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HomeGerman Shepherd Scratches All The Time

German Shepherd Scratches All The Time

How Do Vets Treat Skin Allergies In German Shepherds

Why Is My German Shepherd Scratching So Much? 9 Crazy Quick Solutions!

Your veterinarian might recommend immunomodulatory medications. These are available either as a daily pill or a Cytopoint injection given every 4-10 weeks.

Apoquel can significantly reduce itching, and also decreases the associated inflammation, redness or swelling of the skin.

Along with these, antibiotics or antifungal medicines are often required to treat the skin infections that result from allergies.

Why Is My Dog Shaking His Head And Scratching At His Ears

The symptoms you have described could be due to a foreign body e.g. a grass seed down the ear canal, bacterial or yeast infection, skin allergy, parasites e.g. ear mites, polyps or an aural haematoma all of which can be painful.

Grass seeds are a common finding down the ear canal of dogs that go for walks in the countryside. The shape of a dogs ear canal has an upright tube and then a 90-degree bend and a sideways tube at the end of this is the eardrum , this lends itself to getting things lodged inside.

A foreign body like a grass seed can usually be seen by your vet with the help of an otoscope . Grass seeds can usually be removed using a special pair of long grabbing forceps. Some dogs will, however, need sedation or a general anaesthetic to allow the removal and examination to be carried out safely. We often send dogs home with antibiotic and pain relief after foreign body removal to combat any infection and pain.

Bacterial and yeast infections of the ear are conditions that affect the skin that lines the inside of the ear canals. The shape of the ear canal along with the ear flap tends to funnel in moisture and trap germs. Dogs with a large floppy pinna, such as Spaniels, have the added feature of a closed lid over the ear canal all leading to a great environment for germs to breed. Infection may be present on other parts of the body and the whole animal may need treatment not just the ears.

Shanika Winters VetMB MRCVS

If Your Dog Scratches Excessively And Needs Help Leave A Question Or Comment

John Phoenix on April 09, 2020:

Our 11 month old cross rescue pup is scratching a lot during the evening and nibbling her Paws, as if they are itching too. We’ve checked her retriever like light coloured coat for flees and are happy that she’s clear. She has been treated for them. Not quite as much of a problem during the day, but that may be because she’s active

Dr Mark from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on February 09, 2020:

Clarence, I cannot diagnose this on the internet but if it is just dry skin and dandruff, read these articles and see if it sounds similar to what is going on:

The first article focuses only on dandruff, the second is about dry skin remedies you can do at home.

clarence brown on February 09, 2020:

we have a 7 year old portie seems to scratcha lot but we do not see any problem some times u can see white flakezs on his skin like dandruf any help will be appreciated thank you for a year we went to vets at a total cost of 4 or 5 hundred dollars with no result

Dr Mark from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on December 30, 2019:

on December 26, 2019:

my dog is 4lbs if i leave her coat on she does not scratch as soon as its of she scratches cant figure out what it may be

Dr Mark from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on November 10, 2019:

Donna, if you suspect this is the case your dog needs to be put on an elimination diet. Only feed one protein source for at least a month, and if the symptoms resolve then you can try another protein source.

Help !

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What Are The Potential Signs Of A Serious Itching Problem

Your dog is constantly scratching themselves in some way

If your dog is consistently doing the following to get some relief from their itching, the itching problem might be more serious:

Licking themselves

Scratching themselves with their paw nails

Chewing at themselves

Rubbing themselves against another surface

There are signs of damage or harm from your dogs constant scratching

Are there signs of damage or harm to your dog in the area they are scratching as a result of their itching?

For example, in more extreme cases, bleeding, hair loss, inflammation and secondary skin infections can all be caused by dogs itching and scratching themselves.

If you notice any of these things, it might be a strong sign you need to get a vet to check out what might be causing the itching so it can be treated and managed.

Common German Shepherd Skin Issues

Pin on German Shepherds

German Shepherds are well-known for their intelligence, confident disposition, and luxurious double coats a soft inner guard coat hidden beneath a glossy outer layer. Although their medium-length fur provides considerable protection, German Shepherds are far more susceptible to uncomfortable skin conditions than many other breeds. Skin conditions are some of the most common German Shepherd health issues.

The average lifespan of German Shepherds is 10 to 12 years . So during that time, expect health problems every now and then. If your German Shepherd seems to be scratching more than usual, if you discover lesions, rashes, hair loss, or any other skin problem, its important to take immediate action. Knowing the three most common causes of German Shepherd skin issues can help reduce the risk of recurrence and potential complications.

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The Causes Of Dog Scratching A Lot

Dogs, just as people, need some washing. We do this all the time for social reasons, but washing the dog is good for its health, especially in hot conditions. You see, when the dog is dirty, the temperatures in its fur may increase, unlike a clean one. Unfortunately, dogs dont really care though. So its your job to wash the dirt off your pet from time to time.


Well, if you would just wash the pet once a month, it would be fine! So, not paying attention and/or not bathing in time are two ways for your dog to catch different skin and fur problems. Just be sure to care for your dogs hygiene and everything will probably be fine.

Nonetheless, this is not the only way to get fleas, other being the environmental conditions, like humidity and overall temperature. But, other from that, the home cleanness is also important. Especially if there already were fleas lately. That is important, as fleas leave a lot of eggs all over the place. And if any manage to attach to anyone its not going to be great

Chamomile And Green Tea Soaks

Chamomile and green teas are well-known for their soothing, anti-inflammatory effects in humansbut they work just as well for dogs, too. If your dog is dealing with hot, itchy patches of skin, try giving it a soothing soak in a chamomile or green tea bath.

Hereâs how to do it: Fill your bathtub or sink with lukewarm water and let several tea bags steep for three to five minutes. Then, remove the tea bags and let your dog soak in the mixture for at least five minutes. If you want to spot treat your dogâs skin, steep a tea bag and let it cool completely before applying the tea directly to affected areas.

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How To Help My German Shepherd From Itching And Scratching

Treating a German Shepherd with itchy skin at home can help decrease their itching and scratching so they are more comfortable and regain healthy skin.

To help your German Shepherd from itching try to:

  • make sure they are free from fleas and ticks ask your vet for parasite treatments
  • use medicated shampoos made for dry skin
  • apply moisturizing sprays and creams
  • stick to a regular grooming and brushing routine
  • and add in supplements to increase skin moisture

Sometimes, you just cant figure out why theyre having allergies or itching like crazy, so go through the tips above and seek your vets advice if needed.

The Causes Of Dog Scratching

German Shepherd dog on free time.

You will find multiple reasons a dog might scratch incessantly. Before you can stop German Shepherd scratching, you must first identify the root cause.

Infection Infections could be caused by bacteria, yeast, or fungi. Search for greasy sores, hairless patches, or red swelling for just about any from the three.

Neurogenic – This is a nervous issue that can be brought on by excessive licking and chewing. Often, this really is caused by a insufficient exercise or mental stimulation. It is also caused by separation anxiety.

Allergenic – Food allergies, flea allergies, plant and dust allergies, and other allergies can all cause skin issues that result in severe itching.

Nutritional – The German Shepherd that doesnt get the right nutrients in their diet could possibly get dry skin, developing eczema, sores, or just bad hair that leads to dryness.

Environmental – Too much water from swimming, digging, or playing outside may cause scratching too.

Parasites – All parasites may cause itching, including ticks, fleas, flies, gnats, and mites. Most medications can stop parasites.

As you can tell, before you can stop dog scratching, you have to first identify why the scratching started in the to begin with.

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Why Your German Shepherd Is Annoying

Each of the different reasons why your German Shepherd is annoying will likely come with a number of clues in the way that it is annoying.

Below, I will mention a number of reasons why your German Shepherd could be annoying you and the signs to look for with them.

A lack of exercise

German Shepherds are a breed that is supposed to get a lot of exercise. When German Shepherds do not get a lot of exercise it can cause them to develop behavioral issues and to do things that you might consider annoying.

Generally, it is recommended that a German Shepherd get at least one hour of exercise per day and sometimes even that is not enough.

If your German Shepherd is not currently getting a lot of exercise then it is likely that it has something to do with it and the first thing that you should do is to make sure that it does get enough exercise.

Related post: Ways to exercise your German Shepherd.

A lack of training

Another reason why your German Shepherd annoys you could be that it does not know that you do not want it to act in that way.

If you have not spent much time training your German Shepherd to act the way that you want it to then it will act the way that it thinks you want it to act. This is unlikely to be the way that you actually want it to act.

If you have not spent much time training your German Shepherd then I would recommend that you take the time to train it using positive reinforcement training which will be discussed below.

A lack of attention


Other Treatment Options For German Shepherds

Most environment-related allergies are treated with over the counter treatments. Buying hypoallergenic or sulfate-free shampoo would be best for your German Shepherd. You can also choose a shampoo with either aloe vera or tree tea oil as the ingredients. These will provide a calming and soothing effect on their skin. Coconut oil can also soothe your dogs dry and itchy skin. Its a good option for moisturizing their skin.

Consult your veterinarian for antihistamine prescriptions for your dog. You may also visit a nutritionist so they could devise a good diet plan for your canine. Learn about our healthy protein food excellent for your German Shepherd.

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Why Is Your German Shepherd Scratching So Much

As this thread on a popular German Shepherd owner forum highlights, it can sometimes be hard to tell if your dog is just doing minor self-care or cleaning or if the scratching is caused by something else.

You will probably struggle most to figure out which it is if you are new to owning a German Shepherd.

The longer you and your dog spend together, the more you will get familiar with your dogs regular routines and begin to notice if something in those routines changes.

For example, maybe your dog suddenly starts scratching intensely at a certain area on one paw. This isnt something you normally see your dog do, so it captures your attention.

You examine the paw more closely and see a flea clinging to the skin. This alerts you to the need for flea treatment. Soon your dog stops scratching the paw as the flea treatment begins to work.

In most cases, the reason your dog is scratching more than usual wont resolve itself on its own.

In fact, the more likely outcome is that the issue will get worse and the affected area of skin will become infected, requiring more serious treatment.

Medicated Shampoos And Topical Creams

cassie the gsd who has undergone ear canal ablation

If your German Shepherd has very dry itchy skin, you will need to shampoo their coat frequently until the symptoms subside. Afterward, apply topical remedies for them to heal quickly.

Looking for the correct German Shepherd itchy skin cure may look like finding a needle in a haystack. Youve got to identify your GSDs symptoms to match what they need.

You can purchase anti-flea shampoos formulated for GSDs sensitive skin to end flea infestation. Using topical antibiotics created for particular German Shepherd skin conditions is a must, especially for infected wounds.

Oral Prophylaxis

Some German Shepherd skin problems are caused by hormonal disorders and may require oral medicine for a longer period, if not for a lifetime. Your vet will give the proper dosage to your GSD and it needs to be followed religiously to prevent recurrence or worsening.

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How Can You Tell If Your Dog Has Allergies

The diagnosis of flea, environmental, or food allergy in dogs can be difficult and lengthy as many symptoms overlap. Approximately 30% of pets with food allergies also have seasonal or flea allergies.

Besides, some dog allergies, for example, seasonal pollen allergies, can temporarily go away. Some symptoms can also be a sign of a completely different condition.

Food allergies are often diagnosed using an elimination diet.

Getting to the root of your German Shepherds allergy can take some detective work! However, heres a general list of signs and symptoms that may indicate your GSD is suffering from an allergy:

  • Dry, itchy skin, skin rashes
  • Red, inflamed skin, hot spots
  • Thickened, dark skin
  • Excessive scratching, biting, or licking
  • Swelling of the face, ears, lips, eyelids
  • Ear infections and itchy ears
  • Bacteria or yeast skin infections
  • Itchy, red, watery eyes, sneezing, pink nose
  • Vomiting and diarrhea

Check out this short video from veterinarian Dr. Greenway from Healthcare for Pets. He describes the challenges vets face in diagnosing allergies in dogs:

Get Help If Your Dog Keeps Itching

The next time you see your dog itching and scratching, use the information outlined above to help you narrow down what the possible problems are. Remember, though, that you dont have to do this alone you can and should take your dog to the vet as soon as you notice excessive scratching. This way, the vet can work with you to help figure out the underlying cause of the itching and choose the right course of treatment for your dog.

Although some pet owners feel like scratching is a normal part of dog ownership, remember that it shouldnt be excessive. Everyoneand every dogis itchy sometimes, but when your dog scratches repeatedly or frequently throughout the day, this is a sign that she needs some treatment. You and your vet are sure to find the source of the problem and figure out the best way to take care of your dog together.

At OrlandoVets, we work to find the reason why your dog keeps itching. Whether your pet needs treatment for dog allergies or treatment for a different cause, our veterinarians will work with you on developing the best possible way to help your dogs excessive itching.

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Common Causes Of Canine Skin Disease

Flea allergy dermatitis, environmental and food allergies are the leading causes of to dog skin lesions and rashes. Even if you dont find any fleas on your dog, they are skilled at hiding, with even a few able to cause a problem in allergic dogs. Symptoms are usually in the form of raised red bumps known as hives. They are itchy and will cause your dog to scratch. Excessive scratching may break the skin, leading to infection.

If no infection occurs, hives will usually go away on their own once exposure to the allergen is removed. If infection develops, however, medical treatment will be needed. See your vet if your dog has sores that dont go away in a few days, or sores that ooze anything yellowish in color. He may need antibiotics.

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Yeast Overgrowth And Skin Infections

Why Is My German Shepherd Scratching So Much: Skin Issues That Plague GSDs

Hot and humid places can encourage yeast growth in GSDs and so does bacterial infections. They are more seen in skin folds. Yeast overgrowth encourages excess oil production. The oil build-up in the skin may result in severe itchiness that will eventually lead to a skin infection.

Untreated open wounds usually result in skin infections that are caused by bacteria. Their skin may appear to be red, moist, and sometimes with pus. Depending on your GSDs immune system, it may worsen over time.

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