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How To Train A 10 Month Old German Shepherd

Want To Use Games And Have Fun After Practicing With This German Shepherd Training Guide

Thor | 10 Month Old German Shepherd | Obedience Training | Behavior Modification

If you want to achieve the quickest results for training your GSD then use games and have fun with your dog!

Theres plenty of training programs on the market, but you already know that your German Shepherds full potential is through positive training and their natural desire to perform advanced skills and tasks.

You can easily learn breakthrough techniques to help you feel confident training your German Shepherd at home by enrolling in this scientifically-based brain training program that guides you through advanced tricks and obedience.

Dont stress over not knowing how to train your GSD any longer use this step-by-step program.

Achieve the life youve always wanted with your German Shepherd by enrolling them in online games and obedience and following this easy, step-by-step German Shepherd training guide!

You and your German Shepherd are already one step closer to obedience success!

Great work!

How To Crate Train A German Shepherd With Any Schedule

Even if you dont stay home during the day, there are other ways to have a workable German Shepherd puppy crate training schedule.

If the time schedule doesnt work for you, there is another option.

You can make your own schedule based on the typical times a GSD puppy needs to go out. Be sure to watch for these times and set an alarm if you need a reminder.

Pay attention to these timesand let your dog out:

  • When they first wake up.
  • After their first meal of the day.
  • Before you go to work.
  • Before your pups lunchtime.
  • After your pups lunchtime.
  • Mid-afternoon break.

Scheduling is important because it lets you and your dog know what to expect each day.

Dogs and puppies love routines.

Keeping to a schedule and routine will help create a stable home with expectations and make house training easier on you and your dog.

Tips For Training Your German Shepherd Dog Or Puppy

Follow these German Shepherd training tips for a healthy, happy, well-rounded puppy.

  • Develop their confidence through positive socialization.
  • Offer fair and consistent discipline to develop rules.
  • Training your German Shepherd puppy involves teaching them how to be successful in your world and life.

    This means they need to understand what you expect of them and how you communicate your expectations.

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    German Shepherd Puppy Training: Stop The Biting

    Socialization is hard work, bite-inhibition is even harder! But it is one of the best things you can ever teach your pup. Dogs have really strong jaws and can learn to apply just the right amount of pressure with it.

    Bite inhibition teaches your canine friend how to properly apply force with his/her mouth without harming anyone. Adult dogs that have had this kind of training can get into fights and defend themselves without drawing blood.

    This is so important to avoid any type of dog-human or dog-dog bite accidents.

    German Shepherd puppy dogs have sharp teeth for a reason:

    to learn how to use their mouth properly.

    Teach your puppy to bite without hurting!

    To teach your pooch not to hurt human skin you will need to yelp like a puppy every time you feel teeth in contact with your skin. Engage in puppy play and Yelp when you feel teeth. Your pup will most likely stop in surprise. As soon as he has stopped, wait 5-10 seconds and resume play. Repeat as many times as needed.

    • Start with those bites that really hurt or scratch. If you yelp every time you feel teeth, your puppy will think it is how you play. It may take a few weeks for you to notice that your pup is not hurting as much…only then, start yelping for the next level bites, those that bother. Progressively teach your pup to play without hurting you. This make take a couple of months!
    • Never punish your puppy for play-biting, this can lead to aggression or your puppy fearing “hands” near his face.

    How To Train Your German Shepherd Puppy Not To Jump

    10 Month Old German Shepherd  Behavior, Food and Training ...

    While having your German Shepherd puppy jump up enthusiastically is cute when they are little, the novelty wears off pretty quickly. A 20-pound puppy may be unlikely to knock you over a 100-pound adult is another story.

    Luckily, teaching your pup not to jump isnt rocket science. Its a matter of conditioning. The first step in training your German Shepherd pup to keep calm when they greet you is to set the mood: if you are relaxed, your puppy will learn to be relaxed as well.

    Here are a few tips:

    • Keep greetings low-key. Greeting your puppy enthusiastically and loudly is a great way to encourage them to jump up. Instead, come in the front door quietly and wait a minute or so before saying hello to your pup.
    • If your dog jumps on you, ignore them. Resist the urge to pet them. Petting them when they jump up reinforces the negative behavior. Turning away from them when they jump will show them that jumping does not get your attention.
    • Only pay attention to your dog when theyre sitting. As soon as you get in the door, tell your dog to sit, and only reward them with attention when theyve done so.
    • Be patient. Because your German Shepherd pup is so happy to see you when you walk in the door, it may take them a while to realize that they will only get the attention they want when all four paws are on the floor.

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    Teach The Sit And Stay

    Teaching your GSD to sit and stay is an essential command to teach. Youve previously taught him to sit for a reward, but now you can take it a step further by teaching him to stay and keep his eyes on you at all times until you release him.

    Dont expect too much too quickly, as your dog may struggle to understand this at first. Begin by asking him to sit for a few seconds and gradually extend the time.

    Learn How to Teach Your Dog to Sit and Stay

    Month Old German Shepherd Behavior: Solve Puppy Problems

    Of course, youve heard that 6 month old German Shepherd behaviors are unpredictable, stressful, and frustrating.

    Your once angelic puppy pushes your boundaries and

    Your patience!

    But Ill teach you how to control and survive these puppy growing pains without losing your mind.

    After you read this guide, you will have learned how to take back your home and control your dogs behavior like a seasoned professional.

    Also Check: German Shepherd Not Eating Dry Food

    Focus Six: Avoiding Undesirable Behaviors

    You might not realize this, but a puppys teeth and claws are razor sharp and can do some serious damage!

    They dont realize quite how strong they are at first, so its important to teach them that nipping, chomping, or jumping up and scratching at you is not appropriate unless you like being covered in cuts and bruises.

    How to discourage your German Shepherd puppy from biting, scratching and jumping up

    Caring For Your German Shepherd


    German Shepherds are fantastic dogs and its easy to see why they are such a popular breed. However their size and strength means they arent suited to all families and need a lot of space to burn off their energy. Youll need to make sure you have a lot of time to spend with these dogs and you are committed to providing for their exercise needs every day.

    Also Check: How Many Vaccinations Does A German Shepherd Need

    Raising And Training A German Shepherd Puppy

    When thinking of bringing a German Shepherd pup into your home, it is important to understand the responsibility you will need to take. Giving your puppy the care, love, and training it needs while it is still young is vital so that you have a well-behaved dog in the future.

    A German Shepherd is not only a wonderful friend to have in the house but a wonderful alarm, as he is ready to bark at any sign of danger. But German Shepherd puppies must be taught who is in control.

    How Do You Know When To Take Your Gsd Puppy Outside To Potty

  • Take them out after a nap. They need to relieve themselves after sleeping or napping in their crates.
  • Take them out after a play session. If youve played with your pup inside, then take them outside before placing them in their crate.
  • Take them out after theyve eaten a meal.
  • Take them out after theyve gotten overly excited about something.
  • Take them out after they drink a large amount of water.
  • Take them out first thing in the morning and the last thing before you place them in their crate or go to bed.
  • Take your dog out when their body language says they are searching for a potty spot!
  • Also Check: Hypoallergenic German Shepherd

    German Shepherds Are Highly Intelligent

    It is a well-known fact that German Shepherds are highly intelligent. They can learn and do almost every task you give them. Perhaps this is why the largest percentage of police dogs all over the world is German Shepherd. Due to their high intelligence and versatility, German Shepherds are also widely trained as service dogs to aid people with disabilities. Some German Shepherds are trained to compete in dog sporting events.

    Focus One: Toilet Training

    10 Month Old German Shepherd Puppy

    As one of the most pressingly important things to teach your dog unless you like the idea of urine and feces covering your house! it makes sense to start here, right?

    There are no taking chances with a puppy: leave the room for even a moment and you might come back to a mess, however accidental.

    For the first month or two of having your puppy at home, it is crucial that you have a more or less constant eye on what theyre up to, unless youve provided them a secure area with a training pad and know that they are likely to use it.

    Concentrate on the basics: teaching your pup where it is okay to do their business and establishing a routine for the appropriate times to do so.

    At first, they wont be able to hold in their waste for longer than a few hours, as much like a baby, they dont yet possess the muscle strength and control needed to hold it in this isnt them misbehaving.

    Puppies are a big commitment!

    Unfortunately, they cant wear diapers either, so its important to give them several opportunities to go outside and relieve themselves.

    Use treats as a positive reinforcement when they do so in an appropriate place.

    Each time you take them to the right spot, say go to the bathroom or whatever phrase youd like to use it might feel silly at first, but eventually theyll start to associate that phrase with going potty.

    Youll find they naturally want to pee around the same time you do: in the morning, after meals or drinks, and before going to bed.

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    Using Puppy Pads Successfully

    Change your puppy pads as they become soiled.

    Although, at the beginning of training I like to leave a pad thats soiled with urine only under a clean, new pad so that your pup learns that they are soiling in the right area and their previous odor attracts them back to the pads.

    I dont let the dirty pad sit out for days or weeks and smell too strongly. But a lightly soiled pad is attractive to your pup in the beginning stages of training and helps them learn the right area to potty indoors at first.

    Once they are reliably using the correct spot, you need not continue to use this trick and can throw away the pads as they become too soiled.

    If theyve missed the pad or soiled another area you dont want them to use, then you must clean with an enzymatic cleaner. This pet enzyme cleaner will remove your puppys urine smells, stains, and lingering odors that cause your dog to soil in the same spot.

    Choosing The Right Location

    Dont just place your dogs crate anywhere!

    After you buy the correct size crate for your GSD, you need to place it in a safe area.

    Some areas will help your dog feel more secure and allow them a comfort zone. While the location you choose is personal there are some common ideas to keep in mind.

    Follow these tips to find the best place for your dogs crate:

    • Pick a spot that isnt in drafts and maintains a steady temperature.

    Temperature changes are uncomfortable for your dog. Too hot or too cold areas could make them sick.

    • Dont place the crate right below a bright window.

    When the sun stays on the same spot for a while, it can get very hot and cause heat sickness in your dog.

    • Place their crate in a corner of a family room, out of the main pathway of foot traffic.

    Your dog wants to spend time with you whenever it can. Dont put their crate in a room you hardly ever use.

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    Is Crate Training Your German Shepherd Effective

    When done using positive training, crate training your German Shepherd puppy is safe and effective.

    Yes, crate training your German Shepherd is very effective.

    The crate uses the fact that dogs dont like to soil where they sleep and helps with bladder control because it encourages a dog to wait until they are out of the crate to eliminate.

    Remember, using the crate effectively means:

    • You must learn to spot the signs your pup needs to take them outside or to their potty pads.
    • You must not force your pup to hold it any longer than necessary.
    • You must take your pup out at regular intervals overnight because they arent able to physically hold their own bladders.
    • If you dont let him out soon enough before soiling his kennel, he may develop the habit of always soiling his kennel.

    What Age To Start Training A German Shepherd Puppy

    10 Month Old German Shepherd “Tracker”/ German Shepherd Trainers/Best Dog Trainers Orlando

    The best age to train a German Shepherd puppy is around 8 weeks old. He can understand simple commands, such as sit, stay, down, and come as he gets older. Their attention span is short, but using quick sessions will show great progress!

    Dont expect perfection at first. As your dog grows, he will learn more quickly.

    Be patient and positive.

    Read Also: How To Get A German Shepherd’s Ears Up

    How To Keep Your Dog From Barking

    While German Shepherds communicate primarily through body language, their bark is another way for them to let others know what theyre thinking. Its unreasonable to expect your German Shepherd never to bark, but you should teach your dog when barking is acceptable.

    A GSD is a guardian breed, and he will want to protect his family and his home from any danger. Thats why they bark when someone knocks on the door. But, they may also bark at other dogs, the TV, and other non-threatening stimuli.

    What can make this behavior tricky is that you want them to bark to alert you when a stranger or other legitimate danger approaches, but you also want them to stop after youve confirmed that the family is not in danger.

    The best way to do this is to follow these steps:

    German Shepherd Training: The 7 Golden Rules & Basic Commands

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    Im sure youll agree when I say:

    A well-trained dog is a pleasure to have around.

    If you own an untrained pooch you know the frustration it causes.

    Whether youve just brought home your first German Shepherd.

    Or if youve finally decided its time to teach your old dog new tricks

    Youve come to the right place to get the 101 on German Shepherd training.

    It is a fact that German Shepherds are among the brightest and most intelligent working dogs.

    Preceded only by the Border Collie and the Standard Poodle.

    This is according to a book published by Stanley Coren in 1994 The Intelligence of Dogs.

    You can read more about his study and the metrics here.

    Thanks to their ability to understand new commands in less than 5 repetitions and obeying the first command 95% of the time or more.

    And the desire to please you most owners can succeed at training their dog on their own.

    Because of their intelligence, German Shepherds can sometimes be stubborn. They need a firm hand and a smart approach to their training.

    Training your German Shepherd is exciting. But sometimes dog training can seem overwhelming if you don’t even know where to begin.

    So heres the deal:

    Youve got to get inside your German shepherds head

    And Im about to show you exactly how you can do this:

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    How Old Are The Lab Shepherd Puppies In Ontario

    The mom is a pure bred black tri-colour Australian Shepherd, and the dad is a merle colour Australian Shepherd, Border Collie and Lab mix. Puppies will come with their first round of shots and deworming and will be ready to go to their forever homes by May 13th. Puppies are already 1 male puppy 16 weeks old.

    Ignore The Unnecessary Barking

    Sitting pretty. Sierra, my 10

    German Shepherd puppies bark, but there are positive ways to help train them to bark and whine less.

    Ignore your dogs barking until theyre quiet for 15 to 30 seconds if they are still a puppy. This means you dont give them any attention at all while theyre still barking.

    Dont talk to him, touch him, or even look at him. When they finally quiet down, even if only for a few seconds, reward them with a treat or praise.

    To have success, wait until they are quiet and stop barking, even if only for a few seconds in the beginning . If you yell at them to be quiet, they may learn they still get attention for you, even if its negative attention. Next time theyll bark for even longer because theyve learned that if they bark long enough, youll give him attention.

    If they continue barking and whining despite your inattention, figure out why theyre barking and either remove the item , or place them in another area that is quieter .

    For example:

    Puppies bark for a number of reasons. One of the hardest parts of German Shepherd training is knowing whats natural and normal and whats a problem behavior.

    But it does get easier to train your GSD over time as they learn what you expect.

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