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HomePuppyGerman Shepherd Puppy Vaccination Schedule

German Shepherd Puppy Vaccination Schedule

What Are The Side Effects And Adverse Reactions To Vaccines

German Shepherd Mom Has Her Paws Full With 3 Cheeky Pups | Too Cute!

Some owners choose not to vaccinate their puppies because they believe the dog may suffer adverse reactions of dangerous side effects. While it is possible for puppies and dogs to react after a vaccination, it rarely results in damage or death. Most post-vaccination reactions are minor and typically occur within a few hours of the injection. Those reactions may include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Sensitivity in the vaccinated area

Unusual reactions a puppy may have after vaccination are haemolytic anemia and reproductive system issues. In rare cases, granulomas may form in the body. These kinds of reactions are unlikely to happen to your dog, and even if they do, these side effects are mild in comparison to potentially exposing your puppy to dangerous and deadly diseases.

Final Puppy Vaccination Thoughts

Your puppy is counting on you to make the best decision. Now that you know whats behind those big vaccination terms, speak with your local veterinarian to set up a vaccination schedule thats right for you.

Or perhaps vaccinations are complete for your little fur-ball and he/she is ready to head into public. If so, which vaccines did you choose and why? Wed love to hear in the comments below.

As the Editor in Chief, Anna Lengacher helps dog lovers learn the ropes of finding, raising, and caring for their dogs so they can enjoy many happy memories together.

Congratulations On The New Edition To Your Family Certain Diseases May Be Prevented By Vaccination A Protected Response Is What The Veterinarian Is Aiming For When Vaccinating Your Puppy By Boosting The Immune System To Produce Antibodies And Neutralize Infectious Organisms Before They Have A Chance To Induce Disease This Is Achieved Through A Schedule Involving Vaccines

Ideally the standard schedule is at 8, 12, and 16 weeks of age .Variations to a schedule become necessary when, for instance, a puppy is vaccinated at 8 weeks of age, then does not visit the veterinarian again until 16 weeks of age. A minimum of two injections approximately 3-4 weeks apart with the last injection occurring at greater than 12 weeks of age is necessary.

6-8 weeks of age

  • 1st physical examination
  • 1st DA2PPCV Distemper, Adenovirus type 2, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus, and Coronavirus.
  • Fecal analysis for parasites

Annual Adult Vaccination

After the third booster your pet will not be due for another vaccination until a year later.

It is recommended to have your dog vaccinated on an annual basis as well as a fecal analysis for intestinal parasites.

Heartworm Disease

Heartworms are large roundworms that live in the right ventricle . Heartworms survive on nutrients which they take from the dogs bloodstream. Heartworms can grow to a length of 15-30 centimetres, and in severe cases a dog may be infested with hundreds of worms.

Damage can occur to the heart, lungs and liver as well as obstruction of blood flow resulting from this infestation. Eventually, fluid may build up in the lungs and restrict the dogs breathing. When damage to the internal organs is severe enough, death may be the result.

Please talk to our doctor about customizing a plan to protect your dog against this preventable disease.

Canine Distemper

Canine Parvovirus




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When Can I Take My Puppy Outside

Youve probably heard that its not safe to take your puppy outside until theyve had a full course of vaccinations run through their body. While this is true, it doesnt mean your puppy cant go pee in the grass. Its more referring to letting your puppy socialize with other animals.

Its important to keep your puppy away from as many new things as possible until theyve had their vaccines.

How Much Do Vaccinations Cost

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The cost of your German Shepherd Puppys vaccinations depend on where you live unfortunately. Vets with less competition will often increase their prices whereas vets in high competition areas will be as competitive as possible in the hope they get you and your puppy as a permanent customer.

The average cost for the full set of vaccinations will be around $100. The rabies vaccination is usually extra and around $20.

Vaccinations are absolutely critical for the long term health of your German Shepherd Puppy and help to shield them from a lot of potentially fatal viruses. Anybody that looks to take on a new puppy should always factor in the costs of shots when looking to add a furry friend to their family.

We hope this article helps and we would absolutely love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

If we missed some important information out of the post or youd like anything added? Please let us know.

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Everything You Must Know About Vaccinating Your Dog

Dog vaccinations play a critical role in protecting your dog from many dangerous and even fatal diseases. While state law requires all dogs are vaccinated for rabies, there are a number of other vaccinations that can protect your dog from serious diseases that are easily preventable.

At Indian Trail Animal Hospital we have spent decades educating people about the benefits of dog vaccinations. This includes what vaccines are necessary and how they should be scheduled. Over the years we have been asked every question possible about dog vaccinations and we have compiled some of the most frequently asked ones for you here. This is only meant to be a general introduction dog vaccinations. At your dog’s next veterinary appointment, we will be happy to help you understand the vaccination recommendations for your dog.

What Are C3 C4 C5 C6 And C7

Often, veterinarians give vaccinations for certain viruses or diseases at the same time. Its good for a puppys owner to know the abbreviations for those vaccinations and know why some are combined in assigned ways.

  • C3 = Parvovirus, distemper and infectious hepatitis .
  • C4 = C3 + Parainfluenza virus vaccine.
  • C5 = C3 + Parainfluenza virus & Bordetella virus vaccines.
  • C6 = C4 + Leptospirosis & Coronavirus vaccines
  • C7 = C5 + Leptospirosis + Coronavirus vaccines

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Vom Banach K9 German Shepherd Puppy Health Schedule

This is a schedule I stick with when I am raising up a litter. Puppies who may be staying longer may not receive the same schedule as those leaving at the 8-9 weeks of age. I may vaccinate them later then the initial 7 week vaccine so I then follow a vaccine protocol from the date of the initial vaccine giving subsequent vaccines every 4 weeks thereafter for the remaining two vaccines. Because both Corona and Lepto need two boosters following the initial one is why I recommend puppies receive two more vaccines in addition to rabies after leaving here.

I also discuss vaccines with my clients when I give go home instructions. And I hope it mostly sinks in. I think it is very important when they take their new puppy to their vet that they bring the record and be sure they are given the correct vaccinations and only the ones that are needed. I think it is important to be on the same page with your vet that puppies are not over-vaccinated.

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How Can I Safely Socialize My Unvaccinated Puppy

German Shepherd tries to revive her baby and wouldn’t let us get close

Of course, the first few weeks of your puppys life are crucial to their development, social development included.

Keeping your puppy locked up for too long without allowing them to socialize can create behavioral problems later in life.

One way that most vets agree is safe for socializing is to carry your puppy around with you. By not letting him touch the ground, youre keeping them as far away from bacteria and disease as possible.

You can also encourage friends and family to come into your home and visit, but we recommend leaving shoes at the door

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Training Goal #: Impulse Control

Learning to control their impulses is important for all puppies, and for the GSD, it can be one of the most important ways to curb problem behaviors to which this breed is prone if allowed to become bored: behaviors such as excessive barking, digging, aggressive chewing, and inappropriate chasing .

The key to impulse control is getting your dog to focus on you. This will have beneficial effects for all the rest of your training efforts, especially in AKC dog sports like Obedience and Rally.

Require that your puppy sit before getting food, playing with an exciting toy, going outside to play, or any other favorite activity. As your GSD puppy advances in obedience training and knows more commands, you can require more advanced commands or tricks in order to receive treats or play.

Puppy Shots & How They Work

As with human vaccines, dog vaccinations are designed to prevent your dog from becoming sick. Vaccinations provide limited or permanent immunity from infectious and deadly diseases that can affect your dogs quality of life, and your human familys health as well.

Vaccines are effective because they contain infectious agents designed to mimic microorganisms that cause diseases. Once injected into the body, the agent stimulates the dogs immune system. The puppys body sees the agent as a threat, attacks it, and then remembers it so it can fight the disease off in the future if exposed to it.

It can take around seven days for a puppys body to respond to a vaccine and develop immunity, and it is best to have your dog vaccinated when she is healthy. A sick puppys immune system is compromised and less effective in developing immunity to microorganisms. Vaccines are not cures for diseases, but a means to prevent them.

Once you have your puppy vaccinated, you will need to keep her vaccinations updated. That way, your puppy will remain healthy as she grows and develops into an adult. As such, you should take your puppy to a veterinarian for a yearly checkup and to begin and then retain a vaccination program. The types and number of vaccinations your dog will receive depend on the puppys age, habits, environment, medical background, and lifestyle.

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Why Do Puppies Need Vaccines

When a puppy is born, its immune system is not yet mature. For a while the mothers antibodies help protect their puppies’ immune systems. Eventually, the maternal antibodies fade away, and it is important that we help the puppy have a strong immune system to help fight off contagious diseases. Vaccines trigger immune responses by stimulating the immune systems productions of antibodies that destroy disease-causing organisms that enter the body.

We recommend that puppies receive a minimum of 3 rounds of vaccines in the first year, and for ultra protection against Parvo, we recommend puppies receive a 4th round of vaccine. Ideally, the first round of vaccine is administered about 6 weeks of age. The following rounds should be administered approximately 3 weeks thereafter.

What Are The Core Dog Vaccinations


Core puppy vaccinations and dog vaccinations are considered vital to all canines based on a universal risk of exposure, the severity of disease, and the risk of transmission to other dogs, as well as other animal species including human beings.

The American Animal Hospital Association’s Canine Task Force considers the following dog vaccinations to be core:

  • Canine Parvovirus
  • Canine Influenza

Although these vaccines are not considered Core, they are very important for most dogs who may be exposed to these infectious diseases. At your dog’s next appointment, we will be happy to review which of the above make the most sense for your dog and make the appropriate recommendations.

Rabies vaccinations are required by law in most states, including NC. Owners must periodically have their dogs and puppies vaccinated against rabies, but the specific time frames for puppy vaccinations and dog vaccinations vary by state. In NC, puppy rabies vaccine is generally given at 16 weeks , and the rabies vaccination is good for one year. For adult dogs, the rabies vaccination is good for three years and should be addressed at the time of the first visit for new patients. For example, a puppy would receive the rabies vaccine at 16 weeks, 1 year and then again at age 4.

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How Can You Save Money On Puppy Shots

One way to save money on puppy vaccines is by visiting a low-cost vaccination clinic. These clinics typically offer packages that combine a bundle of vaccinations into a lower price point, but also offer individual options if your dog is due for a specific vaccine.

Another way to save money on puppy shots is by purchasing a pet wellness plan through a pet insurance provider. In addition to vaccines, wellness plans also cover routine and preventive care services such as annual wellness exams, spaying/neutering, routine dental care, microchipping, etc. Pawlicy Advisor can help you compare pet insurance policies and wellness plans from top US pet insurance providers to find the best coverage based on your puppys particular needs and concerns.

Jumpstart Your Puppys Immune System

In their first year of life, puppies will need to visit their veterinarian numerous times to get vaccinated for and become immunized against potentially fatal, yet preventable infectious diseases. The worst of these are Distemper and Parvo.

The timing and interval between booster vaccinations is critical to ensure your puppy is protected, as their mothers antibodies can interfere with a vaccinations ability to mount your puppys own immune response. Thus, puppies need a series of vaccinations to allow their immune system to break through waning maternal antibody.

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Core Vaccinations For Dogs


The rabies vaccine is right at the top of the list in terms of importance.

If a dog contracts rabies, which is a viral disease, death is the usual result. The disease attacks the nervous system of the animal, and can quickly be transmitted to humans and other dogs via a scratch or a bite.

Once the rabies vaccine is given, the length of immunity will depend on the type of vaccine administered.

Canine Distemper

This is another disease that has the chance of being fatal.

Canine distemper affects the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system, and may also make its way into the nervous system of the animal.

With a live virus vaccine, you can expect your dog to have immunity from distemper for a little over 1 year.


Vomiting and bloody diarrhea can lead to severe dehydration for dogs who have contracted the canine parvovirus, and it may even end in death.

The immune system of the animal is weakened by the virus destroying white blood cells. The vaccine for this disease delivers immunity for over 1 year.


Parainfluenza, which is usually caused by bacterial or viral agents, attacks the respiratory system in dogs.

The respiratory organs, such as the bronchi, trachea, and lungs, typically become inflamed, bringing about a cough that is non-productive.

Overall, parainfluenza is generally self-limiting, but the introduction of a secondary bacteria may lead to the dog contracting pneumonia.

Kennel Cough


From 9 Months To 24 Months

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Dogs of different breeds and sizes mature at different ages, and while one year of age is commonly considered the end of puppyhood in general, a German Shepherd Dog may not reach an adult level of maturity before the age of two or three . So continuing to work on impulse control, improve obedience skills, and advance to training in more focused activities like tracking, scent work, protection work, agility, and herdingall of which are capabilities of this breedmust continue throughout this period and then be reinforced as your GSD reaches adulthood. This is also a good time to transition from puppy food to a large breed dog food.

Keep in mind that this is a breed that thrives on constant and consistent work and training, and loves to have a jobor many jobs!to do. If you can provide your GSD with outlets for their intelligence and versatility, both you and your dog will reap the rewards.

Yasmine S. Ali, MD, is a cardiologist and writer based in Tennessee, where she lives with three Canine Good Citizens, including an AKC-registered German Shepherd Dog.

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When Puppies Need To Be Vaccinated

Puppies are typically vaccinated at eight and ten weeks with the second dose usually being given two to four weeks later. Speak to your vet about the best timings.

Your puppy will then require a booster vaccination at 6 or 12 months. As your puppy grows into an adult dog it’s important to ensure you visit the vet and keep your dog’s vaccinations up to date.

What About Older Dogs

If your dog has already completed its initial puppy shots for distemper and parvovirus, and has had a distemper/parvo booster at one year, then further revaccination is unnecessary for most dogs. A titer test can be performed to determine your dogs current antibody levels, and to determine if your adult dog actually needs another vaccination or not. The presence of antibodies indicates that your dog has formed the memory cells necessary to mount an immune response upon exposure to that disease, and is therefore considered immune to that disease. Titer tests do cost more than a simple vaccination, but performing a simple titer test can prevent the heartbreak of debilitating adverse vaccine reactions.

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Scheduling An Appointment For Dog Vaccinations

A puppy vaccination schedule should be established during your first veterinarian visit, which should take place within a week of receiving your new puppy. An adult dog vaccination schedule, which includes periodic booster immunizations, can be scheduled after the puppy vaccination schedule has been completed, or immediately upon welcoming an adolescent or adult dog into your family.

As with any other immunization protocol, a dog vaccination schedule should be adhered to without deviation, in order to ensure your canine companion remains healthy, happy and well for the duration of his or her life. Schedule an appointment for your canine companion to receive their vaccinations today.


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