Tuesday, May 7, 2024
HomeBreedNew York German Shepherd Breeders

New York German Shepherd Breeders

Our Dog Courier Service

My New German Shepherd Puppy: The First Week at Home

You might find this a bit hard to believe but we actually ship right to your door, wherever you are based in the US!

Such is the demand for one of our dogs we decided it would make things a lot easier for our customers if we could hand-deliver them right to you. For those people in need of a top class GSD, and who can’t get to our premises, this is a bit of a lifesaver.

We make use of a private courier service whereby they come to us and pickup the dog in their vehicle before making the journey to your home. Our driver is well trained in the handling and care of your dog on the trip, and due to their temperament our dogs always enjoy the journey!

On rare occasions our dogs have flown out to their destination, again accommpanied by one of the Regis Regal team to ensure for a very smooth and calm trip.

We also go through a very thorough process to make sure our dogs are going to the right kind of owner – at the end of the day it’s really important that we can rest easy at night knowing they’ll be going to someone that’s going to love them as much as we do.

Because of COVID-19 we’ve held plenty of online meetings where you can ask us any questions about our dogs, and you can even get to meet-and-greet them virtually!

Highlander German Shepherds New York

The Highlander family of German Shepherd puppies has been bred to the highest quality and standards held by the McIntyre family. With over 45 years of experience with German Shepherds that have worked in K9 units, as therapy dogs, search and rescue, drug detection as well as taking their place as the ultimate family companions, they have come to be one of the most reputable German Shepherd breeders in New York.

Overbreeding and selling as many puppies as they can is NOT the goal of this family-run operation. In fact, they allow only 2 litters per year as to not stress the female dogs. Through this method of breeding, they can direct their attention to the individual needs of the puppies.

All their German Shepherd puppies for sale in New York receive the socialization and attention required to grow into well-rounded adult German Shepherds. This being said, know that Highlander German Shepherds sees it as a great responsibility to correctly place their animals with the correct fit.

There is an adoption process that each new owner must go through. Even after selection and placement have occurred the Highlander breeders stay connected as well as offer continuous assistance and guidance to the raising of their dogs throughout their life.

Any new owner can view the breeding couples, connect to links on German Shepherds care and info, as well as subscribe to their YouTube videos all through the Highlander Garman Shepherds website

Ask For References From Your German Shepherd Breeder In New York

As you look for a reputable German Shepherd breeder, ask them for references. Good breeders are happy to provide this information because they want you to find the perfect puppy just as much as you do. They will be able to tell you about other families who have purchased puppies in the past and give personal testimonials about their experiences with the breeder.

Breeders should offer help long after you take your GSD home. If they dont offer continuing support or advice on how to train or care for your dog, then that is a red flag that something may be wrong with either their kennel or breeding practices.

References will also give you a good indication of the breeders knowledge and experience with the breed. A responsible breeder will have years of experience working with German Shepherds and be able to answer any questions you may have about the breed.

When looking for a reputable breeder, always remember that price is not everything. The health and temperament of the puppies should be your top priority when making this important decision. Take your time in finding the perfect breeder and puppy and you will be rewarded with a lifetime of companionship from your new best friend, the German Shepherd.

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Ask The New York Breeder If Your German Shepherd Puppy Has Any Health Problems

When buying a puppy, it is important to be aware of the potential health problems that may occur. All puppies are born with a predisposition to certain health problems, and the German Shepherd is no exception.

Some common health problems that can occur in German Shepherds include:

Your breeder should be able to provide you with information about the parents of the puppies and their history of health problems. They should also have a good relationship with a veterinarian so that any health concerns can be addressed immediately.

More Information About German Shepherds In New York

German Shepherd Puppies For Sale Buffalo New York

The German Shepherd is a loyal and determined breed. It can be one of the most intelligent, hard-working dogs out there, but also need extra attentiveness. A German Shepherds success can depend on how the breeder starts with the litter. All German Shepherds need extensive socialization and care to become well-tempered and adjusted dogs.

Obedience training is a must with this breed and a lot of reputable breeders in New York wont even sell a German Shepherd unless a contract is signed that includes training and handling for the new owner once the puppy goes home.

German Shepherds can be difficult and stubborn if not trained or socialized properly. They are also very loyal dogs, but only to one person in the family, this makes them seem suspicious or wary to anyone outside the home. Socialization is key to avoiding a lot of the crummy behaviors that can arise in German Shepherds.

Also Check: How Much To Feed A German Shepherd Puppy Chart

Who Are Regis Regal German Shepherds

We’re a small family run operation with our main training and breeding facilities based in Spring Grove, Illinois. Because of the quality and pedigree of our German Shepherds there’s been a demand for our dogs all over the world.

The owner, Cynthia Kelly, has a lifetime of experience in creating the perfect family companion, service dog or therapy dog. Because of the lack of top quality German Shepherd breeders in some parts of the United States, we’ve carefully set ourselves up so that we can send our dogs direct to your home by use of a private courier service.

We’ve had our advice and dogs featured by the likes of the Reader’s Digest, MSN and BestLife, to name a few!

Peakes Brook Shepherds New York

Looking for a German Shepherd to work alongside you in your job? Maybe you would like to get into the world of showing dogs and want to show German Shepherds? Or maybe are looking for a loyal companion to become a beloved family guardian? No matter the goal for your German Shepherd, look no further than the outstanding puppies for purchase from Peakes Brook Shepherds.

Peakes Brook Shepherds is a family-owned operation recognized as an AKC Breeder of Merit that was started back in the 1990s. This award alone means that they are a reputable German Shepherd breeder in New York. Though they only have 1 to 2 litters per year, they work to combine the genetics of the chosen breeding couple to enhance the breed of German Shepherds.

Each contract entered into with new owners contains a long-standing relationship with Peakes Brook which guarantees they will always be there for any question or concern throughout the life of one of their puppies. Each German Shepherd puppy arrives home with AKC registration, information on training and socializing pointers, a 4-generation pedigree, vaccine records, and family pictures of their parents with a statement of health from Peakes Brooks Veterinarian.

Also Check: What Is An East German Shepherd

Why Shouldnt I Get A German Shepherd

Despite being so amazing, German Shepherds may not work for all dog lovers. There are some downsides of this dog breed that might be big issues for potential dog owners.


German Shepherds are not dogs for you if youre suffering from allergies. Theyre not considered hypoallergenic dogs as they have a double coat that sheds all year round.

The shedding gets worse in the spring and fall when dogs like GSDs experience a seasonal blowout.

Even if youre not allergic, you should still keep in mind that German Shepherds need a lot of upkeep and cleaning. Their dog hair will go everywhere really everywhere!

Activity level

Its great that German Shepherds are active dogs, but this can be an issue for some dog owners. You may either lack the time for proper exercise, or simply be a couch potato. Thats why the GSDs activity can be a problem.

These dogs need at least an hour and a half every day of extreme exercises. A light stroll wont do for these pups. Im thinking of hiking, swimming, playing ball, throwing frisbee, etc.

Their size

German Shepherds are large doggos. Dont expect them to stay small forever. The only puppy thing they keep forever is their playful personality.

If youre looking for a small lap dog, maybe you should consider some of these pooches.

German Shepherds can be pretty hefty. Dont expect them to sit on your lap forever.

Guardians, but not alarms

German Shepherds are sociable dogs that need interaction. Theyre not fire alarms.


How Much Does It Cost To Own A German Shepherd In New York

My New German Shepherd Puppy: The First Month at Home

If you have accounted for your dog, the expense of keeping a German Shepherd will be about $85 per month .

Therefore, with both the purchase of the puppy and both food and maintenance costs, the lifetime cost of keeping a German Shepherd over 10 years could be up to $12,230.

German Shepherds are high maintenance pets who need to be groomed on a daily basis to maintain their hair safe to avoid matting the fur, make sure you wash the dog straight after the walk after walks when it is dirty or damp since this often avoids matting the coating build-up, which can be quite sore.

If an adult German Shepherd drinks 4 cups a day, that means 30 days of food will be given by the 30-pound pack. So for $55, or $660 a year, thats around a month of food. Dont forget about sweets when you look at the German Shepherds food costs. Generally, a bag costs $5-$10 and can last about a month.

Also Check: What Is The Best Age To Breed A German Shepherds

Graceland German Shepherd Dogs

If you are looking for healthy legacies, then Graceland German Shepherd Dogs is a great place to make inquiries. This reputable German Shepherd breeder found in New York understands just how much work it is to care for a German Shepherd. They do not sugarcoat the recommended care and housing that is needed for this breed.

All of the puppies at Graceland German Shepherd Dogs are socialized early with adults, children, and other animals. Most German Shepherds do well as working dogs so early training and handling start as soon as possible.

Each puppy is examined and given a proper once-over. Genetic testing is not mentioned, however, this breeder does elaborate on having to stick to strict standards to be a reputable breeder.

Graceland German Shepherds are beautiful, healthy, social, and have great temperaments. Each dog can work or be a therapy animal, but it should be noted that the path should begin early for the puppy to adjust the best. Crate-training and potty-training should be the two main focuses with smaller puppies to help them adjust to their new lives outside of the breeding outfit.

Peakes Brook German Shepherds

If you are looking for a no-nonsense reputable German Shepherd breeder in New York then Peakes Brook German Shepherds is wonderful. This breeder is extensive in their breeding program as they breed what is known as show dogs and register all their puppies through the American Kennel Club .

This breeder recognizes that not every puppy from every litter will be a show dog and they offer these dogs up for adoption for whatever reason through their program. Because this is a highly competitive breeder of German Shepherd puppies for show purposes, the contract for adopting one as a companion is a little extensive.

These contracts limit registrations with the AKC to companions only and come with strict spay/neuter agreements to protect the breed and the breeder. Although the application process can seem a little intimidating, it is worth the extra work for these puppies from this breeder.

All German Shepherd puppies come with registration, contracts, and training regimens and new owners must submit to dog-training classes immediately for their new puppy. The puppies are given worming schedules and early vaccinations to prevent Parvo and Distemper. Having protection from these issues also helps to ensure a healthy puppy later in life when it grows into an adult.

Recommended Reading: Are German Shepherds More Aggressive Than Rottweilers

Does Your New York German Shepherd Breeder Have A Good Veterinarian They Use

Make sure that the breeder has a good relationship with a veterinarian, as this is a sign of a kennel that cares about the overall health and well-being of their dogs. Good breeders will typically go to their veterinarians for vaccinations, check-ups, and other issues relating to the puppies.

Be aware that if your breeder does not have a veterinarian they use or trust, then this may indicate larger problems within their kennel. What kind of facility are they using? Do they have any references from past customers? Do they care about where their puppies end up once you take them home? These questions can help you determine whether or not this is the right German Shepherd breeder for you and your family.

A good breeder/veterinarian relationship is also important because it will allow you to go back to your vet if there are any problems with your puppy. A good breeder will be able to answer any questions that the veterinarian may have about the breed and their individual puppies.

If they do not have a current relationship with a veterinarian, ask them why? How often do they visit their vet? What kind of services does the veterinarian offer? Is this someone you would trust with the well-being of your German Shepherd?

What Is The Cost Of A German Shepherd Puppy

German shepherds are slightly pricey. The prices go high or low depending on the breeders reputation and the dogs health. On average, it would cost you 500-2000 dollars.

The upkeep of a German shepherd puppy is tedious. They require substantial training. A German Shepherd puppy is expensive as compared to other breeds. It is tough to breed them, and the cost of aftercare is significantly high.

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How Do You Recognize A Good Breeder

As I mentioned, recognizing which breeder is a good one and which one is not can be determined in a few short steps.

Its really not that hard, but you need to be careful and detailed.


The biggest tell-tale sign of an unreliable breeder is their unavailability. Lets be honest everyone has a website these days. So, why shouldnt dog breeders in New York also? If you cant find their website, email, or phone number, theyre most likely pretty unsafe to buy from.

Having social media pages where supporters can leave comments or reviews is a blessing because you get the best insight into the breeders quality.

During this research of German Shepherd breeders in New York, Ive come across several breeders whose websites have expired. This only tells me that theyre not devoted enough to pay attention to their pages.


Another sign of the breeders quality is their price. Too low of a price always means somethings wrong. Along with the price comes the dogs health status. Puppy mills and backyard breeders dont run health screenings for genetic defects.

Such dogs often have mobility issues, as well as hereditary health problems. Breeding dogs with hip dysplasia, for example, is considered unreliable. This is a painful condition for dogs, and transferring it from parents to puppies and even further is pretty curel.

Ask questions

Meet and greet

This is lovely memorabilia for when your puppy grows up.

How Much Do Your German Shepherd Puppies For Sale In New York Cost

Instead of being priced based on region, puppy prices range based on a variety of factors that include but are not limited to coloring, temperament, personality and sex. German Shepherd puppies for sale NYC are similarly priced to comparable puppies from our nationwide network of breeders and businesses. Based on your answers during our MatchMaking process, well be able to match you with a puppy that matches your price range, whether its with German Shepherd breeders New York or clear across the country!

Will I connect exclusively with New York German Shepherd breeders?

Although well start the search with German Shepherd puppies for sale in New York, our nationwide network of breeders and companies are also able to seamlessly arrange travel for puppies to all 48 mainland states. If you dont find the perfect German Shepherd breeder in New York, no worries, well connect you to the breeders who have the puppy that is right for you.

Are there German Shepherd puppies for sale in New York State?

Yes, we do! Our network of German Shepherd breeders in New York includes German Shepherd breeders in western New York, German Shepherd puppies Rochester New York, German Shepherd puppies central New York and German Shepherd puppies NYC. So if youre looking for a German Shepherd in New York, weve got you covered either from one of our local breeders or businesses or within our national network.

Whats special about Uptown Puppies?

Are any of the puppies from a puppy mill?

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Gale I Dinces Superior German Shepherd Dogs Ny

Here at Gale I. Dinces German Shepherds, you will discover an unyielding commitment to the continuation of healthy, strong genetics of the German Shepherd breed to produce dogs that could be a show dog, a companion dog, or a sport dog for Schutzhund. This breeder follows what they call a 3-pronged breeding program which consists of:

  • Structure and Health
  • There is a wealth of information that can be found through clicking on their FAQs section that will get you up to date on any German Shepherd terms you might need education on. Links can also be found for the associations they are proud members of. Additionally, you can read testimonials of previous buyers of pups to experience their stories with the dogs they acquired through Gale I. Dinces.

    From reading those testimonials there seems to be nothing but constant gratitude for the high-quality puppies these families received. You can find this breeder in Harrison, New York.


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