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HomeNewsWhat Were German Shepherds Bred To Do

What Were German Shepherds Bred To Do

What Is Their Conservation Status

Why Do German Shepherds Prefer To Sleep With Their Owners?

In 2008, the old German Shepherd dog was listed as ‘extremely vulnerable to extinction by GEH. The modern German Shepherd dogs, also known as Alsatian, are not under any considerable threat of extinction. For the good German Shepherd temperament, they are mostly trained as herding dogs, companion dogs, search and rescue dogs, and sniffing dogs.

Can A German Shepherd Kill A Pitbull

The pit bull is much more likely to attack your GSD than to attack you. In either case, the GSD is not likely to be able to defend itself against a pit bull. Theyre not bred for that type of scenario. GSDs can be trained to attack, and for that matter, can be trained to kill, and thats not insignificant.

What German Shepherds Were Originally Bred For

It is all in their name. While some dog breeds might not give you any information about their origin or why they were originally bred, a German Shepherds identity is out in the open.

German Shepherds make it easy. As their name implies, they were originally bred in Germany for none other than shepherding . And while theyre not known for herding today, plenty of them still herd!

But of course, theres much more to these dogs than just herding on a farm. Unfortunately, many of the old German Shepherd herding lines were abandoned, as it became more profitable breeding for the new GSD show lines.

The true German herding lines were lost around the same time the split between the working and show lines became prominent.

Chip Blasiole

The German Shepherd of way back then may have been quite different from todays. In fact, many believe that these dogs were much smaller back then. Plus straight-backed dogs, for example, are much more sought after than before.

Though relatively new as a breed, they have a history filled with all manner of jobs and stories. Lets take a look.

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Socializing Puppies Vs Adult Rescued German Shepherd Dogs

If you have adopted a puppy, his character will depend on the way you raise and train him. Your main objective should be raising your puppy to become the best social dog possible.

A puppy should be introduced to at least 100 strangers in the first twelve weeks of their life and visit more than 40 places.

It can look a lot, but you have to set some goals for your puppies good future.

For example, you can introduce one new person every day to your puppy and try to visit at least 2 or 3 new places every week.

Do these things while introducing new people and places:

  • Let your puppy explore everything.
  • reward him and give him treats if he behaves well with other people or pets.
  • Tell other people to give him treats so he can start being friendly with strangers.
  • It is very important that your puppy socializes very well with your family members and feel comfortable with them.

On the other hand, if you adopted a Rescued Dog, the things could be different. He will come to you with other kinds of bad and good experiences that maybe you do not know.

You should start by giving him treats for good behavior, so he can understand the way he should behave.

You should handle some situation carefully with adult shepherds. If you are introducing new people to him, and you notice that he is showing signs of stress, anxiety, or you feel aggressive behavior, take him out of the situation.

Breed History: Where Did German Shepherds Come From

Is My Dog a Pure Bred German Shepherd?

As the name suggests, the German Shepherd originated in Germany in the late 1800s. The most intelligent, responsive and obedient local shepherd dogs in Germany were bred to create what is now known as the German Shepherd. This breed was responsible for herding sheep and protecting flocks from predators. They were not considered pets or companions, but rather servants for farmers. Their intelligence, speed, strength and keen sense of smell, made them the perfect choice as sheep herders. Although German Shepherds were considered strictly workers, rather then household pets, farmers did provide food, protection and shelter to the breed.

Due to the breeds reputation for being couragous and easy-to-train, German Shepherds were welcomed as police dogs and sight dogs for the blind. Their superb sense of smell and couragous character made the German Shepherd an ideal police dog. Their faithful observance to what is going on around them, along with their patience, landed them the role as leader to the blind.

These outstanding qualities and characteristics make the German Shepherd a wonderful domestic companion, protector and friend. The breed is reserved with strangers at first, but warms up quickly. This characteristic makes them excellent watch dogs, especially for children. Its good to socialize them when they are young and to take them on long walks or runs all throughout their life.

Learn about every breed here.

Recommended Reading: Full Grown Male German Shepherd

Mating Combinations Of The German Shepherd Dog

The most lasting and notable mating combination of the German shepherd dog by von Stephanitz was an offspring of Horand, named Hektor von Schwaben. Hektor was inbred with another one of Horands offspring, and this produced Beowulf. Beowulf produced 84 pups, mostly matings from Hektors other offspring. Beowulf and his related bloodline are the ancestors of all German Shepherds today, mostly owing to the efforts and attentive care of Max von Stephanitz. This was a huge factor in German Shepherd history and todays further development of the breed.

What Colors Do German Shepherds Come In

The most common colors are black and tan, black and red, black and cream, or black and silver. These colors cover the dog in one of these three patterns:

  • Saddleback the black overlays the dog’s back and sides . The rest of the dog is tan, red, cream, or silver. Usually there’s some black on the face, as well.
  • Blanketback the black extends further down the shoulders and hips.
  • Bicolor like a Doberman or Rottweiler, which is mostly black with small tan/red/cream markings specifically confined to the head, chest, and legs. Honestly I don’t know why this pattern is called bicolor, which simply means two colors. As we’ve just seen, the other two patterns also have just two colors.

Another common color is sable, which is an overall shade of gray, golden, or red, with black-tipped hairs that create a “dusted with black” effect.

A less common, but perfectly acceptable, color is solid black.

“Faulty” colors

Then there are two controversial colors: blue and liver:

  • Blue German Shepherds have inherited a color-modifying gene that changes their black pigment to smoky gray. Many blue dogs look as though they’ve been dusted with flour.
  • Liver German Shepherds have inherited a color-modifying gene that changes their black pigment to brown .

Blue and liver are considered serious faults by the official German Shepherd clubs and breeders who show their dogs in the conformation ring. But you can still register these dogs and compete with them in activities such as obedience and agility.

Also Check: How To Stop A German Shepherd Puppy From Biting

How Do German Shepherds Analyze To Added Herding Dogs

When it comes to herding, few breeds can analyze to the arduous intelligence and ability of the able-bodied German Shepherd. Not alone were German Shepherds accomplished for herding sheep, but they could additionally assure the flocks from predators.

Their alarming animality and loud barks were generally added than abundant to alarm off animals that ability see sheep as snacks, such as wolves. In added words, they were actual advantageous dogs that took up several roles on farms.

But alike if the predators did not run away, a German Attend could aloof as generally put up a fight.

Specifically as a dog for herding sheep, they were and are conceivably the best choice. But for herding beyond animals, it ability be bigger to go with a abate dog, such as the Corgi. Yes, this ability assume a bit counterintuitive, but we will explain.

Sometimes the animals actuality herded are not consistently the best cooperative. So, they ability affectation a little assailment in the anatomy of a bang actuality and there.

For abate animals like a sheep, this wont affectation abundant accident to a German Shepherd. But what about cattle? A bang from a cow could actively abuse alike a German Shepherd.

So, for these animals it is bigger to accept a Corgi or added beneath breed. Any bliss would aloof fly over their heads, abrogation them unharmed. German Shepherds are abundant larger, thus, acceptable a abundant bigger ambition for aerial hooves.

Dystocia Pregnancy & Birth Complications

Best dog mating video for beginners!

One of the issues that can come up with German Shepherds is the size range among some of the dogs. The GSD was not at the beginning intended to be a very large dog. Over time and especially in the United States the GSD has increased in desirable size. A mismatch mating of a sire on the large range with a dam on the low could increase the probability of puppies too large to navigate the birth canal. In the world of dogs, the safest path to a medium-sized dog is not simply to mate a large dog with a smaller bitch.

Size dystocia is common in some breeds especially the brachycephalic ones like a bulldog. In a study of 151 involving over 13,00 bitches in the UK, the German Shepherd Dog was not a very high risk for cesarean section. A pregnant dam of the German Shepherd breed is much more likely than not to whelp that seven or eight puppies naturally without any human assistance.

False Pregnancies

False pregnancy does happen in German Shepherds as they do in other breeds. In this condition, a bitch exhibits the signs of pregnancy such as enlarged mammary glands, enlarged abdomen, vomiting, and the display of nesting behavior. False pregnancy can happen even if a male dog has not been within reach of the bitch. This common hormonal problem will resolve on its own in a couple of months. It is usually not treated.



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How Dangerous Are German Shepherds

The American Animal Hospital Association conducted a study and concluded that German Shepherds were one of the most dangerous breeds based on bite severity and frequency of biting. This is not surprising given the fact that German Shepherds have one of the most powerful bites of all breeds.4 Sept 2019

History Of The German Sheperd

As descendants of a family of German herding dogs from the late 19th century, the German Shepherds original job was to herd sheep. In the 1800s, German cavalry officer Captain Max von Stephanitz was determined to develop an ideal herding dog and began a breeding program that resulted in todays German Shepherd.

Officer von Stephanitz championed the first-ever club devoted to the breed and spent more than thirty years promoting and defining the breed. In the early 1900s, the breed gained in popularity in the US due to the movie Rin-Tin-Tin.

Todays German Shepherds exhibit versatility in intelligence, speed, agility, and stealthand at times, it is easy to forget they were originally bred to herd sheep. Also, through von Stephanitzs shrewd promotion of the breed, they came to be known as ideal canine workers. German Shepherds are the preferred dog breed for military units and police departments around the world and they made up the majority of search and rescue dogs who searched for survivors in the 9/11 World Trade Center disaster.

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The Origin Of German Shepherd Dogs

Sam Shepards

Sam Shephard is an experienced German Shepherd owner and has learned throughout the years how to optimize the breed’s health and wellness.

The German Shepherd Dog is one of the most popular and well-known breeds of dogs worldwide. It didnt gain popularity overnight, though. This dog has a rich origin story and has been a crucial aspect in the development of domestic dogs across the world.

We are going to look in detail at the origins of this fascinating breed. German Shepherds have been around for quite a long timetheyre big, furry, and originated fromguess where? Germany! They were bred initially to be guard dogs and help with the herding of animals, but their companionship, intelligence, and friendliness quickly made them a popular choice for pets.

After reading this article, you will have a much better understanding of the ancestry of your favorite furry friends.

German Shepherds As Service Dogs

Were German Shepherds bred as police dogs?

Following the first World War, German Shepherds saw their first stint as service dogs. Specifically, they began being trained as seeing-eye dogs for war veterans.

They quickly picked up on the training and proved themselves to be excellent at the job. However, with the unpopularity of anything German at that period it took some time for their popularity to spread.

But once it did, they took off. Now, German Shepherds are one of the best options for service dogs of all kinds, ranging from therapy animals to seeing-eye dogs.

Also Check: How Cold Can German Shepherds Handle

White Swiss Shepherd Dog

The White Swiss Shepherd Dog is a variety of the German Shepherd bred in Switzerland. It descends from the American White Shepherds the first stud dog of what became the breed was an American dog born in 1966 and imported to Switzerland. The variety was recognised by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale as a separate breed in 2003, and it is now recognised by a number of national kennel clubs.

German Shepherds As Accomplishment Dogs

Again, the German Shepherds agog adenoids and aciculate apperception cull through as a accomplishment dog. In the deathwatch of all kinds of disasters, German Shepherds can advice acquisition survivors. Plus, theyre some of the best at this job!

Whether they are analytic for citizens trapped below bits or pond beyond abounding lanes, German Shepherds accept already adored array of citizens.

In fact, it was a German Attend and his administrator who found the final survivor of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Admitting the alarming bulk of bits on the site, this German Attend had no problems abyssal through the mess.

If you acquisition yourself in New York Burghal or Washington D.C., you may actual able-bodied acquisition statues honoring the adventurous German Shepherds who helped save those afflicted by the contest of 9/11.

Recommended Reading: How To Train A German Shepherd To Sit

German Shepherd Breed Characteristics

  • German Shepherds stand around two feet tall. Males can reach 24 to 26 inches and females between 22 and 24 inches.
  • A medium-to-large sized working dog, male German Shepherds weigh between 65 and 90 pounds and females between 50 and 70 pounds.
  • German Shepherds have a double coat. The outer coat is dense and can be straight or a little wavy, whilst the undercoat is thick but soft.
  • German Shepherds are one of the most common police dogs used for everyday duties. The trainability and intelligence of the breed make it the ideal candidate for police work.
  • German Shepherds are considered one of the most intelligent dog breeds, along with the Border Collie and Poodle.
  • Contrary to popular belief, German Shepherds are very loving and protective pets of their owners. However, they can display aggression if their aggressive tendencies arent kept in check.

The Origin Of The German Shepherd Breed

German Shepherd Everything You Need to Know

The origin of the German Shepherd can be traced back to Europe in the middle of the 19th century when people were first beginning to try and develop standard dog breeds. Before this, dogs had not been nearly as domesticated as they are now. You could not go to a store and pick out a purebred Alaskan Husky, for example. What you saw was what you got, and oftentimes, people have no idea what kind of dog they even had.

Dogs were bred in accordance with the local needs by choosing and selecting different traits that would be desirable for those hoping to own a dog. In Germany, farmers needed their animals protected, and they needed help herding their sheep. This required a good blend of strength, agility, intelligence, and a good sense of smell and direction.

As breeders continued to isolate these traits, the easily recognizable German Shepherd breed slowly emerged. These dogs have no problem herding sheep, and the traits of intelligence and strength ran through the whole breed. However, the appearance of these dogs, and their individual abilities, often varied between individuals.

Naturally, to create a standardized breed, the breeders needed to eliminate these differences.

Recommended Reading: How Cold Can German Shepherds Handle

Why Do Gsd Breeders Have To Health Test Their Parent Dogs

As the Canine Health Information Center points out, most purebred dog breeds today have certainly known potentially heritable health issues that occur more commonly in those dog breeds.

This is because these dogs have been closely bred to conform to either a working or show breed standard. When this happens, the breeder is deliberately selecting parent dogs based on certain desirable traits rather than on overall health.

When this type of breeding program is pursued, it can lead to genetic weaknesses that are passed along to the puppies.

For the German Shepherd dog breed, the major known genetic weaknesses that responsible breeders are required to test for include these:

  • Hip and elbow dysplasia.
  • Degenerative myelopathy.
  • Eye issues.

These are not insignificant issues, and the most concerning in terms of the sloping back many show line German Shepherds show today is hip and elbow dysplasia.

Dysplasia is a word that is used to describe cellular malformation on a wide scale. When applied to the hip or elbow socket, it refers to a socket that doesnt fully conform to the ball joint.

When a German Shepherd inherits hip or elbow dysplasia, what this means is that the dogs hip or elbow joints wont form properly and the dog will be lame. The condition can range from mild to crippling.


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