West German Working Lines
This German Shepherd type is the closest representation of the dogs produced by Max von Stephanitz.;
Their main focus is on strong working drives, stable temperament, and excellent working ability.
They will excel at a variety of different sports and also real working jobs like search and rescue, guarding, or protecting.
Although this type has a strong work drive, it knows how to settle down when needed and will make a fantastic pet for an active family.
How Big Are German Shepherds
Males stand about 24-26 inches at the shoulder and weigh 75-110 pounds.
Females stand about 22-24 inches and weigh 65-90 pounds.
Some German Shepherds are considerably larger than that, but shouldn’t be. This breed is supposed to be athletic and agile, not giant-sized and ponderous. Larger dogs can have more joint problems and a shorter lifespan.
Which Line Should I Choose
Which line you choose really depends on what your German Shepherd is going to be doing. Adopting a champion or the child of a champion from a show line simply to have the title may not be the best option if the dog does not have the proper temperament for a family setting. Some of these dogs have issues with anxiety or fear, which are a sign of weak genetics in the dog breeding world. However, if you are trying to find a dog to show, a German Shepherd from the American, Canadian, or West German show lines from a reputable breeder is a great option.
On the other hand, if you want a dog as a family pet or to train in some sort of job, an animal from the working lines may be a better option, since these dogs are bred specifically for their trainability, loyalty, obedience, and intelligence, which are all important when it comes to having a German Shepherd as a pet or to do a specific job.
It is, of course, possible to get a dog from a show line that is just as intelligent, trainable, and healthy as from a working line, if you source your dog from the right breederone that cares about a dogs health, rather than just getting the right look. A well-bred German Shepherd, of any type, will be caring, loving, protective, and intelligentthose are the characteristics to look for, as well as looking for a certain coloration, pattern, or body style.
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German Shepherd Police Dogs Or K
Physically, German shepherd police dogs sometimes called German shepherd K-9s are well-known for their large, agile, and muscular body. They also have high intelligence levels which make them highly trainable. They easily remember words of importance, range of commands, and many tasks taught by their trainer because they have a fast and retentive memory. Since they can assimilate and retain training easily, their caretakers should avoid teaching them bad habits. Aside from extraordinary physical and intellectual characteristics, they also have outstanding personality traits. They are loyal, courageous, confident, and most of all, they are willing to put their lives on the line.;
What Type of German Shepherds Do the Police Use
Among the types of the German shepherd breeds, the working lines especially the DDR/East German working lines and Czech working lines are typically bred for military and police purposes because they have exceptional endurance when faced with demanding training compared to the show lines.;
German Shepherd Police Dog Price
Working And Show Lines Of German Shepherds
In addition to the length of their coat and its coloring, the German Shepherd is also sometimes categorized by its body type. This body can be more or less stylized, tending to be more or less muscular. The more muscular the dogs are considered to be working lines and the less muscular are show lines. They are not officially different types of German Shepherd dogs, but they do exhibit small differences.
Focusing on working dog lines, they tend to have larger muscle mass and a more structured body. This means they are more commonly used by police or security forces. There are differing opinions on whether temperament differs between working and show breeds. While both types will require training and education, some believe working dog lines can tend to be more aggressive and better suited for security. Conversely, show dogs are thought to have a more docile temperament.
Whether a working or show dog, German Shepherds are not ideal dogs for first-time owners. These dogs need a lot of attention, proper socialization and careful training. Without it, they are prone to behavioral disorders. They can be wonderful and loving companion animals, but their need for attention and structure does not suit every temperament.
Not all types of German Shepherd are show dogs, but even within this category there are variations. Show dogs can be either:
- West German working lines
- East German working lines
- Czech working lines
Also Check: How Much Dog Food To Feed A German Shepherd Puppy
Where To Adopt Of Buy A German Shepherd
If you think you’d like to adopt a German shepherd, start by contacting one of the following organizations:
These groups will be able to provide guidance and next steps for adoption. If you aren’t certain the breed is right for you, you may be able to try foster care to test if a GSD is a good fit for your home.
Saddle Back German Shepherd Dog
This by far the most common of all types of German Shepherd. While they are usually of two colors, it is the distinctiveness of their markings which gives them this name. The saddle part refers to a patch of black fur which lays over their back, resembling the shape of a saddle on a horse. Some people refer to this as a âblanketâ pattern, interpreting the shape as of a blanket were laid over their back.
The other color of Saddle Back German Shepherds are usually either tan or red. In many dog shows and competitions, the more vibrant the color, the better the scoring. Liver color is not welcomed and may be used to deduct points in German Shepherd show dogs. They usually also have a black muzzle which covers their snout and parts of their face. Other areas such as their tail may exhibit black coloration.
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Is A German Shepherd A Good Family Dog
“German Shepherd dogs are a good choice for a variety of owners due to their intelligence and well-balanced character,” Bill explains.
“They can be a good addition to a family but can also be a great four-legged companion for a single owner or a couple. However, they are large and very active dogs that require more than a two hours exercise every day, which means they are better suited for owners with a larger house with a garden, and someone who enjoys exercise and spending time outdoors.”
A Shared Herding Heritage
Both the Malinois and German Shepherd are members of the Herding Group and can trace their origins to livestock herding dogs. As their names imply, the Belgian Malinois was developed in Belgium and the German Shepherd in Germany.
The Malinois was one of four varieties of Belgian Shepherd Dog in use in the late 1800s. It was first recognized by Professor Adolphe Reul. He characterized the variety as a medium-sized square dog with dark brown eyes and triangular ears. Each of the four types of Belgian Shepherd Dog was named for the area around Brussels where it was developed, with the Malinois hailing from the Malines region.
As the agricultural lifestyle declined, the Belgian Shepherd Dog became favored in the development of police dog training, according to Ann MacKay, who has owned Belgian Malinois for 32 years and bred them for 26,
- German Shepherd doing a police dog demo.
- Belgian Malinois doing a police dog demo.
In fact, as early as 1908, the AKC Gazette mentioned that two Belgian Sheepdogs had been imported into the United States to work as police dogs in New York City. More were imported in 1911, including two specifically identified in the AKC studbook as Malinois. Finally, in 1959 the Belgian Malinois was granted full AKC recognition as a breed of its own, separate from the other Belgian Shepherd Dog varieties.
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What Fruits Are Good For German Shepherds Apart From Vegetables
Apples are high in vitamins C, as well as fiber and calcium. Vitamins are necessary for sustaining tissue and bone health.
Apples are popular among dogs because of their sweet flavor and crisp texture, which helps to keep the teeth clean and refresh their breath.
Potassium-rich bananas can help promote heart and kidney health. Theyre also low in salt and abundant in fiber, vitamins, copper, and biotin.
However, they hold a lot of sugar, so use them carefully and avoid feeding the peels, as they can be challenging to digest for certain dogs.
Mango is a healthy treat thats high in vitamins A, C, and E, but theyre also high in sugar, so keep that in mind before giving mango to your German Shepherd.
Theyre also heavy in fiber, which most dogs are not used to, so offer them in moderation.
Although your German Shepherd can eat the skin and flesh of this fruit, the skin may be difficult to digest, and its pit may contain deadly cyanide. Avoid the pit since it is dangerous and can create a clog in your dogs digestive tract.
What Colors Do German Shepherds Come In
The most common colors are black and tan, black and red, black and cream, or black and silver. These colors cover the dog in one of these three patterns:
- Saddleback the black overlays the dog’s back and sides . The rest of the dog is tan, red, cream, or silver. Usually there’s some black on the face, as well.
- Blanketback the black extends further down the shoulders and hips.
- Bicolor like a Doberman or Rottweiler, which is mostly black with small tan/red/cream markings specifically confined to the head, chest, and legs. Honestly I don’t know why this pattern is called bicolor, which simply means two colors. As we’ve just seen, the other two patterns also have just two colors.
Another common color is sable, which is an overall shade of gray, golden, or red, with black-tipped hairs that create a “dusted with black” effect.
A less common, but perfectly acceptable, color is solid black.
“Faulty” colors
Then there are two controversial colors: blue and liver:
- Blue German Shepherds have inherited a color-modifying gene that changes their black pigment to smoky gray. Many blue dogs look as though they’ve been dusted with flour.
- Liver German Shepherds have inherited a color-modifying gene that changes their black pigment to brown .
Blue and liver are considered serious faults by the official German Shepherd clubs and breeders who show their dogs in the conformation ring. But you can still register these dogs and compete with them in activities such as obedience and agility.
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How To Know That My Dog Is In Pain
This question worries any dog parent. Its the same thing that could happen to you with a child. How do you know if it hurts, how much it hurts and where the pain is coming from?
Unfortunately, we do not know a unique answer to this question. Each dog reacts differently. He can manifest it with winning, howls, strange postures, stopping eating, or moving, among many other forms depending on each animal and type of ailment.
Also, there are several types of pain, which will also define the reaction of the animal. If you know your dog well, you will be able to read some sign of discomfort without a doubt. In those cases, try to be very careful and gently touch the areas where you think you identify discomfort. This way you´ll see if you can discover any other clues.
History Of The German Shepherd Dog Breed
The German Shepherd Dog is the officially recognized name for this purebred breed. The two distinct types we mentioned in the introduction are defined by the length of their coat; either medium or long. Both types have a double layered coat, a softer and thicker undercoat and a coarser outer layer of guard hair.
As their name suggests, the German Shepherd began in Germany. While there were different progenitor breeds, the first officially recognized dog was called Horand von Grafrath. In 1899 von Grafrath’s owner started the breed as the epitome of what a working dog should be and it is from this one dog that all modern German Shepherd dogs originate. There has been some discussion over the years whether this dog may have been part wolf.
The working origins of this breed are very important as the standardization was established to promote the dog’s ability. This was something which was becoming lost as industry and urbanization began to reduce the need for working dogs. Thus, the German Shepherd was created to ensure these traits were maintained. While many GSDs are now kept as companion animals, they are still one of the most widely used working dogs in many different areas. Shepherding is not as common a practice as when the breed was established, but use in law enforcement, security and rescue operations is widespread.
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Solid Color German Shepherd Dog
The solid color German Shepherd dog is less common than the Saddle Back, but they shouldn’t have any other differentiating characteristics. Their health status and temperament should not be informed by color. It is possible to have powder blue colors in the dog’s coat, but it is unlikely this will be solid. While a GSD may be accepted in competition, they will likely be marked down for both this color and liver. However, for solid colors, you tend to only get solid black or solid white German Shepherds.
Solid black German Shepherds are accepted in competition. However, solid white German Shepherds are one of the few color variations which tend to be immediately disqualified. While black GSDs are due to a recessive gene, white GSDs are thanks to a dominant gene which exists in some litters. It should not be confused with albinism. Neither should it be confused with the Berger Blanc Suisse, also known as a White Swiss Shepherd. Perhaps partly due to their disqualification from competition, solid white Germans Shepherds are not very common.
Dog Breeds Similar To German Shepherds
The most popular breeds in the park where I walk my dog Kola are Cavoodles, Labradors, Pitbulls and German Shepherds. But I sometimes wonder when I look at these German Shepherds are they true German Shepherds or breeds similar to German Shepherds?
I have found 19 dog breeds similar to German Shepherds from around the world. Some share the same traits and look similar to a German Shepherd; others just share looks and belong to the herding dog category.;
What are these 19 dog breeds really like? In this article we explore many facets of each of the 19 dog breeds. So if youre looking for a breed similar to the German Shepherd, just read this article.
Also Check: Are German Shepherds A Good Guard Dog
German Shepherd Breed Types: Which Is Right For You
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All 5 of the German Shepherd breed types are sought after across the globe depending on the needs of future owners.
It’s essential to research each breed type thoroughly before making your final choice.;
It wasnt by chance that the German Shepherd has become one of the most sought after breeds in the world.
But tracing its roots back to 1899 how is it possible that such a young breed dating back just over 100 years has become the second most popular breed worldwide?
The answer to this lies in the versatility of the breed.; Highly intelligent, devoted, dependable, and a work ethic second to none.;
These are just some of the traits that have catapulted this breed to virtual stardom.
Their loyalty, guardian instinct, sound nerves, and easy-going nature make German Shepherds great companions.
Over the years distinct types of German Shepherds have developed.;
Each with their own unique traits, each suitable for its specific purpose and each one a German Shepherd in its own right.
Meet the 5 German Shepherd Breed Types
How To Train A German Shepherd Like A Police Dog
Lets say youve already purchased an elite breed of a German shepherd. The next step is to train the puppy to become a police dog. Its advisable to go to a professional dog trainer for working dogs because police training is different from other types of dog training. Before you let your dog be trained by professionals, start by teaching your dog basic skills because professional dog trainers dont just accept random dogs for training.;
If you want to train a German shepherd like a police dog, its better if you start training him during the first 16 20 weeks of your dogs life because it is the most critical time to train him to instill positive behavior and prevent behavioral problems. However, they can still be trained whether theyre puppies or adults but dont ever attempt to train your dog on your own for police training if unqualified.;
Obedience Training
Obedience is the most important quality of a police dog so it is important to teach your dog to follow commands. You can start with simple commands such as sit, stay, down, run, jump, etc. Remember that obedience is something you should not force. Teaching obedience by force will result in mistrust. On the other hand, mental stimulation and positive reinforcement will motivate your puppy to follow your commands.;
Physical Training
Tracking Training
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