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HomePuppyGerman Shepherd Puppy Itchy Skin

German Shepherd Puppy Itchy Skin

How Can I Soothe My Puppys Itchy Skin

Dog Training & Care : Treating a German Shepherd With Dry, Itchy Skin

Oatmeal is an age-old remedy for our dry, itchy skin that happens to be safe for use on our canine friends, too! In fact, most doggie hypoallergenic shampoos include oatmeal as an active ingredient to soothe and fight irritation. Start by grinding plain oatmeal into a powder to sprinkle in your dogs warm bath.

Serious Medical Conditions That Can Cause A German Shepherd To Smell

Along with the not so serious reasons behind a smelly German Shepherd are the more involved reasons behind a stinky dog.

While these are not the most common conditions that may be the reason behind the odor coming from your dog, they are nonetheless conditions that you should be aware of.

Some serious medical conditions that can cause your German Shepherd to smell include:

  • Kidney disease: The later stages of kidney disease in dogs is known to produce foul breath in dogs due to ulcers in the mouth. These ulcers are a result of the toxins that can build up in a dogs system due to the disease.
  • Masses: If your dog is prone to developing lumps and bumps, its possible for complications to arise that can cause these masses to smell.
  • Diabetes: Some dogs with more serious conditions resulting from diabetes have been known to have a strong ammonia, sweet, or fruity smell coming from the mouth. Its also believed that only people with a certain strand of DNA can smell this fruity smell that comes from ketones due diabetic complications. So if you can smell ketones on your dog, you are special.
  • Eye conditions: German Shepherds can experience several eye conditions that can cause a smell if left untreated. Some eye conditions present as eye discharge, swelling, and pain.
  • Autoimmune skin conditions: Some autoimmune conditions of the skin can result in sores on the skin which can lead to abnormal odors coming from the skin.

German Shepherd Turning Heads

People often wonder why does a German Shepherd turn its head? There is no need to get worried about it. Usually, a German Shepherd turns its head when you talk to him, or if he thinks he has heard a strange noise, or just before barking, they turn or tilt their heads. This turning or tilting of head is one of the cutest characteristics of a German Shepherd that makes them look adorable and you may want to hug your dog instantly.

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Learn About German Shepherd Scratching From A Canine Veterinarian

In this YouTube video, you can watch a canine veterinarian examining a German Shepherd dog patient who is struggling with ongoing itching and scratching issues.

As you will notice, the veterinarian takes a look at the dogs skin and paws and talks with the owner about possible issues with pests, fleas, saliva allergies, seasonal allergies, and also signs of other skin issues like mange.

If you have tried to identify what might be causing your dogs itching and scratching and you cant see any visible triggers, it is definitely time to call in the pros to help diagnose your dogs issues and get the right treatment.

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Try Giving Apple Cider Vinegar To Your German Shepherd Topically Or As A Dietary Supplement is for sale

ACV provides digestive support and relief for allergic reactions. A small amount can be put into your dogs water bowl, or you can apply it topically. You can also apply a 50% mixture of ACV, and 50% water directly to your dogs skin in areas that are experience rash or itchiness. If given orally, you can also find apple cider vinegar soft chew supplements for dogs.

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Why Do Dogs Scratch Their Ears

There are different causes of itch in dog ears. These include both medical and non-medical causes. Individual dogs have different reactions to different triggers and therefore something that leads to one dog scratching ears may not have the same effect on another. Some of the common causes are as discussed below.

Allergic Reactions Resulting in Dog Constantly Scratching the Ears

Where a dog is having allergic reactions to something, his ear flaps may become inflamed. This form of scratching may result from allergens that have been inhaled or absorbed leading to the dogs immune system fighting the same.

As a result, there is excess wax production plus other secretions. This brings about a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and yeast. With the presence of these organisms, there is greater inflammation leading to an ongoing cycle of itchy ears until the allergens are eliminated or the reaction suppressed.

Yeast and Bacterial Infections Causing Dog Itchy Ears

Like mentioned above, yeast infections can be a secondary effect of allergic reactions. This though is not always the case and at times there are just the right environmental conditions for them to thrive even where there no allergens are present.

Just like with yeast infections, bacterial infections are mostly secondary effects of allergic reactions. They, however, can occur independently. These infections are known to be notoriously itchy.

Excessive Dog Scratching Ears from Ear Mites

Other Treatment Options For German Shepherds

Most environment-related allergies are treated with over the counter treatments. Buying hypoallergenic or sulfate-free shampoo would be best for your German Shepherd. You can also choose a shampoo with either aloe vera or tree tea oil as the ingredients. These will provide a calming and soothing effect on their skin. Coconut oil can also soothe your dogs dry and itchy skin. Its a good option for moisturizing their skin.

Consult your veterinarian for antihistamine prescriptions for your dog. You may also visit a nutritionist so they could devise a good diet plan for your canine. Learn about our healthy protein food excellent for your German Shepherd.

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German Shepherd Allergy Treatment And Management

Unfortunately, German shepherds are one of the breeds more susceptible to many allergens. Though all allergies can be treated, not all can be cured .

Like everything else medical, allergy treatment depends on the type of allergy.

Two general methods exist: medicinal treatment and environmental control. Sometimes a nice balance can be found managing between the two!

Why Is Your German Shepherd Scratching So Much

Why Is My German Shepherd Scratching So Much? 9 Crazy Quick Solutions!

As this thread on a popular German Shepherd owner forum highlights, it can sometimes be hard to tell if your dog is just doing minor self-care or cleaning or if the scratching is caused by something else.

You will probably struggle most to figure out which it is if you are new to owning a German Shepherd.

The longer you and your dog spend together, the more you will get familiar with your dogs regular routines and begin to notice if something in those routines changes.

For example, maybe your dog suddenly starts scratching intensely at a certain area on one paw. This isnt something you normally see your dog do, so it captures your attention.

You examine the paw more closely and see a flea clinging to the skin. This alerts you to the need for flea treatment. Soon your dog stops scratching the paw as the flea treatment begins to work.

In most cases, the reason your dog is scratching more than usual wont resolve itself on its own.

In fact, the more likely outcome is that the issue will get worse and the affected area of skin will become infected, requiring more serious treatment.

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Why Do German Shepherds Shed So Much Hair

Here are some of the reasons why your German Shepherd might be shedding so much hair

  • Double Coat: Like other breeds such as the huskies, German Shepherds have a double coat. This is a soft wooly undercoat, and thin long protective hairs. Also, the coat serves as a defense against disease, injury, and infection. So, if youre thinking of shaving your dog because you cant keep up, just dont do it.
  • Regular shedding: There are two phases of shedding you need to be aware of as a German Shepherd owner. The first is called regular shedding. GSDs do this throughout most of the year, and they could shed a lot of hair. The new hair grows out to replace the old one. For a person, it may seem like the dog is shedding a lot, but it basically has the same amount of hair.
  • Seasonal Shedding: The second, the seasonal shedding, is the one most people observe easily, but it doesnt last long. This happens when the dog molts his undercoat as it gets ready for the season change. This typically occurs in spring and fall for 2-4 weeks and is a massive shedding.
  • Health issues: while shedding is a natural occurrence, factors like stress, dehydration, poor diet, irritation, or skin allergy affect the rate of shedding. If you notice or think your dog is shedding unnaturally, contact your vet as soon as possible.

Whichever kind of shedding your dog is experiencing, you are sure to notice loose fur all-around your home if you bring the dog inside.

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Demodectic Mange Can Also Cause Intense Scratching In German Shepherds

The American Kennel Club explains that a different type of mite causes demodectic mange, or Demodex, in German Shepherds.

The big difference between scabies and Demodex is that the scabies mite is a definite invader, while the Demodex mite is always present on the skin.

Typically, as long as your German Shepherd stays healthy with a strong immune system, the mites will live peacefully inside the hair follicles.

But if there is any disruption to the immune system function, the mites may start to cause itching.

The most common warning sign besides intense itching is patchy hair loss.

Some dogs may develop the condition in puppyhood, but in most cases, it only occurs if there is an underlying serious illness that weakens your dogs system, such as diabetes.

Your veterinarian may recommend clipping your dogs fur close and using dips and medicated shampoos or solutions as well as oral antibiotics or allergy medicines.

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Introduction To German Shepherd Skin

German Shepherds have double coats. Their outer coat tends to be thick and straight while their inner coat can be wiry and soft. Originally, they were bred as working dogs that can withstand harsh weather. Thus, having a double coat. But having a double coat is the reason why they are considered as great shedders. And as shedders, GSDs tend to have more sensitive skin than other dog breeds.

Avoid Giving Table Scraps

Causes of dog skin problems Skin conditions in dogs are generally due ...

You should also avoid giving your shepherd table scraps because dogs cant process some substances in human food.

Allergy symptoms can be reduced by fatty acids if the allergen has nothing to do with food.

Steroids, antihistamines, and some other medications can also help.

They usually come with some side effects that can include drowsiness.

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They Need Or Want Something

Typically, if dogs whine because they want or need something, theyll make an effort to let you know exactly what that is.

For example, if they need to go out to potty, they might take their leash, stand by your front door, and whine until you let them out. If their toy is stuck somewhere and they cant get it out themselves, they could take you there and keep whining until you realize the problem and help them out.

Cases like this are normal dog behavior. It is simply a means for your dog to communicate with you. Nothing is wrong with this behavior, but you can also teach your dog alternative behaviors if you prefer.

For example, you can teach your dog to use a potty bell instead of whining whenever they want to be taken out.

Is Chicken Bad For German Shepherds

Your German Shepherd can eat chicken. This high-protein food provides your dog with lots of energy. Make sure the chicken is plain and avoid the skin as this is high in fat. Don t feed raw chicken due to the risk of salmonella unless your dog is used to a raw diet and you buy specially prepared raw food for him.

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Try A Colostrum Supplement For Your German Shepherd

Found in mothers milk, bovine colostrum helpssupport a normal histamine response to help improve allergies. Colostrum contains immunoglobulins which help boost the performance of your german shepherds immune system. Canine colostrum supplements are a bit hard to find, but are included in some soft chew formulas.

Allergy Symptoms In German Shepherds

Itchy German Shepherd – Dog Scratching – Itchy Dog – Dog Itching

Allergic reactions manifest in the form of skin reactions or rashes for most dogs.

Unlike a severely allergic human who might experience respiratory distress, your dog will probably develop a rash.

These allergens can be anything from certain foods or flea bites to chemical irritants , and countless other things!

Some symptoms your GSD might experience include:

  • Areas of broken skin

In advanced stages, your dog will itch and bite at that rash so much, those bald spats will turn into open wounds!

With that protective layer of skin no longer intact, this can be an easy invitation for infection.


Dogs coping with a severe allergic reaction can also go into anaphylactic shock , though this is exceedingly rare.

Because its still possible, it is always important to monitor your pup closely after beginning any new medication or treatment!

Dealing with Open Wounds

Open wounds can become dangerous and should be treated by a professional in a sterile environment immediately!

If your veterinarian cant see you immediately, he or she would be glad to leave temporary cleaning instructions.

Secondary infections resulting from bacteria your dog has introduced to these areas of broken skin can become much worse than the original allergy! To prevent biting at these wounds, youll probably want to invest in a comfortable dog cone.

Warning Signs of Allergic Reactions in Dogs

  • Redness or tough skin

Is a Dogs Saliva Antiseptic?

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Diagnosis Of Allergies In German Shepherds

If you suspect that your German Shepherd may have an allergy you must seek veterinary advice promptly. The severity of symptoms of an K9 allergic response may only be mild at first but they can become more severe over time. The symptoms displayed during an allergic response can also be very uncomfortable for your German Shepherd and may lead to long term problems such as weight loss, hair thinning or skin thickening.

Your veterinarian may advise diagnostic tests such as blood tests, saliva tests or skin allergen testing. They may also recommend elimination trials, particularly when a food allergy is suspected.

Elimination trials involve feeding your German Shepherd a single type of food for 8 to 12 weeks, such as a hypoallergenic dog food like Jiminys Good Grub or Cricket Crave.

If your dogs symptoms resolve after this time then you may wish to continue feeding just this diet, or you could start to reintroduce different food types to identify which one triggers an allergic response.

Sometimes it can be very difficult or even impossible to pinpoint the exact cause of the allergic response, even with extensive testing in these cases the allergic response will need to be treated symptomatically.

Symptomatic Treatment Of Allergies:

Symptomatic treatment is necessary when we cannot identify or remove the cause of the allergic response. It may be that the dog is allergic to a type of foodstuff which is impossible to identify, or a type of pollen which we cannot stop the dog being exposed to.

In these situations, your veterinarian may prescribe medication such as corticosteroids or antihistamines to limit the bodys overall allergic response. As a German Shepherd owner, there are many other ways in which you can help your dog feel more comfortable by treating the symptoms they are suffering from.

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Taking Care Of Your German Shepherd Dog At Home

Much of what you can do to keep your dog happy and healthy is common sense, just like it is for people. Watch her diet, make sure she gets plenty of exercise, regularly brush her teeth and coat, and call us or a pet emergency hospital when something seems unusual . Be sure to adhere to the schedule of examinations and vaccinations that we recommend for her. This is when well give her the necessary check-ups and test for diseases and conditions that are common in Shepherds. Another very important step in caring for your pet is signing up for pet health insurance. There will certainly be medical tests and procedures she will need throughout her life and pet health insurance will help you cover those costs.

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Common German Shepherd Skin Issues

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German Shepherds are well-known for their intelligence, confident disposition, and luxurious double coats a soft inner guard coat hidden beneath a glossy outer layer. Although their medium-length fur provides considerable protection, German Shepherds are far more susceptible to uncomfortable skin conditions than many other breeds. Skin conditions are some of the most common German Shepherd health issues.

The average lifespan of German Shepherds is 10 to 12 years . So during that time, expect health problems every now and then. If your German Shepherd seems to be scratching more than usual, if you discover lesions, rashes, hair loss, or any other skin problem, its important to take immediate action. Knowing the three most common causes of German Shepherd skin issues can help reduce the risk of recurrence and potential complications.

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