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How To Teach My German Shepherd To Attack On Command

Are Dog Training Schools Any Good

How to Train a Dog to Attack on Command (

As a German shepherd dog owner, it is very important for you to know that there are certain training schools out there that can help you with the training process of your GSD.

These schools are specifically designed to train dogs so that both the dogs and their owners can have a better life.

What is unique about these schools is that no matter the age of your German shepherd, it can be trained to obey your commands and perform better in life.

Teach Your Dog To Back Off

This is really one of the most important parts of training a personal protection dog. He must be willing to protect you but he must always be willing to leave the person alone.

For example, if you choose to train your dog to attack , as soon as your dog puts his teeth on the “stranger” in the scenario above, he should be told leave it and given praise.

Important note: If your dog does not respond to the leave it command at this time, he can become vicious later and you will not be able to control him. If this happens, you must stop considering him for any personal protection training.

Personal protection dog training.

Training personal protection dog (Slovakia)

Groom Your Puppy From An Early Stage

It is important to groom your German shepherd from an early stage.

Whether its giving your dog a bath or cutting its nails, you have to start doing all this from an early stage.

Performing these activities on an adult dog can be risky, as the dog might get scared because of it and may act irrationally.

German Shepherd is energetic dogs and when you are trying to cut their nails or groom them, they might feel threatened by it.

This is why it is ideal to start grooming them physically from an early age, so they get used to the process.

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How To Train A Dog To Attack With 16 Simple Easy Steps

No desirable outcome will happen without proper preparation

The first phase of these steps is the preparation ones, you should fully prepare yourself and your dog mentally and physically before you even start with the actual rigorous training ahead

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Watch A German Shepherd In Protection Dog Training

Would my German Shepherd protect me? (With images ...

In this impressive YouTube video clip, you can watch a professional protection dog training team putting a 16-month-old German Shepherd dog through his paces.

The dog shows incredible drive, obedience, agility, and power. The most important thing to note when watching the video is that the German Shepherd does not display aggression.

Aggression is not the same as the instinct to protect, guard, or even attack. Aggression in dogs is typically a symptom of insecurity or fearfulness rather than confidence and clarity.

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What Is Trick Training And Why Your Dog Needs It

After you have established engagement in training and your German Shepherd has the basics under the belt. You should consider stepping things up with trick training.

Trick training will boost your dogs confidence. It is also a great motivator and builds a strong bond between owner and dog.

Trick training will stimulate and challenge your German Shepherd. Remember, a German Shepherd has the capacity and intelligence to do just about any trick you can imagine.

Just check out this video:

Lets look at three of the most important obedience skills you should teach your German Shepherd straight off the bat:

Without these three skills, youll struggle to train your German Shepherd. Master these and the skys the limit

Make It More Difficult

In this step, youll need to hold a treat in each hand. Close one hand into a fist, use that to lure your dog into movement and after about 5 steps, say heel. If your pup stays with you without being distracted for 10-15 steps or so, praise them and release the treat from the other hand.

Doing this will keep them from being fixated on the treat and theyll eventually realize that following your fist will still bring good things.

Gradually increase the steps after the heel command as you dog gets the idea. Once your dog can heel for 10-15 steps, increase it to 20-25 steps, and so on.

Recommended Reading: 4 Month Old German Shepherd Ears

Teaching Your Dog To Bark At Intruders

  • 1Ask a friend to hang around outside your house. You might want to train your German shepherd to bark when he hears potential intruders outside your house. To do this have a friend hang around outside. Then, have your friend make a little noise sufficient to trigger the dog’s guarding instinct and wait for him to bark.XResearch source
  • 2Praise your German shepherd to reinforce the barking. After your dog starts barking at your friend, praise him and give him a treat to reward the behavior. Then, give him the âquietâ command to get him to stop barking. Make sure that you praise and reward him for being quiet as well.XResearch source
  • 3Reinforce this behavior only when your German shepherd is at home. It is not a good idea to teach your dog to bark at strangers when you are out on walks or at the veterinarianâs office. To be a good guard dog, your German shepherd should not regard strangers as a threat. To reinforce calm behavior around strangers, praise and reward your dog when he is calm around people outside of your home.XResearch sourceAdvertisement
  • Aggression Inside The Home With Your Other Dogs

    How to Train your German Shepherd Dog to be a Guard Dog

    Some dogs are hostile to other dogs they live with inside the home.

    For these dogs, there are different management techniques.

    New dogs need to acclimate themselves to one another in neutral territory. Dont bring a new dog home and just put him inside and expect both dogs to befriend each other.

    This is asking for a fight!

    Instead, take them on long walks on a leash outside of the home for initial meetings.

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    What Is The Best Age To Train A Dog

    Puppies are the best age to train obedience commands because they are a clean slate. But young puppies have very short attention spans. An ideal age to train your dog is when they are about 7-8 weeks old. At this age, they are old enough to follow basic commands but are not set in behavioral patterns yet.

    Management Tips To Help Your German Shepherd Avoid Attacking Your Other Dog

    If you have dogs that have known each other for a while but fight, then try these tips.

    Spend separate one-on-one time with each dog. This gives them the attention they crave while decreasing any chances of jealousy while the dogs are together.

    Feed your dogs in separate rooms or in separate crates. This also lets them develop a positive association with their crate.

    Never leave toys out unsupervised. Keep higher value chew items like bones, rawhides, and antlers put away. Only give them to your dogs when they are physically separate from each other.

    If one of your dogs guards its toys, figure out which toy it is and eliminate it from your toy selection. Only let that dog play with the toy when its alone.

    Physically pet and praise your dogs equally. Its important that all your dogs get similar amounts of attention when theyre together and apart.

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    Why Is It Important To Train Your Gsd

    Training is very important for all dogs. It has several physical and mental benefits for the dog and its owner.

    Traditionally, people thought dog training was all about teaching your dogs ways to respond to your commands and do whatever you ask it to do.

    In reality, that is just one part of your dogs training program.

    Training your GSD can have a very positive effect on your dogs life.

    It may include different exercises and games.

    Thediet your dog consumes is also a part of this training.

    There are also many benefits associated with the training of your GSD.

    Let us take a look at a few of the most important benefits of training your German Shepherd dog.

    What Does It Mean To Train A Gsd To Attack

    How To Train A German Shepherd To Attack In 7 Steps ...

    So often, owners who choose a German Shepherd in order to have a family protection dog misunderstand what it means to train their GSD to attack.

    Here, the word attack doesnt necessarily mean to bite, to chew, or to hurt. It simply means to hold or immobilize the object of their attention.

    To truly understand what this means, it is important to once again remember that the GSD was originally herding and livestock guarding dog.

    Not only did this require the German Shepherd to ward off large, dangerous predator animals, but it also required the GSD to retrieve stray or lost livestock and herd them back into the group for safety.

    So a dog would need to know how to maintain a firm grip without necessarily causing any harm or injury.

    When a German Shepherd learns to attack this means they learn how to maintain a firm grip that is immobilizing so that their human handler can take appropriate action against any threat.

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    Shape Your German Shepherds Behavior

    Shaping refers to where you reward your dog for making small steps toward the wanted behavior.

    Start by rewarding your dog for not showing aggression when it sees other dogs, and gradually build up to rewarding your dog for getting closer to other dogs.

    You must reward your German Shepherd for displaying good behavior before they have a chance to become aggressive or attack another dog.

    This means you need to avoid asking for large increases in their actions. For example, dont ask your dog to play with another dog when they can only act calmly when theyre 50 feet away from them.

    Dont rush your dog or you may increase the problem by not allowing your dog enough time to adjust to the other dogs.

    How To Train Your German Shepherd Not To Run Away

    Being able to get your German Shepherd not to run away when you tell it to comes with many benefits and it is something that you should make sure to take the time to do. This post will show you how to get your German Shepherd to stay and to not run away at the door.

    The steps below will show you how to teach your German Shepherd not to run away in four stages. First, you will teach it to sit, then you will teach it to stay with you near it, then to stay with distance and then to stay when its being distracted.

    First, it will help to teach it to sit. This will help you to control your German Shepherd and it will make it easier to teach it to stay.

    You can do so as follows:

  • Get some treats that it likes and get your German Shepherd in front of you
  • Say sit and then lure it into the sit position by raising the treat above its head so that it naturally sits.
  • When it sits reward it with a treat
  • Continue to do the above until it naturally goes into the sit position when you start to lure it with the treat.
  • Now repeat but without luring it with the treat. Instead, just show it the treat and say sit and it should naturally go into the sit position.
  • Now repeat but dont show it the treat. Instead, just say sit and wait for it to sit then reward it. You might need to remind it to sit after a while by showing it the treat on the first few attempts.
  • Once you have taught it to sit you can teach it to stay.

    You can do so as follows:

  • Tell it to sit and reward it for doing so
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    Teach Your Dog To Bark On Command

    Encourage your dog to bark at the approach of any stranger. A dog that barks at a stranger can be more effective than a dog that responds to an attack command but does not bark.

    Some dogs are not good at learning this command. I have a Pit Bull that I trained to bark at the word “urubu” since she gets excited and barks at them on the beach. Now, when I want her to bark, I just say the word urubu.

    Take note of what your dog does naturally and sometimes he will respond.

    Barking comes naturally to many dogs, but you may need to teach your dog to stop barking when given a command. When he has barked once or twice, you can tell him to sit and then order him to stop. If he does not stop, order the dog down. It is very difficult for a dog to bark when he is on the ground.

    Important Note: If your dog will not bark on command and does not even bark at strangers, he is not a good choice for a protection dog.

    How To Train Your Dog To Attack On Command In 2021

    How to Teach Your Dog to Bark on Command.

    1. Wear a protective glove that covers not just your hand, but also your entire arm. This is a necessary safety precaution to prevent injury.

    2. Sit your dog down. If you have not taught it simple commands like come, sit, stop, run, and stand, then you must teach those first before teaching the attack command.

    3. After sitting the dog down, tap it in the face with the glove on your arm. This is a way of irritating the dog and trying its patience. Continue doing this until your dog attacks the glove in anger.

    4. As soon as the dog attacks the glove, say the word attack loudly. You are doing this because you want to make your dog understand what the word attack really means.

    5. Praise the dog verbally or show it that you are pleased. Though it may not be necessary, reward your dog by giving it some cookies or other treats. But if your dog is often motivated by food and learns faster with treats, then you must offer it some.

    6. Repeat steps 3 5 until you are sure your dog has understood what the word attack means. You will know this if your dog responds quickly to the attack command by attacking your gloved arm immediately it hears the command.

    7. Stand at a short distance away from your dog, and give the attack command. See how it responds. If it doesnt, then repeat steps 3 5 many times over. But if it attacks, this shows its familiar with the command.

    8. Take a break to reward the dog once again for understanding your command.

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    Teaching Your Dog The Quiet Command

  • 1Command your dog to bark. Now that your dog has learned how to bark on cue, the next is to command him to stop barking. In fact, teaching your dog the bark command is considered to be a practical first step to teaching him to the quiet command.XResearch source Being able to command your dog to bark and stop barking on cue will help him be a good guard dog.
  • As before, reward him with a treat when he responds appropriately to your bark command.
  • 2Command your dog to stop barking. Ring your doorbell. When your dog starts barking in response to the ring, put a tasty treat in front of his nose. As soon as your dog stops barking to sniff the treat, say thank you or hush. Immediately follow your verbal command with a treat.XResearch source
  • Do not yell or use a loud voice when you give your verbal command. Your loud voice may add to your dog feeling alarmed and may encourage him to bark even more.XResearch source
  • Do not use shut up or no as verbal commands to get your dog to be quiet, since they can have a negative connotation.
  • 4Encourage your dog to bark when a stranger arrives. Encourage your dog to bark if the doorbell rings, even if you know who is at the door. He may not know who is on the other side, so you want to encourage his protective instinct to bark and alert you of something unfamiliar to him. When you get to the door, give him the quiet command and immediately reward him with a treat when he stops barking.XResearch source
  • What Not To Do For Your Aggressive German Shepherd

    Some things can make your German Shepherds aggression worse. Its best to avoid doing the following which will slow your training.

    Dont punish a dog for aggressiveness toward another dog in your home. Your dog will associate the punishment with the other dog and with you. This breaks down social relationships.

    Dont allow your dogs to fight to work things out on their own. One of your dogs could seriously injure the other!

    Dont set your dog up for failure. If you keep having issues with your German Shepherd attacking your other dog dont let them ever be together unsupervised.

    Dont think its just a one-time event. Most likely, your German Shepherd and your other dog have issues with each other that youre not aware of. Thinking this is just a one-time thing could put your dogs in danger when they attack each other again.

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    Training Helps In Building A Stronger Relationship

    When you invest in training your German Shepherd dog, then that can have a lot of benefits for you and the dog.

    One mutual benefit of training is that it can help you develop a relatively stronger bond with your canine friend.

    It bound a well-trained dog to be more loyal and understanding towards its owners.


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