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HomeFactsWhat Dogs Get Along With German Shepherds

What Dogs Get Along With German Shepherds

What Are The Best Companion Dogs For German Shepherds

Are German Shepherds Friendly With Other Dogs?

In general, most German Shepherds will get along with other breeds, be they small or large. A few key traits among breeds are athleticism, intelligence, energy, and herding instinct.

Siberian Huskey

Be it because of their shared love of running, a German Shepherd will likely get along well with a Siberian Huskey. As both breeds are known for their athleticism, it makes sense that the two breeds would agree with each other. Just be warned that you will most likely be going on many, many runs.

Labrador Retriever

A dog that goes with the flow paired with a breed that sprints at the flow at Mach 10. A labrador is well known for its easy-going nature, and when paired with the German Shepherds drive, they make an odd couple. But, they are both social animals, and as such, they will get along with active and energetic families.

Golden Retriever

Do you know how that one high-energy guy in school was always friends with that low pep guy? Yeah, these breeds are that in a nutshell. The Golden Retriever is calm, composed, and always thinking, providing a nice counterbalance to the German Shepherds extreme energy.

Border Collies

Like the German Shepherd, these dogs were built for herding. Athletic, intelligent, and a fierce love of the outdoors, a Border Collier makes a great friend for a German Shepherd due to their shared interests and herding instincts.

Heck, they might even try to herd each other! But be sure to step in case things get out of control.

German Shepherds

Adopting A Doberman Or German Shepherd

As animal lovers, we advocate for rescuing dogs. However, you need to be careful when rescuing German Shepherds or Dobermans, especially if you want to keep them together.

Often the dogs that end up in shelters have been abandoned due to negative behavior or rescued from illegal dog fighting groups.

But dont just say no to adoption! Sometimes the negative behavior was just normal behavior left untrained by bad ownership, and other times it was simply high-energy that the owners couldnt handle.

Some people even abandon their dogs because they shed too much or grew larger than expected.

Ask for the dogs history, if its available, and spend some time with them before making your decision. You might even consider asking an animal behaviorist to assess the dog.

If the rescue dog has temperament issues, you might need to reconsider your decision to get both a German Shepherd and a Doberman, although you can still rescue one of them.

Some people abandon their German Shepherds and Dobermans for not being aggressive enough. Somebody looking for a guard dog or a fighting dog will not want a relaxed or timid German Shepherd or Doberman.

If you rescue a laid back, non-territorial German Shepherd, there should be no problem with also getting a breed-typical Doberman and vice versa.

How To Ensure A Smooth Transition

There are ways to make sure that your German Shepherd and your newest, smallest family member get along.If you can, introduce your GSD and new pup on neutral territory, and make sure they are both on leashes so you can control them.

Once the dogs seem relaxed around each other, you can take them off of their leashes and let them just be. This playtime should ideally happen outside in your yard.

At bedtime, keep your GSDs sleeping arrangements the same. The new little doggie doesnt know the difference, so keep your adult GSD happy while making your new pup comfy as well.

GSDs are protective and loving. A small dog could be their new best friend or worst enemy.

That said, GSDs need to be properly socialized and trained using positive reinforcement to make sure they get along with small dogs.

  • Note any aggressive behaviors, such as growling or staring. Remove your German Shepherd from the situation if these behaviors do not improve over time.
  • Make sure to watch over any interaction between your GSD and a smaller dog in the beginning. Keep their playtime simple at first, avoiding any stimulation that could be distracting, such as children or loud music.
  • Most importantly, be patient. It takes time for dogs of any size to become accustomed to each other. Knowing how to socialize your GSD and being calm and patient will lead to a successful relationship for you, your GSD, and your tiny new pup.

If all else fails, dont give up, and consider calling in a professional dog trainer.

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How To Choose The Right Trainer For Your Dog

Before start working with someone, it is vital to make sure you are comfortable with his training techniques and methods.

For begin, you can contact the breeder or breed rescue from whom you purchased the German shepherd dog and explain to him the problems you are facing with him and how you tried to face them.

If your breeder will not be able to help you he will refer you to someone expert.

Consult different trainers and try to select the best.

A good method to choose a good trainer is to ask them the reference to their previous happy clients.

Then talk with the clients and ask them about the trainer. Their feedback will help you a lot to understand if the trainer is good or not.

Huskies Must Not Be Left Alone

Do German Shepherds And Huskies Get Along? (Explained) (2021)

Huskies love company and dread being left alone for long periods. They are susceptible to separation anxiety if you often leave them alone for long periods. It is recommended that you utilize a crate after thoroughly training your Husky to remain in the crate. Otherwise, their boredom and separation anxiety could result in destructive behaviors.

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How Easy Is A Golden Shepard To Train

The Golden Shepherd learns quickly with positive reinforcement style training. Focus on what you do want your dog to do and reward them for doing it. This is the best way to train any dog. Both the Golden Retriever and the German Shepherd are easy to train. The Golden Retriever is eager-to-please and the German Shepherd is highly intelligent. These two combined in the Golden Shepherd can make a dog that is a joy to train! It is a good idea to start training early and continue learning and bonding together for life.

Huskies Vs German Shepherds And Families

Huskies make great family pets and are good with children. They are also good in a multi-dog households. If raised with other animals as a puppy, huskies can live in a multi-pet household, too. Originally, due to their wild roots, huskies had a strong prey drive towards smaller animals like squirrels, rabbits and cats, but if raised with small animals, they will be fine with pets of all sizes.

German shepherds also make good family dogs but will benefit from plenty of exposure to young children, particularly as puppies. They are great with children in their family and can be both gentle and protective, some calling the breed a cross between a babysitter and a police officer. Theyre large dogs though so they have the potential to overpower or knock over small children. German shepherds can live with other animals but best to integrate them into a multi-pet household at a puppy stage.

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What Kind Of Dog Is Belgian Malinois German Shepherd

The Belgian Malinois German Shepherd mix is likely to be energetic, intelligent, and alert. Both parent breeds are known for being very loyal, so its important to socialise these German Shepherd mix puppies very well to avoid aggression. These parent breeds are common candidates for police dogs, so they can take very well to training.

What Dogs Get Along With Huskies

“Must Aw” Moments Of German Shepherds And Cats

The ideal companion would be another dog that will keep them company and have complementary characteristics or match completely with a Husky. This means your next dog has to be ready to exercise and smart with a friendly personality. To make this task easier for you, Ive done the research and curated a list of dog breeds that will get along very well with your husky. Whats the wait! Lets go!

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How Much Exercise Does A German Shepherd Lab Mix Need

German Shepherds and Labradors are both energetic, intelligent dogs. Without a doubt, to wear out a German Shepherd Lab mix so that they dont bounce off the walls back at home, theyre going to need at least two hours vigorous exercise every day.

Do German Shepherds Get Along With Pugs

All dogs are social animals, it doesn’t matter what breed theyare. Whether or not two dogs will get along together depends on thedispositions of the individual dogs -not their breed. Puppies andyoung dogs, who have interactions with other dogs, will have bettersocial skills as adults and be more likely to “get along”. Dogs ofthe same sex are more likely to feel competitive with each otherand may be aggressive. Dogs of the opposite sex will usually feelless competitive and be more likely to get along.

Labrador Retriever These energetic pups love to play and they get along very well with other animals. If your Australian Shepherd needs a playmate, this is one breed of dog that loves their playtime. A well-trained labrador retriever could make an excellent companion for any energetic Australian Shepherd.

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German Shepherds And Medium Dogs

Medium dogs are a good choice for German Shepherds for a lot of reasons, but it comes down to socialization and temperament again. If the other dog is not comfortable or aggressive around other dogs, it will most likely set off the dominant and aggressive personality of the German Shepherd. Other dogs will calmer and friendlier demeanors are a much better option, mostly because theyre not as fragile as smaller dogs.

Do Bullmastiff And German Shepherd Dogs Get Along

Do German Shepherds And Dobermans Get Along?

Do Bullmastiff And German Shepherd Dogs Get Along?

Would a bullmastiff beat a German shepherd? No, a mastiff would not kill a German Shepherd. A mastiff wouldnt go for the kill like that.

Is a Bullmastiff stronger than a German shepherd? German Shepherd: Size, Height and Weight. The Bullmastiff is always going to win any size contest when compared with a German Shepherd.

Are bull mastiffs aggressive? Are Bullmastiffs Aggressive? Bullmastiffs are not typically more aggressive than any other breed. With this early socialization, you should not have to worry about a Bullmastiff being aggressive often. They are very laid back dogs when properly socialized.

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Bringing A New Dog Into Another Dogs Home

If you want to add a new companion to the family dynamic, you should take a few steps to make sure that the introduction goes smoothly.

  • Choose a neutral space outside of the home to initially introduce the two canines.
  • Keep both canines leashed, but keep the leash loose, which will prevent escalating any possible tension.
  • Make the first few meetings brief in length. These are just for an introduction, which can be achieved within a few moments.
  • Keep your body language and tone calm and reassuring.
  • Make sure to keep treats on hand, to use as both rewards and distractions.
  • Keep an eye on the canines body language and monitor how they engage and interact with one another.
  • Once you feel ready, introduce the new canine to the home by walking it around the house with its new companion.

What If They Arent Getting On

Even with the best will in the world and as much patience as you can offer, sometimes it just doesnt seem to work out, what then?

Dogs can be very territorial and although the Siberian Husky isnt possessive, the German Shepherd can be. So, you need to make sure that it doesnt try and make itself the alpha and dominate sections of the house. Remember, they dont have to share everything at the start or indeed, going forward. Get them their own food dishes, bedding, and toys.

They need to know whos running the shop and that would be you. A dog wants someone to take control, otherwise, it will assume that position itself. You need to ensure that no aggressive tendencies are practiced by any dog and if you see this you need to correct the behavior by being firm and confident and providing clear instruction to the offending dog that this behavior is unacceptable.

Positive Reinforcement also works so when you see good behavior, make sure you reward it. Give them a treat when you see good interaction between them both, especially if its unusual. Getting a reward for such behavior will make them more likely to repeat this behavior. You will also need to act the same to both dogs so make sure you dont show one dog more affection than the other!

The vast majority of the time you will succeed and I almost dont want to talk about the alternative, which is of course to return one of them. Have patience, see a canine ethologist and persevere make it work!

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The German Shepherd Husky Mix Exhibits A Combination Of Personality Traits

German Shepherds and Siberian Huskies are both celebrated for their lovable personalities, but that doesnt mean their personalities are very similar in fact, theyre pretty different in a number of ways.

German Shepherds, for example, are rarely inclined to stray far from their owners, while Siberian Huskies wont hesitate to run for days just to explore the neighborhood.

German Shepherds are a little braver in the face of danger, while Siberian Huskies are more likely to run from danger. Huskies tend to be less interested in training than German Shepherds too. Many owners also note that German Shepherds are rather sensitive dogs, while Huskies are a bit happy-go-lucky.

These varied traits can occur in a variety of different combinations when these two breeds are bred together. This can make it a bit difficult to know what to expect from a given Gerberian Shepsky. So, be sure to spend some time with any ShepherdHusky mix you intend to adopt or purchase.

Note whether the puppy runs up to you confidently or keeps his distance for a while. Try to determine whether he keeps his eyes locked on you, or if hes quick to run off and investigate other things. You can also roll a ball across the floor and see if he just stares at it, or if he launches an attack on the ball.

These types of clues can give you a better idea of how an individual puppy will turn out as an adult.

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Are German Shepherds Easy To Train

Do German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers Really Get Along That Well?

Some are easy to train, while others are more moderate.

As we’ve seen, different lines have different temperaments. German Shepherds from working lines are typically more assertive and stronger-willed. A “tougher” German Shepherd will be more challenging to train unless you pay closer attention to building the right Leader-Follower relationship with the dog.

That doesn’t mean “softer” German Shepherds are automatically easy to train. Some dogs with soft temperaments are skittish or shy, making them just as challenging as a strong-tempered dog.

In general, though, a sound-tempered German Shepherd who is a good fit for family life should be easy to train. Just establish the right Leader-Follower relationship and the dog will be happy to work with you.

This is taught in my puppy training book, Respect Training For Puppies .

Or see my advice on dog training

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The Basics Of German Shepherd Grooming

The German Shepherd Dog has a thick, medium-length double coat that sheds, a lot and constantly, so much that even his fans call him a German shedder. The undercoat sheds heavily in spring and fall, and the German Shepherd must be brushed and bathed frequently during that time to get out all the loose hair. The rest of the year, weekly brushing is generally enough to keep him clean. If the German Shepherd is your breed of choice, purchase a heavy-duty vacuum cleaner dont get a German Shepherd if you have allergies or are a fussy housekeeper.

The rest is basic care. Trim his nails every few weeks, as needed, and brush his teeth frequently for good overall health and fresh breath.

What Is A Lab Shepherd Mix

The Lab Shepherd mix, also known as a Sheprador, is a cross between the two most popular dog breeds in America. These are the Labrador Retriever and the German Shepherd. A Labrador German Shepherd is a mixed or designer breed that results from the mating of a purebred German Shepherd Dog with a purebred Labrador Retriever.

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Gsds Provide Constant Companionship

In truth, German Shepherd owners are never lonely because their loyal canines are always by their side. Although GSDs are sometimes slow to warm to strangers, they are gentle and loving with their families. Their affectionate and dedicated personalities are a bonus of the breed, and they can be particularly fond of children. This means your GSD wants to spend time with you rather than being left alone all day, every day. Allowing your German Shepherd to be with you as much as possible will bring out the best in your dog.

Doggy Toys Are A Must

How Well a German Shepherd Gets Along with Other Dogs?

You will definitely want to invest in chew toys for both dogs. Its important that they each have their own toys. Look for balls and interactive toys. Ropes are always a great choice as Labs and German Shepherds love to play tug of war.

Each dog should have its own space. Whether its a large dog crate or bed. These can be in the same room, just not right next to each other. Like humans, dogs sometimes need their own private place to go and relax.

When you are getting ready for both of these dogs you do need to be aware of the two common reasons why they fight. Food and space. If you get your home ready to accommodate both of them, you lessen the chances that they will not get along.

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