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HomeMust ReadHow To Get German Shepherd To Stop Pulling On Leash

How To Get German Shepherd To Stop Pulling On Leash

Get A Perfect Sized Leash

How to Stop a German Shepherd from pulling on the leash – Stop leash pulling now

The size of the leash or harness you put on your dog directly impacts the way it walks with it. Do not buy a long and flexible leash for your GSD as it will create a communication gap between you and the dog. A leash that is flexible will allow your dog to walk ahead of you and roam around freely.

It is better to buy a short leash but not a tight one. A tight leash can be harmful to your dog as it can suffocate it. A short leash will allow you to control your dogs movement and prevent it from going in different directions. If your GSD tries to pull on the leash, pull it back with little force.

Make sure you dont pull it for too long as it will harm your dog. Pull a little and once your dog stops, go back to the relaxed state.

What Not To Do

Dont hold the leash tight. Although experts still debate whether dogs actually have an oppositional reflex, we know that dogs will pull against a tight leash even while choking themselves. Dont encourage that bad habit. Instead, turn the other direction and walk away from him or become a statue.

You cannot be inconsistent with loose-leash walking. If you ask him to walk nicely some of the time and ignore him, allowing him to pull, at other times, his leash skills will never be good. Remember, he pulls because walks are fun and rewarding to him. You have to be more exciting than the grass hes sniffing.

This article was reviewed/edited by board-certified veterinary behaviorist Dr. Kenneth Martin and/or veterinary technician specialist in behavior Debbie Martin, LVT

Understand Why Dogs Lunge

Dog experts often label dogs who lunge and bark during walks as leash reactive. A reactive dog is one who becomes overly aroused by normal situations, and a leash reactive dog is one who behaves that way on leash. But what causes this behavior? There are three possible motivations for lunging. The least likely is aggression. Although rare, some dogs truly want to do harm. Fear is a far more common motivator. Using the Ill get it before it gets me strategy, dogs lunge to try to make the feared person, dog, or other object go away. Finally, your dog might be excited to approach the person, dog, or object, but because the leash is preventing that, they become frustrated and lose emotional control.

You need to take all these motivations seriously, but its important to understand which one is driving your dog. For example, if your dog is frustrated, lessons in emotional self-control come in handy. If your dog is fearful, building self-confidence is key. However, regardless of the reason for the lunging, some of the basic management tools and treatments are the same.

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Can I Use A Prong Collar Or Pinch Collar To Make My Dog Walk Nicely

Because the pain and discomfort are not enough of a dissuasion vs the potential of getting where they want to go. You find this in a lot of breeds that dont like to show pain, such as the Akita.

This means, you have to make being beside you and with you more rewarding and more appealing than where that want to go, as well as simultaneously stopping them from going where they want to go.

Try the training method in this blog as well as the equipment, youll find itll work better with much more reliable results!

Tips For When Walking With Dog On The Leash

Large No Pull Tactical Military Dog Harness& Leash Set K9 ...
  • Put an ID tag on the collar and make sure it fits correctly your dog because you do not want that it slips and your German Shepherd Dog runs away.
  • If your dog is very active and full of energy and it is difficult for you to keep him on a leash because he pushes too much. I will advise you to exercise a lot your German Shepherd Before you start training so he will burn most of his energy in the exercise.
  • You have to focus a lot so make sure you are not distracted by phones or anything else around you.
  • Rewards every time your dog, Does not matter if you spent a lot of time to teach him things.

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How To Proof No Jumping

Proofing in different areas is pretty simple. Basically, all you need to do is rinse and repeat the steps you originally followed.

This part goes pretty quickly because all you’re doing is showing your dog what you want in different places.

Proofing with more challenging criteria takes a little more work and creativity on your part.

You can work on your own, or you can work with someone.

To begin with, you’ll click and reward as you’re doing the jump provoking behavior.

And once your dog is successfully staying calm and not jumping you’ll start clicking and rewarding after the distraction.

Remember the golden rule of dog training is to set your dog up for success. If your pooch is getting too excited and failing go back a step to less distractions.

Here’s a quick example of proofing at the front door

Greet your dog in an excited, happy voice and you can even add some physical touch here. All these things excite dogs and that’s what you want so you can proof the behavior.

Remember to click and reward. So it’ll look something like this

Jump provoking behavior / no jumping / click / reward.

If your dog is doing well, raise the criteria even more by moving excitedly to and from the door. Remember a happy voice!

If your dog does jump, just move to the side and ignore them. And then take a step back to calmer movements and voice.

You can even pretend that you’re scared of your dog. So try using body movements that a person who’s afraid of dogs would do.

How Long Does A German Shepherd Need To Be Walked

Your German Shepherd will need a minimum of two hours of exercise every day. This should include walks and off-lead exercise in a safe area, with extra playtime and training on top to give them a good variety. You can find out how much exercise your dog needs, or even find exercises you can do together online.

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What Harness Stops A Dog From Pulling

None, proper equipment is not designed to stop a dog from pulling, its designed to ensure they cannot escape, are comfortable and protected. This way we maintain our dogs wellness and confidence, as well as not forcing them to do what we want using the medium of discomfort or pain.

However, the best harness for teaching a loose leash walking is the ruffwear front range.

Teach Your Dog To Speak

How to stop Dog Anxiety, Aggression, Pulling on the leash! German Shepherd Training Full tutorial
  • First, make your dog excited until he makes a lot of noise. You can give him toys, treats or anything that he likes. The goal here is to make your dog gets as much as excited as you can.
  • Now open your hand in front of his nose and say the word speak.
  • Reward and praise him every time your dog barks.
  • Now you have associated open hand signal with speak
  • Also Check: Chihuahua German Shepherd Mix Puppies

    Training A German Shepherd Puppy To Walk On Leash

    Do you know whats amazing about training a German Shepherd puppy to walk on leash with manners?

    It gives you the power and freedom to take your dog almost anywhere!

    An out-of-control GSD that pulls you down the street and jerks the leash doesnt allow you the freedom to live your life.

    But you can have the secrets of German Shepherd puppy walking right here.

    What About Advanced Leash Training

    Although not suitable activities for puppies in their advanced stages, you can begin herding and agility training of your German Shepherd puppy with the aid of a long leash.

    Until your pups growth plates close, you will only be able to introduce her to the exercises and perform light work. We mainly aim to illustrate how effective leash training of a Shepherd as a puppy is the backbone to more advanced skills.

    Also Check: When To Start Training Your German Shepherd

    How To Choose The Right Training Collar For A German Shepherd

    Choosing the right training collar and Leash for training your German Shepherd is going to be an important training tool for you and your dog.

    With so many training collars and leashes on the market today, it can be a little overwhelming. After reading this article, youll know how to pick the best training collar for your dog.

    When I was training at the park last week. I met a young lady that was using a pinch collar on her dog. I noticed that the collar was not sized properly, and she was struggling with the dog pulling on the leash. So I decided to help her and resize the collar to fit her dog. She could not believe the difference after I size the collar.

    She said its going to be much more enjoyable to walk my dog now. I told her now that the collar is sized properly you will prevent doing any damage to your dogs throat. Because German Shepherds are such a high breed working dog.

    If youre trying to train your German Shepherd with a regular nylon Buckle collar you are going to be struggling. That call was designed for your dog license and dog tags. Some people believe that they can train a German Shepherd in a dog harness. The only thing we use the harness for when training a German Shepherd is for tracking and protection training for agitation work.

    Best dog walking training collar for German Shepherd puppies:

    What Should I Do If My German Shepherd Puppy Is Not Growing

    How To Fix A German Shepherd Pulling On Their Leash ...

    If you have any doubt that your puppy is not changing according to the above German Shepherd growth chart, the best thing to do would be to contact your trusted vet. If you are providing adequate exercise and quality dog food, your German Shepherds dog growth should be normal and she will have no trouble reaching her full potential.

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    What Do You Need To Train Your German Shepherd To Heel

    • Purchase a body harness to decrease the pressure put on your dogs neck.
    • Crush training treats into bits and pieces and put them into a pouch.
    • Get a short leash but make sure its not too tight.
    • Patience and a positive attitude.

    Training to heel will take place when you are out for a normal walk with your dog. German Shepherds and other breeds as well bite the leash while walking and enjoy it like its a fun game. Here is a detailed guide on how to stop your pup or dog from biting the leash while walking along with you.

    What Type Of Harness Do I Use For Walking A German Shepherd Puppy

    The best walking setup for a puppy is a no-pull harness that connects at two different points in the front and back. This allows pressure to distribute across your dogs body, reducing neck injuries and strains.

    No-pull harnesses are great for introducing your puppy to structured walks while keeping them safe and happy.

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    How Can I Get My German Shepherd To Walk On A Leash

    If your German Shepherd puppy doesnt walk on a leash or is scared or timid, then use motivational, extra-tasty treats to get them moving. Hold the treat at their eye level in front of them so they can see and smell the treat. Take one or two steps forward, having them follow the treat with their nose and eyes.

    A pacing dog might simply be telling you, I need to go outside! If theyre pacing to and from the door, its time to let them out. Dogs are social animals. And they rely on their humans to fulfill a lot of socialization needs. Your dog might simply want to play, or they might have lost their favorite ball under the couch.

    Method No2 Stop And Be Still

    Stop PULLING on the leash with GSM

    The stop and be still method is one of the easiest leash training methods to control your dog. When you walk with your dog and he begins to pull you need to stop immediately. Just stand still and do nothing, eventually, your dog will take a step back or turn around. Tell him to sit. Give him a reward if he listens to you. When he calms a bit and the leash is relaxed you can resume your walk again. Repeat the method again whenever he pulls.

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    How Do I Handle Lunging And Barking

    For dogs who lunge to the end of their leash, bark and frantically try to chase or approach other animals, people, moving cars, bicycles, etc., additional help is needed.Talk to your veterinarian for a referral for a professional behavior consultant and trainer for individualized coaching. Some dogs lunge or bark because they are afraid. Others are too excited and have trouble controlling themselves. Still others may have the urge to hunt or chase. Depending upon the severity of the behavior and the underlying motivation, the individual training plan needs to be tailored to the specific dog.

    More Tips To Train Your German Shepherd To Heel

    Now that I have shared my two working methods to train your German Shepherd to heel, I would also like to share my expert tips which will further help you in this regard.

  • Pick either your left or your right side to place your dog and stick with it. If your GSD keeps switching the sides of the walk, you will have difficulty maintaining control and training consistency.
  • Before training your dog to heel properly, he should be taught basic commands like sit, stand, and recall.
  • Always choose a training area where there is the least number of distractions for your dog. It can be your backyard or inside the house.
  • Training can be frustrating for you and your dog in the initial phase. Try to train in short 10-15 minute sessions only.
  • Choose either of the two methods mentioned above and stick to it for at least two months. Both methods are great and will produce results if you have a positive attitude, consistency, and patience.
  • I assure you that you will get results as these are the exact methods I use to heel train any dog. I would like to thank Jeanne for allowing me this opportunity to help GSD owners.

    Though you can use these methods to heel train any breed, training to heel is especially crucial for German Shepherds, as they are strong and bulky, which exerts more pressure on your shoulders. A powerful dog without heel training can be a dangerous thing. Without this discipline, your dog may attack another dog or person, or pull you out into the street.

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    When Should I Start Walking My Germanshepherd Puppy

    You should start walking your German Shepherd puppy at 8 weeks of age. Begin with only 10 minutes of continuous walking at a slow and relaxed pace. Add on 5 minutes of walking for each month your pup is old. If they show signs of tiring, such as lying down, lagging, or continually stopping, then end the walk.

    Dont over walk your young dog. And definitely dont jog or run with a GSD pup as their bones arent fully fused to around 12 to 18 months old. Heavy impacts cause long-term damage.

    Keep walks fun and casual as they build up the strength and endurance for longer distances. One day, your GSD will run a marathon with you and have what seems like endless energy.

    But until then, allow a young pups body time to grow and mature to their full athletic potential.

    Keeping Your German Shepherd Dog Calm Outdoors

    How to Stop a German Shepherd from pulling on the leash ...

    If your German Shepherd Dog barks at other dogs when you take them for a walk, carry lots of treats.

    When you see another dog approaching, hold a treat in your hand and allow your German Shepherd to smell it, but not eat it.

    Redirect your dogs attention to you and to the treat, away from the other dog If your dog stays silent as the other dog passes, give them the treat.

    Also Check: German Shepherd Measurements

    Training Your Dog To Stop Pulling On The Leash

    Things To Consider:

    Your GSD might naturally want to walk faster than you.

    You arent trying to get your GSD to walk by your side, but rather keep the leash slack in front of you.

    The purpose of a walk is to allow your GSD to enjoy it including sniffing, investigating, getting exercise and fresh air.

    Remember to allow your dog freedom within the constraints of your walk together you just want some level of control as the pack leader.

    It is a German Shepherds natural instinct to pull when being restrained, or fight against it.

    This may be why, when you combat your GSDs pulling with your own, it rarely ever works as a solution.

    Training Tips:

    Have some level of patience, and dont combat force with force.

    You can perform this exercise in your front yard, back yard or a public park while your German Shepherd Dog or Puppy is on its leash:

    Place your GSDs favorite toy/object/piece of food a short-medium distance infront of you both and begin stepping or walking towards the toy or object .

    Its very simple when your GSD pulls, you stop and firmly but kindly say No.

    If the pulling is consistent, you call your GSD towards you and go back to the start, taking your GSD further away from its goal.

    When the leash is slack, you reward your GSD with treats, or allow it to walk right up to its favorite object/toy/food.

    The whole purpose of this exercise is to reward your GSD with positive reinforcement, and not continue with forceful control.


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