Keep Your Dogs Paws Cool
Pets are hot and cool from the bottom up. If you are in the sun together, try to keep your pet away from hot surfaces such as cement and asphalt. It not only burns the feet, but also raises body temperature and leads to overheating.
Driving with your dog in the back of a truck is also not a good idea hot metal can give a burning sensation to him quickly.
When spraying your dog with water, be sure to spray it to cool the feet and abdomen quickly. If you are using a wet towel, it is better to massage their feet and abdomen than the top coat.
If you cant walk your dog in the early hours of the day and later, doggy boots are a great way to protect their feet.
Here Are Some Of My Favorite German Shepherd Supplies
Thank you for reading this article. I hope you found it helpful and useful as you raise and train your German Shepherd.
Here are some of my favorite reviews for German Shepherd supplies that I personally use and recommend. If you do decide to purchase them, please remember that Ill earn a small commission which helps me maintain this website.
This post may contain affiliate links. If you click an affiliate link and make a purchase, I may earn a commission. Also, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Do Not Shave Your German Shepherd
You may think that shaving a cat for your dog in the summer is the best solution to keep warm. But the pet coat is naturally designed to stay cool in summer and warm in winter. Feel free to trim your pets fur in the summer, but never shave.
Leave at least a full inch of hair to protect your pets skin from sunburn. Dont forget about your pets general dressing schedule any season.
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What To Do If You Must Take Care Of Newborn German Shepherd Puppies Yourself
If the mother GSD refused to accept her pups or cant provide enough milk for them, you have no choice but to raise the litter on your own. To do this, place a clean towel or a washable vet bed inside a cardboard box. Keep the box beside your GSD but make sure that she cannot get in touch with her pups.
After placing the towel/vet bed, put a heating pad on one end of it and cover it with another towel to avoid overheating the bed. Plug the pad into an electrical outlet and adjust the heat to maintain its temperature at 95 degrees Fahrenheit. The pups can get hypothermia if their body heat drops below 94 degrees Fahrenheit.
Now, put your German shepherd puppies under the warmth of the heating pad and wait for them to feed. But make sure that you dont overcrowd them in the box. Only put three puppies per towel or one puppy per section of the vet bed for ease in feeding and monitoring.
If you dont have a baby bottle, buy an eyedropper at any drug store. A mother GSD can produce about 4 to 5 cc of milk every hour. This means that she will need someone to feed her pups every 2 or 3 hours.
To correctly use the eyedropper, put your puppy on its stomach and tickle its throat to induce swallowing. Then drip milk at the corner of its mouth until it starts to swallowdont let it choke! Repeat this process until you see that the pup has emptied the eyedropper.
Weighing scale
Cotton balls or washcloth, suction bulb syringe
Do Not Leave Them In Crate For A Very Long Time
Your puppy can learn to love being in a crate. But they wouldnt like being in it for a very long time.
Sometimes its necessary to leave your puppy in the crate for a longer time though. For instance, you need to go to work. By putting them in the crate, they wont chew on inappropriate things.
Also, you can clean the house when theyre in the crate.
And this isnt bad. Your German Shepherd has to know that the crate is their safe haven.
As such, they shouldnt associate it with something unpleasant. Such as a punishment.
Caution: Leaving your puppy in their crate longer than 6 hours is not advisable.
It will only make them anxious. Staying in the crate too long will end up in pent up energy.
And once out of the crate, they are bent on releasing that energy.
When crate training your puppy, remember these:
- Ignore them when they cry while in the crate. Wait 20 minutes until they calm down.
- If they are just starting the training, it may be difficult at first. There are times when they cry in the middle of the night. But this gradually stops when they reach 3 or 4 months old.
Check out this guys tips when crate training puppies:
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German Shepherd Giving Birth The First Time
Usually, after birth, the mother cuts the umbilical cord and cleans the puppies by gently pressing their bodies.
She starts with the genitals, then the legs complete with the rest of the body. She may not do so if she has no experience, or when she is exhausted after childbirth.
Use a disinfectant to clean the cords and a clean towel to gently massage the puppys body until it dries.
Immediately after delivery, the mother cannot secrete milk, but the yellow substance is colostrum. This colostrum is very nutritious for babies. It is very important in strengthening their immunity as it transmits their mothers natural antibodies.
In fact, 80 to 90% of new-born puppies die, as they could not benefit from colostrum.
Considerations: Cost Diet Size And Temperament
One of the first things that you should consider is the cost of a German Shepherd. In addition to the cost of a normal dog, which is anywhere from $300 to $700, you will also have to pay the cost of keeping the puppy healthy and safe.
German Shepherds cost about $1,500 to $2,500 a year. This cost will cover things like food, the supplies that you will need to groom your dog, and care from a veterinarian. This depends on where you live, the price of decent dog food, etc. In my country, I can keep costs below $1,000.
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Potty Training Tips And Tricks
Now that youve chosen a designated potty area and introduced your German Shepherd puppy to its new space, its time to start the German Shepherd puppy training to use the bathroom outside.
Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get started:
- Use a leash: When taking your German Shepherd out to relieve themselves, use a leash to keep them focused and prevent them from running off and exploring.
- Go at the same time every day: Try to take your German Shepherd to his designated potty area at the same time each day. It will help him develop a regular bathroom schedule.
- Give them plenty of time: When you get to the designated potty area, give your German Shepherd puppy plenty of time to relieve themselves. If your German Shepherd doesnt go within a few minutes, bring them back inside and try again in an hour.
- Reward good behavior: When your German Shepherd uses the bathroom in their designated potty area, praise them and give them a tasty treat. It will reinforce correct behavior and help your German Shepherd puppy learn that going potty outside is good.
- Avoid punishment: It is essential to avoid punishing your German Shepherd if theres an accident inside. It will only scare your German Shepherd puppy and could cause it to hold urine or feces in, leading to health problems.
Tips On How To Care For A German Shepherd
- / By Shepped Team
Caring for an energetic, enthusiastic, and loyal dog can be challenging. German Shepherds are all of those things and more.
When properly trained and raised, a German Shepherd will make an excellent family pet for you and your family. German Shepherds are excellent guard dogs and ideal long-term friends and companions.
However, it will take a great deal of patience to train and raise your new German Shepherd puppy properly.
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How To Care For A German Shepherd: 10 Easy Ways
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Categories German Shepherds
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If you have your heart set on getting a German Shepherd, one of the things to consider is whether youll be able to take care of him. How easy it is to care for a German Shepherd is a noble question that helps you ensure that the dog you want will not get abandoned in the future.
Here are 10 easy ways how to care for a German Shepherd:
- Feed a nutritious diet.
So, if you want to know how to care for a German Shepherd, youve come to the right place. Lets get started!
Stage Two: Human Exposure
When your GSD is still a puppy, he is in the process of anchoring finding out what is normal. If you expose him to other humans during this period, including children, he becomes friendly. A German Shepherd exposed to humans at a young age is less anxious and gets treated better as a consequence.
Some new dog owners make the mistake of waiting until their puppy is grown enough to go on walks then take them to meet people. By then, the pup has already built an idea of an in-group and sees all strangers as the out-group.
You should carry your puppy and get him to experience different sights, sounds, smells, and noises as soon as you get him. Have friends and family pet him before he develops a biting reflex. With enough positive exposure during this stage, your pup will likely see human presence as a good thing.
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Be In Tune With Your Dog
As you spend more time with your dog, pay attention and observe them closely. Youll notice that they have their own ways to communicate with you.
If you make an effort to listen and figure out what theyre trying to say, youll appreciate how communicative German Shepherds really are, and this is critical for successful training.
Tips For Training Your Pup
Training a German Shepherd takes an exorbitant amount of time, and unless you have a huge amount of spare time it may be difficult for you to train your dog.
One of the best ways to tackle two of the most important parts of raising a puppyâsocializing and trainingâis to enroll them in some sort of puppy kindergarten or training course. Try to do this before your dog reaches 6 months old.
After you have completed basic training courses, your dog can be moved up into more personalized and advanced training lessons. German Shepherds are highly intelligent and can retain a lot of information about their lessons.
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They Require Mental Stimulation
Long walks might tire out other breeds, but not the German shepherd. In addition to daily exercise, your new German shepherd will also require some mental stimulation. Obedience classes and dog sports can be especially helpful for rescue shepherds. Classes and training give you a bonding experience that builds trust and helps your dog figure out their place in your household, and it can help you diagnose any behavior problems early on.
Signs Of Heat In German Shepherds
More frequent urination often signals the start of the heat cycle in GSDs.
There are many physiological changes taking place inside her, so her systems may seem out of whack.
But frequent urination is also Mother Natures way of ensuring your female dogs scent is spread around, announcing her receptiveness to breeding.
A blood-tinged discharge may be present during estrus, and it happens to be the sign that most people notice first.
Many dogs clean themselves very well during this time so there is nothing to worry about, but not all are able to keep up with this.
Its best to provide protective garments to keep this discharge off your furniture.
A swollen vulva is a frequent occurrence during heat. Your dog may spend more time licking herself and cleaning this area. Its best not to disturb her she wont hurt herself, and the swelling is not from irritation.
Nervousness or distraction are two behavioral signs of heat in German Shepherds. This is due to the surge in hormones.
She may be confused about whats happening during her first heat cycle, which can increase nervousness. However, not all dogs go through this phase. Many simply take it in stride.
Flagging is the act of flipping her tail to one side and presenting her vulva to male dogs in the vicinity. While generally harmless, some dogs even flag their owners.
It may become a bit annoying if your dog is particularly insistent about it, but try not to punish her for this behavior. She honestly cant help herself.
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When To Start Puppy Food
- You can start puppy food when you notice signs of teething.
- The mother is reluctant to breastfeed them.
- The mother is not producing enough milk for the little dogs.
Proper nutrition will be crucial during this phase. Thus, dont use any commercial food labeled puppy food. First, consult your vet on the best food to start for your puppy.
How To Take Care Of 7 Week Old To 8 Week Old German Shepherd Puppies
They become fearful of new things and newcomers at 7 weeks. Dont be surprised if theyre not friendly with newcomers anymore. Not to worry because this is just a normal phase. This is a good time to expose the puppies to various sounds, places, and people.
German Shepherd puppies are fully weaned and fully independent from their mother when they reach 8 weeks so its good to train them to prevent behavioral problems. Teach them basic commands but focus on socialization and bite inhibition. If the puppies are not fully potty trained, train them now.
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Giving Your German Shepherd Plenty Of Attention
When learning how to take care of a German Shepherd, be prepared to spend lots of time with them. They also need plenty of attention as puppies. You should avoid leaving them alone for prolonged periods of time since they will not only get lonely but also get bored and potentially chew things or develop bad habits.
Appropriate alone-time for adult German Shepherds should not exceed 4 hours for adult dogs. As puppies, your GSD should spend even less time alone. To determine how long to leave your puppy alone, multiple their age by one. This ratio should be limited to 4 hours. For example, a 2-month-old puppy cannot be left alone for more than 2 hours.
You can give your shepherd attention by petting them, playing tug-o-war , playing fetch in the back yard and maybe even swimming with your dog if you live near a lake!
Of course, if you bring your dog swimming, keep a close eye on them and make sure that they can swim fine since not all dogs can.
Training Your German Shepherd Puppy
Training your dog from the day they come home is very important. Clear rules should be set that should not be broken. For example, if you do not want your dog to get on the bed, do not let them come on the bed ever. Allowing them sometimes and then not other times gets confusing for your dog, and they may not be able to learn the desired behaviour effectively.
Training your puppy can be divided into two stages, each with different objectives. The first stage of training needs to take place when your pup is between eight to sixteen weeks of age. In this period, socialization, house training and crate training goals must be accomplished. The second stage of training needs to occur when your puppy is three months of age until about 9 months. The main objectives of this training phase are obedience training, impulse control, and recall.
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How To Take Care Of German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix
German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers are two quite famous dog breeds globally. If the German Shepherd is known as a traditional cattle hunting dog, the Golden Retriever is a British retriever with a smooth coat and gentle nature.
However, have you heard of the German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix?
Quite a few people have chosen these two breeds to breed and make this combination gradually become popular. They also gave the children of these two breeds a pretty cool name Golden Shepherd.
The Golden Shepherd is a hybrid dog with an active, loyal and intelligent appearance. If you are hesitant to take care of it, this article is for you. Read on to know more interesting information about this hybrid dog.
German Shepherds And Barking
As with any dog, German Shepherds are likely to bark. Their main purpose was for herding and guarding so they can be quite vocal when people walk past or enter or exit the house, but how much noise they make will vary from dog to dog. If youre having problems with excessive noise or barking, we recommend seeking the advice of an accredited behaviourist.
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