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HomeEditor PicksHow Hard Is It To Raise A German Shepherd

How Hard Is It To Raise A German Shepherd

What Is Important When You Start Taking Out Your Dog

How to raise a German Shepherd Puppy
  • Always clean: You must clean everything. Imagine all the dogs around the street doing potty everywhere. If everyone does this, then it will become very Bad stuff. Your Dog is Your Responsibility so Always Check And Make sure That You Take the Things clean.
  • Take under control Your Dog: Very often People let their Dogs Go around without Control And Chase Other People. Some people Are scared Or do not Like Other Dogs to chase them so You mustnt Make feel uncomfortable other people.
  • Always Take Your Dog On a leash: Even If you Trust Your Puppy or dog And you know That your German Shepherd Dog is not gonna hurt Nobody. It is always better to not trust very much especially if you are in a busy area where there are a lot of people around.

What You Should Know Before Getting A German Shepherd

The German Shepherd, or now more correctly known as the German Shepherd Dog or GSD, is a very popular breed thats easy to recognize. Although the breed is often depicted as a police dog or a guard dog, the origins of the GSD was a farm dog that excelled in working with sheep as both a herding dog and a flock guardian.

The GSD was originally bred for performance and not for a breed standard. They were developed in Germany in the mid to late part of the 19th century. In 1899 a military officer, Max von Stephanitz, actually developed the breed as it is now recognized.

The German Shepherd was recognized as a dog breed in Germany and was used as a military dog in the World War l. At the same time, these dogs were also used by the Red Cross and the police throughout Europe. It was smart, highly trainable and fearless, even in combat situations. While there were some of these dogs in the USA in the early part of the 1900s, it was really the efforts of American soldiers to bring these dogs home that sparked the popularity of the breed.

The Characteristics

Todays GSDs are still the same loyal, courageous and highly intelligent dogs they have always been. While they are still used as police and military dogs, they are equally effective as guide and assistance dogs, bomb and drug dogs, as well as wonderful family pets, guard dogs and companions.


General Care

Tip #: Train Your German Shepherd Puppy To Ask For Permission

Dog commands and fun and useful and you can probably find hundreds to teach your GSD. This one though – Ask for permission– is technically not a command, because you will not ask your canine to do it every time, instead you want to teach him to do it on his own every time the occasion requires it. For example, wouldnt it be great if your puppy would look at you for approval before running after another dog or kid? Take time to do this with your puppy, it will be worth it!

This is another one of the most important German Shepherd puppy training tips because a dog that asks for permission is an obedient and safe dog.

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How Much Exercise Does A German Shepherd Need

German Shepherd Dogs are very Energetic dogs, and they need plenty of daily exercises to be physically and mentally healthy.

In average, a German Shepherd Should exercise 1 to 2 hours a day.

You can give all the Love, Food and toys to your German Shepherd But he will never be delighted. If you do not let him exercise or play with You.

Make Them Work For It

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The next thing you need your dog to do is to realize that they need to do something if they want a treat. Start with something simple, like sitting or coming when called. As soon as they do it correctly, press the button then give them a treat.

Eventually, theyll learn that you expect them to work for their treats. Theyll start to look to you for direction and wait for your command so they can get their reward.

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How To Potty Train Your German Shepherd Puppy

The best way is to train him to eliminate on command. Most pups like to potty when they are taken for a walk or playing around.

But with this technique, you can bring your puppy wherever you want him to potty.

  • Take your puppy to the spot you want then when he starts preparing then say to him for example:hurry up, potty.
  • When he starts following your commands praise him and give him a treat.
  • It is very important to give a reward or treat to Your German Shepherd Dog as he will learn that if he is doing what you want you will love him and reward him.
  • What if he do not do it?

    • Take him away from the spot for a while and wait until he does not feel the need.
    • Do not bring him back, just let him do it there.
    • Then take him for a walk or to the park or the place he loves to let him intend that if he follows your command he will get that.

    How Sociable Are German Shepherds

    Are they friendly with strangers?

    Most German Shepherds are reserved with strangers. As the breed’s national club says, a good German Shepherd has:

    “a certain aloofness that does not lend itself to immediate and indiscriminate friendships. The dog must be approachable, quietly standing its ground and showing confidence and willingness to meet overtures without itself making them.”

    As you might imagine, this can be a fine line to walk. Without proper guidance from the owner, a German Shepherd’s natural aloofness can morph over the line to suspiciousness, distrust, and even aggression or fearfulness.

    When you own an aloof breed, you need to socialize the dog thoroughly. This means a careful program of teaching him to pay attention to you and mind you in the presence of other people and other dogs. He doesn’t have to like them, but he must accept them.

    One thing I should mention: many German Shepherds who bark and lunge at strangers or other dogs aren’t being either protective or aggressive. Rather, this kind of reactivity can be the dog’s attempt to hide his own insecurities behind a blustering facade.

    There are also legal liabilities to consider when you acquire a German Shepherd. For example, your homeowner insurance policy might be cancelled or the rates hiked, because people are often quicker to sue if a “guard dog breed” does anything even remotely questionable.

    Are German Shepherds good with children?

    Are German Shepherds good with other pets?

    Read Also: How To Train A German Shepherd To Protect

    How To Make Your German Shepherd Dog Feel Comfortable With Strangers

    Take some treats and give them to strangers and ask them to give it to your Dog.

    Then ask the dog to sit while doing it. After you try this for some time, your dog will understand that it does not have to be afraid of strangers or bark to everyone.

    If possible, ask a friend to stay with your Dog for an hour or day in your absence, this is a great way to make your dog self confident in your absence.

    Why I am talking a lot About Confidence of the Dog?

    Confidence is something significant in a dog. A confident dog will not run away when someone stranger comes to your house.

    He will always be sure about himself, and he can make a difference between a dangerous stranger and friendly one.

    If your dog lacks confidence, it is difficult to train him, It is essential to make him confident if you want him to become a brilliant dog.

    Give Your German Shepherd A Job At Home

    How To Raise, Train and Socialize a German Shepherd Puppy

    Did you know there are over 150 breeds listed in the American Kennel Club and hundreds more listed in a variety of rare-breed registries around the world

    Yet the German Shepherd is consistently ranked in the top 3 for intelligence?

    This represents big challenges as a German Shepherd owner.

    You must be smarter than your dog!

    The German Shepherds activity is seldom aimless, so you must generate a plan and purpose for your dog! Thats why you need to give your dog a job around your house.

    No, theyre not going to herd your neighbors kittens or start dropping your kids off at school by themselves. But the jobs can be as easy or difficult as you have the time and energy to train.

    This is not a mentally lazy dog, but a breed with extremely high intelligence and a huge breadth of application for that intelligence.

    Heres some of my German Shepherds favorite jobs around the house:

    • Puzzle Master She completes food puzzles for her reward
    • Toy Cleaner Ive taught her to pick up her toys using this game-based dog training program
    • Gentle Agility My GSD is older now and we use low poles for her agility training

    Check out even more work for your dog to enjoy using my post on 10 Jobs for German Shepherds at Home

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    Hope You Love Dog Hair Everywhere

    Theres a reason people call them German shedders. Enough said! German Shepherds have a double coat, which equals twice as much fur all of your floor, your sofa, your clothes, etc. You also cant win with your wardrobe if you end up with a classic black-and-tan German shepherd, they have black, brown, tan, and sometimes white hair on them, so no color of clothing is immune!

    Be Watchful For Signs Of Shyness

    Many German Shepherds, especially American-line dogs bred for show/companionship, tend toward shyness and anxiety. If not addressed, this shyness can transform into fear-based aggression. For this reason, socialize that puppy from the minute he comes home with you, and dont stop throughout his lifetime.

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    German Shepherds Are Active

    German Shepherds have high energy levels. They can spend their whole days outdoor. If you love jogging, hiking and hunting, German Shepherds are one of the best companions you can have. If you have children at home, they can play with German Shepherds as long as they can because these dogs don’t get tired easily.

    Health Concerns When Breeding German Shepherds

    Pin by Emmajane on Animals

    Breeding German Shepherds means you must ensure your breeding dogs are cleared of any known health condition to date. Every dog breed has its own bunch of diseases particularly found in its specimens, and GSDs are no exception.

    Below is a list of the most common health conditions in German Shepherds so you can DNA test your dogs for as many conditions as possible before breeding two GSDs.

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    Tip #: Stop Your German Shepherd Puppy From Pulling On The Leash Now

    Pulling on the leash is another of those dog behaviors that people think come out of the blue, but actually they happen because there was never formal training done. To prevent pulling on the leash all you have to do is make sure your puppy understands that he gets rewarded when the leash is loose. Pay close attention to what he does during those first few walks together and make sure you reward him for staying close to you!

    Got any German Shepherd puppy training tips to share with us?

    Tip #: Socialize Your German Shepherd Puppy

    The most important German Shepherd puppy training tip is socialization. Right after you take your puppy to the vet for his first set of shots, enroll him/her in a puppy training or puppy socialization class. Some vets will tell you to keep the pooch inside until the full set of vaccines is completed. Unfortunately, if you do keep your pooch safe inside until he is 4-6 months of age, his socialization period will have closed forever and your chance to raise a friendly and confident dog drops significantly!That said, it is ultimately your decision whether you want to take the risk to take him outside or not. Most large US cities do not have too many disease problems and taking your puppy to a class where the trainer checks that every puppy has had the first set of shots is mostly safe. However, if you leave in a rural area, make sure there is not an outbreak of a disease that can affect your pooch.

    Of all the German Shepherd puppy training tips, I suggest you really think this one through. As a dog trainer, I recommend you find a safe puppy socialization class because this developmental period is critical to prevent behavior problems in the future. Apart from that, you also need to socialize your puppy daily on your own, this link will explain the process and give you a list of things to check as you go!

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    Why The Exercise Is Important For German Shepherd Dogs

    Exercise is essential for both humans and dogs. It maintains all the organs like the heart and Lungs Healthy.

    German Shepherds are very high energy dogs, and they cant stay always sitting at Home.

    They need a lot of exercises to release their energy. The German Shepherd can Behave in bizarre ways if he cant release his energy.

    But be careful if Your German Shepherd is Just A little puppy. Do not overdo exercise with him as he is not big and energetic as an adult.

    For puppies Can be enough playing with them Like wrestle, bounce around, little runs, etc.

    I have written a Great Article About It You can Check it out.what do german shepherd puppies like to play with ?

    Puppies Attention Span Is very Short. It is your responsibility to make him busy with your games and plays.

    Play with his toys and try to get down on the floor on his level so he can chase you quickly and play with you.

    You should schedule a regular walk every day with your puppy or Adult German Shepherd So he can stretch his legs and explore more the place around.

    When Your puppy will Grow and Start to begin big, You can Do extended Walks And Start doing Some Tough Exercises Like Running.

    Why Are German Shepherds Easier To Train

    How to raise a German Shepherd ð?â?𦺠puppy. Health, Nutrition & Training Complete Guide.

    German Shepherds have a long history of being used as herd dogs, guard dogs, and, in more modern times, police dogs, drug dogs, and even firefighting dogs. Why is this?

    German Shepherds originated in Germany, as their name indicates. They originated around the late 19th century and were used specifically as herd dogs, watching over livestock. A job as a herd dog requires determination, a strong work ethic, and a high level of alertness. They needed to gather livestock in a specific way, and were to keep watch for threats. This means they were bred with the ability to listen, see threats or problems, and to react quickly.

    These dogs also have a lot of energy. They had to be able to run at high speeds and keep up with the herds. They are able to focus on their tasks and have a desire to excel.

    German Shepherds need attention, stimulation, and a way to expel their energy. They are good at following simple commands and attach themselves to their owners and so want to please them and do well. Theyve been bred to be protective and obedient, and this transfers well into their training.

    Its no wonder so many German Shepherds are used in police, fire, and other forces that require a dog to aid them. With their history, these dogs are perfectly capable to going through the rigorous training these jobs may demand. That also means that for a family, German Shepherds can be trained to be obedient and follow household rules fairly easy as well.

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    Research On The Breed

    Raising a German Shepherd puppy to become a future GSD begins the moment you bring him or her home. Ten weeks is typically the age when the puppy is ready to socialize with humans and other pets, albeit it could be earlier or later than that. Housebreaking a puppy of this breed will not be easy because GSDs are inherently willful, athletic, and independent.

    Take the time to research what this breed is all about because not doing your homework can result in a puppy that will grow to be a confused, unhappy, and aggressive adult GSD. Incidentally, aggression is the result of lack of or insufficient socialization for the puppy with its humans and other household pets as well as the effect of bad dog training from the owner.

    Raise A German Shepherd Litter

    Raise a German Shepherd Litter

    German shepherd dogs are by far one of the most well known breeds of dog. They are known for being extremely dedicated, loyal and loving dogs and are known to pass this onto their offspring when properly trained. Raising a litter of German shepherds can be a complex task, but the rewards are well worth the trouble.

    Also Check: How To Train Your German Shepherd Puppy Not To Bite

    Bringing Your Puppy Home

    • Coming home: Encourage your new puppy to lie down and sleep to lessen the shock of the car ride.
    • The vet: Take him to the vet within 24 hours of bringing him home, even if he has passed a vet’s inspection at a shelter.
    • Potty training: When you get your puppy home, take him or her to the right place for dogs to relieve themselves. Praise the puppy highly when he goes in the right place. Keep using that place for toilet training and use verbal commands. Small puppies have small bladders. They will need to go outside to try and toilet every two hours until they are about six months old when they can start holding their bladders for seven hours. German Shepherd puppies usually walk in circles sniffing when they need to go. When a puppy has an accident, he is not trying to be bad. He often just can’t hold it. However, once they learn, it’s learned.
    • Getting spayed or neutered: You can help the training process along by getting the puppy spayed or neutered. Mentally, neutered dogs stay more like puppies and are more comfortable letting you make the big decisions. They also avoid a lot of health problems this way.

    In time, with lots of patience, daily handling, and attention, your German Shepherd puppy will be a canine ambassador. Your friends, neighbors, and even total strangers will appreciate you for taking the time and responsibility to train your dog well.


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