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HomeHow To Crate Train A German Shepherd Puppy

How To Crate Train A German Shepherd Puppy

Your German Shepherd Is Particularly Receptive To Your Sound

How to Crate Train German Shepherd Puppy.

Dogs have an innate tendency to act according to their breeding purpose. As such, a German Shepherd might be quick to protect its owner in a dangerous situation by following its herding genes.

To become the friendly family dog you are looking for, a German Shepherd will rely on verbal commands to understand your wish, and they respond remarkably well with proper training.

Even though most of us have never considered it, researchers have discovered that dogs can understand some human words because their brains process language in a way that is similar to humans. A dogs right side of the brain deals with emotion while the left processes meaning.

But it is also suggested that, before your dog understands your words, they first notice the intonation of your voice. They will know when your tone communicates pleasure or disappointment.

Its not what you say, but how you say it that sends him the desired message.

Hence, regardless of what is being said, dogs will first respond to voice pitch, which is not only crucial for training in general but also for obtaining your dogs attention when he cant see you.

How To Leash Train A German Shepherd

Leash training a German Shepherd is a crucial skill for them to learn. An adult can weigh as much as 90lb so polite leash skills are a really good idea.

You are aiming to train your puppy to never to pull on the lead by teaching:

  • Good things happen when I stay close to my mum/dad
  • If I pull on the leash, I donât get to go further forward
  • As soon as you place your puppy on a harness and leash, start rewarding him for being close to you . Spending time next to you needs to reflect a really good place to be, with nice food rewards.

    Try not to walk too far to start with. Practice just having the lead on and rewarding for being next to you. Over repeated sessions, you can build up the distances you travel!

    Puppies learn to pull because it works. If I pull this way slightly, mum/dad usually follow.

    If your puppy does pull the lead taught, the best thing to teach them is that nothing happens. You stand still, and they donât go any further. Once the lead goes slack again and theyâve given you some eye contact, you can reward this and then start walking and rewarding once again!

    You can start German Shepherd puppy training at 8 weeks old and build their leash etiquette at home and in the garden.

    Once he is ready to go out into the real world, you can continue your training in this more distracting environment. It will take plenty of time, patience, and consistency, but it is a skill well worth investing in!

    Find The Right Place For The Crate

    So, youve chosen the crate, and the question is where you should place the box.

    For one, you dont want your puppy to feel excluded from the rest of the family, and you must keep an eye on him during training. But your puppy also requires some peace and quiet.

    So, dog specialists recommend that you keep the crate in a busy part of the house during the day.

    At night, you might move the box to your bedroom so that your puppy wont feel alone.

    In addition to this, the crate should not be away from radiators, direct sunlight, or drafts.

    Check out the video below for some tips:

    Also Check: When To Start Training Your German Shepherd

    How Long Does It Take To Crate Train A Gsd Puppy

    German Shepherd Puppies Are Fast Learners After three or four days, your puppy will understand the procedure, but this does not mean he is completely potty trained. This usually takes about a month, at which time you can start weaning him off the treats. Give him one occasionally, but not every time.

    What To Do If German Shepherd Puppy Keeps Peeing In Crate

    How to Crate Train a German Shepherd Puppy at Night

    Urinating in the crate is to be expected for the first few nights. There are a few reasons why this might happen. The first is anxiety. Your puppy has come from his mother and littermates to a new home and this is the first time he has slept by himself. It is normal for him to feel a little nervous and puppies tend to wee when they feel this way. Never scold your puppy for having an accident in the crate or your could make the problem worse.

    It may be that you are leaving to big a gap between toilet breaks. Try shortening them to two hours apart, then slowly increase it in 15- or 30-minute intervals over a week or two. Puppies have small bladders and it may simply be that he cannot hold it for very long.

    Another reason he may be toileting is that the crate is too big. Dogs do not soil where they sleep. It is an evolutionary trait designed to keep their den safe from predators. If your puppy is regularly weeing in the crate, either purchase a smaller size or try using a crate divider to reduce the available space.

    Also Check: How Much Do Full Grown German Shepherds Weigh

    Review Your Crate Training Routine

    If you can, perhaps it would be a good idea to spend a few moments going over your crate training routine.

    Here are a few points to think about, that may help:

    • While he was learning to like his crate, was the door closed too soon into the training?
    • If he was comfortable being in the crate, were you out of his sight for too long, and he got scared? Worried?
    • Is he getting enough supervised playtime around the house, with the rest of the family?
    • Is he getting enough exercise both physical exercise and mental stimulation?
    • Did he have to eat, drink, pee, or poop before being put into the crate?
    • No one likes to hear the sound of a puppy crying, it pulls on the heartstrings. Did you succumb?

    Im only guessing here, obviously, I dont know what happened in your training, but maybe this will help you recall your process.

    Get him used to the crate again.

    Try going through the steps of getting him to love the crate again.

    How To Measure Your German Shepherd For A Crate

    Of course, this section applies if the crate will be used for house training only.

    While standing , measure him from the tip of his nose to the base of his tail, then add 4-6/10-15cm.

    With your dog sitting, measure from the floor to the top of his head, and again add 4-6/10-15cm.

    This is not an exact science, but its a guideline and a good place to start.

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    What Are The Benefits Of Crate Training

    There are so many great benefits to crate training a German Shepherd puppy. Let us count the ways

    • A way to feel secure:

    A crate makes your puppy feel safe and secure. Remember, dogs evolved from den animals so they like having a small, protected place of their own. Your puppys crate should be a place to relax, sleep, or even retreat if feeling anxious .

    • A way to potty train:

    One of the toughest things about raising a puppy is potty training, and a crate is a great tool to help take the headache out of housetraining. When Allie was a puppy, she would wake me up with a whine in the middle of the night to let me know she needed to potty. Had she not been crated, she wouldve snuck away to a prime spot right in the middle of the carpet to do her business instead of learning to wake me up.

    Puppies dont want to do their business in the same place they sleep, and theyll do their best to hold it until you let them out of the crate. With a little time , your puppy will learn to alert you when it needs out of its crate to potty.

    • A way to transport:

    Crates make travel much easier for both you and your German Shepherd! Riding in cars can be very stressful for your pup, but if your dog is comfortable being crated, it makes for a much easier ride. And once you arrive at your destination, be it a hotel room, vet office, or groomer, your dog can feel secure in its home away from home.

    • A way to protect your puppy:
    • A way to protect your stuff:
    • A way to keep your sanity:

    German Shepherd Crate Training Fast And Quick

    Crate Train Your German Shepherd Puppy

    If you have a new dog, then follow these German Shepherd crate training tips for the best results.

    Its important to establish household rules as soon as your new dog joins the family.

    Following rules and routines early prevent problems from developing. Here are some quick tips for crate training a German Shepherd for faster results.

    Also Check: How To Draw A German Shepherd Sitting

    Recall Outside Using A Lead

    Ooh, time to practice outside.

    Let us give you a disclaimer: The outside will bring huge distractions to your training especially for an inquisitive puppy!

    But its nothing you cant handle. Were sure youre even turning into a pro now.

    How to do it

  • Walk with your puppy to the new location. Make sure youre using plenty of treats so that your puppy isnt pulling you in all directions.
  • When youre at a quiet corner, practice 6 recalls while theyre on the lead.
  • Right before you give them the treat, pop your fingers inside the harness this helps later when youre putting the lead on and stops them running off after theyve collected their treat.
  • TIPS

    · Your puppy may find it very distracting with all of the smells, so try to make your voice sound extra cheerful and happy to get their attention.

    · Use your come cue when your puppy is actually looking at you. That way you can make sure theyre actually starting to learn what the word means.

    What To Do If German Shepherd Puppy Whining In Crate

    Even if your puppy continues to whine or howl all through the night, you must ignore him. It is important that you say nothing to your puppy when you let him out of the crate. Only praise him when he has done his business. Then take him straight back inside and to his crate. He may need a treat or two to tempt him back in, but try not to pick him up and place him inside. He must choose to go in on his own terms.

    You may find that your puppy takes a few nights to settle. Every puppy is different, but dont be disheartened. Remain consistent, do not react to his whining, and only let him out of the crate at night to go to the toilet.

    You can try giving him a chew toy or treat ball that is safe for puppies. Kongs are perfect for this as they have a hollow center that can be filled with little biscuits or peanut butter. This will give him something to occupy himself, but also serves as a treat while he is in the crate. This will help him view the crate as something positive.

    Recommended Reading: Why Is My German Shepherd So Skinny

    Tip #: Potty Train Your German Shepherd Puppy The Right Way

    Right around now you are also probably dealing with potty training, the best German Shepherd puppy training tips for potty training are outlined below. You should know how many times, and when to take you puppy out. Use a crate if you need to and NEVER punish your GSD for an accident you did not see happen, you have to catch-him-in-the-act if you want to mildly reprimand and redirect to the correct spot.

    What To Do When The Crate Whining Just Wont Stop

    How to Crate Train a German Shepherd Puppy? The Best ...

    Sometimes, no matter what you try and how well it may have worked for other dogs your German Shepherd puppy may not stop crying and whining.

    What should you do if this happens?

    The first thing to do is to talk with your dogs veterinarian.

    While some amount of crate whining and crying is normal when a new puppy is first getting used to the crate, sometimes crying and whining can have other meanings as well.

    It is always smart to have your new GSD puppy checked out by your veterinarian right away anyway ideally in the first 24 to 48 hours.

    But if your puppy keeps whining and crying, there may be another reason. Your dog might be sick or injured and need treatment.

    It is much better to talk with your veterinarian and know for sure than to worry and wonder and get no sleep at night.

    Sometimes puppies may develop separation anxiety and get very frantic about trying to get out of their crate. When this happens, self-injury becomes possible.

    You dont ever want to wait when this happens.

    It may be helpful to ask your veterinarian for a referral to a dog trainer so you can address the separation anxiety before it leads to self-harm or an ingrained behavior pattern.

    By understanding the most common reasons your German Shepherd puppy might cry in their crate and what to do to ease loneliness and fears, your new puppy will soon settle into your family.

    If you looking to buy a new crate for your dog, here is a list of our recommendations.

    Recommended Reading: How Much Do You Feed German Shepherd Puppy

    Find Crate Training Methods That Work Best For Your Puppy

    Different crate training methods center around the reward system. You can combine more than one method as that seems most effective.

    Remember to select a command that encourages your pup to enter his crate.

    Always state the command before your pet goes in, and once he steps a foot inside the kennel. Examples are bed, kennel, sleep, and night.


    Many dogs, particularly puppies, will aim to please for a delicious tidbit. When you first introduce the food reward system in crate training, you should use a high-value morsel to entice your puppy into the kennel.

    As your dog advances in her training, you will ask more in return for the valuable treats. You may switch to less desirable biscuits, or similar tier treats for the tasks your pup has already mastered.

    Eventually, you can reward your Shepherd for staying calm in the crate with the door closed for a certain length of time.

    Start with five and ten minutes. Begin changing it up Go to another room out of sight for a few minutes and come back. Reward your puppy for remaining calm.

    The food reward method works best in the initial stages of training when you are trying to get your dog to see a crate as an inviting place to enter. Treats also introduce the concept of staying alone for short stints.

    Feeding your puppy her meals in her kennel is another means to get him to see his crate as a safe place of comfort.


    Your puppy may not find much motivation from food. Some dogs go in the crate readily after a toy.


    Is Crate Training A Good Thing

    The first thing you need to know is that for the most part, keeping your dog in a crate is not a bad thing.

    In fact, a crate can help your puppy feel more secure and safe in the world around it. Of course, just like anything else that has to do with your puppy, it can be misused.

    Putting your puppy in a crate should never be used as a punishment for any type of behavior, and most importantly, puppies and dogs should never be left in a crate all day long or for extra-long periods of time.

    German Shepherd dogs require a ton of exercise and play time!

    This is especially true for puppies, who are extremely active and energetic and who need ways to use that energy so they dont get bored and start getting into trouble.

    Just why is puppy crate training a good thing? For one, spending time in their crate can help puppies and dogs in a lot of ways, including:

    • It makes them feel more secure
    • It is a good way to transport your puppy from Point A to Point B
    • It makes house-training a little easier
    • It can protect your puppy
    • It can protect your belongings

    It is also a great way to give yourself a little break from constantly caring for an overly active puppy.

    Again, you dont want to keep your puppy in there for too long, but it can definitely be a great solution when youre tired or busy and just need a small amount of time away from your puppy.

    Recommended Reading: Why Does My German Shepherd Bark At Other Dogs

    Train Your Gsd To Stay

    Now it is time to build up for how long they can stay sitting for!

    This can be tricky with any dog, but particularly with a breed who is as busy as a German Shepherd puppy. This means you need to progress slowly through the training, and reward very regularly.

    To start stay, get your dog into a sit, and then say âstayâ clearly, before taking a slight movement backwards. Go back to your puppy and reward them for staying put!

    The basic premise is we say âstayâ and gradually increase how much movement/distance we have from the puppy and reward them for staying put!


    • 2 steps away and turn yourself in a circle quickly
    • 3 steps away and jump up and down once
    • 4 steps away and a star jump!

    If at any point your dog comes out of the stay, just go back a couple of steps for a session or two and reward them for not budging.

    Once they can do this with you at home, try practicing in the park or woods! It is important with all training to teach them that the same rules apply in different environments.


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