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HomeHow To Make My German Shepherd Puppy Gain Weight

How To Make My German Shepherd Puppy Gain Weight

Can Peanut Butter Help My Dog Gain Weight

How to increase German shepherd weight/in hindi/German shepherd ka weight kaise badaye

Yes! The odds are that your dog already loves peanut butter , and its high-fat content is excellent for helping them gain weight. Peanut butter is even healthier than many dog treats youll find at the store its a win for everyone! Try feeding them all-natural peanut butter as a treat, and combine it with a vegetable like carrots to reduce the chances of them getting an upset stomach.

Is Your Gsd Puppy A Picky Eater

Sometimes a GSD puppy will be a picky eater. We often think that this is just how our puppy is part of its personality.

The truth is that this is simply not the case. In most instances, a puppy that is picky about the food it eats is due to poor feeding habits by its owner.

The primary culprits are treats and table scraps. The more you feed these to your puppy, the more it will expect them. This can lead to your puppy neglecting its regular food in favor of food that if finds tastes better.

This can be detrimental to your puppys weight since treats and table scraps do not contain the nutrients needed for healthy growth. A puppy that is accustomed to eating food thats not intended as a part of its regular diet can be underweight because of malnourishment.

If your puppy falls into this category, there are a few things that you can do to remedy this:

  • Gradually stop feeding your puppy treats and scraps. Doing this all at once can stress your puppy out. Too much stress can lead to a loss of appetite.
  • Leave your puppys food bowl out for specific amounts of time. After the time has passed, if your puppy has still not eaten, then remove the bowl and do the same thing at its next feeding time.

It is very important to be consistent and hold your ground. Do not give in to your puppys demands. The goal here is to teach your puppy that there is no other option for food.

If you feel this may be the case, try the following:

Feeding A Malnourished German Shepherd

Perhaps youve taken in a stray or a rescued German shepherd.

Or maybe your vet surprises you by saying your dog is malnourished, even though you feed your dog every day.

Whatever the reason, your dog is malnourished and needs to fatten up.

The key is doing this gradually with several small meals a day. This way, the dog will not get sick by gorging on food.

However, many malnourished dogs will only eat a small amount since their stomachs stretch receptors react more quickly than in healthy dogs.

So, the dog may feel full when his or her stomach isnt full.

Feed a few large spoonfuls of puppy or growth food. Your vet may recommend a therapeutic or prescription diet based on your German shepherds individual needs.

Ask your veterinarian about a food supplement, since malnourished dogs are often lacking in critical nutrients.

Until you can get to your vet, try supplements with fatty acids . This is what many dog shelters use to help their dogs gain healthy weight.

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How To Get Your German Shepherd To Be Less Fat

The best way for you to get your German Shepherd to lose fat will depend on the cause. However, I will show you some options that you have below.

Make sure that it is eating the right foods

It would help to make sure that your German Shepherd is eating the right foods. You can look here to see what you should and should not be feeding it.

It would also help to make sure that it is not eating things without your knowledge and that no one else has been feeding it.

Make sure that it is eating the right amount of calories for its activity levels

German Shepherds are a breed that is supposed to be active so an active German Shepherd that is getting around an hour of directed exercise per day should be getting between 1,272 and 1,540 calories daily. It should only get more than this if it is spending most of the day as a working dog or if your vet says so.

Give it exercise

As mentioned above, German Shepherds are a breed that is meant to be getting a lot of exercise daily. If yours is not getting much exercise then it would help to make sure that it does by walking it, getting it to play fetch or by getting a dog walker to do it for you.

Take it to a vet

If you are unsure of why your German Shepherd has become fatter, it has become fat suddenly or it has been showing signs of illness or injury then it would help to take it to a vet. When you are seeing the vet it would also help to ask them if you are feeding it correctly and what could be causing it to be fat.

Gsd Not Gaining Weight

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sophhskz said:I have a 1 year old German Shepherd, super tall and skinny. I’ve tried just about everything to help him gain weight. I will try and upload a picture later of what he currently looks like he has been going up and down in weight but has always been underweight. Even with his rapid pace of growing he’s too underweight for it to be normal and he doesn’t care to eat his food like normal dogs.Stool is normal size and shape and color. He had giardia once when he was younger but it was rechecked and cleared up. He has been checked for ELI and his pancreas and both are normal. I have him on Nulo dog food currently- it’s grain free and has live probiotic cultures. I also supplement him for his joints and have him on probiotics that I keep in the fridge. I’ve tried different dog foods, and yes I know to switch them over slowly- I have a degree in animal science and I know what I’m doing so I’m at a loss right now as to what to do.Most recently tried to incorporate raw meat following the guidelines and that hasn’t worked.Any ideas?

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Healthy Homemade Dog Food

Our Tasty Low Carb family not only consists of Joanie and Chris, but also two Havanese Sisters Lulu and Kiki! If you have pets you know how they become part of the family and an integral part of your life. Our dogs are dependent upon us for virtually everything in return they offer unconditional love and lots of fun. For that reason, we only make them Healthy Homemade Dog Food! We use only the best ingredients with no fillers or added sugars or spices. We also make all of their dog treats at home. Their food is very low carb!

Our furry family members are Chocolate Havanese. Often called silk dogs, most in this breed are white with brown or black markings. Some are brindle in color. Lulu and Kiki are each about 9 1/2 pounds in weight, although they look heavier with all their fur. They do require frequent brushing, but they are hypoallergenic and they do not shed. As you can tell, they are very much a part of our low-carb family you do get attached to your pets!

Food & German Shepherd Health: Why Feed Homemade

Despite being a wonderful dog, German Shepherds are notorious for developing food allergies and/or food hypersensitivities. A study published in BMC Veterinary Research Journal found that German Shepherds are at a high risk of developing cutaneous adverse food reactions 1, or in simpler terms, dog food allergies.

CAFR can be responsible for a multitude of skin allergy issues like atopic dermatitis. Chronic allergic reactions are accompanied by excessive scratching, itching, and biting2. Eventually, this could lead to secondary bacterial or yeast infections in your GSD. Unfortunately, a lot of German Shepherd allergies arise from commercial dog food. Kibble ingredients like protein sources, high levels of animal fat, preservatives, meat by-products, food coloring, grains, and fillers contribute to more allergies in this breed.

Sadly, GSDs are predisposed to degenerative myelopathy, elbow and hip dysplasia, and osteoarthritis3,4,5,6. Because German Shepherds are prone to these skeletal and bone problems, its vital to maintain a healthy weight for GSD. An obese German Shepherd may have an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis and other joint maladies because the excess weight puts more strain on their joints, bone structure, and back . It could also potentially lead to degenerative myelopathy in GSDs.

Keep in mind that even grain-free kibbles with high-quality ingredients can have high levels of starchy carbs and bad carbs that contribute to the pet obesity epidemic.

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Other Neonatal Physical And Behavioral Developments

When your German Shepherd puppy is born, it is not as well developed as a human baby. Puppies are only in the womb for about nine weeks, and at birth, their brains are not fully developed, and their eyelids and ear canals are sealed to protect the still-developing structures of sight and hearing.

German Shepherd puppies are extremely helpless in the neonatal stage. They are toothless and unable to regulate their body temperature. They even require help to urinate and excrete fecal matter.

Puppies rely heavily on their sense of smell to locate their mother, who devotedly provides all they need: milk, warmth, and comfort.

German Shepherd mothers even have to stimulate urination and excretion by licking their puppies bottoms.

Over the first week, the puppies will begin to crawl, and 10-14 days after birth, German Shepherd puppies eyes and ears open.

Why Is Your German Shepherd Losing Weight/so Skinny

Is your German Shepherd Skinny? This is the Reason WHY…

If you think that your german shepherd is too skinny, or losing weight then you should take a trip to the vet to make sure everythings okay.

However, you dont need to worry too much, there are lots of different reasons your german shepherd could be skinnier than normal!

Poor Nutrition/Underfeeding

Are you sure what youre feeding your german shepherd is high in nutrients? And if it is, are you feeding them enough?

This problem occurs a lot with german shepherds who arent fed set meals a day. I know people who feed their dogs leftovers or dont have a set amount they feed them every day.

The problem with this is you cant measure the right amount of food youre giving them consistently. Some days theyll get enough, and other days they may not.

On top of this food also has different calories. While you think youre giving your german shepherd enough, you may not be.

Parasites, Disease & Illness

Your german shepherd could be suffering from parasites or disease. While a lot of the time its going to be something harmless that theyre suffering from such as worms, in other cases it can be something a lot worse.

To make sure its not anything more serious you should check for lumps too.

This is one of the reasons you need to take your dog for frequent check-ups at the vets!

Dental Problems

A lot of the times dogs have dental problems that you may not even be aware of. For example, one of my labradors had a tooth that chipped and went rotten.


Theyre Picky Eaters

Also Check: German Shepard Growth Chart

Dangers Of Stunted Or Accelerated Growth

New dog owners might be concerned about whether their dog is growing too quickly or too slowly, especially when you are comparing your pup to the German Shepherd growth chart. The danger of stunted growth only arises in the case of malnutrition or extreme disease.

If your puppy has not had proper nutrition or is having another affliction, there is a risk that he will not grow properly. Likewise, diet can cause your pup to grow too quickly.

In this case, the growth is not related to their bones, but their weight. Excess weight can harm a puppys growth and cause other health issues.

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German Shepherd Puppy Diet: 1 Month Old

From 3 to 4 weeks old, when it comes to feeding a German Shepherd puppy, we should start by letting them taste new foods and flavors. At this stage, the German Shepherd puppy’s diet plan requires them to eat a special wet food for puppies. At around 6 to 8 weeks old, a German Shepherd puppy should be given a little dry dog food with water, or unseasoned chicken stock between nursing sessions.

From their eighth week onward, a German Shepherd should be weaned and start feeding on solid food with a special puppy feed. The best dog food for a German Shepherd puppy is breed specific, but this may not be available everywhere.

In these cases, your veterinarian can create a proper food plan for your German Shepherd puppy. A professional will take into consideration a puppys feeding pattern, size and health status. At this stage, milk must be removed from the puppy’s diet as it could cause diarrhea. If by any chance your dog or puppy is suffering from a bad stomach, we recommend taking a look at our article on what to do if yourt dog has diarrhea.

In addition, it is vital that puppies have constant access to clean fresh water.

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Is It Too Late To Teach An Old German Shepherd New Tricks

It is never too late to teach an old dog new tricks. As your dog begins to age, it will become essential to accommodate their needs. Many older German Shepherds will have hip problems.

10-year-old German Shepherd Unfortunately, a German Shepherds expected lifespan is between 9 and 13 years old, and their time left here is getting short. It is common for German Shepherds to face arthritis, skin problems, decreased activity, dental issues, weight gain or loss, or even cancer at this age and older.

How To Fatten Up A German Shepherd Everything You Need To Know

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A German Shepherd comes from the family of German herding dogs. During the latter part of the 1800s, Captain Max von Stephanitz crossed various strains of the said herding dogs from the different districts of Germany. It resulted into the ancestors of the Sheperds we know now. Now, let us dive into the main topic which is how to fatten up a German Shepherd.

This guard dog breed is known for its incredibly largesize, impeccable alertness, high intelligence, and noble character. Out of allthe things that put them in the ranks of canine royalty, it is their loyalty totheir owner, to whom they will give their own life to, which outstands all.

If you notice that your German Shepherd is a bitskinny, it is indeed something to worry about. If when your dog is standing upand you look down at it from above and its body is somewhat hourglass thantriangular or bulky, it may be underweight. Now, dont panic. Instead, you haveto quickly analyze the situation to know why it is underweight. Is it eatingnutritious foods? Is it eating enough? Is it completely healthy? Only then youcan think of ways on how to fatten up your German Sheperd.

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How Big Do German Shepherds Get

While German Shepherds reach adulthood at the 18-month mark, their growth doesnt stop until three years old. This growth is nominal from the two-year point to the three-year point .

On average, fully grown German Shepherds are 24 to 26 inches tall and 22 to 24 inches . Males will weigh between 49-57 lbs, and their female counterparts will weigh 44-49 lbs. Most GSDs are assumed to be fully grown by the end of the second year.

Whether a GSD is expected to grow beyond the second year can depend on how big the dog already is.

Regardless of your dogs sex, if their height is less than 20 inches by the end of year two, you should get them checked for growth deficiency, as they should be just an inch short of their final height.

Watch This GSD Puppy Grow From 7 Weeks to 2 Years

Be Careful With Your Food Selection

Stay away from any kibbles that have fillers, especially those made from corn and wheat. These are common allergies found in the German Shepherd breed and will usually do nothing to help an underweight dog put on healthy pounds. Please remember that a healthy German Shepherd is not fat. You should be able to feel his ribs, but not necessarily see them. They never should be bloated and should be very agile.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

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Causes Of Weight Loss


A German Shepherd needs a low-fat and high-proteindiet for it to be able to build muscle and maintain an ideal weight. If itdoesnt eat healthy foods with the right amount of nutrients, it will beunderweight.


A German Shepherd is known for its agility, meaning itneeds a lot of energy which in turn is something that it can have if its bodyis jam-packed with nutrients. If you arent feeding it enough or as many timesas it needs, then it will be underweight.


A German Shepherds underweight condition may be brought upon by a health problem. It may be suffering from chronic diarrhea caused by intestinal issues, parasites, infections, inflammation, small bowel cancer, as well as kidney or liver disease. Hepatitis is a liver disease which results to a drastic decrease in the dogs appetite. Also, the dog may also be suffering from colitis that triggers diarrhea or the colitis that triggers constipation. Another health problem to consider is diabetes. Diabetes doesnt only result into weight loss but as well as excessive thirst, urination, and some urinary tract infections. Dental problems are also included in this broad list. A chipped, rotten, or broken tooth may make your German Shepherd to stop eating, thus resulting to weight loss.


A picky German Shepherd will of course lose weight. Therefore, the key here is to observe what it wants and give it that.




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