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HomeFactsHow Old Do German Shepherds Stop Growing

How Old Do German Shepherds Stop Growing

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When do German Shepherds Stop Growing? Growth Stages You Must Know

Usually, 4-month-old German Shepherds weigh about 33-40 pounds if they are males and 31-35 pounds if they are females. The size differences between males and females will likely be obvious at this point if it already wasnt at birth. By four months, itll be easier to tell how big your particular dog might get.

At birth, a puppys size is largely dependent on where they were in the mothers uterus, which plays a significant role in their nutrition. Once they are born, genetics tend to take over. At 4-months-old, the puppies have been growing according to genetics for long enough for you to guess what their adult size might be. A dog that is small at this age is likely to remain small.

What To Do If Your German Shepherd Isnt The Right Weight

When your german shepherd isnt the right weight, the first thing to do is take them to a vet. A vet will be able to give you the best course of action. Here, are some of the options youll likely be faced with:

An Underweight German Shepherd

If your german shepherd is underweight, the first step that youll likely take is to give them bigger meals or give them higher-quality dog food.

They may also treat them for parasites such as worms or check for diseases and illnesses that can cause low body weight such as worms or diabetes. And lastly, theyll also check for any dental problems they may have.

An Overweight German Shepherd

On the other hand if your german shepherd is overweight, youll need to take a different approach.

First and most obviously, you should stop feeding them as much. Treats, should only make up about 10% of their diet. And if even with treats theyre still overweight, then you should cut them out completely.

You may also consider switching to higher quality food. Ideally, you want food with less carbohydrates. And along with food, make sure youre giving them enough exercise as well. If there getting two hours a day, then try exercise that isnt going to be too strenuous on their joints such as tug of war.

And lastly, take them to the vets to make sure they arent suffering from any illnesses or diseases such as hypothyroidism, Cushings disease, or dysplasia.

What If My German Shepherd Is Growing Too Fast

The most common cause of a puppy growing too fast is his diet. If you overfeed your puppy, your puppy will gain too much weight, but there is a bigger problem. Puppy food is so high in nutrition, that when you give a puppy too much, he will suffer from over-nutrition.

The puppies will take in too much protein, calcium, Vitamin D, and phosphorus and grow too quickly as a result. Since German Shepherds are prone to hip and elbow dysplasia, growing too quickly is dangerous for them. Talk to your vet about getting your puppy back on track.

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So What Are The Other Ways To Tell Your German Shepherd Has Stopped Growing

Fortunately, as well as age, size and weight are a great indicator to let you know whether a german shepherd has stopped growing or not. If your german shepherd is between 22-26 tall and they should weigh between 50-90lbs, then theyve probably reached their full size.

If you want to get even more specific, theres actually a length to height ratio to help you know if your german shepherd is the right size. The ratio should be 10:8.5, where you measure the length by the chest to the base of the tail and the height is measured from the middle of the shoulder blades to the pad of the foot.

When your german shepherds ratio is 10:8.5 you know your german shepherd is the right size.

And lastly, if you want to know whether your german has stopped growing, being aware of the stages they go through as they grow can help you do this.

How To Help My German Shepherd Lose Weight If He Is Overweight

What age do German Shepherds Stop Growing [Growth Chart ...

Excessive weight can lead to health complications in your German Shepherd puppy. If your German Shepherd is overweight, the following ways can help them lose weight:

  • Reduce calories first, you need to know the right number of daily calories your German Shepherd should be eating according to their age. Reducing between 10% and 20% is recommended, but you should seek advice and help from your vet when reducing the numbers.
  • Reduce meals if you are free-feeding your German Shepherd puppy, you should start feeding them at scheduled mealtimes. If you feed your puppy several times per day, ensure that you reduce the amount you are feeding them. Use measuring cups and evenly space mealtimes.
  • Exercising ensure that your German Shepherd is getting at least 1 hour of exercise every day then progress to 2 hours. Walking and jogging are some of the good exercises for your German Shepherd.

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Wolf Vs German Shepherd Size

German Shepherds are known to be big dogs, but the largest of them is like the weight and size of the smallest wolf. On average, the height of wolves ranges from 26 inches to 32 inches while German Shepherds range from 22 inches to 26 inches.

The weight of a small female wolf is around 51 pounds and a big male wolf weighs around 180 pounds. Like dogs, male wolves grow longer, heavier, and taller than females. On the other hand, according to our German Shepherd size chart, they weigh between 49 pounds and 88 pounds.

Whats The Life Expectancy Of German Shepherds

An average healthy German shepherd enjoys a long life of up to 9 13 years. That being said, some may surprise by outliving their standard life expectancy.

German Shepherds have a slow growth rate that starts to decline when they reach their adulthood. As they grow older, their height increases, but once they are fully mature , they stop growing altogether.

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When Do German Shepherds Calm Down

Now, this a popular question for new German Shepherd owners. First, you need to understand. Do you have a high-energy dog or low energy dog? This is the same for a puppy or older dog. If you have a high-energy- GSD-dog you will need physical and mental stimulation on a daily basis. My friend Tonny just got a new German Shepherd and call me to ask, when will she calm down? She always brings me her ball to play. I told him to put her on a leash and teach her to lay down.

This can be done when your eating dinner, and watching TV. Training needs to be consistent every day-throughout your dogs life. This is done with training when you can supervise her. Never leave any collar and Leash on a dog when youre not there to supervise them. Thats when we use a dog crate to keep them safe.

German Shepherd Body Condition Score

German Shepherd Growing up from 8 weeks to 19 months

Body Condition Score is the equivalent of Body Mass Index in humans. It is a subjective rating that standardizes the weight level of animals to help create an exercise plan and diet that suits your puppys activity level, body, and lifestyle.

Body Condition Scale range from 1-9 or 1-5. The ideal BCS for your German Shepherd puppy should be 3/5 or 5/9. This is where the ribs, pelvic bones, and backbone have a very thin layer of fat and is easily palpable.

The tummy tuck should be seen from the side and the waistline should also be visible behind the ribs when seen from above.

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Cancer As A Major Problem

German Shepherds most commonly diagnosed fatal diseases are hemangiosarcoma and osteosarcoma . Although the cause of hemangiosarcoma is still unknown, its believed to be genetic the same goes for osteosarcoma, which can also be caused by other environmental factors.

On one hand, hemangiosarcoma is a tumor developed mainly from a dogs blood vessels that would slowly spread in other parts of its body the death rate of GSDs who were diagnosed with this disease is extremely high that even if dog owners were opting to have their dogs undergo surgery and chemotherapy, it would only have it survive for an expected maximum of 6-8 months.

On the other hand, osteosarcoma is a condition slightly similar to hemangiosarcoma except that the tumors growth would result in bone damage. For German Shepherds, their long bones, such as their arms and legs, are most commonly affected by osteosarcoma and can be treated through amputation, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy, costly. Without any treatments, the average survival time for a GSD would only be for at least 2 months. Its a sad truth that both of these diseases are predisposed in German Shepherds and can indeed shorten their lifespan.

Whats The Average Adult German Shepherd Weight

The average weight of German shepherds varies by gender. Males usually end up weighing 66 88 pounds while females 48 to 70 pounds. This is the ideal weight that adult German shepherds should have. In case a German shepherd is not gaining weight, they may show signs, such as loss of appetite, lethargy, dull fur, loss of muscle mass, etc.

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When Does A German Shepherd Stop Growing

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When you bring home your German Shepherd puppy, you may begin to wonder just how big your new furry friend will be. Though you may have a rough idea of how large your German Shepherd will get, its important to understand the growth process and just how quickly they will reach their adult size.

In this article well discuss the growing process of the German Shepherd puppy, and when they actually stop growing.

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The Difference Between Male And Female German Shepherds

When do german shepherds stop growing?

Male German shepherds are taller and bigger than female German shepherds. They also tend to be more emotionally stable and stronger than their female counterparts. However, female German shepherds are more affectionate, obedient, and easier to train. They are the perfect candidate for family protection, while male GSDs are best for personal protection.

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German Shepherd Growth & Weight Chart

These numbers are estimates to give you an idea of how much a German Shepherd weighs month by month. Dont worry if your puppy is slightly behind or ahead just be sure to take your pet to regular vet appointments to ensure they are healthy and happy!

Pro Tip: Want to get reimbursed for up to 100% of veterinary bills any time your dog gets sick or injured? Compare German Shepherd health insurance options before its too late.

German Shepherd Puppies Start Teething And Growing Adult Teeth From 12 Weeks Old Onwards

The teething phase is the next stage of your canines dental development. Surprisingly, German Shepherd puppies dont have their puppy milk teeth for that long. So, when do German Shepherds lose their puppy teeth?

Lets find that out next!

When do German Shepherds lose their baby teeth?

Nine to ten weeks after their baby teeth have grown in, their adult teeth will start to push through as well.

At this point, your German Shepherd puppies should be 12 weeks old and they should have a total of 28 puppy teeth with 32 adult teeth expected to come through next.

As they prepare for the adult teeth to grow in, the puppy milk teeth start to fall out. So at 12 weeks old, the German Shepherd puppies will begin the teething stage and the 32 adult teeth will replace their puppy milk teeth.

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Signs Of Teething In German Shepherd Puppies

Here are other signs that your German Shepherd puppies are teething:

Tiny puppy teeth

As youre cleaning the house, youll probably find your puppys baby teeth on the carpet, floor, jabbed into their favorite toy, or laying around their food or water bowl.

Bloodstains or blood spots on the toys

Teething can be both uncomfortable and painful for your little German Shepherd pup. To get through that pain or as a way of relieving that pain, your puppy may chew their toys more. While they are biting their toys, youll see bloodstains or bloody spots. Thats because their gums can be irritated and sore as well.

Chewing more than usual

During the teething phase, youll want to keep your pooch in parts of the house that does not contain expensive furniture or items. Its normal for your German Shepherd puppy to chew a lot during this stage of their dental development stage.

Chewing also helps them cope with the pain. We highly recommend buying some chew toys to keep them biting on the toys and not the valuable items in your house.

Frequent drooling

During this time, your puppy may drool more than usual. Dont be surprised to find saliva drooling out of your puppys mouth.

Behavioral change due to pain of teething

Due to the pain, frequent gum irritation, and discomfort, your German Shepherd puppy may act out. Youll want to provide them with love, patience, and attention during this time. Its not easy for them and its best to give them chewing toys to keep them distracted.

Quiet And Quickly Tired

German Shepherd Puppy Growing Up on YouTube | 8 weeks – 1 year

When a German Shepherd reaches its senior years, youll notice how theyll gradually lose their energy and even show disinterest in toys or walks they used to be so excited about. When your dogs life is nearing the end, youll often find it lying around in quiet places that would exclude itself from other pets or people. It wont also move as much as it would try to limit itself from feeling even more uncomfortably frail than it already is.

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How Many Times A Day Should You Feed Your Young German Shepherd Puppy

The recommended frequency of feeding for a German Shepherd puppy is as follows:

  • From 8 weeks old to 12 weeks old 4 times a day
  • From 12 weeks old to 6 months old 3 times a day
  • From 6 months old to 12 months old 3 times a day
  • 12 months old and above 2 times a day

You can also feed your German Shepherd puppy snacks and treats in between meals, but the frequency with which you do this should reduce as the pooch grows older.

How Big Will A German Shepherd Grow To Be

A German Shepherd is a medium-sized dog that can sometimes grow to be fairly large.

As far as weight goes, for a male German Shepherd, they will typically weigh between 65 to 90 pounds, or 30 to 40 kilograms, at the end of their growth. This could happen around 2 1/2 to 3 years of age.

For a female, her average weight will be from 46 to 70 pounds or around 22 to 32 kilograms.

As for their height, an adult male German Shepherd will usually be around 24 to 26 inches, or 60 to 65 centimeters tall. A female will be around 22 to 24 inches, or 55 to 60 centimeters tall.

For all of these measurements, their growth should be done by three years old. At a year old, the growing is actually mostly finished, but there will be about another 5% left to gain in both weight and height from the year to the three-year mark.

It is important to note that all of these numbers are averages. There may be some individual German Shepherds that are smaller or larger than these numbers indicate.

That is perfectly normal. As long as the dog is healthy, can still run around and play, and doesnt have any noticeable issues, there is no need to worry, even if your dogs numbers dont seem to match these.

If you get obsessed with the numbers and think your GSD puppy must match them exactly, then you will probably never be completely happy because I can almost certainly assure you that your German Shepherd Dog puppy will never perfectly match the numbers.

-Total German Shepherd

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What Can Affect Your German Shepherds Growth

There are a number of things that are going to affect your german shepherds growth. Some of them are going to be in your control, and some of them arent.

Not only are they going to affect your german shepherds height, but some will also affect their weight. So its a good idea to keep them in mind, to make sure nothings wrong with your pup.


As previously mentioned, nutrition is going to have a massive affect on whether your german shepherd will grow properly or not. When your german shepherd isnt getting enough food, you may notice the following problems.

  • A visible rib cage
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Always scavenging for food

The best and easiest way to check if your german shepherd is overweight is to run your hands along their ribs. If you notice that theres a thin later of fat over their rib cage then theyre a healthy weight. However, if it just feels like skin and bone then take the to the vet. The chances are theyre underweight.


Another determiner that you have no control of is their genetics. If your german shepherd has small parents, then the chances are theyre going to be small as well.

So if you know the size of the parents youll get a pretty good idea about the size your pup should grow too.

Getting Spayed/Neutered

While its best to talk to your vet, its often recommended to spay or neuter your german shepherd when theyre around 1 year old.


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