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HomeNewsHow Much Exercise Do German Shepherd Puppies Need

How Much Exercise Do German Shepherd Puppies Need

Enjoy A New Exercise Together


Are you and your GSD tired of the same, boring walks? Spice it up, then!

Are you and your dog stuck in the same exercise rut?;

Why not switch it up and enjoy a different exorcise together?

German Shepherds generally love to swim, jog, and run with their owners.

Especially those that are high drive and stuck indoors most of the day.;Take advantage of your breeds athletic abilities and put their stamina to use.

What Are The Symptoms That Your German Shepherd Is Over

The;rule of thumb;warns that you should never over-exercise your dog as it can pose;serious problems.

If this is the case, your dog will show some symptoms. The most important indication is your dog feeling extremely thirsty and youll notice that he/she is drinking more water than usual.

Another symptom of over-exercising is your;German Shepherd;lacking behind in an exercise where he/she is usually fast and energetic.

Refusing to exercise, swollen muscles are some other signs of over-exercise.

You must take care of the exercise schedule of your dog if you dont want him/her to become ill.

The;general rule;is to divide the workout into smaller segments to prevent such issues.

Your dog will enjoy small exercises as compared to one long tiring exercise. You can also bring variety by introducing two or three exercises per day rather than performing only one activity per day.

German Shepherd Exercise Requirements

Its easy to get lulled into a false sense of security when it comes to German Shepherd exercise requirements. Because theres nothing Shepherds like more than spending time with their owners they can appear to quite happily lounge around at your feet all day if you let them.

Letting them do so is a mistake though, because this dog breed needs a lot of exercise to maintain their mental and physical health. So with that said, just how much exercise does a German Shepherd need?

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Why Is Exercise So Important For Puppies

Just as humans need to lead an active life to stay healthy, puppies need to expend the amount of excess energy built up in their little bodies to stay mentally and physically fit. Here are all the reasons why exercise is important for your little fur-ever friend.;

Active Puppies Stay Fit;for;Longer;

You may be thinking that it is a little too early to start worrying about pet aging, but the truth is that;exercise helps keep your puppys mind sharp and prevents age-related illnesses in adulthood.;;

Setting a workout routine early on helps your dog stay on its paws for longer. Just as with humans, a consistent physical routine can keep the body flexible and ward off age-related stiffness.;

Exercise Combats Health Problems;

Theres an entire list of health-associated risks that your puppy may develop due to inactivity. Routine exercise can help ward off obesity, digestive problems, and promote heart and;muscle health.;;

As a matter of fact, many of these problems are co-related. For instance, if your puppy is overweight, this can lead to cardiovascular problems and cause constipation.;;

Moreover, when your dog is exposed to the suns full spectrum of rays,;it will soak up the;ever-important;Vitamin D, which is crucial for bone development and growth of puppies. Just 30 to 40 minutes of sunshine can also help kill bacteria and fungi.;;;

Helps;to Avoid Destructive Behaviors;

Active Puppies Are Social Puppies;

What Is The Five

How Much Exercise Does A German Shepherd Need?

You cannot place your puppys exercise requirements in a box that fits all situations. However, one rule that makes sense as a loose guideline, posted by, is to exercise your pup for five minutes per month of age. You can do an exercise session twice a day.

If you bring a GSD puppy home at ten weeks old, your exercise guideline would tell you to work with her about 12.5 minutes twice a day.

A six-month-old puppy, which you may be tempted to treat as a miniature adult, should still only get about half an hour of exercise twice a day.

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What Does Gsd Like To Play With

The German Shepherd is also very intelligent so it is important to challenge their minds.

They learn new skills quickly making them easy to train with the right guidance.

Playing games of any kind with your German Shepherd is really good for them and builds up your relationship.

Remember, first of all, dogs are social creatures by nature and playing is one important element in developing and maintaining their social relationships.

Playing games is a proven fundamental way of modeling real-life behaviors and can be beneficial to their overall quality of life.

Are German Shepherds Easy To Train

Devotees of the breed consider German Shepherds the ultimate obedience worker. Well known for their eagerness to learn and have purpose, theyre famous for their intelligence and are often used as guide dogs. Take a German Shepherd to puppy training and theyll be top of the class in no time.

Lexi is very well trained and only needs simple hand signals to do her tricks. – Jemima, Owner of Lexi

That being said, here are a few funny quirks that some of our members pooches have:

Lindsey, Owner of Marmite

Marmite loves a snuggle and is a sofa and bed hogger!

Chelsea, Owner of Aston

Aston loves being in the car and games like hide and seek and catch.

Most common German Shepherd names on BorrowMyDoggy:

  • Max
  • Ruby
  • Zeus

Some dogs, like German Shepherds, just love to be busy all the time, Watch this Hound Hacks video for a pawsome tip to keep your pooch entertained when you dont have time for your usual long walk or play session 🙂

High paws to our lovely community for letting us share these facts about their German Shepherds. Paws crossed you found them helpful 🙂

Looking for the pawfect German Shepherd to join you on a walk? Or would you like your German Shepherd to make a new friend? Why not sign up to BorrowMyDoggy today.

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German Shepherds And Children

Adult German Shepherds can range from being calm and patient to bouncy and boisterous, depending on their personality, training and socialisation. Some can make great family pets in homes with children of all ages, but dogs should always be supervised around young children.

Make sure you can recognise the signs of unhappiness or anxiety in your dog to help avoid any conflicts. German Shepherds can be nervous of strangers so make sure theyre never left unsupervised. Be careful if you are introducing a German Shepherd to younger children or adults unfamiliar with the breed as they often dont know their own strength.

Create A Dog Enrichment Box

How much exercise does a German Shepherd need

Brain training your German Shepherd can be as easy as opening a few empty boxes.

To make this mentally stimulating enrichment box, find a larger cardboard box, some smaller boxes of various sizes, empty toilet rolls, and old newspaper or brown packing paper.;

Place a few treats in the toilet rolls, inside the smaller boxes, or wrap them in the newspaper and brown packing paper. Now, fill up the big box with these treat treasures!;

Look: You may have a mess of shredded paper and chewed boxes to clean up.

Good News

Its great mental stimulation and enrichment for your German Shepherd puppy that builds confidence, too!;

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What Exercises Do German Shepherd Puppies Like

German Shepherd puppies;usually like;fun outdoor and indoor exercises.

Managing the;exercise sessions;of a;young puppy;can be quite easy if you have the proper knowledge.

If your pet is small, that is 8 to 12 weeks old, no extra exercise is needed except a;daily walk.

Taking your pet out for a;puppy play;is enough as;over-exercise;can cause various health problems.

Puppy exercises;are usually different from the adult dog exercises.

Walking Running And Jogging Exercises

Do you like to have morning walks? Perfect. Because your GSD will love it.

If you are regular with your jogging and walking in the morning, make sure you take your German Shepherd with you.

This is the fundamental and best way to start the day.

This exercise is beneficial and straightforward to start to burn the energy of the Dog.

The best place to walk should be a big park. In the park, the dogs feel more happy and free. They feel more in touch with nature.

Benefits of jogging and why you and your Dog should do it every day.

GSD dogs have great stamina. Taking your Dog for jogging is an excellent workout for you and your Dog.

Taking your German Shepherd for running or walking will have the same benefit for your body if you do it along with your Dog.

For people who are fit or want to be healthy, having a German shepherd dog can be excellent.

So here are some benefits of taking your GSD Dog for jogging

An active running dog is rarely a fat dog!

Jogging can help your pup to maintain a healthy weight, which has its health benefits.

It will take your Dog healthy for life.

A healthy cardiovascular system.

Cardiovascular health is vital both for humans and pets. Running and jogging can help your GSD to circulate better its blood.

If blood circulates well, it brings more oxygen to the heart. The oxygen helps the heart and all other organs to stay healthy.

Here are some essential tips when you take your Dog for a walk or run.

You should wait until a young dogs plates grow .

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Which Exercises Can Help In Mental Development Of A German Shepherd

Along with physical development, it is crucial to take care of the mental health of your;German Shepherd;as well.;Some of the exercises than can help in this case are food exercises, exercises with chew toys and agility courses.;Mental exercises;include utilising your dogs;common sense;so that he/she can develop a healthy mind.

There are plenty of dog toys available that can support;mental stimulation.;Some of the;acceptable exercises;that can help in the mental development of your pet are given;below:

  • Food Exercise:;This beneficial exercise is related to food.;Rather than feeding your pet in a regular bowl,;make your;German Shepherd;do some exercise in order to find and eat their;meal. This exercise is quite successful in the case of;German Shepherds;as they are very intelligent.
  • Chew Toys: Many dogs release stress by chewing. Providing your;German Shepherd;with a chew toy will make his/her teeth stronger as well as eliminate stress. Moreover, it is a decent way to keep you dog busy in case you are occupied with any other work.

The 5 Best Exercises For German Shepherd Puppies

How Much Exercise Does A German Shepherd Need

You need exercise for German Shepherd puppies to keep them healthy, fit, and more importantly out of mischief!

But some owners of our breed mistakenly think a young puppy should have plenty of structured exercise.

Quite the opposite for your fast-growing breed is true!

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Fun Exercises For German Shepherd Puppies

At this age, gentle exercise should aim to help them with spatial awareness and the ability to sense their position and location in their environments.

Activity isnt meant to wear them out. Its meant to enhance their natural growth and abilities. Dont mistake exercising for a full-on aerobic activity or youll neglect their overall growth.

Use activities to help your dog learn about their movements in their environment and to stimulate their brains.

Here are a few fun and easy ideas.

Can Your Gsd Exercise Alone & How Do I Do That

Your GSD can learn to exercise alone provided youve socialized him or her properly and given them enough things to otherwise keep busy. Providing your dog with plenty of toys and both mental and physical challenges will encourage them to exercise and burn off energy even when youre not around.

Start by training your dog with something like a flirt pole, so that they learn how to run back and forth by themselves. Depending on how agile your dog is, you might consider putting together an obstacle course or other kind of structured designated play area.

Over time, you may even be able to train your dog to work through a regular exercise routine the way that the German Shepherd Man did:

If you have more than one dog, then you could teach them to play keep away with one another by having them share a toy. While you shouldnt ever get another dog just to keep your first one company, this can be a great way to have them exercise alone if you already have a couple of GSDs.

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Provide The Right Chew Toys

Have you heard of yak milk chews? Theyre Long-lasting and great for mental stimulation!

Chewing is a totally natural behavior for your dog and even has many benefits.;

When your dog chews for an extended period of time it has a calming effect on the brain. Stress levels are lowered and your dog experiences a sense of calmness. While your dog chews it releases special endorphins which give its brain a relaxing feeling.

Chewing on the right toys redirects your dog from destructive chewing of your household items and can even help improve their dental health.

Looking for a tasty chew treat that takes your German Shepherd hours of chewing and naturally cleans off tartar and plaque buildup?

Give your dog a Himalayan Yak Milk Dog Chew to help them release those feel-good endorphins while supporting their dental health and engaging in mental exercise.

How Much Mental Exercise Does A German Shepherd Need

How Much Exercise does A German Shepherd need in Tamil | Dog Training| DiamondTheGSD

There are different types of exercise for a German Shepherd physical movement, mind games, and even job activities.

German Shepherds need at least 2 hours of both physical and mental exercise per day, ideally more. This time ideally includes essential daily walks , purposeful engaging activity , and mental stimulation . Look to start including mental exercise for your dog in small bouts of a few minutes, working up to longer, more engaging mind exercises strewn throughout the day.

Mental stimulation and mind exercises for your dog or puppy have numerous benefits. Engaging your dogs mind can tire out a puppy or adult dog just as much as physical exercise and can keep them from developing inappropriate behaviors.

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How Long Should A German Shepherd Be Walked

The length of walk that a German Shepherd can go each day is ideally around 30 to 45 minutes. You can do this once a day, but two walks a day are even better.

The daily walk is essential for every breed of dog like the German Shepherd to release their pent-up energy and stimulate their mind with the sights, sounds, and smells that they come across on every street, park and trail that you walk on.

Furthermore, dogs like routine as much as humans, so try to schedule a walk every day. Having daily walks is much better than having one long walk during the weekend.

How Long Should I Walk My German Shepherd Puppy?

Puppies are still developing their body and muscle. Even though they come from a healthy breed, they are still babies.

Ideally, for a three-month-old German Shepherd Puppy, they need only 15 minutes of walking time twice a day, while four-month-old German Shepherd puppies need 20 minutes.

So every month you can increase their walking time by 5 minutes.

German Shepherd Mental Stimulation

German Shepherd mental stimulation games have so many benefits for your daily life.

Weve all heard that German Shepherds require plenty of physical exercises and must start obedience training at home from day one.;

But what about mental stimulation for German Shepherds?

What exactly is that?

Mental stimulation for German Shepherds are activities that engage their minds, keep them entertained using their senses, and are challenging and fun. In essence, its brain games and brain training.

There are plenty of ways to mentally stimulate your dog, and these brain games only take a few minutes each day. So, stimulating your German Shepherds mind is easy to fit into your busy schedule.

Theres even a handy schedule for you, found below the list of ideas, to help get you started!

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Walking Time And Amount Chart

Puppys Age
only 25 minutes of slow walking at a time
6 months old only 30 minutes of moderate walking at a time

If you must use a collar, then use a safe break-away collar that will release your pup in case of an emergency. This type of collar could save their life if they were to get hung up on a branch or indoors.

Choose your collars and harnesses with care.

German Shepherd Puppy Exercise Chart

Age Activity and Amounts
2 months6 months Only a 10-minute walk on a lead for a 2-month-old , then lots of rest, play sessions indoors or outdoors can last 1015 minutes each time , work on obedience training, include mental stimulation
612 months Only a 30-minute walk on a lead for a 6-month-old , then lots of rest, play sessions indoors or outdoors can last 1530 minutes each time , work on obedience training, add mental stimulation; slowly add in extra time walking and dont jog or run with your dog yet

Exercising puppies heavily too early in life may lead to joint damage. This is especially likely in large breeds with rapidly growing and heavily loaded joints, such as your GSD.

Dont walk your puppy for more than half a mile when they are young. And definitely dont make them run this distance !

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Pointers For Feeding German Shepherds

Improper feeding practices can lead to serious health problems for German shepherds. Most of the time, these problems linger throughout the dogs lifetime.

You should remember this before doing something reckless, such as altering your German shepherd puppys feeding amount.

An owner is responsible for taking into consideration the age and weight of a German shepherd before feeding them. So here are some tips that can be applied according to your dogs age and weight.


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