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Common Allergies In German Shepherds

Worst: Saint Bernards And Bulldogs Are Known For Excessive Saliva


If youre allergic to dog saliva, steer clear of slobbery breeds of dogs like bulldogs and Saint Bernards. Both are known for excessive drooling. Regardless of the type of dog, it is best to refrain from letting the dog lick you if youre allergic. Also, soak slobbered-on chew toys in hot, soapy water at least once a week.

What Are The Common Allergy

A very large number of substances can act as allergens. Most are proteins of insect, plant, or animal origin, but small chemical molecules can also cause allergy. Examples of common allergens are pollens, mold spores, dust mites, shed skin cells , insect proteins such as flea saliva, and some medications.

What Is Flea Or Insect Bite Allergy And How Is It Treated

Insect bite allergy is the exaggerated inflammatory response to the bite or sting of an insect. Arachnids such as spiders and ticks, and insects including fleas, blackflies, deerflies, horseflies, mosquitoes, ants, bees, hornets and wasps, can cause an allergic reaction in sensitive dogs.

Flea saliva is by far the most common insect allergen in dogs, causing flea allergy dermatitis . Most dogs experience minor local irritation from flea bites. The FAD dog will react to a single bite with severe local itching. A dog with FAD will bite and scratch itself and may remove large amounts of hair, especially in the tail-base region. A secondary bacterial infection may develop in the areas of broken skin.

“Because one flea can be a problem for a dog with FAD, strict flea control is essential.”

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Top 10 Common German Shepherd Health Problems

All pets are bound to have health issues the older they get at some point in their lives. Many variables come into play with the type and severity of the problem.

German Shepherds are no exception to the rule. However, there are preventive measures you can take to avoid some conditions potentially or, at the least, catch the condition before it can progress.

Joint issues are a concern for German Shepherd health, but there are several other diseases and conditions that owners need to be aware of.

The Connection Between Skin And Food Allergies

German Shepherd Eye Problems  Red Eyes or Allergies

German Shepherds are at a high risk of developing food hypersensitivity, and if your dog does develop a food allergy, the skin is often where chronic inflammations appear. A cutaneous adverse food reaction can be responsible for a multitude of skin issues. If those skin disorders are also accompanied by excessive scratching, itching, or biting, or if your dog rubs his face frequently, a food allergy may be the reason why. Chronic allergic reactions and self-trauma can lead to secondary bacterial or yeast infections accompanied by crusting, seborrhea, or alopecia.

Often the source of food allergies in canines is an animal protein like beef or chicken. Sometimes dogs develop food intolerances to other food sources such as milk, corn, and eggs. Your German Shepherd reactions to a food allergy may not be limited to his skin he may also develop gastrointestinal issues that can make life doubly uncomfortable.

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How Can I Treat My Dogs Allergies

You can alleviate your dogs allergy symptoms by treating them with anti-allergy medication, preventing exposure to allergens, and treating secondary skin infections with antibiotics, antifungals, and/or ear medications.

Allergic responses like itching can be reduced with antihistamines, steroids, or other immune-modulating drugs. Your vet will prescribe the best treatment based on your particular dogs needs and considerations. Another option? Allergy shots, just like people get! Vets can use the data from allergy testing to create a custom treatment that helps desensitize your dogs immune system.

Preventing exposure to allergens can be a little more involved than simply giving a pill to your pup. It may mean limiting walks through woods or parks when pollen levels are high, dusting and vacuuming more thoroughly to minimize dust mites, and cleaning your dogs bedding more often. A monthly flea preventative is the best way to eliminate fleas as an allergy vector.

Food allergies are more complicated. Identifying a food allergy and changing a dogs diet to treat it takes time. First of all, remember that easing your dog to a new type of food needs to be done gradually to minimize gastrointestinal distress. Dogs that are allergic to chicken or beef may need to eat a novel protein, such as rabbit, venison, or turkey. It can take up to 12 weeks for symptoms to resolve themselves after changing your dogs diet.

How To Treat Flea Allergies

There are many ways to treat Flea Allergy Dermatitis in dogs. However, prevention is always better than cure. If your dog has a flea allergy and starts showing symptoms, the first thing you should do is get rid of any fleas on them as quickly as possible this can be done by bathing your dog with appropriate and effective flea medication or by using a special topical flea treatment.

If your dogs allergy has become really bad and theyre scratching at their skin often, contact a veterinarian to discuss what medication would be best for them. For quick relief, your vet will likely prescribe steroid medicines. These medicines can be used for short-term relief while getting rid of the fleas and treating the skin condition.

Once your dogs flea allergy dermatitis has been treated, there is a chance that they will develop it again. Even if you prevent all contact with the fleas in their environment, there is still often a possibility that some of them could find their way back onto your dog.

To minimize the possibility of your dog getting bitten down to the skin again, its recommended that you treat your dog once a month with flea preventative this will ensure that his body is protected against fleas for the next month at least.

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What Is My Dog Allergic To

Not all dogs with allergies have the same condition. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, and they may affect several areas of the body.

There are many different types of allergens your dog can be sensitive to. Some dogs may have just one type of allergy, while others may suffer from multiple allergies.

Below are common types of dog allergies.

Take An Inventory Of Anything Your Dog Could Have Gotten Into

German Shepherd Allergies: What Is Your GSD Allergic To?

Many dog owners dont realize they have household cleaners, human food snacks and drinks, yard care products, or even toxic foliage that could be causing allergies for their dogs.

Take a thorough inventory of anything you suspect might be connected with the allergy symptoms you see in your German Shepherd.

If your dogs allergy symptoms only seem to crop up during certain times of year, blooming plants in your backyard that are putting out pollen could be irritating your dogs allergies.

Also consider if your dog may be reacting to seasonal lawn care such as fertilizing, mulching, or use of insecticides.

Similarly, if your dogs allergy symptoms happen daily but only after meals, record all of the ingredients in the food and show it to your veterinarian.

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An Overview Of Dog Allergies

Pet allergies affect 10%20% of the world population. While people are twice as likely to be allergic to cats than dogs, dog allergies can sometimes be more serious than cat allergies.

While some dog breeds may be more likely to trigger allergies than others, no dog is 100% hypoallergenic, meaning they donât trigger allergic reactions at all.

Someone who is allergic to dogs may be able to reduce their symptoms by selecting a certain breed or type of dog with less of a reputation for inciting allergic reactions. This is not a guarantee, though.

Even if you get a less allergenic dog, you will still have to take a number of precautions to decrease or avoid the chances of allergic reactions.

An allergic reaction is an abnormal response of the immune system.

The immune system acts as the bodys main line of defense against foreign substances, but sometimes a persons immune system becomes overly sensitive to certain substances in that individualâs environment. The immune system will react as though they are dangerous or toxic rather than relatively harmless substances.

In the case of a dog allergy, a persons immune system is overreacting to the proteins in the dogs urine, saliva, or dander .

Contrary to popular belief, dog fur itself is not an allergen . Dog dander or dried saliva are often left behind on a dogs fur, though, and these are what actually cause the allergic reaction.

Summary Of The Difference Between Food Allergies And Environmental Allergies In Dogs

Food and environmental allergies can wreak havoc on your dogs skin and overall happiness. While symptoms of both often overlap, there is a big difference between food and environmental allergies for dogs, so its important to speak to your veterinarian for advice. Theyll be able to help you decide whether its best to try an elimination diet or to conduct testing for environmental allergies. It can take time to figure out what is triggering your dogs allergies, and how best to treat them: what works for one dog may not work for another, so patience is key. But by being a knowledgeable advocate for your dog and with a lot of help from your vet you can figure out how to prevent your pups allergies from being a pain in the paw.

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Allergy Symptoms In German Shepherds

Allergic reactions manifest in the form of skin reactions or rashes for most dogs.

Unlike a severely allergic human who might experience respiratory distress, your dog will probably develop a rash.

These allergens can be anything from certain foods or flea bites to chemical irritants , and countless other things!

Some symptoms your GSD might experience include:

  • Areas of broken skin

In advanced stages, your dog will itch and bite at that rash so much, those bald spats will turn into open wounds!

With that protective layer of skin no longer intact, this can be an easy invitation for infection.


Dogs coping with a severe allergic reaction can also go into anaphylactic shock , though this is exceedingly rare.

Because its still possible, it is always important to monitor your pup closely after beginning any new medication or treatment!

Dealing with Open Wounds

Open wounds can become dangerous and should be treated by a professional in a sterile environment immediately!

If your veterinarian cant see you immediately, he or she would be glad to leave temporary cleaning instructions.

Secondary infections resulting from bacteria your dog has introduced to these areas of broken skin can become much worse than the original allergy! To prevent biting at these wounds, youll probably want to invest in a comfortable dog cone.

Warning Signs of Allergic Reactions in Dogs

  • Redness or tough skin

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German Shepherds Allergies Treatment

Best Dog Food for German Shepherds with Skin Allergies (2022)

As soon as you see the aforementioned symptoms in your German shepherd, treatment should be prioritized. Again, the treatment will vary according to the kind of allergy.

  • Food Allergies: Your German shepherd is likely to have trouble breathing or experience dizziness. So make sure you let him rest for a while. Also, consider using a warm or cold compress brag to any swelling part of their body.
  • Skin Allergies: You can use anti-itch cream on your dog if hes having itchy skin. You can also soak a piece of cloth and press it against the skin of your German shepherd. If youre done with all this, take your dog to a shower to ease rashes.
  • Environmental Allergies: There isnt much to do after a German shepherd develops environmental allergies. For what its worth, letting your dog rest may help a bit.

Fortunately, you can now help your dog avoid allergies while feeding them at the same time. Thats because the advancements today offered us the best dog food for German shepherds with skin allergies and environmental allergies.

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How To Treat Environmental Allergies In Dogs

German Shepherd Allergies German Shepherd Puppy With First Aid KitThe treatment for environmental allergies in dogs is to control the symptoms. This may include a special diet, medications, and skin supplements, among others. Since your German Shepherd will need lifelong treatment, it is wise to think about insuring them while they are puppies, as treatment can be very expensive throughout your dogs life.

For environmental and contact allergies , you should remove the offending allergen whenever possible and then treat the symptoms. Treatments will depend on the type of allergy, your dogs symptoms, and your dogs age.

Medications to stop itching and relieve its symptoms include antihistamines and corticosteroids . Antibiotics may also be prescribed for secondary skin infections.

Some dog owners have been known to give their dog Benadryl, however this will not help their German Shepherd if they have developed a secondary skin infection! It is always a good idea to speak with your vet first before giving your dog any over-the-counter medications.

Your German Shepherd might also try skin supplements, for example omega-3 fatty acid supplements like fish oil, which have anti-inflammatory properties and have been effective in reducing skin irritations.

Your dog can also try immunotherapy . This is where a series of weekly injections are given to your German Shepherd to introduce the allergen to them in an attempt to desensitize them to the allergen, for example pollen.

Common Allergens For German Shepherds

  • Shampoos and other cleaning products

Allergies are a hypersensitive and damaging response of the immune system to external allergens, such as pollen and food. Its the same for humans and dogs. However, with dogs the signs and symptoms may go unnoticed because our furry friends cant tell us whats wrong. So as the leader of the pack, we need to be hyperaware of what to look out for.

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Other Treatment Options For German Shepherds

Most environment-related allergies are treated with over the counter treatments. Buying hypoallergenic or sulfate-free shampoo would be best for your German Shepherd. You can also choose a shampoo with either aloe vera or tree tea oil as the ingredients. These will provide a calming and soothing effect on their skin. Coconut oil can also soothe your dogs dry and itchy skin. Its a good option for moisturizing their skin.

Consult your veterinarian for antihistamine prescriptions for your dog. You may also visit a nutritionist so they could devise a good diet plan for your canine. Learn about our healthy protein food excellent for your German Shepherd.

Contact Allergies In German Shepherds

My German Shepherd Has Allergies

Contact allergies are the most uncommon form of allergies in German Shepherds, but they can certainly cause them great discomfort.

Since this allergy involves your dog coming in direct contact with a substance that her body does not approve of, this can result in localized pain and severe itchiness.

Though its irritating enough for our furry friends to deal with a contact allergy, many times our German Shepherds will continue to be exposed until we become aware of the problem.

Because of this, some contact allergies in German Shepherds can be severe.

The most common forms of contact allergies include topical flea and tick prevention, flea and tick collars, shampoos, fragrances, certain types of fabric, collars, our lotion, plants, cleaning supplies, and more.

Virtually any substance can cause a contact allergy if your German Shepherd is sensitive to it.

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Diagnosis Of Allergies In German Shepherds

If you suspect that your German Shepherd may have an allergy you must seek veterinary advice promptly. The severity of symptoms of an K9 allergic response may only be mild at first but they can become more severe over time. The symptoms displayed during an allergic response can also be very uncomfortable for your German Shepherd and may lead to long term problems such as weight loss, hair thinning or skin thickening.

Your veterinarian may advise diagnostic tests such as blood tests, saliva tests or skin allergen testing. They may also recommend elimination trials, particularly when a food allergy is suspected.

Elimination trials involve feeding your German Shepherd a single type of food for 8 to 12 weeks, such as a hypoallergenic dog food like Jiminys Good Grub or Cricket Crave.

If your dogs symptoms resolve after this time then you may wish to continue feeding just this diet, or you could start to reintroduce different food types to identify which one triggers an allergic response.

Sometimes it can be very difficult or even impossible to pinpoint the exact cause of the allergic response, even with extensive testing in these cases the allergic response will need to be treated symptomatically.

What Is Allergy In Dogs

First of all, lets see what exactly a dog allergy is, and Im not talking about the type of allergy we can have to dogs or other pets.

The immune system is a network of cells that defends itself against infection. An allergy in dogs is an excessive response or hypersensitivity of the immune system to a normally harmless substance that comes into contact with the dog. Some examples of these substances include food, pollen, dust, mold, chemicals, and medications, to name just a few.

Anything can be an allergen if it causes an adverse reaction to your dogs immune system. Humans can also suffer the same fate, in fact last year to my surprise, I suddenly developed asthma during the summer due to an unusually high pollen count. This is what is known as a seasonal allergy, as it does not occur throughout the year.

Your German Shepherd may have the same experience that an allergy can strike at any time, however dogs usually develop allergies between the ages of 2 and 5.

So what exactly happens? If your dog becomes allergic to a substance, his immune system reacts to that substance as if it is being attacked by a foreign, harmful invader, and attempts to destroy it with antibodies. The immune system sees the substance as a threat, even if it is not!

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