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HomeFactsHow Old Is My German Shepherd In Dog Years

How Old Is My German Shepherd In Dog Years

German Shepherd Puppy Feeding Guide: Birth To 12 Weeks

Grooming my 11 year old German Shepherd

All dogs should stay with their mother for no less than eight weeks, ideally up to ten weeks. During this time, the mother will nurse the pups until they are old enough to begin eating puppy mush.

Puppy mush is usually regular dog kibble thats been soaked in water, formula, or homemade puppy milk made with human-grade ingredients.

After the puppies are fully weaned from their mothers milk, they will get all of their nutrition either from puppy mushmade progressively drier every few daysor other puppy-safe foods.

Its important to continue feeding your puppy whatever the breeder started them on, at least for the first few weeks. This will help prevent gastrointestinal distress.

Also, be certain it is food intended for puppies and not adults or senior dogs. Adult dog foods do not have the proper nutrients to support a growing puppy.

Once your German Shepherd puppy is homebetween 8 and 12 weeksyou may begin weaning them off of the breeders food and introducing their new foodif youve decided to switch, that is.

Over the course of the next few weeks slowly introduce the puppys new food into her old food, adding more of the new food each day.

Start with ¾ of the serving of the old food and ¼ of the new food. After a few days, make it half and half. After the first week or so, make it ¾ the new food and ¼ the old food. Then by two to three weeks, your pup should be fully on her new food.

How Much To Feed A German Shepherd Puppy

Depending on your puppys current weight, activity level, and metabolism, you should plan to feed your puppy 3 or 4 times each day.

Older puppies can be fed fewer times per day, but be sure not to limit the caloric intake below the recommended amount.

Smaller, more frequent meals will help prevent bloatgastric dilatation volvulus is a potentially life-threatening condition.

Frequent meals will also help stabilize your puppys blood sugar and energy level to help them grow steadily, not in fits and starts.

Puppies need two or three times the number of calories as adult dogs do. This may seem strange considering puppies are much smaller than adults. However, German Shepherd puppies grow extraordinarily fast, so their caloric intake needs to support that.

To figure out how much to feed your German Shepherd puppy, look at his or her weight. Females will be slightly smaller and lighter than males.

between 31 and 49 pounds
5-6 months between 35 and 57 pounds

Using the weight chart above, the general food chart in the previous section, and considering the gender and activity level of your puppy, you can calculate the approximate amount of food to feed daily.

Split that daily amount up between all meals. For example, if your 3-month-old GSD puppy is a male and weighs 30 pounds, you should feed him approximately 2 cups per day.

Socialization And Training For A Female Gsd

The female GSD is likely to respond really well to socialization and training that includes her entire family, even small children. Everyone in the family should play a part in feeding and training your new pup. This will go a long way towards developing her tendency to bond closely with each family and guard each person equally.

While a female German shepherd is lighter and shorter than her male counterpart in most cases, she will still be strong from the get-go! Choosing the right collar and lead system will help you and everyone in your family reinforce desired behaviors on the leash and minimize errors and distractions.

Female German shepherds will need plenty of early socialization with young children in the family and with other family pets. Young children in particular will need to be supervised at all times in interactions with your female GSD puppy! This is for everyones safety. Children may be unintentionally rougher with a puppy that can be easily tolerated and this can lead to preventable incidents.

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German Shepherd Hip Dysplasia Signs And Treatments

Muscular, intelligent, and loyal, German shepherds are steadfast guardians and all-purpose workers. Highly trainable and obedient, German shepherds provide a range of servicesexcelling as show dogs and household companions, as well as military and search and rescue animals. Exuding confidence, this breed is royalty of the dog family. They are susceptible, however, to challenging hip and joint issues like hip dysplasia any time from puppyhood all the way through maturation.

As with many large breed dogs, German shepherds are prone to canine hip dysplasia , a dog skeletal condition that can be inherited or caused by a traumatic fracture or other environmental factors. CHD occurs from malformation of the ball and joint socket of one or both hips .

Veterinarians will diagnose canine hip dysplasia after X-rays of the hips and pelvis reveal that the ball and hip socket dont fit perfectly together. Instead of sliding smoothly and creating fluid motion, this loose hip rubs on the socket resulting in painful bone spurs that can cause pain in the hip joint, lameness, or even degenerative joint disease. After exploring the signs of canine hip dysplasia in German shepherds, lets look at treatment options and other hip and joint problems.

Coat Color And Pattern

My dog baby. Almost 5 years old

The bi-color coat pattern is the most common and recognized color for the German shepherd dog of either gender. In most cases, you will find a black female German shepherd that displays one other secondary coat color, either cream, red, tan, or silver.

In certain cases, you may see a single-color GSD in blue, gray, liver, sable, or white, although these are not breed standard colors and may render your dog at fault or deemed ineligible for the show ring.

There is no gender-related differentiation in overall coat color or pattern that is seen in the male versus female German shepherd.

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Aging Across Different Dog Breeds

There are numerous dog breeds, and they all grow and age at different rates. However, you can group the various breeds by their size.

Small-sized breeds grow slowly therefore, they age slowly too.

On the other hand, large-sized breeds tend to grow faster, making them age more quickly.

To get a more explicit description, a 10-year-old small-sized dog is equivalent to 56 human years, while a 10-year-old large-sized dog is equivalent to 66 human years.

The intense growth that larger breeds undergo directly affects how quickly they age.

Thats because their metabolism is a lot faster, making their bodies produce and expend more energy as well as free radicals. Free radicals are leading contributors to aging.

Besides, certain variables pertain to particular dog breeds. Variables such as orthopedic issues and arthritis affect the overall aging process.

Such conditions limit a dogs mobility, which in turn creates a decline in their cognitive function.

Five Main Types Of German Shepherds

There are five main types of German Shepherds that you will come across:

  • American Show Line German Shepherds: These are tall and long dogs. They can be black, tan, saddle, solid black, solid white, or even saddle sable, which is the most recognized coloring.
  • West Show Line German Shepherds: These GS are intelligent and considered to be the most beautiful. They are usually black and red, black and tan, black, or sable in coloring.
  • West Working Line German Shepherds:These are a calmer type of GS and are easy to work with. They can be sable, black, tan, or bi-color. They do have a higher risk of developing health issues.
  • East Working Line DDR German Shepherds: This breed of GS are graceful and have very long coats. They are often used for search and rescue missions. They are the darkest breed of GS and are more usually just black and sable.
  • Czech Working Line German Shepherds: This GS breed is incredibly loyal and they have broad shoulders and powerful jaws. They tend to have darker coats and their blacks do not slope. They are used for patrolling and make great police dogs.
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    How Long Do German Shepherd Reproduce

    It can be a result of an accident, or you want to breed your german shepherd dog.

    A Female German Shepherd develops her sexual maturity when she is 6 to 12 months old. A Gsd can Get pregnant after the first estrous cycle. German Shepherd can reproduce their whole life if they are physically healthy and fit. A Female will take 58 to 68 days to give birth to the puppies.

    It is recommended not to breed your German Shepherd until its 2nd cycle.

    You should wait that your dog is at least 2 years old. Breeding a 6 to 12 months old german shepherd is like breeding a young girl.

    German Shepherd is a big dog, it can take up to 2 years to have its first heating cycle.

    The heating cycle consists of different stages. Estrus is when a German Shepherd can get pregnant.

    Female German Shepherd Personality And Temperament

    11 Year Old German Shepherd Dog

    The German shepherd female temperament can also show marked differences in behavior and personality that can be related back to her gender.

    Whether these differences are present and how apparent they may be will vary depending on the traits of the specific parent dogs, which is why it is important to be able to meet and get to know each parent dog as you are selecting between male and female German shepherd puppies.

    Experienced GSD breeders and trainers often cite the following presentation and personality differences you may see more frequently or more overtly in the female German shepherd temperament:

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    When Is The Best Time To Get A German Shepherd

    If you are considering obtaining a GSD but dont know what will happen to the dog when you move/get a new job/get married/have children/etc., please dont get a German Shepherd. A shepherd can live 10 to 14 years, so you must be prepared to commit to the dog for his lifetime.

    On the other hand, large-sized breeds tend to grow faster, making them age more quickly. To get a more explicit description, a 10-year-old small-sized dog is equivalent to 56 human years, while a 10-year-old large-sized dog is equivalent to 66 human years.

    It is never too late to teach an old dog new tricks. As your dog begins to age, it will become essential to accommodate their needs. Many older German Shepherds will have hip problems.

    Late-age disorders such as arthritis and dementia can also indicate that your pooch is reaching their golden years. The onset of these diseases and disorders can take a toll on your dog and might make them show other signs of aging. If your dog develops these disorders earlier in their lifespan, they might act elderly sooner than other dogs.

    If you are considering obtaining a GSD but dont know what will happen to the dog when you move/get a new job/get married/have children/etc., please dont get a German Shepherd. A shepherd can live 10 to 14 years, so you must be prepared to commit to the dog for his lifetime.

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    Canine Hip Dysplasia: How To Tell

    Do your German shepherds hind legs appear bent? If so, it maybe be because of breeding. The exaggerated hind leg angulation is often bred into the dog because of standards that dictate rear legs should come as close to a 90-degree angle as possible. Along these same lines, a sloping back causes hindquarters to become more angulate and, thus, prone to lower back pain.

    These bent legs could point toward one of many health problems, one of which is hip dysplasia. If you notice a difference in your dogs gait or resistance to climbing stairs, it may be a good idea to have a certified veterinarian check your pup out. Although irreversible, canine hip dysplasia can be monitored and treated to reduce chronic pain. According to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, 19.8% of German shepherds suffer from hip dysplasia. The progression of it and the treatment options available depend on a number of factors, including the degree of misalignment and age of the dog.

    CHD has a range of signs, depending on the severity of the disease and degree of looseness in the joint. Symptoms include a bunny hop gait, limping, lameness in the hind legs, and decreased range of motion, among others. The severity also ranges from mild to extreme painsome German shepherds even have to use a wheelchair.

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    German Shepherd Growth Chart

    Whats the normal weight and height of a German shepherd? How big do German shepherds get? Can they get any bigger?

    These are just three of the countless questions asked by German shepherd owners. Well, its only natural to questions about a German shepherds size.

    After all, its important to understand how these things work. That way, you can ensure that your full-grown German shepherd is normal. It will also help you tackle health problems concerning the German shepherds size. Fortunately, the German shepherd dog FCI standards made sure to provide owners with German shepherd growth chart so were able to gather data from there.

    However, a German shepherds average weight and height can be affected by genes and their environment. Therefore, a pup may grow larger or smaller than the other. This article looks at the standard German shepherd weight and a height chart so owners may be able to understand their dogs better.

    Before anything else, you should know about a full-grown German shepherds normal milestones.

    Get Your German Shepherds Full Attention

    My GSD turns 1 year old tomorrow. Any cake recipes? We

    You must have your dogs full attention before hell learn anything. Pick a quiet place, with little or no distractions.

    To begin with, your back yard is the best place since the smells are familiar and so also the surroundings.

    If you were in a park for instance you have no control over the distractions. Like other dogs and their owners, the scent of other animals, children playing, or a Frisbee whizzing by.

    Once both you and your dog are confident in the training, then you can step it up by moving it to a place with more distractions.

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    When It Comes To German Shepherd Breeding What Is The Best Age

    German shepherd dogs , are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. They are loyal companions, among the smartest dog breeds, hardworking, and just gorgeous animals to behold. Due to the high demand, German shepherd breeding can be an appealing idea.

    There is a lot of thought that goes into dog breeding, which means many factors need to be weighed. With the GSD breed, there are many health concerns to consider that are associated with them. While this can be similar to other breeds, it is important to know what to consider and how it relates to when you should consider breeding. Lets break down the best age to breed a German shepherd.

    Old German Shepherd Diets

    As dogs age, their dietary needs change.

    Often, elderly dogs are less active than their younger counterparts. This means that they dont need the same amount of calories.

    Many elderly dogs can become overweight as they begin to slow down if their food is not changed.

    Being overweight can put extra tension on their joints and lead to a variety of health problems.

    On the other hand, however, some dogs do the exact opposite as they age and get skinnier.

    They can begin to eat less than they need due to dental problems or other disorders.

    Because this varies widely from dog to dog, we recommend speaking with your vet about your particular dogs situation.

    You should also ask your vet to teach you how to evaluate your dogs weight from home.

    This skill will allow you to pick up on health problems before they become dangerous.

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    How Old Is My 6 Years 1 Month Old Old German Shepherd Dog In Human Years

    How old is my dog in human age? What is the real age of your dog breed? Calculate dog years to human years!

    How to use the dog years calculator? Select a breed, enter your dogs age, click on the calculate.

    Your 6 years 1 month old Old German Shepherd Dog is 46.56 years old in human years and is considered as an Adult dog.



    Dogs livemuch shorter than humans, unfortunately. However, there are also significant differences between dog breeds. Several factors are influencing and have to be taken into account if we would like to forecast a dogs age. Generally, a large dog lives shorter than a small dog. Although, there are cultured breeds that live for a very short time due to their physical structure. Such kind is a small French bulldog or a large Neapolitan mastiff. We also know that the development of a dog is much faster than humans, practically a 1 year in dog ages equals 14-18 years old in human years.


    Veterinarians can primarily deduce the age of the dog from the state of the teeth. Of course, the choice of previous keeping and the choice of pet food may also affect the state of the tooth. In this case, they will also examine the skeleton and the animal’s fur. Slower motions and gray hairs also indicate older age.

    Dog Years vs Human Years Chart
    Size of Dog
    16 Years

    How Much Bigger Will My German Shepherd Get


    There are a few ways to gauge how much bigger a German Shepherd will get.

    First, check your puppy’s age. If your GSD is younger than two years old, they definitely have room to keep growing!

    Another way to tell if your pup still has a lot of growing to do is their paw size. Do their paws look large compared to their legs and body? This is a classic adolescent feature of a dog, and means your pup is likely still growing!

    If you bought your German Shepherd from a breeder, they should be able to give you a specific, estimated weight based on your puppys parents and past litters. Most of the time, a dog will not grow bigger than its larger parents.

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