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My German Shepherd Is Constantly Itching

Change Your Household Cleaning Products

Why Is My German Shepherd Scratching So Much? 9 Crazy Quick Solutions!

Commercially available cleaning products can cause your dog to itch. Many chemicals can trigger allergic reactions or respiratory issues in your dog.

There are lots of naturally formulated cleaning products available that will reduce the reactions in your dog.

Look for products that are fragrance-free and hypoallergenic. Allow all surfaces that have had chemicals applied to them to dry completely before you let your dog near them.

Bacterial And Fungal Infections

Bacterial and yeast are both skin-dwelling organisms that normally wont cause any problems. However, on certain occasions, they can grow out of control and cause an infection or irritation to the skin. These infections can cause a dog to lose its fur, similar to hair loss caused by parasites.

Other skin infections such as ringworm can also affect dogs fur. Ringworm is a fungal infection that can be seen as reddish or brown patches on the skin surface.

The symptoms can vary depending on the type of infection. Some infections cause raised, reddening skin that may be very itchy, while others may cause bad smells from the dogs skin,

As the organisms that cause these infections can be very different, the treatment options also vary greatly. Therefore, it is important to identify the right type of infection before deciding on a treatment. This can be done through proper testing with your vet.

Which Skin Issues Are Most Likely To Affect German Shepherds

German Shepherds are susceptible to many of the same health and wellness concerns as their human family members, including allergies. However, you may not realize your German Shepherd has a significant problem with common allergens until the reaction affects their skin. Although allergies can develop at any age, the allergic reactions most likely to trigger German Shepherd skin issues generally appear between the ages of one and three years.2

Of course, its best to consult a veterinarian any time you have concerns about your canines overall health and well-being. Until then, you may find it helpful to consider the three most common causes of German Shepherd skin issues.

Hot Spots

Hots Spots are areas of inflamed, infected skin. Although most often found on the paws, ears, hips, rump, or chest, hot spots can emerge anywhere your dog has been licking or scratching. If you dont catch a hot spot in its earliest stages, your canine can develop painful, oozing lesions that can spread to other areas of their body. If your German Shepherd dog seems uncomfortable, consider examining your pet for the following symptoms:3,4

  • A swollen, inflamed area of skin that feels warm to the touch
  • Areas of moist, blistered skin that cause pain or discomfort
  • Itchy round patches of skin that increase in size
  • Hair loss or patches of matted fur crusted with discharge
  • Scarring caused by continuous scratching, licking, or biting inflamed, infected skin

Canine Atopic Dermatitis

Food Allergies

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Brush Them But Cut On Perfume Spray

The oils on your dogs skin and coat will be more evenly distributed if you brush their fur. Additionally, it will aid in getting rid of any stray hair that could be aggravating them.

We advise brushing your German Shepherd two to three times a week with a rake brush that has rounded tips. You must regularly brush your dog during the spring and autumn seasons when they shed a lot.

This is due to the fact that they will be shedding a significant amount of fur, and would require assistance to prevent the dead hair from just accumulating in their coat. If your dog stays indoors, it probably sheds a little less than dogs that reside outside.

We advise using a rake brush. This kind of brush can remove dead hairs from the undercoat of German Shepherds, which have two coats of hair.

They are extremely sensitive to smells since they have a sense of smell that is more than 300 times more powerful than a humans.

There are numerous scents that might potentially aggravate and injure your dog, including patchouli. Use of air fresheners or perfume sprays may exacerbate your German Shepherds problems if they are already itchy.

We advise against lighting fragrant candles or incense close to your dog. In the worst-case scenarios, you might want to think about giving up aerosol deodorant and fragrances.

Give Your Dog A Special Bath

German Shepherd Itchy Treatment

Oatmeal is an age-old remedy for dry and itchy skin for humans. And it happens to be safe for your dog as well. In fact, most doggy hypoallergenic shampoos include oatmeal as an active ingredient to soothe and fight irritation

Some owners use tea tree oil and put a few drops in their regular dog shampoo.

Also Check: How To Rehome A German Shepherd

Switch To Natural Cleaning And Hypoallergenic Products

Some store-bought cleaning products can cause itchiness in your GSD, especially if youre cleaning their bedding and blankets with these products. The chemicals can even cause allergies to become worse in German Shepherds or they can develop breathing problems when you use too many chemicals products around them.

Theres plenty of natural cleaning products on the market now that will lessen the chance of allergies in your GSD.

Switch to hypoallergenic and fragrance-free laundry detergent to clean your dogs bedding and towels. Dont use chemically laden cleaning products around them and wait for surfaces to fully dry before letting your dog walk or lie on the surface.

Switch to a more natural cleaning option when possible. Just because you dont experience any allergies or itching from using these products doesnt mean your dog wont. Youd be surprised all the allergens in common household and cleaning ingredients that can trigger your dogs scratching!

Use the following helpful information to understand why your GSD may have allergies and what contributes to allergies and scratching.

Interested In Training Your German Shepherd The Right Way

If you havent trained your German Shepherd properly, then this is the perfect time to start. Whatever bad behavior your shepherd has, whether its barking at night or other bad behaviors, using the right training program is the key to having an obedient and happy pup.

The training program I love and highly recommend is Brain Training For Dogs.

With Brain Training For Dogs youll save yourself a ton of time and effort. Instead of banging your head against the wall trying to figure out why your dog wont listen, youll follow a path that has been tried, tested, and most importantly, thats given proven results. Not to mention the fact, youll be able to fit the course around your schedule, not fit your schedule around a trainer or obedience class.

So instead of worrying about whether theyre going to be well-behaved or not, youll only have to worry about how much fun youll have with them!

And in most cases its still going to be:

  • Cheaper than hiring a professional.
  • Cheaper than replacing everything they might break.
  • And definitely cheaper than a lawsuit against you, if they decide to bite someone.

Just imagine how great it will feel to finally be able to trust your German Shepherd completely and never worry whether theyll be naughty or not. Instead, youll have the peace of mind that you have a well-behaved pup, and the boundaries you set for them, will always be there, EVEN IF YOURE NOT.

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German Shepherd Allergies & Skin Allergy Guide

German Shepherds are a popular breed. And for good reason! They are characterized by not only their smarts, loyalty and courage, but also the thick fur coat that protects them. However, their coat makes them very susceptible to developing skin issues.

If you are a parent of a German Shepherd, stay informed by being knowledgeable about why they get skin allergies and what you can do for them.

Whether its paarsites like fleas, their food or other environmental irritants, there are steps you can take to help your shepherd live a more comfortable life and isnt that what its all about!?

Fleas Ears Eyes And Face

Why Is My German Shepherd Scratching So Much: Skin Issues That Plague GSDs

Fleas are attracted to pets in such circumstances, as:

  • bad hygiene control.

The first 2 being constant and unchangeable, unless you move to other territory, obviously.

So how do you fight those cheeky little fleas,- you may ask? First of all learn to find fleas on your dog. For measure, you can find them near the ears and in deep fur on the dogs body. Lets say youve found little insects on your German shepherd. Now, you must wash your pet with anti-flea shampoo a couple of weeks.

Be sure not to get any in the eyes, or in fact near the face! It is also recommended to visit vet clinic if you need any help. The faster you notice fleas on your dog, lesser the chances for skin irritations, and, as a result, allergies to appear.

The easiest time to locate fleas is while playing with the dog. But remember theres a slight chance that you might get fleas on your head as well.

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Is Your German Shepherd Chewing And Licking Their Paws Dangerous

If your german shepherd is constantly licking their paws, then you shouldnt worry too much. However, you should be aware that it can result in lick granulomas

Lick granulomas start off as tiny little sores, however, the more your german shepherd licks them the bigger they get. Before you know it they have a huge sore on their paws which can become infected.

When you first notice a lick granuloma you should take your pup to the vet while its not a big deal. As they get bigger they can often cause other secondary problems.

Figuring Out What Is Causing Your German Shepherds Scratching

The German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County explains that it is important not to make any assumptions when your dog suddenly starts scratching.

Rather, it is important to rule out both behavioral as well as environmental causes to see what causes the itching to clear up.

Behavior reasons why your GSD might be scratching

Some German Shepherds may actually just need more enrichment, exercise, activity, or playtime.

Because the GSD is such a sensitive and intelligent dog breed, these dogs can start to self-harm by chewing at the skin if they get bored or lonely.

Boredom can lead to other destructive behaviors like digging, chewing things around the house, and barking.

Systemic reasons why your GSD might be scratching

Problems with thyroid function, endocrine disruption or immune system malfunction can also cause skin that dries out and becomes itchy.

Sometimes testing reveals a hidden metabolic or systemic disease or sensitivity that is the real cause of the itching.

Environmental reasons why your GSD might be scratching

German Shepherds can be very sensitive to environmental toxins, including exposure to herbicides or pesticides or insecticides, toxic house or lawn plants, air pollution, seasonal pollen, mold or mildew, and similar triggers for scratching.

It can be worth taking a second look at your lawn care and gardening products as well as what may be growing in and around areas where you and your dog walk regularly.

Other reasons why your GSD might be scratching

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What Causes Canine Atopic Dermititis

CAD can have multiple causes and numerous factors can play a role in the onset of the disease and how serious it is. Allergies are the main culprit but according to a study performed in 2017 by PLOS ONE, environmental and genetic factors can contribute to the disease as well.

Environmental Factors:

  • A single dog in the home increases their chances of getting CAD. Conversely, multiple dogs in the household decreases the risk.
  • Living in a detached house.
  • Living in large urban cities, where the dog is more prone to be indoors, increases the risk for CAD. Conversely, living in rural areas decreases the risk.

Genetic Factors:

Genetics also play a significant role in dogs developing Canine Atopic Dermatitis. A recent study found that fifty percent of the risk associated with the onset of CAD was a result of the dogs genes. The risk is low if neither parent has the disease and subsequently increases if one or both parents have the condition.

The main contributors to German Shepherd skin issues and specifically Canine Atopic Dermatitis are allergies found in dogs. These are the most common skin allergies that may be causing your dog to itch.

Contact Allergies:

Flea Allergies:

Food Allergies:

Staphylococcus Hypersensitivity:

The German Shepherd was number eight on the PLOS ONE studys list of dogs most likely to contract Canine Atopic Dermatitis with 31.3% of owners reporting the symptoms of CAD.

Stop All The Scratching

German Shepherd Scratching Ears

Lets assume that you havent found fleas in time, and now your poor German shepherd is having a hard, glowing with red irritation on its skin as well. What do you do?

How do you stop all the scratching? First of all, wash off all the fleas there are by following the recommendation above. Then, make sure there arent any possible sources for the problem to happen again, like too much dust, bad food and etc.

After this is done, be sure to find out what caused the problem, and eliminate it completely. If it worked, then you were successful! Otherwise, try something else before you finally deal with it. And, again, its best to ask help from the vet before doing anything!

Thank You for reading!

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German Shepherd Dog Food Allergies

Did you know dogs can be allergic to certain foods?

To be clear, it is a certain protein in a particular ingredient some might be allergic to.

Food allergies are easy to treat! Once youve determined it is a food allergy, and not something else, your veterinarian will recommend a limited ingredient dog food. These foods only have a few ingredients, instead of many like normal dog foods.

If your dog still reacts, this means it must be one of those few ingredients causing the reaction.

Your veterinarian might then recommend a completely different food without those ingredients!

True food allergies result in an immune response, which can range in symptoms from skin conditions , gastrointestinal signs or a combination of both .

What Foods are German Shepherds Allergic to?

Food allergies can impact any breed, and GSDs arent always going to be allergic to anything. The most common ingredients that cause food related allergic reactions in dogs are:

Are German Shepherds Allergic to Chicken?

Not necessarily. Not all GSDs are allergic to chicken.

If your GSD does have a food allergy, chicken is high up on the possibilities.

Treating Your German Shepherds Itchy Skin For Good

Its heartbreaking to watch your German Shepherd itching constantly, uncomfortable, and even in pain. Your GSD might just need a change of diet or a quick spray of anti-itch solution.

There are simple ways to help your German Shepherd from itching and scratching like crazy. Most of the treatments you can order from home and apply right away.

A solid skincare routine can help alleviate your German Shepherds itchy skin for good and doesnt cost a fortune.

Dont let your itchy dog lie around uncomfortable when therere steps you can take right now to help them!

Want more help with your German Shepherds skin and fur?

Recommended Reading: How Much Should A Full Grown German Shepherd Eat

Home Remedies For Itchiness

Using apple cider vinegar to cure your dog is an entirely natural option. To reduce itchy problems, rinse with this. After diluting it 1:1 with distilled water, put it in a bottle. It will at least help with hot spots, itchiness, and seasonal allergies as well as other skin problems.

You might think about including olive oil in their diet. Vitamins K and E, as well as antioxidants, are abundant in olive oil.

Plain yogurt is an additional healthy food to include in their diet. Make sure that it doesnt include any sugar or additives as these are hazardous for your dog.

An additional effective and simple home treatment is coconut oil. It can either be used topically as a moisturizer for dry skin or given orally to your dog as the bodys immune booster.

Why Does Mygerman Shepherd Itch So Much

German Shepherd Dog: Complaining About an Itch

German Shepherds are prone to a variety of skin problems because of flea or insect allergies, food allergies, inhalant allergies, and skin contact allergies.

Some GSDs are also itchy because of medicine allergies .

These allergies may not go away over time, so its vital for you to make sure that your dog receives the right treatment.

Allergy symptoms can become severe depending on the exposure level and your dogs reaction. This leads to a lower quality of life and possible serious medical and health complications. If youve ever wondered why your German Shepherd itch so much, consider the multiple causes of allergies in GSDs.

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Yeast Overgrowth And Skin Infections

Hot and humid places can encourage yeast growth in GSDs and so does bacterial infections. They are more seen in skin folds. Yeast overgrowth encourages excess oil production. The oil build-up in the skin may result in severe itchiness that will eventually lead to a skin infection.

Untreated open wounds usually result in skin infections that are caused by bacteria. Their skin may appear to be red, moist, and sometimes with pus. Depending on your GSDs immune system, it may worsen over time.

Is Your German Shepherd Itching In Winter Use These Dry Skin Tips

Its not uncommon for a German Shepherd to begin itching in winter, especially with the wind, ice, cold, and snow conditions. Deicing solutions and salt on the walkways increase skin dryness.

Remember, in the winter your German Shepherd needs special attention to their skin:

  • Be sure to keep paw cleaning and wiping products by your door.
  • Upon returning from every walk use them to remove any debris.
  • Brush them thoroughly to help distribute their natural oils after walking outdoors in winter and apply an anti-itch spray and ointments if necessary.
  • Bathe them with a medicated shampoo regularly, but dont wash too frequently or youll dry their skin more.

Although this takes time, its also a healthier option than watching your dog scratch like crazy and constantly during the winter!

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