Haired German Shepherd Parents

The long hair gene is a recessive gene, which means both parent dogs must carry it in order to pass it on to a puppy.

As we mentioned above, the long haired German Shepherd can often be born into a litter with short haired litter mates. In fact, this is a common occurrence. The long haired gene in German Shepherds is a recessive gene and any dog can carry it, even short haired GSDs.

This means that two short haired German Shepherd parents can produce a litter of puppies with both short and long coats, and even breeders who are careful to select a specific pedigree of parent dogs to breed can wind up with long-coated German Shepherd puppies.

However, because the long haired gene is a recessive gene, it means that both parent breeds must carry the long haired gene in order to pass it on to some of their pups.

Although the long haired gene in German Shepherds has been deemed a genetic defect, it luckily has no implication on a German Shepherds health, temperament, or lifespan. All it really means for you, as the owner, is that you wont be able to show your dog in the future.

For many people looking for a companion dog, this is of no importance. However, if you are looking for a German Shepherd to register and show through the American Kennel Club, you will want to forgo a long haired German Shepherd and stick with a classic short haired German Shepherd bred with qualifying features.

Get Ready For Lots Of Vacuuming And Fur Balls

Long hair means more shedding. Though they are heavy shedders all year, the three weeks before fall or the beginning of spring is particularly notorious for malting.

Aside from all shedding, their coat has the unfortunate tendency to clump up and mat.

First, youll need the perfect brush. Go for a metal brush with lengthy teeth that will get all the way down to the roots. This will make sure you pull out all the mats and knots.

Make sure not to brush too hard. Since there is no undercoat, you could end up scratching the skin if you arent careful enough.

All this means you will need to be a dedicated groomer for your furry friend. Aside from reserving several minutes a day for grooming, we recommend always having a vacuum and lint roller nearby.

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Grooming Tips For Long Haired German Shepherd

Any dogs care is a challenge. Each dog breed has its own unique needs. Weve compiled a list of nine helpful hints that will make owning a long-haired, fluffy German Shepherd more enjoyable. You can enjoy your connection with your dog to the fullest after knowing how to maintain it is looking and feeling its best.

Dogs of all sizes and breeds require specific care and attention. Taking care of it is your responsibility. The most experienced dog owners claim that caring for their pets is more complex than caring for their children. So make sure youre prepared.

This list can help you get the work done more quickly.

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Do All Gsds Have Double Coats

Long Haired German Shepherd puppies 5 weeks old

Per both the AKCs and UKCs standards, a double coat is required in all German shepherd dogs. The outer coat should be dense and straight, resting close to your dogs body rather than fluffing out excessively as seen in other super-furry breeds like Samoyeds. Instead, a GSDs undercoat should be shorter and thick, covering his entire body.

Now, while the standard calls for a double coat, the undercoat is sometimes lacking in long-haired GSDs. On the surface, this may not appear to be a big deal, but in colder climates, an undercoat is vital in insulating your dog from the elements, so these long-haired pups may actually have a tougher time staying warm.

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Facts About The Long Haired German Shepherd

The male long haired German Shepherd can grow up to 26 in height and 90 pounds in weight and even more. With the females growing up to 24 and weighing up to 70 pounds. Their hair is at least two inches long on all sides. The hair on their buttocks, belly, tail, back of the legs, and ears are all longer.

The long haired German Shepherds coat is not standard and come in a variety of colors that include a combination of black, blue, gray, red, cream, silver and silver. Some common combinations are the black and tan, black and red, black and cream and black and silver.

As with the short haired German Shepherd, the long haired Shepherd also sheds during the year especially during seasonal changes. It is quite obvious that the long haired Shepherd will require a little more grooming time than the short haired German Shepherd.

If youre gone from home regularly or for long periods of time, the German Shepherd isnt the breed for you. When left alone, they can feel uncomfortable or bored, and they may display their anxiety in ways you dont like, such as barking, gnawing, or digging.


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