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German Shepherd Dog Training Books

In A Hurry Heres Our Top Picks

First 24 Hours with a TOTALLY UNTRAINED DOG! NEW SERIES: Reality Dog Training Episode 1

This book is probably the best one that we found, and there are several reasons for that fact. The main thing we like is the way this book is structured.

Instead of trying to divide things by subject, the book is laid out in a simple month-to-month timeline. As such, it provides a framework for each month of your puppys training.

Because each month represents a separate chapter, there is no need to read the entire book at once. In fact, that would probably be incorrect.

When you open up the book, you just go to the chapter that matches your puppys age, and you will know what to expect. Most reviews seem to agree that the book can be used to make accurate predictions.

This accuracy probably comes from the experts that helped to write the book. Although the primary author doesnt have all that much professional experience, they sought out people who did.

These included both veterinarians and experienced breeders, giving the reader more than one perspective.

We do wish that this book had a few more pictures, but we cant complain too much about that. When it comes down to it, the pictures are just window dressing, while the information is the important part.

For those who dont know a whole lot about what they are doing, this book is an excellent starting point.

This one is arranged a little bit differently, but its still a great introduction to German Shepherd training.

German Shepherd Training: A Step

As the best German shepherd training book for you will depend on your individual dogs needs and your own training goals. However, some popular German shepherd training books include The Art of Raising a Puppy by the Monks of New Skete, The German Shepherd Dog by Dr. Peter Singer, and The Complete Book of German Shepherd Dog Care by Dr. Joachim Volhard.

Your German Shepherd Puppy Month By Month

2nd Edition: Everything You Need to Know at Each State to Ensure Your Cute and Playful Puppy by Liz Palika and Terry Albert

If you are not familiar with what to expect with your German Shepherd puppy, this easy-to-read book is the right book for you.

The format of the book makes it easy for you to focus on a specific month because it is labeled by a GSDs age in each corner.

It contains the German Shepherds stage of development month by month, what to expect from each month, and how to correct common unwanted behaviors. To easily adapt to your GSDs progress, you can easily refer back to this book as your GSD reaches each new stage.

You can be sure this book contains useful information because the authors teamed up with a vet and a dog breeder.

David Daigneaults life has changed because of Cody, his GSD. Because of that, he wrote The Complete Guide to German Shepherds hoping people will read it before buying a GSD.

This up-to-date book published last year 2019 is a comprehensive guide to selecting the right GSD, preparing his place, taking him home, caring for him, and so many more.

The author also included timely recommendations and some of his personal experiences in the book.

This book contains useful instructions in teaching not only basic but also advanced commands for German Shepherd Schutzhund training such as off and up, take it and out, and leave.

One thing is sure after you read this book- you wont be a dummy.

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K9 Schutzhund Training: A Manual For Ipo Training Through Positive Reinforcement 2nd Edition

This new edition provides a hands-on, practical approach to training your K9 for IPO levels 1, 2 and 3. Beginners will receive an excellent introduction to the sport of Schutzhund, while expert trainer will stay on top of their game with the latest techniques. Using proven methods rooted in classical and operant conditioning, Dr. Resi Gerritsen and Ruud Haak, world-renowned specialists in training working dogs, have developed this practical and positive Schutzhund training program.

to learn more and to purchase.

Find The Book To Satisfy Your Book Cravings

German Shepherd Dog Training &  Behavior Book (Paperback)

With one of the largest book inventories in the world, find the book you are looking for. To help, we provided some of our favorites.

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How Effective Is This Book

Whats great about this book is that it takes a very direct approach to trainingthe more complex kinds and the basic kinds. The advice that it provides helps owners to stop undesirable behaviors and gives very helpful advice for those thinking about purchasing and raising one of these intelligent dogs.

The background information, about the dogs early breeding and uses, especially in the military and hunting, can help a new owner understand why the shepherd does what he does. It even talks in very detailed terms about dog shows and assistance dog training.

While this can result in some of the more complicated topics getting only a cursory glance, any owner who wants to find out more about their dog and get great, in-depth basic training information and an overview of some of the less popular, but still necessary training methods, should read this book.

Because German Shepherds are such a popular breed, and because they were bred originally for a very specific purpose, it is important to put a little extra time and effort into making sure they are well-trained, well-behaved, and friendly and that their owners understand them and take their place as head of the pack in that dogs mind.

Dog Owners Have Benefited Already

875,000 dog owners have already taken the free mini course training and proven its power to breathe happy, obedient life into their German Shepherds and inspire a loving new relationship with them. Join them by signing up for our FREE mini course and discover the fastest way to turn your GSD into a loyal, friendly companion who’ll go to the ends of the earth for you.

“I was amazed at how quickly he picked up the commands… Your mini course taught me the most efficient, gentle, fun way to bond with my dog. My GSD is my buddy now, … I can’t remember a time when I was any more proud.” – Ben Barlett, Jerome, Idaho

“Without this mini course, Ginger’s aggressiveness towards other dogs would have escalated. I would recommend everyone to get this course – you will be glad to get a well trained puppy at the end.” – Karla Robertson, Woodbridge, Virginia

“The mini-course gives insights into the way a German Shepherd thinks and reacts to behavior training. I have been able to stop T Bone’s chewing habits because of this course.” – Helen McCormick, Montvale, Virginia

“I trained Hamish from your Mini course. He is now an obedient dog, he understands all my commands, I feel proud when people comment on how well behaved he is.” – Doug Eames, Riga, Latvia

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German Shepherds For Dummies

D. Caroline Coiles German Shepherd For Dummies book is the perfect guide for anyone considering adding a German shepherd to their family.

Coile covers everything from the history of the breed to basic training and obedience, making this an essential read for anyone interested in owning a German shepherd.

However, what sets this book apart from other dog-training manuals is its light-hearted tone. She presents many essential concepts in an easy-to-understand way and her love for the breed shines through on every page.

As a result, German Shepherd For Dummies is both informative and enjoyable to read, making it the perfect choice for any new German shepherd owner looking to learn more about this popular breed.

From Fearful To Fear Free

We need to talk… This will NOT be easy. Reality Dog Training Episode 3

Many German Shepherds have problems with anxiety. They are known for being aggressive towards new people and dogs, which is usually fear-based. When dogs are scared, theyre bound to act aggressively.

From Fearful to Fear Free is a book written explicitly for anxious canines. It provides a solution for barking, aggression, and destructive behaviors. Instead of treating the symptom, the book aims to treat the underlying cause. It helps the dog become more confident approaching the world without fear and therefore exhibit less aggression.

This book is both practical and theoretical. It provides practical steps to lower your dogs anxiety while also helping you get to the underlying cause. It discusses anxiety overall, as well as specific stress-inducing events.

Whether your German Shepherd seems to be anxious all the time or only at the groomer, this book can provide practical strategies to help. Many of the reviews were glowing.

If you cant work with a canine behaviorist, this book is the next best thing.

However, for overall dog training, this book may not be beneficial. It is extremely niche, focusing on anxious German Shepherds only.

In Before and After Getting Your Puppy, Dr. Ian Dunbar outlines his positive and fun dog training program. He was one of the first dog trainers to recognize that dogs learn best when less stressed. He designed a program based around toys, treats, and games, which he outlines in this book.

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Best German Shepherd Dog Training Books 2022

All of us like to think that we are as good as a professional dog trainer. After all, we know how much our pets love us, and that makes us think that we are doing things right.

Unfortunately, most of us do not have that level of skill or competence.

One of the best ways to improve your skills and knowledge is to invest some time in a good book. A lot of people avoid them these days, but they offer a wealth of knowledge that you cannot get anywhere else.

With that in mind, lets look at six of the best German Shepherd training books that we could find online.

How To Choose The Most Popular German Shepherd Dog Training Book

The three most crucial criteria to consider are price, quality, and popularity.Price is an obvious factor to consider, as you want to ensure it is acceptable for your needs.Quality should also be examined because buying a low-quality goods will not help you achieve your main aim of obtaining the best product.Finally, while not as obvious as price or quality, popularity can be just as significant as both when it comes to attracting new customers.

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How Stella Learned To Talk: The Groundbreaking Story Of The Worlds First Talking Dog Kindle Edition

If you could speak a little bit of dog by following the previous book, why not take it to the next level by teaching your dog to speak human? Sound fictional? Maybe not.

How Stella Learned to Talk is part memoir and part how-to guide. It chronicles the journey the author and Stella have taken together, from the day they met, to the day Stella spoke her first word, and the other breakthroughs theyve had since.

It also reveals the techniques Christina used to teach Stella, broken down into simple stages and actionable steps any dog owner can use to start communicating with their pets.

Why do we like this book?

Being the third most intelligent dog breed, theres no doubt your GSD can learn fast. If youve ever wondered if dog could talk, this is the book that lets you teach your dog to do so.

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Puppy Training For Kids: Teaching Children The Responsibilities And Joys Of Puppy Care Training And Companionship

German Shepherd Dog Training : Dog Training for Your German Shepherd ...

If youve got a youngster at home getting a puppy for the first time, this book can be a big help. Its a huge confidence booster for kids to train their dog and see results.

This book covers basic training, getting the right puppy supplies, housetraining and socialization, behavior and body language, and fun games.

Theres also advice for parents to give their kids about responsible dog care. It has a 4.5 star rating on Amazon.

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Class Of Information And Practicality

What makes this book truly unique is that it does not just focus on what it is like to own a puppy. It provides very real advice, as well as breed-specific information, ranging from the history of the breed, specific health issues, what jobs they are best suited to , and even legislation that has to do with German Shepherds.

There is both basic and detailed information, making it possible for the reader to glean what he needs from the book. This is where this book really shines, in comparison to other puppy books: it provides both deep and expansive information, in a format that is great for both practical use and for learning about dog training theories and the history and legacy of a breed.

Training Your German Shepherd Dog

Training Your German Shepherd Dog is part of a series of books about training different dogs. It is pretty straightforward, making it a good option for those who have never trained dogs before.

It includes advice specifically about a wide variety of different training topics, including housetraining, verbal commands, and leash training. It also covers information on breaking a dogs bad habits as humanely and efficiently as possible.

Much of the knowledge in this book isnt specific to the German Shepherd. However, many owners may still find this helpful if they dont have any background knowledge on dog training. Its a good beginner book that encourages positive leadership and consistent techniques.

Step-by-step pictures and instructions are included with each command and training tip. This inclusion may be a bit overkill for some owners, but it can be constructive for those that have never trained a dog before.

  • Doesnt include much specific German Shepherd information despite the title

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Is It Time To Get A New German Shepherd Dog Training Book

Youre looking for a new german shepherd dog training book. What do you think? Its difficult to predict future price changes. If there are no signs of production slowing, it can be worth buying now to enjoy your investment sooner. But if output is declining and prices are predicted to rise, you might want to wait until the buzz has died down before making a choice.

The Art Of Raising A Puppy By Monks Of New Skete

German Shepherd Taught to Bite Has Victoria Worried | It’s Me or The Dog

The art of raising a puppy is a book by multiple authors and trainers whose experience over the years has been gathered, refined, and streamlined to give birth to this book, which as an American bestseller, has cemented its reputation as the Go-to-book for understanding your German shepherd pup and its varied needs.

The book goes through the various developmental stages of the German shepherd growth period and brilliantly guides the users through the various ways to initiate socialization, crate training, and behavioral adaptations in the German shepherd dogs.

The book shed some light on how to adopt dogs from shelters. It also talks about the updated behavioral modification techniques in the breed. This is much needed now that more and more German Shepherds are being raised in urban settings.

It is a good buy for both first-time and experienced dog owners, as it covers the basics as well as touches on the advanced themes that are currently circulating in the academic circles regarding the German shepherd training requirements.

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Buyers Guide Choosing The Best German Shepherd Book

Many things set an excellent German Shepherd training book apart from a great German Shepherd training book. Reading a great book not only provides you with the information you need to train your dog, but it should also help you understand your dog better.

Selecting a training book for your German Shepherd can seem a bit complicated, especially since you dont know what youre getting until you start reading.

Below, well outline some basic steps to take when searching for the perfect book.

Top 10 Best German Shepherd Training Books Reviews 2022

The German Shepherd Training Books is a guide that provides detailed instructions on how to train your German Shepherd. This book covers everything from basic obedience to more advanced tricks and commands. It also covers how to correct common behavioral problems. With so many products on the market, weve picked the top ones for you.

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Niche Training Vs Basic Training

Most German Shepherd training books are about basic dog training. They include information on crate training, socialization, and similar dog training topics. This information will be relevant to all dogs. Every canine will need to know how to walk on a leash, for instance.

If you have a new puppy or adult, youll likely be interested in one of these books. Theyll help you get started on the right foot. Many also have some basic information on countering common behavior problems, especially in puppies.

However, niche training books can be beneficial in some situations. These dont cover basic commands and topics, like crate training.

Instead, they discuss fixing specific problems or helping your canine accomplish certain things. If you have an anxious German Shepherd, there are books out there that will help you tackle their anxiety.

For those with a new dog, niche training books likely wont be constructive. These books are primarily for canines that have underlying, apparent problems.


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