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How Much Should My German Shepherd Puppy Weigh

Feeding Guidelines By Weight

How much does a German Shepherd puppy weigh?

German shepherds can be of different weight ranges. Thats why the feeding plan of your dog can be complicated. Fortunately, theres a calculation for the feeding amount of German shepherds according to weight.

  • Inactive German Shepherds: For every 1 kilogram your dog weighs, theyll need 40 calories a day.An average weighted German shepherd will then need 1400 calories per day. This only applies to German shepherds that do not exercise or inactive.
  • Active German Shepherds: In the case of active German shepherds that exercise regularly, every 1 kilogram equals to 55 calories per day.So an average weighted German shepherd will require 1925 calories per day to be able to function properly.

Take note, however, that this calculation may be affected if the German shepherd has a health disorder concerned with metabolism or digestion.

How Much Bigger Will My German Shepherd Get

There are a few ways to gauge how much bigger a German Shepherd will get.

First, check your puppy’s age. If your GSD is younger than two years old, they definitely have room to keep growing!

Another way to tell if your pup still has a lot of growing to do is their paw size. Do their paws look large compared to their legs and body? This is a classic adolescent feature of a dog, and means your pup is likely still growing!

If you bought your German Shepherd from a breeder, they should be able to give you a specific, estimated weight based on your puppys parents and past litters. Most of the time, a dog will not grow bigger than its larger parents.

When And How To Change The Feeding Of Puppy To Adult

Many owners would like to know what is the best age to switch their German Shepherd puppy to adult food. The best way to shift your German Shepherd from puppy food to adult dog food is to look at his age and size.

When a German Shepherd is around 1 to 1.5 years old, he is generally considered an adult. This is a good estimate of when you could consider making the switch.

When a German Shepard has attained around 80-90% of their overall growth, is a good indicator of when the switch should be made.

It is always better to do this gradually as an abrupt switch may not be ideal. If you feed your dog twice per day, you can start giving him adult food mixed in with his usual food.

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Avoid Giving Too Many Treats

Although we are trying to add calories and encourage weight gain, treats are not the solution to this.

Its easy to make this mistake, but try to remember that treats are designed to be given infrequently and used on special occasions only .

Treats could actually be something that suppresses your GSDs appetite causing fussy eating. And treats do not contain the complete nutrition thats necessary for good health and growth.

How A Puppy Grows: Stages Of German Shepherd Puppy Development


Before we get to the weight and height charts, lets take a moment to study the developmental stages all puppies go through.

Its crucial to watch for each of these milestones as they come. These, more than weight or height, will help determine if your German Shepherd puppy is developing normally.

Here are the stages of German Shepherd puppy development from birth to maturity:

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Breeding And Health Of German Shepherds

With the increasing spread of the breed, unfortunately, the number of breed typical diseases also increased.

Thus, the hip dysplasia , which can be found in many dog breeds today, was first detected in a German Shepherd dog.

A further joint disease with which the breed has to fight again and again is the elbow dysplasia as well as the degenerative lumbosacral stenosis or also called cauda-equina-syndrome, which leads to paralysis. In addition, eye diseases and allergies are more common in German Shepherds.

How Does Neutering/spaying Affect My Dogs Growth

Research has shown that neutering dogs can affect their growth. But how exactly? Well, its not entirely clear, and there is more research yet to be done.

But early indications show that early neutering can increase the length of time that the bone grows. Meaning potentially taller dogs. But this also poses questions about whether this affects the joint alignment and whether it can cause any problems. And for the German Shepherd breed and his heightened propensity for hip dysplasia, this is a concern to be aware of.

But waiting for full skeletal maturity also poses risks. Because neutering for females can reduce mammary cancer. If spayed before her first heat, it can eliminate the chances of this type of cancer altogether.

Overall, how neutering affects your dogs growth is something to discuss with your vet. As they will be able to offer you tailored advice for your German Shepherd.

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Grooming Your Gsd Puppy

A German Shepherd puppy doesnt need frequent baths and bathing can strip the protective skin oils from them, leaving their skin open to itching and infection.

Try gentle puppy bath wipesfirst to remove smells and dirt, as well as to keep their coat clean. Youll also notice the wipes are easy for you to grab, so you dont have to spend a lot of time on grooming.

If youre going to bathe them, then follow this section to take care of a 6 week old German Shepherd puppys skin and keep your pups fur in tip-top shape.

  • If you must bathe them use a gentle, hypoallergenic shampoo made for puppies and keep them out of cold drafts while theyre drying. At all costs, keep water away from their ears and face since German Shepherds are prone to ear infections.
  • Use a moistened cotton washcloth on their face or gentle puppy wipes. Never pour water directly onto their face or you risk them inhaling the fluid and developing respiratory issues.
  • Your dog may not enjoy being bathed or groomed at first. Go slow with the grooming sessions and keep them positive and short at first.
  • Increase the sessions as they enjoy their shorter sessions.

Follow this helpful German Shepherd grooming guide for professional-quality results at home for more useful, quick information as your puppy gets older.

Their Environment & Exercise

How much Should you Feed a German Shepherd Puppy in a day? | GSD Diet Plan |

Genetics has a large part to play in estimating a puppys adult weight, however, the environment will also impact it.

Over-exercise can cause injury and damage to both the skeleton and ligaments of your puppy, which will then require rest.

This is not ideal for a developing puppy as exercise is how puppies increase their bone density.

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Things To Keep In Mind When Exercising A Young Gsd

  • Spread activity throughout the day Bruce Lee once said, I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times. When you make a single session small enough, you can afford to repeat the session throughout the day with enough consistency to make an impact. Add steps to your little puppys day without making it a Rocky training montage.
  • Avoid high places The growth plates section makes it self-evident that you should keep your dog from jumping. So definitely no skipping rope for your chubby best friend.
  • Play seeking gamesDetection exercises allow you to sneak in extra steps while also helping your GSD develop better cognition. Interestingly, such games also decrease running speed as dogs are more deliberate in processing where the hidden prize is.

German Shepherd Weight Range And Growth Chart

Below you will find a chart that breaks down the overview above into more specific heights and weights, also including growth as a percentage to indicate how far along your German Shepherd is towards becoming a full grown adult.

This chart is a guideline, and as long as your GSD reaches the goals set forth in it, it doesnt matter if they are reached a bit sooner or a bit later as long as they are healthy during the process.

If you are concerned that your dog is gaining too much weight too quickly, or its growth seems to have halted, you should take your German Shepherd to a veterinarian to be checked out.


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Fastest Size Increase From The 3rd To 6th Month Of Life Of A German Shepherd

The fastest increase in size occurs between the 3rd and 6th month of life.

This phase therefore poses the greatest challenges to the body, but also to correct posture and feeding.

For giant breeds, the following rule of thumb can be observed for the development of body weight: after 6 months, 60% of the final weight should be on the scales.

For smaller breeds it is already a little more, as the above figure also shows.

The mother animal would actually instinctively ensure that the puppy gets the correctly composed and correctly dosed ration.

However, since the puppies are weaned at an early age, breeders and owners take responsibility for food and exercise.

Calculating The Adult Weight Of A Giant Breed Puppy

5 months old!

Agai, there are a couple of formulas you can also use as alternatives to the charts.

Method 1

Use the below formula based on your puppy’s growth rate which is:

Formula: Current weight in lbs at 20 wks divided by his current age in weeks multiplied by 52

For a giant breed puppy, it’s best to use this formula based on his weight at 20 weeks old.

For example, a puppy that weighs 45lbs at 20 weeks old, you would do the following:

x 52 which is 45/20 = 2.25 x 52 = Adult weight of 117

Method 2

A much simplier method for giant breeds, is to double the weight of your puppy at 6-months old to determine what their adult weight is likely to be. For example, a puppy that weighs 65 lbs at 6-months will likely weigh 130 lbs as an adult.

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Dangers Of Stunted Or Accelerated Growth

New dog owners might be concerned about whether their dog is growing too quickly or too slowly, especially when you are comparing your pup to the German Shepherd growth chart. The danger of stunted growth only arises in the case of malnutrition or extreme disease.

If your puppy has not had proper nutrition or is having another affliction, there is a risk that he will not grow properly. Likewise, diet can cause your pup to grow too quickly.

In this case, the growth is not related to their bones, but their weight. Excess weight can harm a puppys growth and cause other health issues.

Problems With An Overweight German Shepherd

Is your dog Overweight? A German Shepherd dog has a specific body structure and shape that indicates that the dog has a normal growth rate with normal weight. A German Shepherd has a slim shape, with a deep rib cage and a prominent taper at its waist.

If your dog will get overweight, this defined shape will start disappearing. With a normal weight, you can feel the ribs of your dog if you press the coat with a gentle touch. If you cant feel the ribs, your dog is overweight. If the ribs jut out and look too prominent, then your dog is underweight.

A German Shepherd remains healthy and active when it has a normal healthy weight. It plays and runs freely and lives a healthy life. Getting overweight is quite dangerous for a dog.

A German Shepherd is a large breed therefore, it should not be overfed. It can cause a rapid increase in weight and makes your dog overweight.

This weight becomes a hindrance between a dog and its playful activities. This also makes the dog inactive, dull, and unresponsive. In this situation, a German Shepherd dog becomes vulnerable to numerous diseases like heart disease, Gastric Dilatation Volvulus, hip dysplasia, and elbow dysplasia leading to osteoarthritis.

Overweight in dogs is mostly due to overfeeding and less exercise. This makes a dog fat and lazy just like humans.

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He S 1 1 2 Years Old Now Weighs 92 Lbs And

German shepherd puppy 8 weeks weight. If you have a german shepherd puppy you will know from their breed standard when fully grown they range from 48 to 90 pounds in weight. There are usually 6 8 puppies in a litter and birth weight as well as litter size often depends on the mother s size as well as body shape. The same goes for their height.

Stages of german shepherd puppy development. If your brand new puppy has an upset stomach despite your best efforts don t worry too much it s normal for puppies to have diarrhea within the first few days of arriving at their new homes. It is recommended that you slowly let them adapt first.

6 month old german shepherd puppy weight. It s crucial to watch for each of these milestones as they come these more than weight or height will help determine if your german shepherd puppy is developing normally. Smaller puppies tend to come from larger.

Your german shepherd is now capable of digesting dry food. Before we get to the weight and height charts let s take a moment to study the developmental stages all puppies go through. At 11 weeks he weighed 33 lbs now at 13 weeks he weighs around 40.

The german shepherd puppy would already be used to eating dry food. German shepherd puppy pebbles we re still waiting for the vet s response but to us and what we hear from other people is that she is relatively small for her age. Litter size impacts puppy size.

Black German Shepherd Puppy In The Snow 8 Weeks Old Adorable And

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Overview: A Few Fun Facts About The German Shepherd

How much should I play with my German Shepherd puppy?

Developed by Captain Max Von Stephanitz, German Shepherds were originally meant to be herding dogs before being appropriated as militants.

Their loyalty and trainability have ensured them a top spot on the American Kennel Clubs list of most popular breeds.

Despite their popularity, many dog lovers dont know that there are five different types of German Shepherds:

  • American Show Line German Shepherds: Possibly the most suitable as companion pets, these dogs are also known as Canadian Show Lines. As they are bred for conformation, they have the most pronounced slopes.
  • West Show Line German Shepherds: Considered the fairest of them all, these GSDs have large heads, and dense coats often found in Black and Red.
  • West Working Line German Shepherds: With a less pronounced slope-back, these dogs are more built for performance than beauty. These dogs are closest in conformation to what Captain Max Von Stephanitz had in mind.
  • East Working Line DDR German Shepherds: Probably the type with the least health problems due to extremely strict standards of breeding. They often have longer and darker coats.
  • Czech Working Line German Shepherds: A working dog through and through, this Alsatian type is usually black or sable with straight backs.
  • The Alsatian also comes in different shades, and the classic Black and Tan isnt the most common color! To find out what it is, head over to the full article on all German Shepherd colors.

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    German Shepherd Dog: A Sporty Family Dog

    Thanks to his versatility, a German Shepherd dog is to be inspired for almost all dog sports and so agility and dog dance are suitable as well as obedience.

    His excellent olfactory performance also predestines him for tracking work or mantrailing.

    Recommendable also for family shepherds is a training as a rescue dog, protection dog or in performance herding.

    Whichever sporting and mental activity you choose, you will quickly notice the positive consequences for your dog and your relationship with each other.

    Dogs that train their body and mind sufficiently can not only enjoy rest and recuperation phases better, but are also more receptive to educational activities.

    If you can devote enough time to training and keeping your shepherd dog fit, you will be rewarded with an extremely friendly, athletic, easy to handle and loyal family dog.


    How Many Puppies Do German Shepherds Have

    While it can vary greatly from dog to dog, on average, German Shepherds have about 8 puppies at a time. 8 is a common amount for large breeds, but your dog could have less or more than that.

    Beyond 8, you run the risk of puppies being too small or less healthy, since nutrient was being distributed thinly during gestation.

    Generally, if you have kept your German Shepherd healthy and well-fed, you are likely to get more puppies. The number is also smaller if your dog gets pregnant on her first or second heat cycle.

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    Working Dogs Versus Show Dogs

    Something that may determine your German Shepherds overall body conformation is whether they were bred to be a show dog or a working dog. Years of line breeding has produced several distinct types of Shepherds.

    Show dogs are known for a sloped back in which the back legs are shorter than the front. This unnatural formation can cause back and hip problems along with an abnormal gait. German Shepherds bred for show will also be thinner than their hardworking cousins.

    As you can see in this picture, this is a show-bred German Shepherd with an obvious curved back and short back legs.

    Working dogs, on the other hand, are bred for a sturdy, straight back so they can work long hours without getting sore. They tend to be thicker than show dogs and will, therefore, weigh more, even at the same height.

    As you can see in this picture, this dog has a straighter back and longer back legs, so it has been bred for working.

    Something else I wanted to mention here is that, according to some sources, Black German Shepherds are larger than their bi-colored cousins, despite being otherwise the same. Its hard to prove for sure, but its possible that their recessive genes that carry the black gene may also contribute to a larger size.

    White German Shepherds, on the other hand, arent known for being any different in size than other dogs. So, if you have one of these rare and beautiful creatures, you can follow the same charts that were listed above.


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