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Stomach Problems In German Shepherds

Best Dog Foods For German Shepherds With Sensitive Stomachs

German Shepherd experiencing Bloat (GDV)

Finding the best dog food for German Shepherds with sensitive stomachs can be a nightmare.

You always hope with every new food you pour into their bowl that this will finally be the one.

And then

Your beautiful dog is in discomfort and pain with stomach problems again.


It doesnt have to be this way!

In the next few minutes, Ill show you the best dog foods for German Shepherds with sensitive stomachs.

Whats more?

Ill guide you through what you can do to help calm their bellies. so you can finally bring them the sorely-needed relief they deserve.

Lets get started right away.

Are German Shepherds Prone To Stomach Issues

In German Shepherds, a sensitive stomach usually means that the dog has a mild stomach upset.

Unfortunately, German Shepherds are prone to stomach issues and are known to have more digestive problems than other breeds. Symptoms include irregular loose stools or diarrhea, vomiting, and gas. Most stomach issues are usually harmless and often settle down by themselves.

However, sometimes digestive problems in German Shepherds do not go away and become more than just mild and intermittent. In this case, you should take your dog to see a veterinarian to rule out anything more sinister.

A sensitive stomach all centers around digestion. Some German Shepherds can eat almost anything with no adverse effects, and some dogs are more susceptible.

I suppose they are just like humans, as not everyone can eat a vindaloo curry I know I certainly cant! My German Shepherd is sensitive to some dairy foods such as cream. The lactose in the cream causes her to have diarrhea. However, she can tolerate and enjoys a small amount of milk.

Some dogs may have a food allergy, for example, an allergy to chicken, dairy, wheat, or egg. However, many severe digestive problems can affect your German Shepherds stomach and intestines which can be debilitating.

Its essential to know about some of these, especially bloat , a severe condition that can kill your dog in hours if left untreated.

Infectious Causes Of Dog Stomach/intestinal Problems

Young puppies are most prone to infectious diseases especially viruses like Parvovirus that can be fatal since their immune systems are not yet fully developed. So its always a good idea to schedule a vet visit ASAP for a puppy with gastrointestinal problems. But, dogs of any age are susceptible to certain bacterial, viral, or even fungal infections.

Intestinal parasites such as worms or Giardia are also very common in dogs. Fortunately, most parasites respond well to treatment, but left untreated may cause more severe illness.

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Discourage Your Dog From Eating Grass

It appears that some dogs have an innate drive to eat grass when their stomach is upset. Some people think the dog is trying to induce vomiting by ingesting grass, but not all vets agree on this. What veterinarians DO agree on, however, is that many lawns are treated with fertilizers and other chemicals, making it unsafe for canine consumption.

When Should I Be Worried About My German Shepherds Sensitive Stomach

6 month old GSD upset stomach ADVICE NEEDED

If your dogs stomach is already upset and it doesnt seem to be settling, you should take them to the vet.

This is especially critical if your dog has skipped three meals in a row, has stopped taking water, and has become lethargic. Often, a physical examination along with a lab test is the best way to determine the most effective treatment.

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Symptoms Of Bloat In German Shepherds

The early stages of bloat or GDV in German Shepherds are symptomized by:

  • Discomfort. Your German Shepherd may shift from foot to foot, trying to find a comfortable position. They may whimper and moan when moving or lying down. They might turn to look at or bite at their sides. The discomfort may also cause your German Shepherd to pace.
  • Visible or palpable distention: You may be able to see that your German Shepherd is bloated, or you may be able to feel it their abdomen will be hard, and touching it will cause a pain reaction in your dog.
  • Hypersalivation: Pain and nausea can make your German Shepherd drool.
  • Retching without emesis: Your German Shepherd may retch as if they are going to vomit. However, the block in the esophagus will prevent actual vomiting.
  • Tachycardia: The distress, pain, and hypotension may cause your German Shepherds heart rate to increase. You can usually see or feel this increased heart rate.

Symptoms of advanced GDV in German Shepherds:

Eliminate Extra Food Items

Not all dogs are walking garbage disposals. Some dogs, just like some people, suffer from sensitive stomachs that are easily irritated or upset. This can be challenging for owners struggling to find a way to make their dogs more comfortable at mealtimes. One possible cause of your dogs sensitive stomach is his diet. Sometimes, finding the best food for dogs with sensitive stomachs can reduce your dogs symptoms and get his GI tract back on track.

Finding out if your dogs food is the issue is easy, although it might require some willpower on your part. Start by eliminating any extra food items from his diet. This includes table scraps, treats, and anything else your dog might enjoy nibbling on throughout the day. You should also check to see if your dog is sneaking into the trash, litter box, or any other forbidden treasure trove of things that make dogs sick. Not only will this help his stomach, it could also save him from a trip to the veterinary emergency room. If your dogs stomach is still upset after a few days without treats and scraps, and you are positive that he is not breaking into the trash while you are away, then it is time to examine the food itself.

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How Do You Know If Your Dog Has Digestive Problems

Digestive problems in dogs are easy to spot once you know what to look for.

Symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and bloating are easily identifiable and are indicative of an upset stomach.

In most cases, these symptoms are fleeting and will dissipate on their own however, if these symptoms become regular occurrences, its important to seek medical assistance from your veterinarian to discover the root of the problem.

Other symptoms, such as constipation and stomach discomfort, can be harder to identify. In these cases, its important to observe your dog on their daily walks to see if theyre in any discomfort while handling their business.

Additionally, if your dog whines or cries when you rub their belly, it may be because of stomach discomfort, in which case, youll want to call your veterinarian.

How To Prevent Your Gsd From Having An Upset Stomach

Why Is My German Shepherd Scratching So Much: Skin Issues That Plague GSDs

To help prevent your German Shepherd from developing any of the above nasty stomach or digestive conditions, make sure you feed a healthy, nutritious diet containing the recommended protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

However, more important than this is the QUALITY of the ingredients used.

If you feed your German Shepherd high-quality dog food, this tends to be much more digestible than the many lower-quality products you can find. This will help prevent irritation to your dogs sensitive stomach and intestines.

Look for a high-quality, protein-rich diet that includes essential vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and fatty acids. The best diet for German Shepherds is a high-quality protein-rich diet consisting of between 18-22% protein, as detailed in my outrageously long post, which includes everything your GSD can and cant eat.

The correct diet will prevent any stomach upset and ensure that your GSD properly metabolizes the vitamins and minerals in the food.

We have already learned that dogs find high quantities of fat more difficult to digest than carbohydrates and proteins, so a diet containing the correct fat ratio is essential to help prevent pancreatitis .

According to nutritional guidelines developed by the AAFCO , the recommended daily fat content for growing puppies is 8% and 5% for an adult dog.

These specialist vets have the expertise to customize the best diet for your dog, and you can find their directory here.

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How Do I Choose The Right Sensitive Food For My German Shepherd

Look for highly digestible ingredients that suit your dogs life stage.

The best dog food for a German Shepherds sensitive stomach contains highly digestible ingredients, is low in fat, and meets their nutrition and calorie needs. Highly digestible ingredients are easy to digest and supply more nutrients for the volume of food, helping to provide your dog with essential nutrients for her health.

One option you can try at home is to start an elimination diet. This means giving your dog an ingredient she hasnt eaten before. By isolating certain ingredients, you can better understand what foods increase your dogs stomach sensitivity and what foods dont.

Its best to select a high-quality diet that has a short ingredient list for German Shepherds with sensitive stomachs. The fewer the ingredients the less likely the number of variables your dog might have sensitivities to. Always keep a list of the foods and treats you feed a German Shepherd with a delicate tummy. Anything a German Shepherd digest, including treats, human foods, or even things they pick up and eat outdoors, can contribute to their gut problems.

Taking Care Of Your German Shepherd Dog At Home

Much of what you can do to keep your dog happy and healthy is common sense, just like it is for people. Watch her diet, make sure she gets plenty of exercise, regularly brush her teeth and coat, and call us or a pet emergency hospital when something seems unusual . Be sure to adhere to the schedule of examinations and vaccinations that we recommend for her. This is when well give her the necessary check-ups and test for diseases and conditions that are common in Shepherds. Another very important step in caring for your pet is signing up for pet health insurance. There will certainly be medical tests and procedures she will need throughout her life and pet health insurance will help you cover those costs.

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What Is Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory bowel disease is a syndrome rather than a disease. The syndrome is caused by a specific reaction to chronic irritation of the intestinal tract. Whatever the cause, the result is that the lining of the intestine is invaded by inflammatory cells. An allergic-type response then occurs within the intestinal tract. This inflammation interferes with the ability to digest and absorb nutrients. Most dogs with IBD have a history of recurrent or chronic vomiting and/or diarrhea and may have a poor appetite.

Diarrhea In German Shepherd Dogs

5 Common Stomach Problems for German Shepherd

Diarrhea in German Shepherds can occur for a number of reasons, but is usually caused by food intolerance or parasites. If your dog has regular diarrhea, your first step is usually to check for parasites, as your vet can help treat you.

If there is no parasite, your dog will react negatively to anything in its diet. Foods like milk, fats, heavy fiber and whole grains can contribute to diarrhea. You will need to do a little trial and error to find out what helps your dog.

Other behavioral factors such as overeating and anxiety can also lead to diarrhea.

You should always make sure that you do not overfeed your dog, German Shepherds have a sensitive stomach and diarrhea can get diarrhea quickly.

So, make sure that you are not feeding your dog too much and that you are offering moderate exercise regularly to reduce stress. Do not do intense exercise immediately after eating.

Many hereditary conditions can cause recurrent vomiting, diarrhea or weight loss in your Shepard. These conditions include pancreatic or intestinal disease, food sensitivity and food allergies.

Some of these problems may start very early stage of your dogs life.

To help prevent these conditions, feed only high-quality pets and, most importantly, avoid snacks and table food.

Feasts that are high in fat, sodium or artificial foods are especially bad for your friends digestion.

The health care chart included in this care guide lists the specific digestive disorders your pet may be experiencing.

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Whats The Best Dog Food For German Shepherds With Sensitive Stomachs

Finding the right food to suit your dogs sensitive stomach can become confusing.

The best food for German Shepherds with sensitive stomachs contains highly digestible ingredients and is low in fat. Highly digestible ingredients are easier for German Shepherds to digest and provide more nutrients. The food should avoid the most common known allergens, such as dairy and beef. The right levels of proteins, fats, and fiber will help ensure your German Shepherd gets the nutrition they need while dealing with her stomach issues.

Supplementing with probiotics shows promise for managing digestion problems in German Shepherds and a daily regimen is advised.

The only problem?

Finding the exact dog foods that meet these requirements in an aisle full of fancy packaging and flashy marketing. Here are the top picks laid out for you, along with even more delicious options for your dogs dinner and a sensitive stomach guide for keeping your dog healthy and active.

Best Dog Food For German Shepherds With Sensitive Stomach

German Shepherds have a tendency to experience digestive issues. German Shepherds with sensitive stomach require dog owners to pay special attention to everything their dog takes in. That said, finding the best food for your canine friend is worthwhile. It will go a long way in minimizing those digestion fallouts.

Proteins are the main contributors to food allergy and intolerance. The best food for a German Shepherd with a sensitive stomach must contain fewer proteins like chicken, turkey, and beef. It should also contain probiotics, flaxseed oil, and sunflower oil to enhance their digestive health and bowel movement.

In this article, we will discuss some of the common causes of sensitive stomach in GSDs, foods to avoid, and what to do to soothe your dog. We will also share some of the best dog foods formulated for a sensitive stomach that you can try out.

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Promoting Gastrointestinal Health In A Sensitive German Shepherd

Some German Shepherds have a sensitive stomach that can be easily aggravated. These pups often require special care when it comes to their diet, and often benefit from extra support from probiotics and other dietary supplements.

So how can you promote digestive health in your German Shepherd? Here are a few of our favorite tips!

Prevention Of Digestive Issues In Dogs

German Shepherd Spayed and Stomach Stapling Gastropexy Day 1 GDV Bloat prevention after surgery wear

Certain conditions cant be prevented. But fortunately, many of the most common causes of stomach issues in dogs are preventable.

Here are some tips for preventing gastrointestinal issues in dogs:

  • Keep your pup up to date on all recommended veterinary checkups, vaccinations, and parasite prevention.
  • Feed your pet a balanced, high quality dog food appropriate for their life stage .
  • Limit table scraps, and stick with healthy options such as dog-safe veggies .
  • Prevent access to garbage, common household toxins, plants/flowers, and toys or objects that could be accidentally swallowed.
  • Dont allow your dog to roam free outside the home. Pet proof your yard, and keep your pup on a leash while outdoors.

Since digestive issues are very common in dogs, most pets will have at least a few episodes of stomach upset during their lifetime. But by taking precautions and seeking veterinary care early if your pup isnt feeling well you can help keep your furry BFF as healthy as possible.

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What Causes Gastrointestinal Issues In Dogs

There are dozens of causes of stomach/intestinal upset in dogs.

Digestive issues can present in a number of different ways, including obvious symptoms or subtle changes in behavior that may be more difficult to detect. Digestive health issues may present suddenly, or be more chronic and subtle in nature.

Below well cover some of the most common causes of digestive problems in dogs.

Common Health Problems With German Shepherd Dogs

While not all GSDs will have health problems, there are particular types of diseases that are more common in GSDs than in other breeds. While not solely in the shepherd, listed below are some of the diseases that seem to be more prevalent in the German Shepherd than in other breeds. They are just some of things you should be aware of and know certain symptoms of if you hope to own a GSD. In addition, most of these disorders are believed to be genetic in some way which means that GSD mixes would be more prone to them than other breeds as well so owners of purebred GSDs as well as GSD mixes should be aware of them.

Degenerative Myelopathy

Degenerative Myelopathy is an autoimmune-based, progressive neurological disease affecting the spinal cord. It appears with relative frequency only in the German Shepherd Dog therefore, a hereditary factor is likely but not yet proven. A general reduction in mobility starting in the rear of the dog is noted. DM is the apparent canine equivalent of Multiple Sclerosis in humans. It is usually associated with dogs over the age of 7. Minimal available treatments are supportive only.

More information on DM:

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Recovery Of Painful Abdomen In Dogs

Many cases of illness result in a need for dietary management. Painful abdomen in dogs is certainly no different. The importance of what you feed your pet, and the need for a balanced diet are paramount to maintaining health. The veterinarian will describe the dietary needs of your pet and tailor them to your dogs needs, based upon the cause of the abdominal pain.

Dogs who have had surgery to resolve pain will have a longer recovery time due to stitches, food and exercise restrictions, and the need for follow-up visits to assess wound healing. Anti-inflammatories, pain medication, and antibiotics may be part of the medication regimen to be followed upon release from the clinic.

A painful abdomen could be symptomatic of a serious medical condition. To avoid high vet care expenses, secure pet health insurance today


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