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When To Neuter German Shepherd

When Should You Neuter A German Shepherd

Neutering & Spaying German Shepherds: What You Should Know

A recent study in veterinar y medicine and science suggests that it is healthiest to neuter GSD after they have reached full maturity sometime between 18 to 24 months of age. German shepherds neutered before the age of 1 have a significantly higher risk of cranial cruciate ligament tears or ruptures.

When is the best time to neuter a male German Shepherd? The researchers suggest that the best time to neuter a male German Shepherd is around 16-18 months, or at least 12 months old. Neutering of German Shepherd Dogs and Associated Joint Disorders Neuter Age

Should I neuter my German Shepherd? German shepherds neutered before the age of 1 have a significantly higher risk of cranial cruciate ligament tears or ruptures. Neutering is a serious decision, but one supported by the American Veterinarian Medical Association. Of course, what age you neuter your dog could have a significant effect on how your dog develops in the future.

When should I neuter my Dog? Dog owners in the United States typically choose to spay or neuter their dogs prior to 6 months of age, in large part to prevent pet overpopulation or hoping to avoid unwanted behaviors.

How To Prevent Periodontal Disease

  • Brush your dogs teeth every day using a dog friendly toothpaste
  • Feed your dog healthy dry foods to help reduce the amount of tarter and plaque
  • Give your dog healthy dental treats
  • Give you dog bones and toys that are safe for their teeth
  • Dont let your dog get bored
  • Make sure you take your German Shepherd for routine dental cleanings once a year with your veterinarian. This will help to prevent the build up of tarter and plaque.

    Summary: The Best German Shepherd Spay & Neuter Times

    The authors advise deferral of desexing to 2 years of age. A look at the data shows that by age 1 the risk of joint problems in males is not very different to intact males, and is at baseline in females. Therefore, desexing at age 1 seems appropriate.

    Recommendation: 1 year of age for both sexes

    This is so far the only science we have for the best desexing age in German Shepherds. Your vet, breeder or online group may have a different opinion based on their experience or personal beliefs. Its perfectly reasonable to take their advice into consideration as well.

    The decision may be based on other factors such as:

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    How To Calm Down Your German Shepherd So You Can Live With Him

    You cant expect to neuter your dog to change him from a wild child into a canine good citizen all by itself.

    Your dog is smart, and hes learned over his life how to act, and hes likely to continue to keep acting the same way whether you want him to or not.

    You can help him by training him to behave, and insisting that he acts the way you want him to at all times.

    How effective your training is will depend in part on how old your German shepherd is when you start training him.

    It is possible to use positive training methods to get excellent results from very young puppies, as is demonstrated by the video by the trainers at Assertive K-9 Training.

    Find a good puppy training class to get involved in. If hes older, look for something suited to his age.

    Training your dog young to behave will go a long way toward giving you a dog you can live with, but if hes not neutered you may still find that he is overly active.

    It may take a combination of neutering and training to give you the results you seek. You need to be consistent in your training so your dog will understand your expectations of him.

    Should I Neuter My Male German Shepherd

    How to Prepare for a Dog Neutering Surgery  Dogdogs

    The most important finding in German Shepherd Dogs is that there is no advantage of neutering or spaying before 12 months of age. Waiting until a dog is 1-year-old to be neutered or spayed is a simple way to help prevent the risk of these disorders. 1 Percentage of Dogs That Are Spayed or Neutered.

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    What Are The Disadvantages Of Neutering Your German Shepherd

    Although there are many great benefits to neutering your german shepherd, there are also some disadvantages you should be aware of. Heres the other side of neutering that you need to be aware of.

    Theyre At A Higher Risk Of Hemangiosarcoma

    Hemangiosarcoma is a particularly aggressive type of cancer that can affect all dogs. However, its been found that dogs are at an increased risk of suffering from it if they get neutered or spayed too early.

    Its believed that the sex hormones that come from staying intact help prevent hemangiosarcoma.

    They Are More Likely To Suffer From Dementia

    As a german shepherd gets older, theyre often more likely to suffer from a disease of the brain similar to dementia. Its known as geriatric cognitive impairment, and when they suffer from it, they often see places and people such as your family and home unfamiliar. They can also forget all the training theyve had such as potty training as well.

    However, when you keep your german shepherd intact, youre going to help reduce the chance of them suffering from geriatric cognitive impairment.

    It Doesnt Always Change Their Behavior

    While there are lots of reported cases of certain behavior improving after a german shepherd has been neutered, it doesnt mean its going to happen every time.

    You may get your pup neutered only to find that theyre still acting in the exact same way afterward.

    A Slightly Increased Risk Of Urinary Incontinence

    Their Coat Can Often Be Affected

    Risk Of Complications

    A Complete Guide To Spaying And Neutering Your German Shepherd

    If you hear a group of people speaking about their dogs, then you will notice that spaying and neutering are spoken about as if they are common practice.

    A lot of people just accept that this is what you should do, but is spaying or neutering your dog really the best thing for them?

    There are lots of benefits to spaying or neutering your dog, including the fact that it stops hormone-related behavioral issues.

    These behavioral issues tend to include the urge to run away, and aggressive tendencies. So, it is clear to see why so many people are tempted into getting their dog done.

    However, there are some risks to neutering, and there are lots of things that you should know before you get this procedure done.

    Including the fact, that your dog should never be neutered if it is under the age of 1 as it can lead to health issues.

    In this complete guide, well be taking a look at exactly what neutering and spaying are, and also at the pros and cons of these procedures.

    So, if you are considering getting your German Shepherd spayed or neutered, read this guide to help you decide.

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    What Might Be The Best Age To Get A German Shepherd Spayed Or Neutered Based On The Case Study Data

    This is only speculation based on case study data, but it could be:

    A female dog might be spayed at less than one years old if you want to decrease the risk of mammary cancer

    A male dog might be neutered at older than one year old if you want to decrease the risk of Hip dysplasia

    Talk to your vet about what is best for your individual dog and make the decision based on the data you provide and your vets professional opinion.

    Friendly Disclaimer

    TheDailyShep.com are not veterinarians, or animal professionals/experts. Information provided is for informational purposes only it is not a substitute for professional or qualified advice.

    The information is based on either our own thorough research, and/or own experiences, as a means of free speech.

    You should always consult your own veterinarian, animal expert, or health care professional and follow their advice before making decisions on all matters.

    You can find our full set of disclaimers and T & Cs in the footer of this site.

    Enjoy your reading, and thank you for being here

    Home » Health/Care » German Shepherd Neutering & Spaying: Info Guide

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    When To Spay And Neuter A Von Rothhaus German Shepherd

    What is the BEST AGE to Neuter a MALE GERMAN SHEPHERD – ask me anything

    Von Rothhaus German Shepherds. Spaying before 5 years of age will eliminate that concern. Pregnancy Most German Shepherds will not go through a heat cycle until they reach AT LEAST 8 months of age. Many of my shepherds dont come into heat until after 1 year of age. It is very important that you dont let your shepherd get fat.

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    Can Spaying Or Neutering Harm My German Shepherd

    While there are many benefits to neutering your German Shepherd, it is also very important to acknowledge and understand the risks involved with having your GSD undergo this procedure. The risks associated with spaying or neutering your GSD are primarily centered around the age at which the dog is spayed or neutered.

    In a recent study conducted at the University of California, Davis resulted in the finding that when a German Shepherd is spayed or neutered before one year of age, that the risk of the dog developing joint disorders triples.

    The pool of dogs analyzed consisted of 1,170 German Shepherds that were either neutered, spayed, or intact. The study took place of 14.5 years, and was intended to search for joint disorders that had been previously associated with spaying and neutering.

    The finding was that 7% of intact male GSDs were diagnosed with at least one joint disorder, while males neutered before the age of 1 had a joint disorder rate of 21%. The corresponding number for intact females was 5% versus 16%. This is a tremendous disparity and should be viewed as very statistically significant.

    Dr. Benjamin Hart, the lead researcher at UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, stated:

    When Do German Shepherds Lose Their Puppy Coat

    The GSD puppy coat doesnt shed all in one go. Instead, it sheds and changes continuously from birth to around 6 months. During this time, the appearance of your German Shepherds coat will change drastically.

    Once your German Shepherd turns 7 months old, the changes to their coat color will be more subtle. Nevertheless, it will continue to transform until they become adults at around 2 years old.

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    Summing It All Up: Should I Neuter My German Shepherd Or Not

    If your German shepherd is hyperactive, you may need to neuter him just to be able to live with him. A large male dog that is active all the time and always seems anxious to get out, to run, or just has trouble settling down can be hard to live with.

    If this describes your dog then neutering is likely needed and should help to calm him down.

    However, be sure to consider the studies that indicate that automatically neutering all dogs, particularly at a very young age, can be harmful to them.

    Spend time with your dog, play with him, and train him. You may find that you dont need to neuter him for him to be an awesome companion.

    In this guide, we go over:

    • Preparing to adopt a dog
    • Dog supplies you will need
    • Choosing the right dog to adopt

    Discuss The Caring Techniques For The German Shepherd Puppy With The Breeder:

    Does Neutering A German Shepherd Stunt Growth

    This is also a good place to start evaluating the breeders professionalism.

    Responsible breeders should be able to provide extensive information on what the German Shepherd breed requires to prosper, as well as information on potential health issues and the breeds history.

    Make sure youve done your homework ahead of time so you can verify their responses.

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    Neutering Of German Shepherd Dogs: Associated Joint Disorders Cancers And Urinary Incontinence

    Benjamin L. Hart*, Lynette A. Hart, Abigail P. Thigpen and Neil H. Willits

    Discussion The findings reported here on the popular German Shepherd Dog with regard to joint disorders are particularly important because joint disorders, such as CCL and HD, are painful for the dog, create a burden for those caring for the dog, and can disqualify the dog as a working partner in military and police work.This study reveals that in males, neutering within the first year of life is associated with a highly significant, threefold risk of acquiring at least one joint disorder: up to 21% compared with 7% in males left intact or neutered beyond the first year. In females, neutering within the first year is also associated with a highly significant threefold risk of acquiring at least one joint disorder: up to 17% compared with 5% in females left intact or neutered beyond 1 year.

    Doesnt Spaying Or Neutering A Dog Prevent Behavioral Problems And Certain Kinds Of Cancer

    So how and why did spaying or neutering dogs at six months come to be the norm? Population control is the most common answer. Canine cognitive scientist Dr. Alexandra Horowitz, writing in the New York Times, describes the way spaying and neutering dogs rapidly became an easy answer to the apparent problem of stray dogs and overfull shelters. But as were learning, an easy answer isnt always the best one.

    For a long time, many also believed that spay-neuter could prevent behavioral problems as well as prostate and mammary cancers. But when Dr. Hart investigated these claims, he found a more complicated picture. For instance, his research revealed that neutering male dogs with aggression problems only resolved aggression in 25 to 30 percent of cases. In other words, three out of four dogs did not show an improvement in aggressive behavior after neutering alone. And significantly, those behavioral improvements were equally likely if neutering was delayed until after a dog had reached sexual maturity.

    Neutering also does not prevent prostate cancer. As a matter of fact, Dr. Hart told me, based on available data, prostate cancer in males is more common in neutered than intact dogs.

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    How Much Does It Cost To Spay A German Shepherd

    Generally speaking, the cost of spaying a dog will cost between $50-$150 at a Humane Society, shelter, or low-cost clinic. If the procedure is being performed by a private veterinarian, the cost will increase and you can expect to pay in the range of $200-$350.

    Spaying is a more complex procedure than neutering. It involves either open or laparoscopic surgery, and requires more precision and takes longer to perform than neutering. Similar to neutering, the cost of spaying will depend on a number of factors including:

    • The age of your dog
    • The breed of your dog
    • The health of your dog
    • Whether your dog is obese
    • Whether your dog is in heat
    • The complexity of the surgery
    • Whether your dog is pregnant
    • Whether your dog has diabetes
    • Whether pain medication is included
    • Where the procedure is performed
    • If pre-anesthetic blood work is performed to check liver/kidney function

    Will Spaying Or Neutering Harm My German Shepherd

    spay and neuter your pets: german shepherd weekly

    So far, weve only really focused on the benefits of neutering your German Shepherd.

    It is evident that there are lots of pros to this procedure, but it wouldnt be fair for us to ignore the potential negatives of this procedure. So, lets take a look at them.

    But before we go any further, it is important to note that all procedures have potential negatives attached to them. As do the majority of medications. So you should bear this in mind.

    It is also important to note that most of the negatives associated with neutering your German Shepherd are linked to the age at which the procedure is done.

    One of the most common risks associated with neutering your German Shepherd is an increased chance of joint problems.

    This is based on a study by the University of California that found that German Shepherds that are spayed or neutered before the age of 1 are three times more likely to develop joint problems.

    The study used a fairly large sample of almost 1,200 German Shepherds and followed these dogs throughout their entire lives.

    The study lasted for 14 years and found that male German Shepherds are more likely to suffer from joint problems when neutered before the age of 1 than female dogs.

    But, both have an increased risk when compared to intact dogs.

    But remember, this is only for dogs that are neutered before the age of 1, so if this puts you off, you should simply delay getting your dog done.

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    Can Neutering Or Spaying A German Shepherd Be Reversed

    Unfortunately, once a dog is spayed or neutered, the process cannot be reversed. This is because when a dog is sterilized, either complete castration or in the case of a female, an ovariohysterectomy is performed, which removes the ovaries and uterus, or some variation of this.

    Both of these procedures remove a dogs gonads , which produce ovaries, sperm, and hormones. Once these are removed they cannot be restored by any method. This differs from human sterilization which is reversible due to the gonads being left in the body.

    Once a spay or neuter procedure is completed, a dog will no longer be able to be bred and produce any offspring.

    Benefits Of Neutering A German Shepherd Puppy

    Preventing unwanted pregnancies keeps pet owners from having puppies at an irresponsible age which is easier on both the dog as well as their owner who doesnt want another mouth to feed or if they need space for other pets. Neutering your pup when they are young can also help prevent them from wandering in search of a mate, which is dangerous for the dog and puts it at risk of being hit by cars or attacked by strangers.

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