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HomeHow Big Do Long Haired German Shepherds Get

How Big Do Long Haired German Shepherds Get

Different Types Of Short

Long Haired German Shepherd: What To Know Before Buying

Sam Shephard is an experienced German Shepherd owner and has learned throughout the years how to optimize the breeds health and wellness.

There are many different types of short-haired German Shepherds.

German Shepherds have essentially two lengths of hair. They can either be short-haired or long-haired, despite what kind of coloration pattern they have. Both dogs are the same breed, and while a short-hair German Shepherd is the only type of German Shepherd accepted in kennel clubs in the United States and much of the world, both short-haired and long-haired dogs can be purebred German Shepherds.

Short Haired German Shepherd Breed Info

The German Shepherd was originally bred to herd sheep in Germany, unsurprisingly! The breed was refined to be the breed we know and love today.

They are well known for their movie roles such as Rin Tin Tin and Strongheart. It was appearances like this that helped to bring the breed back into favor after the First World War.

These dogs are loyal until the end. They form extremely strong bonds with their family members and would protect them with their life. This devotion sometimes leads to an aloof nature with strangers. They arent quick to make new friends, however, with plenty of socialization, this behavior trait can be reduced.

They are highly energetic dogs and need at least two hours of exercise every day.

This pup loves joining you on walks, hikes, runs, bike rides, swims and any activity really. You name it and a GSD has probably done it. As their coat has that double layer, the Short Haired German Shepherd is much more suited to being out in colder, wetter weather.

Grooming a double coated German Shepherds is important, as they shed all year round.

Brushing them two to three times a week should help remove some of the loose hair but you are still going to find fur everywhere. During shedding season. , they will have a big blowout and lose a ton of fur. During this time of the year, you need to brush them every day.

The Long Haired German Shepherd Makes A Great Family Dog And Gets Along Well With Other Dogs When Raised Properly

When properly trained and socialized, German Shepherds in general make wonderful family companions.

As we just discussed, a long haired German Shepherd can make an incredible family dog, so long as he is properly raised and trained.

German Shepherds are known to get along well with children. They are playful, affectionate and protective of their families, which makes them excellent additions to homes of anyone looking for a guard dog or a dog that looks out for their family members.

Of course, its imperative that you not only train and socialize your German Shepherd at a young age to prepare him for proper behavior around youngsters, but its also important to teach children how to respectfully interact with the family dog.

Refrain from leaving young children alone with your German Shepherd, and work with age-appropriate children on how to understand basic canine body language.

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What If Your German Shepherd Is Not Within Breed Standards

The official standards for 163 recognized breeds are maintained by The American Kennel Club .

An example of another organization that recognizes and adheres to standards of the German Shepherd Dog is The United Schutzhund Clubs of America .

If youre not planning on being the next Westminster Kennel Club Dog Champion or breeding your dog, does it matter if your German Shepherd is not within Breed Standards?

Maybe it does aesthetically to some people, but remember that breed standards are guidelines.

A GSD that is too small, too big, has a white toenail or a floppy ear, doesnt make them any less healthy, loving, loyal, or devoted.

The Importance Of Exercising A Long Haired Gsd

Boogieman at about 18 months

Regardless of the coat length, German shepherd dogs love exercise. This is simply because they were bred originally to function as active working dogs that required them to expend large amounts of energy outdoors while hunting for cadavers and participating in similar search options.

Thus, like their short-haired conspecifics, long-haired German shepherd dogs too require daily exercise.

Although walking them is completely fine, it is not enough. You also need to run them about in order to give them a route to spend all that boundless energy.

If you loving cycling or jogging, that is great, because these dogs love chasing their owner or running along with him to explore off-beaten paths and hidden adventures.

Another great way to exercise your long-coated German shepherd is by playing outdoor games like Frisbee or a game of Fetch. That coupled to obedience training works wonders to calm him in down in the face of danger.

Long-coated German shepherds rank high on the trainability meter and are thus amenable to rigorous training methods. You can use basic German shepherd training commands to teach him to obey you, carry out simple tasks and socialize better.

While everyone knows that these dogs perform best when exercised, not many know that they are equally good as indoor dogs.

Trained and socialized long-coated GSDs are docile and placid indoors. So if you are someone who stays in an apartment, you can still own one of them, provided you exercise them regularly outdoors.

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The Benefits Of German Shepherds

German Shepherds are incredibly hard-working, agile, and muscular.

Although theyre not really used to herd sheep anymore, theyre still bred in large numbers for their versatile and intelligent behavior.

German Shepherds are trained and used by the military and police to participate in a wide range of operations.

Their shape and size give them an advantage when it comes to working in harsh conditions.

German Shepherds are inherently driven to train and please their owners, which is a huge reason behind their popularity.

German Shepherds popularity makes them easy to come by since theyre bred in large numbers everywhere worldwide.

The downside to German Shepherds is they require training, attention, and a lot of exercise. If youre not looking for a big dog that requires an active lifestyle, you should probably look into other breeds.

The 4 Stages Of A Dogs Growth And Development

I think we can all agree that its difficult to figure out the best way to take care of your dogs health. Not knowing about a German shepherd average weight and height only adds to the list of problems.

As German Shepherds grow through the stages of their life, they also develop more health risks. But are the stages of a dogs life?

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How Fast Will A German Shepherd Puppy Grow

At four weeks of age, a German Shepherd puppy will stand four to six inches between their shoulder blades or withers.

When a German Sheperd puppy goes home with their new owners at eight to ten weeks of age, they will be seven to ten inches tall at the withers.

A German Shepherd puppy will enter their largest growth spurt between six and ten months and end up around 70 pounds and 20 inches tall.

How To Groom A Long Haired German Shepherd

How Big Can Your German Shepherd Get? Breed History, Types, & Standards

The long hair of this dog means that there is a lot of extra grooming that youll have to do compared to a standard German Shepherd. If youve never seen the amount of hair that a long-haired German Shepherd sheds, you may be in for a bit of a shock. After a full brushing youll be left with what looks like another dog on the floor, so be sure not to leave it too long between brushes.

Because of its length, your dogs hair can easily become matted and sticky if left uncleaned and ungroomed. This means youll need to keep on top of your poochs grooming schedule and make sure they’re brushed regularly to avoid irritation and overheating from a build-up of fur.

Long-haired German Shepherds constantly shed their fur so you may want to invest in a decent vacuum cleaner as youll be using it a lot. We all know how dog hairs have a habit of getting everywhere so make sure you have plenty of lint rollers to hand so you can de-fur your clothes before you head out.

As well as brushing your pooch its important to maintain well-trimmed nails, so regular manicures are vital. There are many health benefits to keeping your long-haired German Shepherds nails neat and trimmed. It can be an awkward task if youve never done it before so be sure to check out our guide above.

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Prevent And Treat Skin Diseases

Allergic dermatitis, folliculitis, seborrhea, ringworm, mange, and acral lick granuloma are just a few of the skin diseases dogs may develop. Brush your dog every day and use that time to check him over for any irregularities.

Also, watch your dog go about his day if he seems like he is not himself, or he is biting/licking himself constantly, it could be a skin disease that needs to be treated. Check your dog over and call the vet if you suspect something is off.

Regular visits to the vet for checkups to make sure your German Shepherd is free of fleas, ticks, and other parasites. Ensuring you keep their skin free of these annoyances will improve their overall skin health and decrease allergic reactions. And, it is also another way to help keep excessive shedding at bay.

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Are Black Long Haired German Shepherds A Healthy Breed

Black Long Haired German Shepherd are generally healthy, but having a solid black color doesnt exempt them from their breeds common health problems. This canine is susceptible to the following illnesses:

  • Elbow and Hip Dysplasia
  • Spinal cord diseases such as Degenerative Spinal Stenosis and Chronic Degenerative Radiculomyelopathy
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Eye problems

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How To Groom A Long

Despite the fact that long haired German shepherds shed less than short haired German Shepherds, their fur still requires constant grooming. As their long hairs tend to become tangled and matted if not brushed regularly. They will need brushing once every 2 to 3 days.

When it comes to bathing, the less is better. Their skin doesnt produce many oils to be bathed frequently. It is preferable to bath them only when it is really necessary. Veterinarians recommend a bath every 3 to 4 months.

Mouth care is important as well to prevent a variety of gum diseases caused by tartar and bacterial infections as well. If you dont have a toothbrush designed for dogs, the quickest way to do it is to use your fingers.

German shepherds are very active dogs and can go for several months without little or no nail trimming. Usually, because they walk and run on hard surfaces. However, nail care will be necessary if their nails grow enough to make walking uncomfortable for them. Make sure you ask a professionals help to teach you the right way to trim your dogs nails if you are unfamiliar. They contain nerves and blood vessels and you might hurt your dog if you cut the sensitive part of their nail.

German Shepherd Dogs Are Protective Of Their Loved Ones

Long Haired German Shepherd vs Short Haired: 5 Must Know ...

They are known for being fearless and self-confident. GSDs will assertively stand their ground and are suited to be either watchdog or guardian, whichever the situation demands. They can be aloof with strangers yet are not hostile. This natural protective instinct is reassuring to the German Shepherd owner. But it also comes with a certain responsibility. You should be committed to spending time socializing and training your dog to ensure your companion feels comfortable around strangers and other dogs. If you do, you will benefit from all this dog has to offer.

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Average German Shepherd Weight By Age

The most reliable numbers when it comes to a German shepherds measurements come from German Shepherd Dog FCI. It will also be the ones that well be using in this section.

Its also important to understand that males and females typically have different weights. This is a chart that shows the average weight of a German shepherd with 1-month intervals.

However, this German shepherd size chart will skip some months to show you how a full-grown German shepherd should weigh normally.

How Do You Get A Long Haired German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is one the most well-known and recognisable breeds across the world. There are many reasons and characteristics that make them so very popular they are loyal, brave, good-looking and intelligent, adaptable for many roles in our society and also amazing as a family pet and with the kids.

The German Shepherd comes in two categories in terms of coat length, but what makes them different from to other? We have the long haired German Shepherd as well as the short haired variety, but the reality is the difference between the two lies essentially only in the length of their coats.

Short haired Shepherds have two coats, whereas the long haired dogs only have one. These long haired Shepherds having longer hairs around their faces, bellies as well as their ears, tails, and in particular behind their legs. The nature of these hairs is silky and a soft texture. They are also known as long coated German Shepherd or the coated German Shepherd. On the other hand, the short haired Shepherd has a shorter coat length and they possess more actual hairs as compared to the long hairs.

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Long Haired German Shepherds

The rarity of the long hair arises from the recessive gene that was meant to be bred out of the bread entirely. Previously considered as an unfortunate consequence to inbreeding, the coat can now be found from selective mating and attention to parenting. The origins of the long-haired variant march in line with their typical, short-haired cousins.

Von Stephanitz stated that long silky hair was often associated with a refined head and often had no undercoat. This would cause the part along the back of the breed to form pockets of moisture when it rained, which let to drenched skin. The long silky or shaggy hair was also likely to mat, get frozen during winter, and get hard with dirt if not properly taken care of.

He viewed long hair too much trouble for what its worth. If it was possible to breed long hair out of the Shepherd or to actively breed their short to medium hair counter-part this would be preferred as long hair lacked the density and protection from all elements.

A balance would be necessary for the coat of the average Shepherd, as coats must be judged simply from the point of view of serviceability because otherwise such dogs are not of importance for the breed. The focus was more on the undercoats protection and the length as the medium haired German Shepherds were easier to take care of and therefore made better working dogs. These pups are not to be confused with GSD mixes like the GSD/Husky.

Skeletal Health And Supplementation

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Musculoskeletal disorders are debilitating conditions that are often associated with genetic makeup, malnutrition, and stress-related events. Some breeds like the German shepherd, are predisposed to a variety of different skeletal disorders, including but not limited to: canine hip dysplasia, Cauda equina syndrome, and osteoarthritis. These conditions can be a result of poor breeding or induced by intense exercise and poor diet.

Canine hip dysplasia is an orthopedic condition resulting from abnormal development of the hip joint and surrounding tissue causing the instability and partial dislocation of the hip joint, resulting in pain, inflammation, lameness, and potentially osteoarthritis of the joint. German shepherds are genetically predisposed to CHD and the University of Veterinary Medicine in Germany found its prevalence estimated to be approximately 35% of veterinary cases associated with the disorder.

Osteoarthritis is one of the main contributors of musculoskeletal pain and disabilities that commonly affect German shepherds. Mechanical stress, oxidative damage and inflammatory mediators combine to induce the gradual degeneration of the articular cartilage in the joint, resulting in reduced muscle mass, pain, and locomotion.

Vitamins such as A and D also have crucial roles in bone development and maintenance by regulating bone and calcium metabolism. Adequate levels should be incorporated into a German shepherd diet to promote a healthy musculoskeletal system.

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Long Haired German Shepherd Training

Start training your puppy the day you bring him home. Even at 8 weeks old, he is capable of soaking up everything you can teach him. Please dont wait until he is 6 months old to begin training, or you will have a more headstrong dog to deal with it.

Although any German Shepherd dog is trainable, they are very strong and powerful animals. If you start with a puppy, you have the opportunity to shape and mold its personality and develop your relationship early.

German Shepherds are not necessarily any different than other dogs when it comes to training. If your dog does not know simple commands, such as sit and heel, start with those.

Read also: Adopting Long haired German shepherd puppies.

Personality Traits Of The Long Haired German Shepard

Long-coated German shepherd pups are an absolute delight to have around the house. They have an interesting personality which is the perfect balance between seriousness and fun.

Known to be utterly playful, they are notorious for causing mischief, and bond surprisingly well with the children in the household.

They are also known to astonish their owner with their cute antics and comical lifestyle choices.

As they mature, they fit the role of a reliable aid to a blind or geriatric family member exceptionally well.

However, it is essential to train them at an early age so that they become responsible and adept at guiding physically challenged people later on.

As mentioned before, there are not a lot of long-coated German shepherds. Around 10% of German shepherds spanning the globe have long hair.

Hence, you may have a tough job of finding a reliable breeder that takes care to breed only healthy and peaceful long haired German Shepherd puppies.

The problem gets worsened further because plenty of long haired German shepherd breeders believe that the long-coated German shepherds are not exactly the type of quality that is used in canine competitions and dog shows so they decide against breeding them.

That is the main reason why you dont see a lot of these dogs. It is best to avoid the show dog type at all costs. As it is, dog breeds have morphed into unrecognizable species thanks to the unethical and cruel breeding methods used to develop animals solely for show purposes.

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