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HomeNewsHow Often Do German Shepherd Puppies Pee

How Often Do German Shepherd Puppies Pee

How Do You Use A Crate To Complement Potty Training

How Often Do German Shepherd Puppies Poop

Using a crate can speed up the process of housetraining your Shepherd. Crates embrace the premise that a puppy will instinctively not use the bathroom where she sleeps.

Puppies learn as soon as they can crawl that they must move outside the den to pee or poop. As they get older, they move further from the den to relieve themselves.

The key to an effective crate is that it must be small enough that a young puppy feels extremely uncomfortable using the bathroom in it. Even if it means dealing with some crying!

A crate should only allow a pup to lay down when using it for potty training. Some crates have a removable wall, while in other cases you have to keep buying new kennels as your dog grows.

You may have to train your German Shepherd to accept the crate.

Crate training involves discipline on your part and conditioning your puppy.

  • Try never to allow your pup to void his bladder or bowels in the crate. Puppies can become accustomed to laying in filth and then become almost impossible to housetrain.
  • Use the appropriate size kennel
  • Do not use excess bedding
  • If your pup has an accident in her crate, clean it up immediately.

Why Is My German Shepherd Drinking So Much Water

If your dog is drinking excessively it is possibly because he is losing excess amounts of water for any of a number of reasons. While a number of diseases result in excess water intake and urine output, the most common of these diseases include kidney failure, diabetes mellitus and Cushings disease.

How Often Should You Take Out Your German Shepherd Puppy To Potty

You should take out your German Shepherd puppy every 2 hours for an 8-week-old pup. Add an hour for each month your pup is old. So, a 12-week-old dog needs to go out every 3 hours. And a 16-week-old German Shepherd needs to go outside to relieve themselves every 4 hours.

Heres a visual chart to help you remember so you dont have any accidents inside your house.

Puppy Age

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German Shepherd Feeding Chart

So youve got yourself a German shepherd, and you think you can take care of them just fine without any knowledge. However, this will be your undoing. Youll realize that you cant get by without studying German shepherds.

  • German Shepherd Puppies vs. Adults Guidelines
  • German shepherds are similar to humans in the sense that they need to eat consistently. And just like us, they, too, have specific feeding amounts and nutrient requirements. You cant just make them eat whatever you lay your eyes on. However, as their owner, you cant always rely on your keen observation.

    They can be a bit dishonest sometimes. They may even hide their hunger. Thats why you wont figure out their needs by simply observing. Thats why you need to have clear standards, especially on how you feed them. Overeating can cause sugar levels to spike. The opposite can cause malnutrition.

    Either way, this German shepherd feeding chart will be a helpful asset when taking care of these dogs.

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    How Long Will This Grass Potty Pad Stay Alive Without Changing It

    How Often Do German Shepherd Puppies Poop

    The duration of this grass will stay will be determined by its usage. At a minimum, this Doggielawn grass potty pad can stay for one week and a maximum of 4 weeks.

    When you have a puppy, you may be forced to change this pad once weekly, as you know puppies urinate several times a day compared to adults. And as your dog transitions to adulthood, you may have to change the grass potty pad biweekly.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of A Urinary Tract Infection

    If you are concerned about your dog having urinary problems, you should keep an eye out for signs of a urinary tract infection.

    Keep an eye on how often your dog uses the bathroom at home. Additionally, look for common signs of urinary tract infections. These are some of the most common signs of urinary problems:

    • Having accidents indoors
    • Needing to urinate more frequently
    • Seem to be in pain when urinating
    • Having blood or pus in the urine

    If you see any of these symptoms in your dog, you should make sure to take your dog to the vet. While there are some at-home remedies for urinary problems, they could be an underlying symptom of a bigger problem, so it is always best to have a full exam at the veterinary clinic.

    Read Your Puppys Body Language

    Besides, establishing a feeding routine and taking your puppy frequently outside, there is one more vital element to house training a German Shepherd puppy.

    You have to learn to read your puppys body language.

    Puppies cant talk, but they can show you very clearly that they are uncomfortable.

    If you dont learn to recognize the signs that your puppy has to go, you dont have anyone to blame but yourself.

    So, keep an eye for:

    • Sniffing
    • A sudden shift in their activity or behavior
    • Pawing at the door
    • Going to a previously used spot in the house

    But what should you do if you have ignored these signs and you catch your puppy in the act?

    The correct action would be to say outside, for example, and take your puppy immediately to the designated spot.

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    Finding A Puppy Who Is The Best Fit For You

    Finding a good, ethical breeder is one of the most important ways to ensure you are getting off to the right start in obtaining the puppy who will be the best fit for you and your household. Breeders observe their puppies personalities and drives and can match the right puppy to the right individual or family.

    You may also wish to acquire a puppy from one of the breed-rescue organizations listed in the AKC Rescue Network currently, over 40 GSD rescues are listed, a testament to the popularity of this magnificent breed. If you choose this route, be sure to discuss with the breed rescue organization your needs and what you are looking for in a puppy they should also be able to help you find the puppy whose temperament and personality will be the best match for you.

    Nadia Adams of Oher Tannen German Shepherd Dogs has been a GSD breeder for 15 years and comments, A well-bred German Shepherd Dog is highly intelligent, thriving on praise and wanting to please the owner. This combination makes them very trainable, which is one of the most appealing qualities of the breed.

    This breeds high level of intelligence and strong willingness to work mean your GSD must receive consistent and ongoing training from an early age. A bored GSD is a destructive GSD. That said, states Adams, the sky is the limit, if the owner ca devote a good amount of quality time to the dog, especially during the critical first year of life.

    Tip : Listen And Observe

    How Often Do German Shepherds Need To Be Brushed?

    Dogs have their own way of communicating and will be especially communicative when they need to go potty.

    If you observe them carefully, youll notice certain signals they give you to signal their need to go out. Some dogs might whine while others paw at the door.

    Listen to your dogs signals and youll have a better chance at potty training successfully.

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    German Shepherd Raw Diet Vs Kibble

    I know youve already made your mind up, but I need to share my story.

    My brother and his wife adopted a 1-year-old purebred GSD from the local rescue who was fed kibble her whole life. This dog had an expensive surgery that required us to pay for it , and she stayed with my sister in law and the dog went to work with her.

    My brother tries to keep up his diet, but he works from home. His girlfriend has a 4-5 hour commute every day! The dog is only fed kibble at night when she gets home from work. In addition, they feed her by hand because apparently, thats how she likes it. I would like to think that this is not the case, but after watching my sister-in-law do this the dog gets overly excited for each bite.

    Lets not forget that they still feed her kibble! And then she poops . And then when she comes home from work she immediately goes outside to defecate.

    A few weeks ago, the poop was bloody. My sister-in-law took her to the vet, and it turns out she had an infection . The poops are still not normal theyre also runny at times. They saw the vet again, and the doctor said she has food allergies. Everyone wants to know what it is so they can change her diet.

    My sister-in-law says she isnt keen on cooking for their dog when they arrive home from workso what does she do? She feeds her kibble because its convenient! At least thats what she told my brother.

    Know Its Not An Instinct

    You might have seen a cat dig up poop and fill it with sand. However, dont expect your pup to do it!

    Till puppies are six weeks old, the mother is taking care of their hygiene, just in case you are wondering why the kennel doesnt smell? The mother dog might be potty trained, but the puppy wont ever learn from her, neither will it naturally occur to your pup! This is why you need to train your puppy to poop only in a designated spot!

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    German Shepherd Feeding Guide For Seniors

    You will need to modify your German Shepherds diet when he changes from adult life stage to senior. Older German Shepherds have lower energy needs.

    They will begin to have less physical activity and move slower, and so they will require fewer calories each day. You should increase in fiber amount in their diet because digestion tends to slow down in seniors

    There are some commercially sold dog foods that are already adjusted for seniors. If you prepare your own dog food, you will need to reduce the calories primarily through the carbs.

    Senior German Shepherds still require proper nutrition, especially for their bones and joints.

    When it comes to treats, senior dogs should have healthy ones like whole-food treats such as apple slices or carrots.

    When Is The Best Time To Potty

    How Often Do German Shepherd Puppies Poop ...

    Bringing home a GSD puppy is not only about having a pet. It means having the time and energy to teach them, especially potty-training. Generally, German Shepherd potty-training age or house-breaking age should be as young as possible. Depending on its age, it can hold its bladder from 30 minutes up to 4 hrs. A puppy whos only a few weeks old can hold its bladder for only up to 30 minutes. When a GSD puppy reaches 8-16 weeks, it has the ability to hold its bladder for up to 2 hours. At 16 weeks, a GSD puppy can hold its bladder from 2 hours up to 4 hours. By the time it is 6 months old, it should be completely potty-trained. Luckily, for owners whose puppies were born in the house, GSD moms will be responsible for cleaning up the mess. But owners are expected to potty-train them before they get used to messing up everywhere.

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    Teach Your Puppy A Word Or Phrase To Go Potty

    One way to make it easy for you and your puppy to communicate when they need to go potty is by teaching them a word or phrase such as go potty or hurry up. Pick one word or phrase and stick with it.

    When you take your puppy out to potty, wait until they are about 10 seconds away from going potty and then let them know that they need to go right now by saying their word or phrase loudly and firmly. At the same time, use a hand gesture like a clap or tap on the ground to get their attention. This will help them to know that its time to go potty right away.

    Learn To Pick Up On The Signs

    To avoid accidents in the home, it is good to learn to recognise signs that your German Shepherd needs the toilet. Commons signs include:

    • Sniffing the floor.
    • Looking restless and anxious.
    • Going into an area they have previously toileted in.

    If your puppy shows any of these signs, take them out to your chosen toileting spot immediately.

    However, if accidents do happen, it is best to stay calm and not get angry at your puppy, as this will just make them fearful and cause them stress, which will actually result in more random accidents.

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    When Should You Start Potty Training A German Shepherd Puppy

    German Shepherds become aware of their ability to control their bodily functions at around 3 weeks old. However, it is best to start potty training as soon as you bring your puppy home, usually, this is around 8 weeks of age.

    If you bring your puppy home a little earlier, like a 6 or 7 weeks old, you should still start potty training immediately, just know that your pup wont be able to hold their bladder long at that age.

    As a general rule, puppies can hold their pee for a maximum of one hour for every month theyve been alive. So, a 2-month old can hold their pee for about 2 hours.

    To avoid accidents, take them for potty breaks once every hour. Thats something you need to do throughout the day, including sleeping hours.

    Dont worry! This stage doesnt last long and you can add another hour for every month they age. Soon enough, theyll be sleeping through the night without waking you up every few hours.

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    How To Potty Train A German Shepherd Puppy: A Simple Step

    How To Potty Train A German Shepherd Puppy: The Most Clever Tips

    Potty training your German Shepherd Dog can get very hard, especially if you dont start early. He will poop all over the place if he is not trained well.

    A GSD or German Shepherd Dog is highly intelligent, easy to train and protective. They make great pets and are very loyal!

    However, although German shepherds are good at following commands to carry out tasks, potty training can be difficult.

    So, if you have adopted or got a German Shepherd Puppy recently and wondering how to Potty Train a German Shepherd Puppy? This guide is here to help


  • Final Verdict
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    What Human Foods Can A German Shepherd Puppy Eat

    Sometimes, your German Shepherd puppy deserves to be given a treat, and certain human foods are great options. There are proteins, veggies, fruits, carbs, and nuts eaten by humans that can you feed your puppy.

    Proteins such as chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, and beef are great sources to help your puppy gain lean muscle and become strong.

    Safe fruits for your puppy include blueberries, apples, strawberries, watermelon, coconut, bananas, and mangos. They are packed with minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

    Safe veggies for your German Shepherd puppy include green peas, carrots, bell peppers, broccoli, and cucumber. Safe nuts for your puppy are peanuts but they should be plain. Safe carbs for your puppy include rice and sweet potatoes because they are easily digestible.

    Feeding Your German Shepherd Puppy Raw Food

    Feeding raw food to your German Shepherd puppy means that they are always eating wholesome, fresh, allergen-free foods that do not have any fillers and preservatives.

    Raw food is easy to digest for your puppy and can help prevent Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Raw food means that your puppy does not eat unnecessary carbs allowing them to maintain a healthy weight.

    However, uncooked raw foods can cause contamination with pathogens causing illness to your puppy. Unbalanced raw food can also affect the overall health of your puppy.

    Raw foods such as muscle meat, edible bone, liver, vegetables, and fruits will ensure that your puppy is getting all the necessary nutrients. Consult with your vet to come up with raw diet recipes for your puppy.

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    Month Old German Shepherd Puppy Weight

    When your GS puppy is 2 months old, you can expect him or her to weigh between 16 and 20 pounds, depending on the sex of the puppy. Females will always be a little lower on the scale than their male counterparts.

    They are bigger dogs and do gain weight quicker than other breeds, but you still want to watch for signs of gaining too much too quickly or being underweight.

    Training Goal #: Crate Training

    How Often Do German Shepherd Puppies Poop

    This is also a good time for crate training, which Adams recommends as well. GSD trainer and dog sports enthusiast Alexa Hagood, LVMT, agrees: Crate breaks, even when brief, can help the puppy become acclimated to going in the crate and having some alone time. She notes that this can help reduce the risk of a puppy developing separation anxiety, and recommends beginning with using the crate for feeding times , and at times when the owner needs to do daily chores.

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    Praise Immediately When Your Puppy Eliminates In The Right Place

    After your German Shepherd puppy eliminates in the right place, you will want to reward them immediately so that they know what they did was correct. When your puppy goes potty correctly, let them know with a phrase like good job! or yes. You can also encourage them verbally by saying things like thats right or youre such a good boy.

    If you are training your puppy using a bell, be sure to ring it and then reward them immediately so that the association between ringing the bell and getting rewarded is strong.


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